Hugo Chavez Amassed a BILLION DOLLAR NEST-EGG!!! WTF


Apr 22, 2007
Analyst estimates Chávez?s family fortune at around $2 billion

This piece of shit came from a dirt poor family, went to school, then to the military and then to politics. This SOB NEVER ran a business and never did anything but military and politics, so how the FUCK does he amass a billion dollar fortune?

Lefty morons is this really your hero. He talks about blundering the wealthy, yet he is a man that has stole from the power to the tune of a billion dollars. He is wealther than Mitt Romney, GWB, Obama, Gore and Clinto combined. This is a man that never ran a SINGLE business, never had a single job outside of the military and politics, yet he was a billionaire. Where did he get this money? Corruption is the ONLY answer.

A US president makes $250K a year and with 14 years as President of Venezuela Chavez 150 mil a year!

Like all lefties that crusade for the poor, while in effect make huge dollars for themselves and pushing the poor further and further into poverty, is a fake lying piece of shit and the world is better off now that he is dead!
OH NO, a political leader got rich as a "benefit" of his office! That shouldn't be ALLOWED!
. . . oh, wait a minute . . .
OH NO, a political leader got rich as a "benefit" of his office! That shouldn't be ALLOWED!
. . . oh, wait a minute . . .

You can't be serious! I wonder if you would give a conservative leader such a pass. I have no problem with a leader making a legit dollar from a business they run or from speaking and other engagments AFTER they leave office, but this guy never worked a private sector job in his life and he never ran a business, yet he amassed $2 BIL! This is what communism breeds! A small elitist rich class at the top (like the nobility of England and medivel Europe) and everyone else in poverty!
Lots of US military officers live in gated communities, after 20 years having amassed quite a nice salary. Let one of them get into politicis, take a few donations, work as a private consultant to some defense firms, and well, you get rich.

So...wait. Are we back to hating the rich again?
Analyst estimates Chávez?s family fortune at around $2 billion

This piece of shit came from a dirt poor family, went to school, then to the military and then to politics. This SOB NEVER ran a business and never did anything but military and politics, so how the FUCK does he amass a billion dollar fortune?

Lefty morons is this really your hero. He talks about blundering the wealthy, yet he is a man that has stole from the power to the tune of a billion dollars. He is wealther than Mitt Romney, GWB, Obama, Gore and Clinto combined. This is a man that never ran a SINGLE business, never had a single job outside of the military and politics, yet he was a billionaire. Where did he get this money? Corruption is the ONLY answer.

A US president makes $250K a year and with 14 years as President of Venezuela Chavez 150 mil a year!

Like all lefties that crusade for the poor, while in effect make huge dollars for themselves and pushing the poor further and further into poverty, is a fake lying piece of shit and the world is better off now that he is dead!

Like all stupid reactionaries pretending to be conservative, ghook makes us laugh.

Hey, move to Venezuela, dude, so you can some of it.
OH NO, a political leader got rich as a "benefit" of his office! That shouldn't be ALLOWED!
. . . oh, wait a minute . . .

You can't be serious! I wonder if you would give a conservative leader such a pass. I have no problem with a leader making a legit dollar from a business they run or from speaking and other engagments AFTER they leave office, but this guy never worked a private sector job in his life and he never ran a business, yet he amassed $2 BIL! This is what communism breeds! A small elitist rich class at the top (like the nobility of England and medivel Europe) and everyone else in poverty!

This is craziness . . . are you serious? Name ONE U.S. senator that hasn't gotten fabulously wealthy while in office. And I suppose that is because of capitalism, right?

Sorry, but your rant is stupid as hell.
Lots of US military officers live in gated communities, after 20 years having amassed quite a nice salary. Let one of them get into politicis, take a few donations, work as a private consultant to some defense firms, and well, you get rich.

So...wait. Are we back to hating the rich again?

Really a military officer is going to amass $2 bil off a, as you call it, "nice salary!" Private consultanting gigs! Are you for real or just a mental midget. You know he didn't consultant on anything! You know he made it by corruption and skimming dollars off of the oil profits!

If you question is any I against a rich person making their money off corruption, scamming, kickbacks, rockteering, bribbery, ponzi schemes and outright theft, then damn right I am hating on those rich people?

I wonder if you would protect Bernie Madoff like you protect your hero Chavez!

Lots of US military officers live in gated communities, after 20 years having amassed quite a nice salary. Let one of them get into politicis, take a few donations, work as a private consultant to some defense firms, and well, you get rich.

So...wait. Are we back to hating the rich again?

Those Retired Military Officers do not amass billion dollar fortunes.
OH NO, a political leader got rich as a "benefit" of his office! That shouldn't be ALLOWED!
. . . oh, wait a minute . . .

You can't be serious! I wonder if you would give a conservative leader such a pass. I have no problem with a leader making a legit dollar from a business they run or from speaking and other engagments AFTER they leave office, but this guy never worked a private sector job in his life and he never ran a business, yet he amassed $2 BIL! This is what communism breeds! A small elitist rich class at the top (like the nobility of England and medivel Europe) and everyone else in poverty!

This is craziness . . . are you serious? Name ONE U.S. senator that hasn't gotten fabulously wealthy while in office. And I suppose that is because of capitalism, right?

Sorry, but your rant is stupid as hell.

Charlie Rangel! LMAO

So if a corrupt CEO makes his money off cooking the books like so many do your OK with that because so many do?

Scott Brown got the no insider trading rule passed! I think it's sick how greedy politicians like Pelosi made money off insider trading.
Listen to the Republican Extremists ranting and raving .
Something about glasshouses and throwing stones is pertinent .
What is wrong with a decent slice of fraud and deceit . It built and maintains America ?
Yeah becuase those rich people are repubulicans and they want to help Grover down us in the bathtub
Analyst estimates Chávez?s family fortune at around $2 billion

This piece of shit came from a dirt poor family, went to school, then to the military and then to politics. This SOB NEVER ran a business and never did anything but military and politics, so how the FUCK does he amass a billion dollar fortune?

Lefty morons is this really your hero. He talks about blundering the wealthy, yet he is a man that has stole from the power to the tune of a billion dollars. He is wealther than Mitt Romney, GWB, Obama, Gore and Clinto combined. This is a man that never ran a SINGLE business, never had a single job outside of the military and politics, yet he was a billionaire. Where did he get this money? Corruption is the ONLY answer.

A US president makes $250K a year and with 14 years as President of Venezuela Chavez 150 mil a year!

Like all lefties that crusade for the poor, while in effect make huge dollars for themselves and pushing the poor further and further into poverty, is a fake lying piece of shit and the world is better off now that he is dead!

What is Criminal Justice International Associates ?

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