I Don't Consider Myself A Trump Supporter Anymore

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/——-/ Yes, Trump FAILED to stop Biden from stealing the election. Now, instead of deflecting with idiotic notions, concentrate on his accomplishments in the list. What are you afraid of?
They can’t,they know they are backed up with nowhere to run.
There is ZERO evidence in that video.
It is all 2nd hand, and therefore inadmissible.

Not another Internet Legal Expert. Please. I’ve had about all of those I can stand.

The video is a lawyer explaining what the law says, and what it means. The evidence is first hand testimony about what the people testifying saw and heard. That is admissible. Otherwise no one would ever be able to testify in any case. You can’t testify as to what you heard someone else had said. For example almost all of those depositions for the Election Fraud. It was nearly always I heard my neighbor say his brother knows a guy who said the ballots were faked.

That is inadmissible. He could testify if his neighbor said that he had faked the ballots.
Don't get me wrong, I'd vote for him if I absolutely had to

Well that's all we need you to do, but it probably won't make a difference. Its unfortunate that so many of you still fall for MSM (you linked The Guardian ffs). Its like we want to believe in this illusion of stability. Maybe if DeSantis somehow gets through and 'loses" to Biden 5 days after election night, more people will wake up.
Well that's all we need you to do, but it probably won't make a difference. Its unfortunate that so many of you still fall for MSM (you linked The Guardian ffs). Its like we want to believe in this illusion of stability. Maybe if DeSantis somehow gets through and 'loses" to Biden 5 days after election night, more people will wake up.

When would you accept a DeSantis loss? Election night? The next morning? The day after that?

You are operating under the assumption that you can’t lose. And if you do it is because someone cheated. That is a faulty premise that will almost certainly lead to your frustration and probably ulcers.
Not another Internet Legal Expert. Please. I’ve had about all of those I can stand.

The video is a lawyer explaining what the law says, and what it means. The evidence is first hand testimony about what the people testifying saw and heard. That is admissible. Otherwise no one would ever be able to testify in any case. You can’t testify as to what you heard someone else had said. For example almost all of those depositions for the Election Fraud. It was nearly always I heard my neighbor say his brother knows a guy who said the ballots were faked.

That is inadmissible. He could testify if his neighbor said that he had faked the ballots.

I was NOT referring to the narrator.
I was referring to the congressional hearing testimony, like from Hutchenson.
She was NOT testifying about what she actually saw or heard.
It was all second hand interpretation, which is normally not admissible in a court of law.
There was NO first hand testimony in the video at all.
And clearly what she said had to not be the truth, because there is no way someone from the back seat of a Chevy Suburban could possibly have reached the steering wheel.
She was not there, did not see it, so should not have been allowed to claim it happened.
/——-/ 81 million votes my ass. I hope you’re satisfied with the Dementia Joe shyt show we’re living through.
Anything to get Trump’s stupid ass out of office. I’m happy with it.

You being upset just makes it that much better. Awww you don’t believe he got 81 million votes. Cry for me. :)
Anything to get Trump’s stupid ass out of office. I’m happy with it.

You being upset just makes it that much better. Awww you don’t believe he got 81 million votes. Cry for me. :)
/——/ Thanks for proving once again that liberalism is evil. Here is what you represent. And we all know you’re stomping your feet and rubbing your hands together with glee as more Americans suffer.
63% of Americans now live paycheck to paycheck as inflation outpaces wages
I am far left and anti-Trumps, but this "criminal referral" by a subset of Congress is totally criminal.
There is no proof, basis, authority, or sanity to this obvious partisan hack by some members of Congress.

Was Trump correct there were enough voting irregularities to delay certification of its results?
Probably not, but elections certainly need change.
We all remember the butterfly ballots and hanging chads of the 2000 election.
And in fact, it clearly is illegal to deny the vote to convicted ex-felons, since that is taxation without representation.
All voting machines also obviously are intended for deliberate fraud, since they are always full of errors, easily hacked, and add a layer of unaccountability.

But clearly the Jan 6 demonstration was NOT armed, was NOT an insurrection, and was a perfectly legal 1st amendment exercise that is protected by the constitution.

So those behind this fake "congressional investigation" are the authoritarians we need to impeach and get rid of. The voters can take care of Trump themselves then.
He also incredibly still believes in the magic bullet theory of the Warren commission thst oswald shot kennedy,seriously.no joke. :abgg2q.jpg: :laughing0301: So you got to take in everything he says with a grain of salt.The thing that’s baffling is people who post that about oswald,their posts are always juvenile no matter what the topic is,this one,he makes good posts from time to time thst are very reasonable,yet then makes a real juvenile post like this one on trump or oswald being the lone assassin that resembles the post of a troll.go figure.
I was NOT referring to the narrator.
I was referring to the congressional hearing testimony, like from Hutchenson.
She was NOT testifying about what she actually saw or heard.
It was all second hand interpretation, which is normally not admissible in a court of law.
There was NO first hand testimony in the video at all.
And clearly what she said had to not be the truth, because there is no way someone from the back seat of a Chevy Suburban could possibly have reached the steering wheel.
She was not there, did not see it, so should not have been allowed to claim it happened.

She saw ketchup on the wall and asked what happened. She was told that Trump threw a plate. That is first hand knowledge. She saw. She heard. Her boss was on the phone. She could hear what he said. She could hear what he told her after. That was first hand.
He also incredibly still believes in the magic bullet theory of the Warren commission thst oswald shot kennedy,seriously.no joke. :abgg2q.jpg: :laughing0301: So you got to take in everything he says with a grain of salt.The thing that’s baffling is people who post that about oswald,their posts are always juvenile no matter what the topic is,this one,he makes good posts from time to time thst are very reasonable,yet then makes a real juvenile post like this one on trump or oswald being the lone assassin that resembles the post of a troll.go figure.

Who are you talking about?
It certainly can't be me, because I am very skeptical of Oswald being able to shoot so well without having had a car or means to get to a range for practice.
She saw ketchup on the wall and asked what happened. She was told that Trump threw a plate. That is first hand knowledge. She saw. She heard. Her boss was on the phone. She could hear what he said. She could hear what he told her after. That was first hand.

Claiming someone told her that Trump threw a plate, is NOT first hand knowledge that someone actually did.
Seeing the ketchup on the wall is NOT seeing who threw it or even that it was thrown.
Could have been an accidental spill.
She likely could not hear anything reliably on the phone either.
Not only would she only hear Trump and not the other side, but even that is unlikely to be total and accurate since one across the room would not get the volume since phones do not require a loud voice.
None of that is "first hand".
None of it would be admissible in a REAL court.
Just understand that Trump has to be eliminated from the running before DeSantis is going to take the plunge.

If DeSantis tries to compete with Trump, all his preparatory work will be destroyed and be for naught.

Who actually doubts it? Certainly not DeSantis!

And how does it make DeSantis's cheerleaders feel, knowing that their man is acting like a coward?
Maybe DeSantis just has no desire to be the POTUS? I doubt that he’s afraid of Trump. Why would he be?
Evil for wanting Trump out of office and finding joy in the whining tears of people like you?

Cry some more for me you little bitch. I’m glad you’re upset with the last election. :)
/——-/ Evil for inflicting the pain and suffering on people who did you no harm.
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