I don't get it. Do republicans even acknowledge the colossal mess of our nation's infrastructure?

You mean the link you can't counter with facts of your own? That link? What you're doing is deflecting...which is a typical RW response to facts they cannot counter. Thanks so much for living the stereotype.
It's a bogus site and you know it, fraud.

Because it came from a .edu address? Can you counter any of the facts provided in the link, yes or no?

Are you trying to show that Democrats spend wildly when they control Congress? I believe you!

Nope...showing that it wasn't the Democrats doing "all the spending". Why lie?
Who claimed Dems do all the spending? Is this some attempt at face saving?

Not enough coffee? Follow the thread. SJ claimed just that...and then dismissed the provided links because they didn't support his contention that Democrats do ALL the spending. Go get some coffee and come back after you've read the posts maybe?
I don't get the opposition to having the best? Don't you want the best???

Even if we don't have "the best", we should be a lot higher up on this list...We are a nation of drivers whereas Sweden has a strong public transportation system. We spend the same as fucking Sweden?

We have like 100 times the land mass of Sweden too. Who gives a shit about Sweden?

Wow...you don't even realize you supported my point. :lol:

Now that IS funny.
You're right. I dont realize it. Because I didnt.
Why is Sweden an apt comparison to the US?
I'm sure the private sector will fix all our roads and bridges someday. You know, that private sector that the RWers claim can do everything better than the public sector.
Hint: Who do you think actually does the work?
You're so fucking stupid I wonder if you can breathe without someone reminding you.

Do they provide the money? Let the private sector raise the money AND do the work if it's so great.
Translation: pwned again.
Where do you think the money comes from to fix this stuff?
Ooh, that's gotta hurt.

The tax payers that drive on these roads. Fucking idiot. You sure scream about Obama destroying this country but you're the one that wishes to do it by not maintaining it. You don't want a successful anything this way.
Wrong and wrong.
You are a few steps behind Billy Triple Fail. Try harder.
If I believed Obama fixed the problem I wouldn't have posted this thread you dumb shit.
Where'd the money go? Why will spending a billion or two more fix what wasnt fixed under Obama? Why is it different this time?
MOre Billy Triple fail.
You are such an idiot dude. What Obama spent wasn't enough. That's the problem. This is a nation wide crisis. So yeah, idiot, it will take more than a billion or two. Republicans on the other hand won't do jack shit to fix the problem.
So if several billion dollars spent on bridges to nowhere and airports for no one didnt fix the problem why do you think more bridges to nowhere and airports for no one will?
Again, where is this big crisis you keep talking about?
Are you that retarded to think bridges and airports is all this is about? My god you are dumb.
So why was the Porkulus spent on bridges to nowhere and airports for no one? Where is this crumbling infrastructure you keep bleating about?
I don't even know what you are saying. I'm guessing you are just parroting some republican non sense which only further confirms to me your stupidity.
It's a bogus site and you know it, fraud.

Because it came from a .edu address? Can you counter any of the facts provided in the link, yes or no?

Are you trying to show that Democrats spend wildly when they control Congress? I believe you!

Nope...showing that it wasn't the Democrats doing "all the spending". Why lie?
Who claimed Dems do all the spending? Is this some attempt at face saving?

Not enough coffee? Follow the thread. SJ claimed just that...and then dismissed the provided links because they didn't support his contention that Democrats do ALL the spending. Go get some coffee and come back after you've read the posts maybe?
He actually never claimed that. It was a straw man argument from you that he did.
You truly are stupid.
I don't get the opposition to having the best? Don't you want the best???
Best what? Waste of money?
I'd like to have the best economy. And that doesnt come from confiscatory taxes and regulation.

Then what's your plan for upgrading our infrastructure?
Move those goalposts!

I asked you what your plan was for upgrading our infrastructure. That was based on your claim that you want the best economy. See? I highlighted it for you.

Do you get the best economy with an infrastructure that's falling apart?
Is our infrastructure falling apart? Don't think so.
Do we get the best economy by imposing confiscatory taxes and regulation? Nope. Obama spent 1 trillion dollars on "stimulus" and we've gotten 0.2% growth.

Why do you keep lying? The majority of the stimulus came in the way of tax breaks, not infrastructure spending. Can you tell us how much of the stimulus actually went to infrastructure?
Where'd the money go? Why will spending a billion or two more fix what wasnt fixed under Obama? Why is it different this time?
MOre Billy Triple fail.
You are such an idiot dude. What Obama spent wasn't enough. That's the problem. This is a nation wide crisis. So yeah, idiot, it will take more than a billion or two. Republicans on the other hand won't do jack shit to fix the problem.
So if several billion dollars spent on bridges to nowhere and airports for no one didnt fix the problem why do you think more bridges to nowhere and airports for no one will?
Again, where is this big crisis you keep talking about?
Are you that retarded to think bridges and airports is all this is about? My god you are dumb.
So why was the Porkulus spent on bridges to nowhere and airports for no one? Where is this crumbling infrastructure you keep bleating about?
I don't even know what you are saying. I'm guessing you are just parroting some republican non sense which only further confirms to me your stupidity.
I realize you are stupid and need help. That's part ofyour Triple Fail.
When Obama requested billions for "infrastructure" a lot of the money was wasted on useless projects like airports no one used. Why would another round of "infrastructure spending" be different? Cite sources and be specific.
I don't get the opposition to having the best? Don't you want the best???
Best what? Waste of money?
I'd like to have the best economy. And that doesnt come from confiscatory taxes and regulation.

Then what's your plan for upgrading our infrastructure?
Move those goalposts!

I asked you what your plan was for upgrading our infrastructure. That was based on your claim that you want the best economy. See? I highlighted it for you.

Do you get the best economy with an infrastructure that's falling apart?

A nation of toll roads where
I'm sure the private sector will fix all our roads and bridges someday. You know, that private sector that the RWers claim can do everything better than the public sector.

Yeah, the same private sector that has outsourced most of our industry to effin China! We pay tax dollars to maintain this infrastructure and all the republicans do is drag their fucking feet. bastards.
Best what? Waste of money?
I'd like to have the best economy. And that doesnt come from confiscatory taxes and regulation.

Then what's your plan for upgrading our infrastructure?
Move those goalposts!

I asked you what your plan was for upgrading our infrastructure. That was based on your claim that you want the best economy. See? I highlighted it for you.

Do you get the best economy with an infrastructure that's falling apart?
Is our infrastructure falling apart? Don't think so.
Do we get the best economy by imposing confiscatory taxes and regulation? Nope. Obama spent 1 trillion dollars on "stimulus" and we've gotten 0.2% growth.

Why do you keep lying? The majority of the stimulus came in the way of tax breaks, not infrastructure spending. Can you tell us how much of the stimulus actually went to infrastructure?
Which part of my post was a lie? None of it. You are too stupid to understand 3 sentences.
You are such an idiot dude. What Obama spent wasn't enough. That's the problem. This is a nation wide crisis. So yeah, idiot, it will take more than a billion or two. Republicans on the other hand won't do jack shit to fix the problem.
So if several billion dollars spent on bridges to nowhere and airports for no one didnt fix the problem why do you think more bridges to nowhere and airports for no one will?
Again, where is this big crisis you keep talking about?
Are you that retarded to think bridges and airports is all this is about? My god you are dumb.
So why was the Porkulus spent on bridges to nowhere and airports for no one? Where is this crumbling infrastructure you keep bleating about?
I don't even know what you are saying. I'm guessing you are just parroting some republican non sense which only further confirms to me your stupidity.
I realize you are stupid and need help. That's part ofyour Triple Fail.
When Obama requested billions for "infrastructure" a lot of the money was wasted on useless projects like airports no one used. Why would another round of "infrastructure spending" be different? Cite sources and be specific.
You have no actual idea what was spent do you? You're parroting republican non sense like I said.
I don't get the opposition to having the best? Don't you want the best???
Best what? Waste of money?
I'd like to have the best economy. And that doesnt come from confiscatory taxes and regulation.

Then what's your plan for upgrading our infrastructure?
Move those goalposts!

I asked you what your plan was for upgrading our infrastructure. That was based on your claim that you want the best economy. See? I highlighted it for you.

Do you get the best economy with an infrastructure that's falling apart?

A nation of toll roads where
I'm sure the private sector will fix all our roads and bridges someday. You know, that private sector that the RWers claim can do everything better than the public sector.

