Hypothetically speaking, Trump supporters, what would need to happen for you to believe the...

Not a trump supporter shit for brains...but continue with your asinine rant I didn't bother reading since all leftists are lying sacks of shit.

Oh you're just a run of the mill fuckwit. I'm okay with that.
...investigation and impeachment proceedings are valid?

What evidence would need to exist short of Trump magically admitting wrong doing in full detail?

It seems as though you dismiss the investigation into Trump for two reasons and two reasons only and nothing will change your mind about it. Those reasons are:

1) Trump is a republican and you voted for him.

2) The democrats are behind the impeachment.

Is that it? What I find incredibly lame is that you don’t even think the investigation itself is necessary. You think the democrats or any investigative body should drop the whole thing. Based on all of the facts presented, you can’t even say “well, okay. Let’s look at a few things. There are a few red flags about this whole thing if I’m trying to be objective about it. Just let an independent body investigate it instead of those demo-rats!”
I am not a Trump supporter but hell would have to freeze over before I believed it was valid.
The ENTIRE thing huh? No investigation from any investigative entity whatsoever? That’s your position?
Yep. Its essentially the democrats trying to change the outcome of the 2016 election which won't happen. How DARE someone defeat Queen Hillary! I said the other day. This was going to end VERY GOOD for the democrats or VERY BADLY and now that they have lost independents and blacks and are starting to lose Hispanics its not looking good...maybe they thought if they started it that the senate would eventually decide to back them up and vote to convict Trump but this isn't going to happen. Its a clearly blatant partisan hack job because the frontrunner is Biden who has LEGITIMATE issues with Ukraine as does his useless son. It was started to hide Biden's crimes which he was dumb enough to admit to that he got the prosecutor FIRED! None of this would have happened if the democrats thought SOMEONE in the field could beat Trump next year. Pelosi held off on this forever and she obviously got tired of waiting or was finally bulldozed into starting this runaway train she can't stop.
Lol you can pretend you aren’t a Trump supporter all you want but to anyone rational it can be clearly seen you lack any objectivity whatsoever on this topic.
I dislike Trump,I think he is a bullshit artist who knows how to control a crowd and his base. I DESPISE demoncrats and leftists and liberals whatever the hell yall are calling each other today. I have nothing but pure hatred for leftists.
No one cares if you despise democrats. The problem is that you despising them has completely distorted your perception of reality.
Yeah that definitely is a republican answer. Thanks for being honest when no other republican on this board would!

Nothing would make this world a better place than if every democrat in the nation did a Jonestown.

Oh trust me I got the point the first time. I understand you loud and clear. Your ilk’s mentality soundly represented. It’s all you have.

Then you agree? Good, it's good you realize that you and your fellow Stalinist vermin are a cancer on this nation and on individual liberty and dignity.
I dislike Trump,I think he is a bullshit artist who knows how to control a crowd and his base. I DESPISE demoncrats and leftists and liberals whatever the hell yall are calling each other today. I have nothing but pure hatred for leftists.

So you'd look the other way because of your hatred of your fellow Americans...neighbors even...

Oh "bribing..."
Words having meanings, you fucking moron.

Why yes they do. Is there an impeachment going on? Is it because the Orange Buffoon has a bad haircut? The fact he has the IQ of an amoeba? Or is it something a little more sinister?
Nothing would make this world a better place than if every democrat in the nation did a Jonestown.

Seriously. Anybody who is a cheerleader for the incompetent Buffoon in the WH would be better going to Norway and follow a slice of lemmings and we'll all cheer at the anticipated outcome.

You must have been inconsolable over the Jobs Report. The "incompetent Buffoon in the WH" once again delivering a great economy while fulfilling his campaign promises.

Hey, but you have your hate - it's not like you vile piles of shit have nothing; you have bile, hatred, lies, and malice. :thup:
...investigation and impeachment proceedings are valid?

What evidence would need to exist short of Trump magically admitting wrong doing in full detail?

It seems as though you dismiss the investigation into Trump for two reasons and two reasons only and nothing will change your mind about it. Those reasons are:

1) Trump is a republican and you voted for him.

2) The democrats are behind the impeachment.

Is that it? What I find incredibly lame is that you don’t even think the investigation itself is necessary. You think the democrats or any investigative body should drop the whole thing. Based on all of the facts presented, you can’t even say “well, okay. Let’s look at a few things. There are a few red flags about this whole thing if I’m trying to be objective about it. Just let an independent body investigate it instead of those demo-rats!”
Holey moley! There is a lot of stuff to unpack . Well we agree, nobody is above the law. Not you, not I, not some Mexican Liberals give "sanctuary" to. Nope. Trump isn't above the law, but so far all I have heard/seen is empty allegations based on on gossip and allegations that seems more like a vendetta driven (forgive me) Witch-hunt than a valid search for truth. That's the last thing liberal Democrats would actually want.
And your support of Trump is based on hatred of Mexicans.

We're developing a theme here folks
Yeah that definitely is a republican answer. Thanks for being honest when no other republican on this board would!

Nothing would make this world a better place than if every democrat in the nation did a Jonestown.

Oh trust me I got the point the first time. I understand you loud and clear. Your ilk’s mentality soundly represented. It’s all you have.

Then you agree? Good, it's good you realize that you and your fellow Stalinist vermin are a cancer on this nation and on individual liberty and dignity.
When has any self-identified liberal on this board say something positive about Stalin?
Nothing would make this world a better place than if every democrat in the nation did a Jonestown.

Seriously. Anybody who is a cheerleader for the incompetent Buffoon in the WH would be better going to Norway and follow a slice of lemmings and we'll all cheer at the anticipated outcome.
Since you put it that way...ME? I don't jump off cliffs at a moments notice.Nope. I am seeing people that voted along racial lines back in 08' lines for a "black man" and now support sanctuary cities that we never wanted or asked for that ended up putting US poor Americans on the fucking streets. Its complicated .(BTW: I Loath Trump more than you). But he beats any liberal Democrat. Does that tell you something?
Last edited:
Oh "bribing..."
Words having meanings, you fucking moron.

Why yes they do. Is there an impeachment going on? Is it because the Orange Buffoon has a bad haircut? The fact he has the IQ of an amoeba? Or is it something a little more sinister?

There is a farce based on a lie from Eric Ciaramella, bitch of Quid Pro Joe going on. You know, the president has about 3,000 times the IQ power you do; if he has the IQ of an amoeba, that doesn't speak well to you, scumbag.

So shit sucker,

Bribery is the act of offering someone money or something valuable in order to persuade them to do something for you.
He was jailed on charges of bribery.
...accusations of bribery and corruption.
Synonyms: corruption, graft [informal], inducement, buying off More Synonyms of bribery

Hey, you're a fucking liar because your party leaves you no room for integrity - I get it.
You must have been inconsolable over the Jobs Report. The "incompetent Buffoon in the WH" once again delivering a great economy while fulfilling his campaign promises.

Hey, but you have your hate - it's not like you vile piles of shit have nothing; you have bile, hatred, lies, and malice. :thup:

If you believe that idiot in the WH has anything to do with the 'great' economy, you are either stupid or know nothing about the economy. If anything, he has royally fucked the average American up the arse, including his Deplorable base, and they are on their knees trying to ingratiate themselves with him.

Remember this Einstein, before the Turd won the election the economy was going along nicely. Sure, Trump made it better by injecting $1.5 trillion worth of tax cuts. What a guy. "Er, by the way Mr Buffoon, what happens when we have to pay that money back?'
The Buffoon: "Not my problem. By then I'll be out of office."

Yeah, you stick with your bullet points you've been spoon fed. When you're kids are under the yoke of punitive taxes, or runaway inflation as the payments become due, just remember this post. Then go and bend over - for Trump and old time's sakes - and blame the person who will clean up the mess. More than likely it'll have to be a Democrat, but who cares, right? You think you made a 'winning' point on the USMB on Dec 10th, 2019....That will make your kids feel better.

