I cannot stand idly by any longer

Trump supporters attacked and viciously assaulted while trying to leave DC rally.
Fans of corrupt Joe Biden joke about the innocent people being beaten to the ground and then stomped.

Any DC police there to stop the mayhem? Apparently none that would bother to stop the violence.

I thought this stuff only happened in dysfunctional third world places.
Welcome to the third world way of life brought to you by Biden, Antifa and the leftist cowards
that make light of this all.

I used to think talk of a Civil War was all hyperbole. Now I'm not so sure.

Apparently, Trump supporters are snow flakes. Good to know!

Looking for playmates?
...Your appeal to authority is funny, Kondor. Will you appreciate the law if it so happens to swing the election in Trump's favor after all the litigation is done and the evidence brought forward?
I was prepared to accept either outcome; not really liking either very much, but one much less than the other.

That outcome has been decided. There has been no reversal. There will be no successful litigation.

If affected State Governors and State Attorneys General, combined with the Federal Election Commission and DHS, all declare a different outcome, I will accept it.

But that's a fantasy on your part... it just ain't gonna happen... no matter how many right-wing gun-toting fruitcakes come slithering out of the woodwork.
Apparently, Trump supporters are snow flakes. Good to know!
Apparently you are a psychopathic idiot. Good to know. Let's see how you like being beaten and stomped
by a gang of thugs. Or are you a "snow flake"?
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Great post, Templar.
I wish I could do more too. So keyboard warriors can only TRY to speak to those who refuse to see; spread around common sense; state their support whenever and wherever they can; disavow horrendous behavior; share vids and comments by those who are trying to destroy the USA and true Americans, etc. Because some of us are old, or sick, or handicapped physically and cannot do what healthy supports are doing like those who braved the war zones to attend rallies and marches.
Kudos to you for a well thought out post. Ignore those berating you because in a nutshell, they are the ones we are trying to fight against with words instead of physical actions. You are not along in this.
There was violence instigated on both sides. Nothing good happens at a Rump Rally after dark.
Children should not be part of them in the daytime, let alone at night. Parent card revoked!
Were they breaking the law? Cite the evidence. Stop enabling criminal behavior.
But that's a fantasy on your part... it just ain't gonna happen... no matter how many right-wing gun-toting fruitcakes come slithering out of the woodwork.
Then let it happen without your carping and whining that will only hype the violence and riots sure to come when all these leftist chumps who are certain they have won something wind up on the loosing end,
which is a very real possibility at this point.

What some internet boob thinks will not count for shit in an actual Supreme Court setting when this matter
is finally settled.
Meanwhile..I was getting all my news from Patriots at Twitter...but alas, I am now locked out. Can't even see inside. I COULD make another name but I dislike socks, so...now I hafta get info from parler and I'm still learning how it works which isn't much fun to me. I guess I could have Newsmax on 24/7 but that doesn't turn me on either. So..I hope you and other patriots here at USMB will keep me apprised of what's going on since other venues are fake news and I'd rather read from fellow posters NOT suffering from TDS and actually CARE that this election was rigged which could result in the same thing happening to them in the near future.
Had not seen or heard about any of the video's posted. So I watched them all. here is my takeaway from viewing them.
If we start by saying there were 100.000 more or less pro Trump people at the rally. And your posted videos show two absolutely disgusting ones that are 100% wrong & painful to watch. then they go down hill from there, some are useless, cant even tell what is really going on.
I was glued to Twitter last night. Why? Not because of some cat videos or hilarious fails, no, but because of all the violence I saw in DC last night. I saw almost every video that was posted, whether of couples and parents with children or of minorities and the elderly being attacked by Joe Biden's supporters. All innocent people who came to protest a seemingly stolen election. I watched as nobody on the left condemned this behavior. I watched as law enforcement did literally nothing to stop the violence, instead, Muriel Bowser let our nation's capital become a hellhole.

So I came to one conclusion:

Trump should not cede this country over to people who stand by and allow this kind of violence to continue against innocent people with different viewpoints. If that sentiment scares you, sorry. This may amount to calling for a coup, but I know of no other peaceful way to solve America's issues (if you have any peaceful ways to bridge our seemingly hopeless divide, I'm all ears). The time for being nice and diplomatic has passed. If people like me, who believe what we believe, are going to be engaged in this kind of violent manner, then we should respond in kind. Words have failed. Actions have consequences. These are the sort of things that drive good men to do bad things.

