I did not vote for Trump yesterday.

I don't care about the guy. Now in 2016 I held him in contempt for the way he undermined Ted Cruz, and I wrote Cruz in on my ballot because I was so disgusted by Trump. This year I still did not vote for Trump.

I voted for prosperity.

I voted for preservation of the 2nd Amendment.

I voted for the sovereignty of the US and the marginalization of the UN.

I voted for undermining the endeavors of George Soros, Bloomberg and the elitist democrook billionaire donor class.

I voted for the continued strengthening of our military and our borders.

I voted to go back to normal and stop being hysterical about a seasonal cold.

The World's Richest Professional Clown just happens to be the most effective individual I could have imagined to deliver on those issues. In retrospect I'm glad he beat Ted Cruz because I think he has delivered more results than Cruz could have.

I don't care about the shit he tweets, even though some of it is funny. I don't care how he embellishes, it's far better than the democrook sociopaths that deliberately lie and make millions of dollars selling out to anyone who buys them. Trump LOST MONEY to take this job. The Bushes, the Clintons, The Bidens, The Kennedys, the Meat Puppet Faggot and his Wookie, Feinslime, Pelousy, Et Al... enriched themselves and thousands of other sociopaths at the trough of the federal reserve.

I did not vote for an individual yesterday, I voted for an entire administration that has delivered results in spite of having to fight an entire DC establishment that has clearly done it's level best to undermine the interests of the American People.


God you people spew the most nauseating garbage lol

"God you people spew the most nauseating garbage lol"

It's called Biden and Harris!!!

Whatever. I'm just voting for him because he's not Joe Biden, and it'll piss off the left when he wins again.

There. Happy now?

Oh. So you're voting for Trump too? Thank you captain obvious.

Damn straight. I'd rather have my balls nailed to a flaming stump and be handed a dull rusty butter knife than vote for Joe and Kammie.

You better believe it.
Damn straight. I'd rather have my balls nailed to a flaming stump and be handed a dull rusty butter knife than vote for Joe.

You better believe it.

Yes, we all know who you're voting for. There was never a question of who you were voting for.
At least he voted for someone, as opposed to those Democrats who are only voting against someone. That someone would be Donald J. Trump.

I mean come on, seriously man? Who in all honesty can say they're voting for Joe Biden? The guy is completely lacking in any substance whatsoever. He's like a cardboard cutout with a "D" stamped on his forehead but by golly, he ain't Trump.


It's not even about the man at this point. If Pee Wee Herman somehow won in 2016 and delivered the results Trump has I would have voted for him if he pounded his pud in Jim Acosta's fucking face and blew a load on him.

Liberals have demeaned themselves to such a point that there is nothing Trump has done or would do that could change my mind.

These people have destroyed cities,
murdered people, burned businesses, and destabilized our entire justice system.

In contrast we have a guy who sacrificed 4 years of his life, who could have given hitlary a few million and made billions but took a moral and patriotic choice to lead this nation to it's most prosperous period only to be undermined by a sycophantic leftist media that used a bullshit cold to stifle his results. The problem bed wetting liberals have is that they follow cults of personality like hitlary or that meat puppet faggot and just assume that voting for their opponents makes you a zealot for a different cult.

I voted Romney in 2012 even though he disgusted me. I went home and took a shower after a good steak dinner. I felt like I violated myself and I did. This year I was so eager to vote Trump I voted early for the first time in my life and felt as proud as I did when I wrote Cruz on my ballot last time.

So fuck yourself over by voting for a commie agenda? That is the perfect example of cutting your nose off to spite your face....GREAT move!!!

Thanks. I prefer this move over Trump.
Spare me, you would vote for the commie agenda regardless of whom was running on the other side. I don't give a shit one way or the other if you are being honest with me....but don't lie to yourself.
I don't care about the guy. Now in 2016 I held him in contempt for the way he undermined Ted Cruz, and I wrote Cruz in on my ballot because I was so disgusted by Trump. This year I still did not vote for Trump.