Fucking moron.
There is a farce based on a lie from Eric Ciaramella, bitch of Quid Pro Joe going on. You know, the president has about 3,000 times the IQ power you do; if he has the IQ of an amoeba, that doesn't speak well to you, scumbag.

So shit sucker,

Bribery is the act of offering someone money or something valuable in order to persuade them to do something for you.
He was jailed on charges of bribery.
...accusations of bribery and corruption.
Synonyms: corruption, graft [informal], inducement, buying off More Synonyms of bribery

Hey, you're a fucking liar because your party leaves you no room for integrity - I get it.

My girlfriend's pooch has more an IQ than that turd and it's a pure breed...
When has any self-identified liberal on this board say something positive about Stalin?

Liberal? You're no liberal, you're a leftist, totalitarian thug.

I am a liberal.

You and your filthy, traitorous party are the disciples of Stalin. Look at the Schitt that was just pulled in the house - straight out of Stalin's USSR.
...investigation and impeachment proceedings are valid?

What evidence would need to exist short of Trump magically admitting wrong doing in full detail?

It seems as though you dismiss the investigation into Trump for two reasons and two reasons only and nothing will change your mind about it. Those reasons are:

1) Trump is a republican and you voted for him.

2) The democrats are behind the impeachment.

Is that it? What I find incredibly lame is that you don’t even think the investigation itself is necessary. You think the democrats or any investigative body should drop the whole thing. Based on all of the facts presented, you can’t even say “well, okay. Let’s look at a few things. There are a few red flags about this whole thing if I’m trying to be objective about it. Just let an independent body investigate it instead of those demo-rats!”
I am not a Trump supporter but hell would have to freeze over before I believed it was valid.
The ENTIRE thing huh? No investigation from any investigative entity whatsoever? That’s your position?
Yep. Its essentially the democrats trying to change the outcome of the 2016 election which won't happen. How DARE someone defeat Queen Hillary! I said the other day. This was going to end VERY GOOD for the democrats or VERY BADLY and now that they have lost independents and blacks and are starting to lose Hispanics its not looking good...maybe they thought if they started it that the senate would eventually decide to back them up and vote to convict Trump but this isn't going to happen. Its a clearly blatant partisan hack job because the frontrunner is Biden who has LEGITIMATE issues with Ukraine as does his useless son. It was started to hide Biden's crimes which he was dumb enough to admit to that he got the prosecutor FIRED! None of this would have happened if the democrats thought SOMEONE in the field could beat Trump next year. Pelosi held off on this forever and she obviously got tired of waiting or was finally bulldozed into starting this runaway train she can't stop.

That's only part of it. The Democrats went into panic mode when they heard about that call of Trump being curious about Joe and Hunter. They sprang into action. They need to stop Trump before Durham and Barr find out what really happened in Ukraine, and possibly what took place with the Russia investigation.
...investigation and impeachment proceedings are valid?

What evidence would need to exist short of Trump magically admitting wrong doing in full detail?

It seems as though you dismiss the investigation into Trump for two reasons and two reasons only and nothing will change your mind about it. Those reasons are:

1) Trump is a republican and you voted for him.

2) The democrats are behind the impeachment.

Is that it? What I find incredibly lame is that you don’t even think the investigation itself is necessary. You think the democrats or any investigative body should drop the whole thing. Based on all of the facts presented, you can’t even say “well, okay. Let’s look at a few things. There are a few red flags about this whole thing if I’m trying to be objective about it. Just let an independent body investigate it instead of those demo-rats!”
Nothing! They don't care if he is guilty. They could care less.

They don't care if he is guilty. They could care less.

and the Democrats don't care if he is innocent. They could care less.

I'm not seeing anyone crossing the aisle at this point.
Innocent was never an option when Trump was proven a criminal from day one.