I was an extremist ten years ago. A hard right-wing extremist. I strove to get away from the vile hatred that extremism brought, I wanted to be tolerant and understanding, yes, I have tried my damndest to remain neutral and dispassionate wherever possible. But I cannot stand idly by any longer. I cannot watch as people who hold one particular point of view are attacked and mercilessly destroyed for doing exactly that. No matter how vehemently I try to stand back and turn the other cheek, the words "fight back" and "resist" come to the surface. Those acts of violence posted on Twitter I mentioned earlier? They make my blood boil.

I don't want to be your enemy. But if you insist on treating me as one, I will be the worst enemy you can possibly imagine. I come from an era where respect is earned, not given. Don't mistake my reticence for weakness. It is for your protection. I don't care about your feelings or emotions, I have enough trouble dealing with mine. I am not incapable of exercising empathy, but I am also capable of being colder than the vacuum of space. Do not try me. Do not give me an excuse to be.

I am happy to be your friend. But I will not be disrespected or maligned. My ideas and opinions are my own. I have a right to believe what I believe. But know this: my empathy for you will stop the moment you attempt to deprive me of those things, or if you try to dehumanize me for having them. My faith in humanity at this point is gone. Gone. Don't give me another reason to justify that sentiment.

My perception has changed. I will not acknowledge Biden as our president, not because I think he stole the election, but because he will allow the same behavior we saw last night in Washington DC to spread throughout this country, while he eschews empty calls for "unity" and "healing." His condemnations of the violence will ultimately be hollow and empty.

I am not fooled. I will defy this trend. I will stand up for what I believe in.

i oppose trump for who he is, what he is, who he represents, and what he has done to our nation.

i will not stand idly by while trump and right wingers spit on the constitution and destroy our nation.

i will work against him and you

i will speak against him and you

i will vote against him and you

if you think that makes me your enemy then you can go fuk a flag
i oppose trump for who he is, what he is, who he represents, and what he has done to our nation.
what has he done to this nation, bring jobs back from overseas? Is it that you are a lazy prog and thus wanted to stay on welfare all your life, but with jobs brought back, you might have to go to work?

Is it that he gave working people a tax break, but since you dont work, you are envious those people get to keep more of their money, and less the progs can give to you?

Tell US what the president did to YOU, that made you so mad at him?
So out of 100.000 or more Trump supporters at the rally there were a few dozen anti Trump ass hats. Not defending them at all, they should be in jail. there will always be bad people. But it does show considerable restraint by the anti Trump people.
What? And leave you here to spew falsehoods and un-American poison without being challenged? Not a chance.
Are you frightened people might not hear more drivel about an election your ilk
has tried to hijack?
The thing is I don't mind discussing facts, like the Dominion software that election supervisors in blue states can use to take from Trump and give to Biden.
Or polling places where election observers have been denied the chance to observe, as the law allows,
over and over despite court orders to the contrary. Or all the dead people voting for Biden.
Or the many procedural crimes which may be the reason why the election is awarded to Trump.

Why don't you tells us a little more about this Civil War II that you are fantasizing about?
Of course to say I "fantasize" over the possibility of a Civil War is a lie and a very good example of how you take the truth, like a real dick, and twist it around until it is unrecognizable and useless except for your own dishonest purposes,
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So out of 100.000 or more Trump supporters at the rally there were a few dozen anti Trump ass hats.
Show your evidence for this claim.

Not defending them at all, they should be in jail. there will always be bad people. But it does show considerable restraint by the anti Trump people.
Beating and stomping people is your idea of "considerable restraint"?
As opposed to what? Using machine guns and flame throwers? Do you think Antifa should be patted on the back for not attacking more people at a political rally?
What kind of an asshole of a human being are you?
I was glued to Twitter last night. Why? Not because of some cat videos or hilarious fails, no, but because of all the violence I saw in DC last night. I saw almost every video that was posted, whether of couples and parents with children or of minorities and the elderly being attacked by Joe Biden's supporters. All innocent people who came to protest a seemingly stolen election. I watched as nobody on the left condemned this behavior. I watched as law enforcement did literally nothing to stop the violence, instead, Muriel Bowser let our nation's capital become a hellhole.

So I came to one conclusion:

Trump should not cede this country over to people who stand by and allow this kind of violence to continue against innocent people with different viewpoints. If that sentiment scares you, sorry. This may amount to calling for a coup, but I know of no other peaceful way to solve America's issues (if you have any peaceful ways to bridge our seemingly hopeless divide, I'm all ears). The time for being nice and diplomatic has passed. If people like me, who believe what we believe, are going to be engaged in this kind of violent manner, then we should respond in kind. Words have failed. Actions have consequences. These are the sort of things that drive good men to do bad things.

I was an extremist ten years ago. A hard right-wing extremist. I strove to get away from the vile hatred that extremism brought, I wanted to be tolerant and understanding, yes, I have tried my damndest to remain neutral and dispassionate wherever possible. But I cannot stand idly by any longer. I cannot watch as people who hold one particular point of view are attacked and mercilessly destroyed for doing exactly that. No matter how vehemently I try to stand back and turn the other cheek, the words "fight back" and "resist" come to the surface. Those acts of violence posted on Twitter I mentioned earlier? They make my blood boil.

I don't want to be your enemy. But if you insist on treating me as one, I will be the worst enemy you can possibly imagine. I come from an era where respect is earned, not given. Don't mistake my reticence for weakness. It is for your protection. I don't care about your feelings or emotions, I have enough trouble dealing with mine. I am not incapable of exercising empathy, but I am also capable of being colder than the vacuum of space. Do not try me. Do not give me an excuse to be.

I am happy to be your friend. But I will not be disrespected or maligned. My ideas and opinions are my own. I have a right to believe what I believe. But know this: my empathy for you will stop the moment you attempt to deprive me of those things, or if you try to dehumanize me for having them. My faith in humanity at this point is gone. Gone. Don't give me another reason to justify that sentiment.

My perception has changed. I will not acknowledge Biden as our president, not because I think he stole the election, but because he will allow the same behavior we saw last night in Washington DC to spread throughout this country, while he eschews empty calls for "unity" and "healing." His condemnations of the violence will ultimately be hollow and empty.

I am not fooled. I will defy this trend. I will stand up for what I believe in.

i oppose trump for who he is, what he is, who he represents, and what he has done to our nation.

i will not stand idly by while trump and right wingers spit on the constitution and destroy our nation.

i will work against him and you

i will speak against him and you

i will vote against him and you

if you think that makes me your enemy then you can go fuk a flag
i oppose trump for who he is, what he is, who he represents, and what he has done to our nation.
what has he done to this nation, bring jobs back from overseas? Is it that you are a lazy prog and thus wanted to stay on welfare all your life, but with jobs brought back, you might have to go to work?

Is it that he gave working people a tax break, but since you dont work, you are envious those people get to keep more of their money, and less the progs can give to you?

Tell US what the president did to YOU, that made you so mad at him?

- tweeted “ the only good democrat is a dead democrat”
- laughed when a reporter was struck with a rubber bullet
- insulted military personnel
- grabbed pussy
- has used the DOJ as a weapon
- has called for arresting his political opponents without due process
- embraced and fawned over authoritarian leaders while souring relations with our allies
- mocked the disabled
- threatened to steal my social security
- removed decent honorable conservative republicans who swore an oath to defend the constitution and replaced them with toadies who spit on the constitution and swear an oath trump

and that was just yesterday....
I was glued to Twitter last night. Why? Not because of some cat videos or hilarious fails, no, but because of all the violence I saw in DC last night. I saw almost every video that was posted, whether of couples and parents with children or of minorities and the elderly being attacked by Joe Biden's supporters. All innocent people who came to protest a seemingly stolen election. I watched as nobody on the left condemned this behavior. I watched as law enforcement did literally nothing to stop the violence, instead, Muriel Bowser let our nation's capital become a hellhole.

