"I don't care!" if trump is a criminal!

The people’s choice was Hillary Clinton, with 3 million more of the people’s votes.

Bill Clinton was also the people’s choice yet Republicans messed with that, so you’re talking out your ass.
Where is the hardbproof she was. They told her she was to ease her sadness for losing to Trump.
They call it counting ballots.
Did you actually see the documented proof
See copy of check allegedly signed by Trump - CNN Video
Michael Cohen Secretly Taped Trump Discussing Payment to Playboy Model
This is both the check of part of the payment. And a link to the tape discussing the payments.
But no proof it was actually a reimbursement check
Well I got Trump on tape. What do you have to assert Trump didn't know?
Where is the hardbproof she was. They told her she was to ease her sadness for losing to Trump.
They call it counting ballots.
Did you actually see the documented proof
See copy of check allegedly signed by Trump - CNN Video
Michael Cohen Secretly Taped Trump Discussing Payment to Playboy Model
This is both the check of part of the payment. And a link to the tape discussing the payments.
But no proof it was actually a reimbursement check
Well I got Trump on tape. What do you have to assert Trump didn't know?
Well don't go back play it
They call it counting ballots.
Did you actually see the documented proof
See copy of check allegedly signed by Trump - CNN Video
Michael Cohen Secretly Taped Trump Discussing Payment to Playboy Model
This is both the check of part of the payment. And a link to the tape discussing the payments.
But no proof it was actually a reimbursement check
Well I got Trump on tape. What do you have to assert Trump didn't know?
Well don't go back play it
I did. Around 1'50 they start discussing it. So again. If there's a check, a tape discussing that check, and a guy getting even more prison time if he's proven to lie about the check, why do you assert he's lying? What actual proof do you have that Cohen is lying about this?
The guy could have been viewed as political victim of the left’s gestapo crime spree. If he didn’t badmouth the President there may been a chance of a pardon. It seemed like he had a lot to lose and nothing to gain. Keep in mind, I’m not saying that makes him credible, just really stupid.
You obviously weren't watching or if you were, weren't paying attention. He clearly said that he didn't want or would accept a pardon.
Did you actually see the documented proof
See copy of check allegedly signed by Trump - CNN Video
Michael Cohen Secretly Taped Trump Discussing Payment to Playboy Model
This is both the check of part of the payment. And a link to the tape discussing the payments.
But no proof it was actually a reimbursement check
Well I got Trump on tape. What do you have to assert Trump didn't know?
Well don't go back play it
I did. Around 1'50 they start discussing it. So again. If there's a check, a tape discussing that check, and a guy getting even more prison time if he's proven to lie about the check, why do you assert he's lying? What actual proof do you have that Cohen is lying about this?
Why do you suppose he lied to Congress the first time he was there? He's an habitual liar
The guy could have been viewed as political victim of the left’s gestapo crime spree. If he didn’t badmouth the President there may been a chance of a pardon. It seemed like he had a lot to lose and nothing to gain. Keep in mind, I’m not saying that makes him credible, just really stupid.
You obviously weren't watching or if you were, weren't paying attention. He clearly said that he didn't want or would accept a pardon.
It's all a ploy to get a better offer on book or movie deal
See copy of check allegedly signed by Trump - CNN Video
Michael Cohen Secretly Taped Trump Discussing Payment to Playboy Model
This is both the check of part of the payment. And a link to the tape discussing the payments.
But no proof it was actually a reimbursement check
Well I got Trump on tape. What do you have to assert Trump didn't know?
Well don't go back play it
I did. Around 1'50 they start discussing it. So again. If there's a check, a tape discussing that check, and a guy getting even more prison time if he's proven to lie about the check, why do you assert he's lying? What actual proof do you have that Cohen is lying about this?
Why do you suppose he lied to Congress the first time he was there? He's an habitual liar
He's an habitual liar who is going to jail for 3 years partly because of it. He has a lot to loose lying more. On the other hand you still HAVEN'T even attempted to answer my question. What actual proof do you have that Cohen is lying about this?
But no proof it was actually a reimbursement check
Well I got Trump on tape. What do you have to assert Trump didn't know?
Well don't go back play it
I did. Around 1'50 they start discussing it. So again. If there's a check, a tape discussing that check, and a guy getting even more prison time if he's proven to lie about the check, why do you assert he's lying? What actual proof do you have that Cohen is lying about this?
Why do you suppose he lied to Congress the first time he was there? He's an habitual liar
He's an habitual liar who is going to jail for 3 years partly because of it. He has a lot to loose lying more. On the other hand you still HAVEN'T even attempted to answer my question. What actual proof do you have that Cohen is lying about this?
As it stands now I doubt that he does 12 months
Well I got Trump on tape. What do you have to assert Trump didn't know?
Well don't go back play it
I did. Around 1'50 they start discussing it. So again. If there's a check, a tape discussing that check, and a guy getting even more prison time if he's proven to lie about the check, why do you assert he's lying? What actual proof do you have that Cohen is lying about this?
Why do you suppose he lied to Congress the first time he was there? He's an habitual liar
He's an habitual liar who is going to jail for 3 years partly because of it. He has a lot to loose lying more. On the other hand you still HAVEN'T even attempted to answer my question. What actual proof do you have that Cohen is lying about this?
As it stands now I doubt that he does 12 months
Again not an answer.
Most Democrats are going to be the laughingstock of America after the Cohen testimony.
Guilty guilty guilty of everything including lying but yet he's the star Witness
I'd say this will cause them to lose the house and never get senate come next election
For 25 years they have been investigating Hillary and have jack shit to show for it.