And you people deny that liberals wanted him impeached from day 1 like republicans have been saying for years?
I never denied it because I knew Trump was part of the cover up with Flynn when Trump tried to help get Flynn off.
There is a farce based on a lie from Eric Ciaramella, bitch of Quid Pro Joe going on. You know, the president has about 3,000 times the IQ power you do; if he has the IQ of an amoeba, that doesn't speak well to you, scumbag.

So shit sucker,

Bribery is the act of offering someone money or something valuable in order to persuade them to do something for you.
He was jailed on charges of bribery.
...accusations of bribery and corruption.
Synonyms: corruption, graft [informal], inducement, buying off More Synonyms of bribery

Hey, you're a fucking liar because your party leaves you no room for integrity - I get it.

My girlfriend's pooch has more an IQ than that turd and it's a pure breed...

Pure BRED dunmbfuck. Past tense, you illiterate clown.
And if you knew the story behind Biden - and it has been reported on ad infinitum - you'd know why he wanted the prosecutor fired - for being corrupt. The prosecutor in question wasn't even looking into Biden jnr. Oh, I know Trump said that, but almost everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie.

Then I guess you didn't see the topic of Shokin's interview where he said he was investigating Hunter when he was fired.
...investigation and impeachment proceedings are valid?

What evidence would need to exist short of Trump magically admitting wrong doing in full detail?

It seems as though you dismiss the investigation into Trump for two reasons and two reasons only and nothing will change your mind about it. Those reasons are:

1) Trump is a republican and you voted for him.

2) The democrats are behind the impeachment.

Is that it? What I find incredibly lame is that you don’t even think the investigation itself is necessary. You think the democrats or any investigative body should drop the whole thing. Based on all of the facts presented, you can’t even say “well, okay. Let’s look at a few things. There are a few red flags about this whole thing if I’m trying to be objective about it. Just let an independent body investigate it instead of those demo-rats!”
I am not a Trump supporter but hell would have to freeze over before I believed it was valid.
The ENTIRE thing huh? No investigation from any investigative entity whatsoever? That’s your position?
Yep. Its essentially the democrats trying to change the outcome of the 2016 election which won't happen. How DARE someone defeat Queen Hillary! I said the other day. This was going to end VERY GOOD for the democrats or VERY BADLY and now that they have lost independents and blacks and are starting to lose Hispanics its not looking good...maybe they thought if they started it that the senate would eventually decide to back them up and vote to convict Trump but this isn't going to happen. Its a clearly blatant partisan hack job because the frontrunner is Biden who has LEGITIMATE issues with Ukraine as does his useless son. It was started to hide Biden's crimes which he was dumb enough to admit to that he got the prosecutor FIRED! None of this would have happened if the democrats thought SOMEONE in the field could beat Trump next year. Pelosi held off on this forever and she obviously got tired of waiting or was finally bulldozed into starting this runaway train she can't stop.

That's only part of it. The Democrats went into panic mode when they heard about that call of Trump being curious about Joe and Hunter. They sprang into action. They need to stop Trump before Durham and Barr find out what really happened in Ukraine, and possibly what took place with the Russia investigation.
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:They never will, because nothing ever happened. Had there been something, and Trump had been really concerned, he would have investigated it in 2017. Lol!
...investigation and impeachment proceedings are valid?

What evidence would need to exist short of Trump magically admitting wrong doing in full detail?

It seems as though you dismiss the investigation into Trump for two reasons and two reasons only and nothing will change your mind about it. Those reasons are:

1) Trump is a republican and you voted for him.

2) The democrats are behind the impeachment.

Is that it? What I find incredibly lame is that you don’t even think the investigation itself is necessary. You think the democrats or any investigative body should drop the whole thing. Based on all of the facts presented, you can’t even say “well, okay. Let’s look at a few things. There are a few red flags about this whole thing if I’m trying to be objective about it. Just let an independent body investigate it instead of those demo-rats!”

It would need to be the truth and reach the threshold for impeaching a President.


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