So I came to one conclusion:

Trump should not cede this country over to people who stand by and allow this kind of violence to continue against innocent people with different viewpoints. If that sentiment scares you, sorry. This may amount to calling for a coup, but I know of no other peaceful way to solve America's issues (if you have any peaceful ways to bridge our seemingly hopeless divide, I'm all ears). The time for being nice and diplomatic has passed. If people like me, who believe what we believe, are going to be engaged in this kind of violent manner, then we should respond in kind. Words have failed. Actions have consequences. These are the sort of things that drive good men to do bad things.

I was an extremist ten years ago. A hard right-wing extremist. I strove to get away from the vile hatred that extremism brought, I wanted to be tolerant and understanding, yes, I have tried my damndest to remain neutral and dispassionate wherever possible. But I cannot stand idly by any longer. I cannot watch as people who hold one particular point of view are attacked and mercilessly destroyed for doing exactly that. No matter how vehemently I try to stand back and turn the other cheek, the words "fight back" and "resist" come to the surface. Those acts of violence posted on Twitter I mentioned earlier? They make my blood boil.

I don't want to be your enemy. But if you insist on treating me as one, I will be the worst enemy you can possibly imagine. I come from an era where respect is earned, not given. Don't mistake my reticence for weakness. It is for your protection. I don't care about your feelings or emotions, I have enough trouble dealing with mine. I am not incapable of exercising empathy, but I am also capable of being colder than the vacuum of space. Do not try me. Do not give me an excuse to be.

I am happy to be your friend. But I will not be disrespected or maligned. My ideas and opinions are my own. I have a right to believe what I believe. But know this: my empathy for you will stop the moment you attempt to deprive me of those things, or if you try to dehumanize me for having them. My faith in humanity at this point is gone. Gone. Don't give me another reason to justify that sentiment.

My perception has changed. I will not acknowledge Biden as our president, not because I think he stole the election, but because he will allow the same behavior we saw last night in Washington DC to spread throughout this country, while he eschews empty calls for "unity" and "healing." His condemnations of the violence will ultimately be hollow and empty.

I am not fooled. I will defy this trend. I will stand up for what I believe in.

i oppose trump for who he is, what he is, who he represents, and what he has done to our nation.

i will not stand idly by while trump and right wingers spit on the constitution and destroy our nation.

i will work against him and you

i will speak against him and you

i will vote against him and you

if you think that makes me your enemy then you can go fuk a flag
i oppose trump for who he is, what he is, who he represents, and what he has done to our nation.
what has he done to this nation, bring jobs back from overseas? Is it that you are a lazy prog and thus wanted to stay on welfare all your life, but with jobs brought back, you might have to go to work?

Is it that he gave working people a tax break, but since you dont work, you are envious those people get to keep more of their money, and less the progs can give to you?

Tell US what the president did to YOU, that made you so mad at him?

- tweeted “ the only good democrat is a dead democrat”
- laughed when a reporter was struck with a rubber bullet
- insulted military personnel
- grabbed pussy
- has used the DOJ as a weapon
- has called for arresting his political opponents without due process
- embraced and fawned over authoritarian leaders while souring relations with our allies
- mocked the disabled
- threatened to steal my social security
- removed decent honorable conservative republicans who swore an oath to defend the constitution and replaced them with toadies who spit on the constitution and swear an oath trump

and that was just yesterday....
I was glued to Twitter last night. Why? Not because of some cat videos or hilarious fails, no, but because of all the violence I saw in DC last night. I saw almost every video that was posted, whether of couples and parents with children or of minorities and the elderly being attacked by Joe Biden's supporters. All innocent people who came to protest a seemingly stolen election. I watched as nobody on the left condemned this behavior. I watched as law enforcement did literally nothing to stop the violence, instead, Muriel Bowser let our nation's capital become a hellhole.

So I came to one conclusion:

Trump should not cede this country over to people who stand by and allow this kind of violence to continue against innocent people with different viewpoints. If that sentiment scares you, sorry. This may amount to calling for a coup, but I know of no other peaceful way to solve America's issues (if you have any peaceful ways to bridge our seemingly hopeless divide, I'm all ears). The time for being nice and diplomatic has passed. If people like me, who believe what we believe, are going to be engaged in this kind of violent manner, then we should respond in kind. Words have failed. Actions have consequences. These are the sort of things that drive good men to do bad things.