I voted for prosperity.

I voted for preservation of the 2nd Amendment.

I voted for the sovereignty of the US and the marginalization of the UN.

I voted for undermining the endeavors of George Soros, Bloomberg and the elitist democrook billionaire donor class.

I voted for the continued strengthening of our military and our borders.

I voted to go back to normal and stop being hysterical about a seasonal cold.

The World's Richest Professional Clown just happens to be the most effective individual I could have imagined to deliver on those issues. In retrospect I'm glad he beat Ted Cruz because I think he has delivered more results than Cruz could have.

I don't care about the shit he tweets, even though some of it is funny. I don't care how he embellishes, it's far better than the democrook sociopaths that deliberately lie and make millions of dollars selling out to anyone who buys them. Trump LOST MONEY to take this job. The Bushes, the Clintons, The Bidens, The Kennedys, the Meat Puppet Faggot and his Wookie, Feinslime, Pelousy, Et Al... enriched themselves and thousands of other sociopaths at the trough of the federal reserve.

I did not vote for an individual yesterday, I voted for an entire administration that has delivered results in spite of having to fight an entire DC establishment that has clearly done it's level best to undermine the interests of the American People.


God you people spew the most nauseating garbage lol

"God you people spew the most nauseating garbage lol"

It's called Biden and Harris!!!

Well, they appreciate your support!
Damn straight. I'd rather have my balls nailed to a flaming stump and be handed a dull rusty butter knife than vote for Joe.

You better believe it.

Yes, we all know who you're voting for. There was never a question of who you were voting for.

Well having been a Democrat myself at one time, and having seen what Carter's, LBJ's, Clinton's, GW's, and Obama's idiotic policies have done to this country, I'm sure as hell not voting for Joe Biden.

As for for Donald Trump. I couldn't give a flying fuck about his personal life. So I'm not voting for Donald Trump, I'm voting for a President who will prevent those Democrats from turning my country into a socialist third-world shithole.
I see you're still confused. He voted for Donald Trump.

He had a choice of who to vote for. He selected Donald Trump. Therefore he voted for Donald Trump. Agree or disagree?

Is this really so hard for you to understand.?

You're having the hard time understanding shit here bed wetter....

Donald Trump chose to win my support. Donald Trump EARNED my vote. I realize merit and earning things is something you parasites care nothing about. Otherwise you wouldn't be trying to elect the dumbest fucking people on earth.

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I don't care about the guy. Now in 2016 I held him in contempt for the way he undermined Ted Cruz, and I wrote Cruz in on my ballot because I was so disgusted by Trump. This year I still did not vote for Trump.

I voted for prosperity.

I voted for preservation of the 2nd Amendment.

I voted for the sovereignty of the US and the marginalization of the UN.

I voted for undermining the endeavors of George Soros, Bloomberg and the elitist democrook billionaire donor class.

I voted for the continued strengthening of our military and our borders.

I voted to go back to normal and stop being hysterical about a seasonal cold.

The World's Richest Professional Clown just happens to be the most effective individual I could have imagined to deliver on those issues. In retrospect I'm glad he beat Ted Cruz because I think he has delivered more results than Cruz could have.

I don't care about the shit he tweets, even though some of it is funny. I don't care how he embellishes, it's far better than the democrook sociopaths that deliberately lie and make millions of dollars selling out to anyone who buys them. Trump LOST MONEY to take this job. The Bushes, the Clintons, The Bidens, The Kennedys, the Meat Puppet Faggot and his Wookie, Feinslime, Pelousy, Et Al... enriched themselves and thousands of other sociopaths at the trough of the federal reserve.

I did not vote for an individual yesterday, I voted for an entire administration that has delivered results in spite of having to fight an entire DC establishment that has clearly done it's level best to undermine the interests of the American People.



Despite all your blathering - you voted for Trump.

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