It's a fact.

Congress is inept.

That's why we, the people unelected her ourselves (lock her up)

And, if Trump doesn't make good on his promise to drain the swamp. . . Many others will be unelected too.
Trump is stocking the swamp. He has hired millionaires and billionaires for his cabinet and has done nothing for working Americans.
This is the exact reason why the powerful and connected are rarely held accountable for their actions. People don’t care as long as they agree with their politics. Fucking fools.
This is why whomever is the Democratic President in 2021 appoints Eliot Spitzer as Attorney General.
Trump is hoping it's Hillary
Trump is hoping Hillary is potus in 2021? Or Attorney General?

Or is it that you can’t read?
To be fair, cohen was lying for trump.
This time he isnt.

I don’t understand it. Lawyers are payed to lie for clients. It’s already known and been hashed out in the media. What’s the point of this deal here today?
To take the wind out of Trump's sail with the NoKo talks in Viet Nam.

To take the wind out of Trump's sail with the NoKo talks in Viet Nam.

There was wind?

Trump leaves North Korea summit without nuclear deal


tRumPutin is full of a whole lot of wind!:abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:
Messing with the People's Choice of their elected official could backfire on the DEM's
The people’s choice was Hillary Clinton, with 3 million more of the people’s votes.

Bill Clinton was also the people’s choice yet Republicans messed with that, so you’re talking out your ass.
Where is the hardbproof she was. They told her she was to ease her sadness for losing to Trump.
Ok, you’re way too stupid and a troll. Welcome to my Ignore List.
Messing with the People's Choice of their elected official could backfire on the DEM's
The people’s choice was Hillary Clinton, with 3 million more of the people’s votes.

Bill Clinton was also the people’s choice yet Republicans messed with that, so you’re talking out your ass.
Where is the hardbproof she was. They told her she was to ease her sadness for losing to Trump.
Ok, you’re way too stupid and a troll. Welcome to my Ignore List.
Did you cry the night you heard Hillary lost
For 25 years they have been investigating Hillary and have jack shit to show for it.

It's a fact.

Congress is inept.

That's why we, the people unelected her ourselves (lock her up)

And, if Trump doesn't make good on his promise to drain the swamp. . . Many others will be unelected too.
Trump is stocking the swamp. He has hired millionaires and billionaires for his cabinet and has done nothing for working Americans.
Anything he's tried to do has been blocked by demos
If Trump broke the law, he should be held accountable.

What laws did he break? What will the charges be?
Campaign-finance laws are about “a thing of value“.
When Trump squashed the information about his intimacies with porn stars and playboy bunnies by paying them and threatening them then he’s keeping information away from the American people that could change the outcome of the election. A thing of value.
And he did it to change the election. And then he created shell companies to secretly pay them so they couldn’t trace the money back to Donald Trump.
Keeping this information from the American people is a felony. Because it changed the outcome of an election. And that’s only the most obvious one. There’s all the ethical stuff too, that they barely looked at.

Campaign finance law infringements are a painless wrist slap for candidates. Duhhh!

Campaign finance law infringements are a painless wrist slap for candidates. Duhhh!

Except Cohen has been convicted of it, dope.
He's named Trump as a co conspirator. He provided the reimbursement checks as evidence.

Oh, you mean the retainer fees, moron.

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