I was an extremist ten years ago. A hard right-wing extremist. I strove to get away from the vile hatred that extremism brought, I wanted to be tolerant and understanding, yes, I have tried my damndest to remain neutral and dispassionate wherever possible. But I cannot stand idly by any longer. I cannot watch as people who hold one particular point of view are attacked and mercilessly destroyed for doing exactly that. No matter how vehemently I try to stand back and turn the other cheek, the words "fight back" and "resist" come to the surface. Those acts of violence posted on Twitter I mentioned earlier? They make my blood boil.

I don't want to be your enemy. But if you insist on treating me as one, I will be the worst enemy you can possibly imagine. I come from an era where respect is earned, not given. Don't mistake my reticence for weakness. It is for your protection. I don't care about your feelings or emotions, I have enough trouble dealing with mine. I am not incapable of exercising empathy, but I am also capable of being colder than the vacuum of space. Do not try me. Do not give me an excuse to be.

I am happy to be your friend. But I will not be disrespected or maligned. My ideas and opinions are my own. I have a right to believe what I believe. But know this: my empathy for you will stop the moment you attempt to deprive me of those things, or if you try to dehumanize me for having them. My faith in humanity at this point is gone. Gone. Don't give me another reason to justify that sentiment.

My perception has changed. I will not acknowledge Biden as our president, not because I think he stole the election, but because he will allow the same behavior we saw last night in Washington DC to spread throughout this country, while he eschews empty calls for "unity" and "healing." His condemnations of the violence will ultimately be hollow and empty.

I am not fooled. I will defy this trend. I will stand up for what I believe in.

i oppose trump for who he is, what he is, who he represents, and what he has done to our nation.

i will not stand idly by while trump and right wingers spit on the constitution and destroy our nation.

i will work against him and you

i will speak against him and you

i will vote against him and you

if you think that makes me your enemy then you can go fuk a flag
i oppose trump for who he is, what he is, who he represents, and what he has done to our nation.
what has he done to this nation, bring jobs back from overseas? Is it that you are a lazy prog and thus wanted to stay on welfare all your life, but with jobs brought back, you might have to go to work?

Is it that he gave working people a tax break, but since you dont work, you are envious those people get to keep more of their money, and less the progs can give to you?

Tell US what the president did to YOU, that made you so mad at him?

- tweeted “ the only good democrat is a dead democrat”
- laughed when a reporter was struck with a rubber bullet
- insulted military personnel
- grabbed pussy
- has used the DOJ as a weapon
- has called for arresting his political opponents without due process
- embraced and fawned over authoritarian leaders while souring relations with our allies
- mocked the disabled
- threatened to steal my social security
- removed decent honorable conservative republicans who swore an oath to defend the constitution and replaced them with toadies who spit on the constitution and swear an oath to trump

and that was just yesterday....
...Trump should not cede this country...
It is not his to cede.

It belongs to The People.

The People have spoken.

Your boy is out.

Tell him to go home on January 20, 2021, at 12:00 pm EST, or the Secret Service and the US Marshals Office will remove him involuntarily.

The United States is a nation of laws.

Obey the law,

The next step is civil war. Do you really think they are willing to bring this nation to the brink?

Civil war over baseless horseshit election fraud claims that don't stand up to any serious legal scrutiny?

You've lost your damn mind. You lost at the ballot box and are now advocating mass violence to not have to accept the result you don't like.
tweeted “ the only good democrat is a dead democrat”
- laughed when a reporter was struck with a rubber bullet
- insulted military personnel
- grabbed pussy
- has used the DOJ as a weapon
- has called for arresting his political opponents without due process
- embraced and fawned over authoritarian leaders while souring relations with our allies
- mocked the disabled
- threatened to steal my social security
- removed decent honorable conservative republicans who swore an oath to defend the constitution and replaced them with toadies who spit on the constitution and swear an oath to trump

and that was just yesterday....
What a rich and imaginative interior world you live in. It's like a child's story book almost.
Except goodness is never rewarded and the evil people always win.
...I was an extremist ten years ago. A hard right-wing extremist. I strove to get away from the vile hatred that extremism brought, I wanted to be tolerant and understanding...
Yeah, right.

I've been part of the right for most of my life and I've never seen them push intolerance or urged not being understanding of competing viewpoints.

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