I challenge Trump

trump isn't my first choice for a President, but watching all the Trump trump trump when your DEMOCRATS ARE as corrupted and shady in their dealings. Hillary and Bills foundation GREW while she was SofS AND none of you sees a problem with that. Billy was impeached for using his position of power over a young girl for blowjobs and you sit in judgment of Trump or any of the Republicans.

please wake the heck up. we now have a Federal Government that is out for THEMSELVES and not looking our for OUR BEST INTEREST. and that is both parties included. I just feel the Republicans aren't as far gone as this Democrat party is in; full blown Corruption
Come on, seriously. Clinton did not 'use his position of power over a young girl.' She went to DC claiming she would take her 'knee pads' and went after him. Reality check. She was not ever an exploited innocent young woman.

That fact that their foundation grew while she was secretary of states indicates only that someone was looking after it and it grew financially, as any well managed organization should. WHERE is the evidence anything untoward was happening? Innuendo and accusations do not make something fact.
Oi, Trump, you fucking tool.
Post the video of Muslims celebrating or shut the fuck up, but only after you admit you're a liar and a daft bastard.

If any Trump supporters want to post it here, I'll be happy for them to do so.

Since it's claimed it was on TV, it should be easy enough to find.

Put up or shut up.

No "Maybe", "If" or "I saw it" claims are good enough without the video.

Who the fuck are you? Buzz off kid.
Trump knows he won't get the nomination so he can say anything he wants to. As long as it gets him the attention he needs, and he has people (mostly idiots) kissing his ass he can lie for years.
Oi, Trump, you fucking tool.
Post the video of Muslims celebrating or shut the fuck up, but only after you admit you're a liar and a daft bastard.

If any Trump supporters want to post it here, I'll be happy for them to do so.

Since it's claimed it was on TV, it should be easy enough to find.

Put up or shut up.

No "Maybe", "If" or "I saw it" claims are good enough without the video.
I've been saying for years that the rubes are not the slightest bit interested in the truth. They pretend to be seeking the truth when going after a political opponent, but their willingness to swallow manufactured bullshit like a "stand down order" and "Obama watched through the eyes of a drone as they died" betrays their actual motives.

Donald Trump knows all he has to do is say what the rubes want to hear. If you tell a rube what they want to hear, that becomes their truth, and reality will never impinge on their self-deluded belief system.

This phenomenon is not exclusive to the Right, but it seems like the Right is manufacturing more gross tonnage of bullshit per day than at any time in our history.

Rubes who chow down on that garbage deserve to be lied to, and they get the government they deserve.
that is what i dont understand .....i do not think he wants the nomination....it is just such a train wreck

He's an attention whore. The End.

The more absurd he becomes, the better the simpletons like it, and cheer him on. The people who support him are a minority, and he can't muster enough votes to win a general election ....
Oi, Trump, you fucking tool.
Post the video of Muslims celebrating or shut the fuck up, but only after you admit you're a liar and a daft bastard.

If any Trump supporters want to post it here, I'll be happy for them to do so.

Since it's claimed it was on TV, it should be easy enough to find.

Put up or shut up.

No "Maybe", "If" or "I saw it" claims are good enough without the video.
I'm certain that the Donald is panicked over your challenge
Oi, Trump, you fucking tool.
Post the video of Muslims celebrating or shut the fuck up, but only after you admit you're a liar and a daft bastard.

If any Trump supporters want to post it here, I'll be happy for them to do so.

Since it's claimed it was on TV, it should be easy enough to find.

Put up or shut up.

No "Maybe", "If" or "I saw it" claims are good enough without the video.
I'm certain that the Donald is panicked over your challenge


good one
He explained the lack of a video this morning.

He said that 14 years ago, the media and the Internet weren't as prolific as they are now and that news outlets routinely tossed footage in the garbage after it aired.

He said that the video will probably be found but that it will be difficult because back then, it wasn't like it is now and clips weren't available at the touch of a button.

That's why it is so hard to find video clips of things that were aired back in 2001. Go ahead....test it out. See if you can find any clips online of things that happened back then. It's nearly impossible.

He's had hundreds of people calling and many many tweets saying that they too saw thousands of Muslims celebrating in New Jersey.

It's foolish to challenge him on this.

I tried to search Palestinians celebrate 9/11

I find a number of those, try it.

But American muslims celebrate 9/11--nope!
Any media outlet that has such footage has buried it by now.

People have manufactured a false memory.

There were celebrations in the Gaza Strip shown on TV on 9/11, and that is probably what they remember. Trump has altered the memories of the rubes into making them think the celebrations they saw took place in the US.

Trump's lie works because the rubes want to believe it.
Come on, seriously. Clinton did not 'use his position of power over a young girl.' She went to DC claiming she would take her 'knee pads' and went after him. Reality check. She was not ever an exploited innocent young woman.

That fact that their foundation grew while she was secretary of states indicates only that someone was looking after it and it grew financially, as any well managed organization should. WHERE is the evidence anything untoward was happening? Innuendo and accusations do not make something fact.
You are seriously defending a man whose career is marked with sexual harassments, rapes, adultery, and frequent visits to 'pedophile island'? And you are going to ignore the documented 'conflicts of interest' and criminal activity by Hillary as Sect of State (protecting a HUGE donor from punishment after being caught illegally violating Iranian sanctions by running 'contraband to Iran')?

This is why it is pointless to talk to delusional Liberals who REFUSE to acknowledge facts...
trump isn't my first choice for a President, but watching all the Trump trump trump when your DEMOCRATS ARE as corrupted and shady in their dealings. Hillary and Bills foundation GREW while she was SofS AND none of you sees a problem with that. Billy was impeached for using his position of power over a young girl for blowjobs and you sit in judgment of Trump or any of the Republicans.

please wake the heck up. we now have a Federal Government that is out for THEMSELVES and not looking our for OUR BEST INTEREST. and that is both parties included. I just feel the Republicans aren't as far gone as this Democrat party is in; full blown Corruption

Oh spare me. The fact you believe your own bullshit is positively hysterical. You'll deflect to the Democrats in every thread that doesn't shower the GOP in praise and adoration. You're doing right here.This topic isn't about Clinton getting a hummer 15+ years ago, it is about Trump claiming he witnessed thousands and thousands of Muslims celebrating in Jersey City. If you truly believed that neither party has best interest at heart you wouldn't deflect from the GOP at every pass. You are not any different from the blind partisan hacks on the left.
The Washington Post had an article about muslems celebrating after 9-11, it's no secret. Nobody knows how many but it is certainly in the thousands. Barry Hussein's own pastor said we deserved it and apparently Barry didn't walk out of the service.
see? the simpletons believe every word Trump blows out his ass.
The Washington Post had an article about muslems celebrating after 9-11, it's no secret. Nobody knows how many but it is certainly in the thousands. Barry Hussein's own pastor said we deserved it and apparently Barry didn't walk out of the service.

There were muslims celebrating 9/11
Unfortunately, we can't find any recordings or stories on it happening in the US at that time.

Maybe Trump is suffering from "Fiorina recollection disorder"?
I found a video entitled

American muslims celebrate 9/11

However, the title is misleading.
On Meet the Press this weekend, Trump said it was "really hard to find the articles."

Trump says his organization is working hard to find these articles.

I'm sure he will.

Just like he did with Obama's birf certificate.
I wonder, did Trump mean this:

I heard this story around 9/11. I written it off as anti-semantic propaganda.

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