I eat Tacos to show I love Hispanics

Consonant: d
The Spanish "d" has two separate sounds, hard and soft. At the beginning of a word and after "n" or "l", the hard Spanish "d" closely resembles the "d" in the word "dog." The difference is that when pronouncing the hard Spanish "d", the tongue touches the back of the front teeth (rather than the gum ridge, as in English). In other situations (particularly between vowels) the "d" is softer, closely resembling the "th" sound in the word "this."

Consonant: d
The Spanish "d" has two separate sounds, hard and soft. At the beginning of a word and after "n" or "l", the hard Spanish "d" closely resembles the "d" in the word "dog." The difference is that when pronouncing the hard Spanish "d", the tongue touches the back of the front teeth (rather than the gum ridge, as in English). In other situations (particularly between vowels) the "d" is softer, closely resembling the "th" sound in the word "this."


You are a dumbass. Hopefully you understand the English language. :D Lol.
Consonant: d
The Spanish "d" has two separate sounds, hard and soft. At the beginning of a word and after "n" or "l", the hard Spanish "d" closely resembles the "d" in the word "dog." The difference is that when pronouncing the hard Spanish "d", the tongue touches the back of the front teeth (rather than the gum ridge, as in English). In other situations (particularly between vowels) the "d" is softer, closely resembling the "th" sound in the word "this."


Seriously, you are making a fool out of yourself and you aren't accomplishing anything else. ;)
BTW, another reason the Mehicans use a lot of chili peppers is to mask the taste of bad meat. Everything is relative to the dish and region the food comes from, but the fact remains that down south of the border, they eat spicy food to sweat....Anybody says any different doesn't know their ass from a burrito.

Why do you keep referring to them as "Mehicans?" I think I know why you are knocking the food. Lol.

What the people living in that area called themselves was Majicans Ma-hi-cans. The Spanish called them Mexicans with the x sounding like j. Thus, Mehicans is closer to the Spanish than saying it with a hard x. He/she's clearly more aware of the authenticity than you are.

He's being derogatory. I think that much is obvious to anyone with even 1/4 of a brain cell. Look, just because you hate Mexicans, doesn't mean you have to pick on everything about them. Grow up!

Have you some kind of limited understanding.

I AM MARRIED TO A MEXICAN! I have extensively studied Mexican history and its impact on the current USA.

You claimed that a Gordita is not a Mexican dish. You also claimed that Chiles Rellano are not from Mexico. ??? Why don't you tell us the "origin" of these foods then, Mr. Mexican experto. Lol.

I already did!

Chilis are from Mexico but CHEESE IS NOT! There were no animals in MesoAmerica prior to the arrival of the Spanish that produced cheese.

As a Gordita is fried, that too did not exist before the arrival of Africans as they were the ones who introduced the frying of foods - only known in West Africa before then.
Authentic Mexican food actually is not that hot. You are thinking of "Tex Mex."

No, I'm not thinking of Tex-Mex.....like I said, I've lived 120 miles from Mehico for over 40 years.

Well, you are just wrong then. Lol. