I challenge Trump

trump isn't my first choice for a President, but watching all the Trump trump trump when your DEMOCRATS ARE as corrupted and shady in their dealings. Hillary and Bills foundation GREW while she was SofS AND none of you sees a problem with that. Billy was impeached for using his position of power over a young girl for blowjobs and you sit in judgment of Trump or any of the Republicans.

please wake the heck up. we now have a Federal Government that is out for THEMSELVES and not looking our for OUR BEST INTEREST. and that is both parties included. I just feel the Republicans aren't as far gone as this Democrat party is in; full blown Corruption
Come on, seriously. Clinton did not 'use his position of power over a young girl.' She went to DC claiming she would take her 'knee pads' and went after him. Reality check. She was not ever an exploited innocent young woman.

That fact that their foundation grew while she was secretary of states indicates only that someone was looking after it and it grew financially, as any well managed organization should. WHERE is the evidence anything untoward was happening? Innuendo and accusations do not make something fact.

Monica was "SECRETARY OF STATE"???. IMO---she is a was a misguided slut-----very young and Clinton----as COMMANDER IN CHIEF----engaged in
misconduct-------slutty she might have been but HE was the person in the
You should know.

Oi, Trump, you fucking tool.
Post the video of Muslims celebrating or shut the fuck up, but only after you admit you're a liar and a daft bastard.

If any Trump supporters want to post it here, I'll be happy for them to do so.

Since it's claimed it was on TV, it should be easy enough to find.

Put up or shut up.

No "Maybe", "If" or "I saw it" claims are good enough without the video.
I would actually like to see you stand before Trump ... and the cameras ... and tell the man to 'Post the video or STFU'. Personally I see this as another case of 'online anonymous courage and bravado'.

In the immortal words of Hillary Clinton, 'What does it matter'?

With Obama wanting to bring in thousands of Sharia-law-Loving potential 'JV Team' members, it is more important to me to remember the thousands of Islamists world-wide, especially in Syria, who were burning our flag and celebrating on 9/11/01.

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