Yeah, the same private sector that as outsourced most of our industry to effin China! We pay tax dollars to maintain this infrastructure and all the republicans do is drag their fucking feet. bastards.
This is why we dont produce anything anymore? Idiot.
Because it came from a .edu address? Can you counter any of the facts provided in the link, yes or no?

Are you trying to show that Democrats spend wildly when they control Congress? I believe you!

Nope...showing that it wasn't the Democrats doing "all the spending". Why lie?
Who claimed Dems do all the spending? Is this some attempt at face saving?

Not enough coffee? Follow the thread. SJ claimed just that...and then dismissed the provided links because they didn't support his contention that Democrats do ALL the spending. Go get some coffee and come back after you've read the posts maybe?
He actually never claimed that. It was a straw man argument from you that he did.
You truly are stupid.

He said, and I quote: Obama and the Democrats have run our debt up so high we'll never be able to pay it off

Which is an untrue statement. Both Democrats and Republicans (Remember, St Ronny proved deficits don't matter) have run our debt up to the point it is. Have you gotten that coffee yet?
So if several billion dollars spent on bridges to nowhere and airports for no one didnt fix the problem why do you think more bridges to nowhere and airports for no one will?
Again, where is this big crisis you keep talking about?
Are you that retarded to think bridges and airports is all this is about? My god you are dumb.
So why was the Porkulus spent on bridges to nowhere and airports for no one? Where is this crumbling infrastructure you keep bleating about?
I don't even know what you are saying. I'm guessing you are just parroting some republican non sense which only further confirms to me your stupidity.
I realize you are stupid and need help. That's part ofyour Triple Fail.
When Obama requested billions for "infrastructure" a lot of the money was wasted on useless projects like airports no one used. Why would another round of "infrastructure spending" be different? Cite sources and be specific.
You have no actual idea what was spent do you? You're parroting republican non sense like I said.
Are you trying to show that Democrats spend wildly when they control Congress? I believe you!

Nope...showing that it wasn't the Democrats doing "all the spending". Why lie?
Who claimed Dems do all the spending? Is this some attempt at face saving?

Not enough coffee? Follow the thread. SJ claimed just that...and then dismissed the provided links because they didn't support his contention that Democrats do ALL the spending. Go get some coffee and come back after you've read the posts maybe?
He actually never claimed that. It was a straw man argument from you that he did.
You truly are stupid.

He said, and I quote: Obama and the Democrats have run our debt up so high we'll never be able to pay it off

Which is an untrue statement. Both Democrats and Republicans (Remember, St Ronny proved deficits don't matter) have run our debt up to the point it is. Have you gotten that coffee yet?
So he did not say Democrats do all the spending. Thanks for admitting you either lied or arent smart enough to understand what he did say.
In fact Obama is on track to spend as much as every other president combined when he leaves office.
Then what's your plan for upgrading our infrastructure?
Move those goalposts!

I asked you what your plan was for upgrading our infrastructure. That was based on your claim that you want the best economy. See? I highlighted it for you.

Do you get the best economy with an infrastructure that's falling apart?
Is our infrastructure falling apart? Don't think so.
Do we get the best economy by imposing confiscatory taxes and regulation? Nope. Obama spent 1 trillion dollars on "stimulus" and we've gotten 0.2% growth.

Why do you keep lying? The majority of the stimulus came in the way of tax breaks, not infrastructure spending. Can you tell us how much of the stimulus actually went to infrastructure?
Which part of my post was a lie? None of it. You are too stupid to understand 3 sentences.

First lie...stimulus was not a trillion dollars. Now, tell me what percentage of the roughly 800 billion in stimulus money went to infrastructure spending?
Nope...showing that it wasn't the Democrats doing "all the spending". Why lie?
Who claimed Dems do all the spending? Is this some attempt at face saving?

Not enough coffee? Follow the thread. SJ claimed just that...and then dismissed the provided links because they didn't support his contention that Democrats do ALL the spending. Go get some coffee and come back after you've read the posts maybe?
He actually never claimed that. It was a straw man argument from you that he did.
You truly are stupid.

He said, and I quote: Obama and the Democrats have run our debt up so high we'll never be able to pay it off

Which is an untrue statement. Both Democrats and Republicans (Remember, St Ronny proved deficits don't matter) have run our debt up to the point it is. Have you gotten that coffee yet?
So he did not say Democrats do all the spending. Thanks for admitting you either lied or arent smart enough to understand what he did say.
In fact Obama is on track to spend as much as every other president combined when he leaves office.

He made an untrue statement which I countered with actual facts. Facts he dismissed because they didn't support his contention. Our debt is not where it is because of Democrats. Our debt is where it is because of spending by both parties.
I'm sure the private sector will fix all our roads and bridges someday. You know, that private sector that the RWers claim can do everything better than the public sector.
Hint: Who do you think actually does the work?
You're so fucking stupid I wonder if you can breathe without someone reminding you.

Do they provide the money? Let the private sector raise the money AND do the work if it's so great.
Translation: pwned again.
Where do you think the money comes from to fix this stuff?
Ooh, that's gotta hurt.

The tax payers that drive on these roads. Fucking idiot. You sure scream about Obama destroying this country but you're the one that wishes to do it by not maintaining it. You don't want a successful anything this way.
Wrong and wrong.
You are a few steps behind Billy Triple Fail. Try harder.

So the tax payers don't pay to maintain our infrastructure? You don't know what the fuck you're talking about...Period. You're the failure!
I don't get the opposition to having the best? Don't you want the best???
Best what? Waste of money?
I'd like to have the best economy. And that doesnt come from confiscatory taxes and regulation.

Then what's your plan for upgrading our infrastructure?
Move those goalposts!

I asked you what your plan was for upgrading our infrastructure. That was based on your claim that you want the best economy. See? I highlighted it for you.

Do you get the best economy with an infrastructure that's falling apart?

A nation of toll roads where
I'm sure the private sector will fix all our roads and bridges someday. You know, that private sector that the RWers claim can do everything better than the public sector.

Yeah, the same private sector that has outsourced most of our industry to effin China! We pay tax dollars to maintain this infrastructure and all the republicans do is drag their fucking feet. bastards.

Oh my freaking god, no shit. I'm vacationing in Florida...fucking toll roads EVERYWHERE. Cost $8 in tolls ONE WAY to drive an hour from Tampa to Brooksville. Ludicrous!
Move those goalposts!

I asked you what your plan was for upgrading our infrastructure. That was based on your claim that you want the best economy. See? I highlighted it for you.

Do you get the best economy with an infrastructure that's falling apart?
Is our infrastructure falling apart? Don't think so.
Do we get the best economy by imposing confiscatory taxes and regulation? Nope. Obama spent 1 trillion dollars on "stimulus" and we've gotten 0.2% growth.

Why do you keep lying? The majority of the stimulus came in the way of tax breaks, not infrastructure spending. Can you tell us how much of the stimulus actually went to infrastructure?
Which part of my post was a lie? None of it. You are too stupid to understand 3 sentences.

First lie...stimulus was not a trillion dollars. Now, tell me what percentage of the roughly 800 billion in stimulus money went to infrastructure spending?
It was $831B but that probably doesnt account for a bunch of other spending. $1T is a pretty close approximation.
It is irrelevant here how much went to infrastructure spending. But it was over $66B. Tell me how much better infreastructure is today than it was 8 years ago.
Who claimed Dems do all the spending? Is this some attempt at face saving?

Not enough coffee? Follow the thread. SJ claimed just that...and then dismissed the provided links because they didn't support his contention that Democrats do ALL the spending. Go get some coffee and come back after you've read the posts maybe?
He actually never claimed that. It was a straw man argument from you that he did.
You truly are stupid.

He said, and I quote: Obama and the Democrats have run our debt up so high we'll never be able to pay it off

Which is an untrue statement. Both Democrats and Republicans (Remember, St Ronny proved deficits don't matter) have run our debt up to the point it is. Have you gotten that coffee yet?
So he did not say Democrats do all the spending. Thanks for admitting you either lied or arent smart enough to understand what he did say.
In fact Obama is on track to spend as much as every other president combined when he leaves office.

He made an untrue statement which I countered with actual facts. Facts he dismissed because they didn't support his contention. Our debt is not where it is because of Democrats. Our debt is where it is because of spending by both parties.
What was his untrue statement? He never claimed only Democrats spent money. He did claim, rightly that Democrat spending has raised the debt to unsustainable levels. That's why our credit rating got cut.

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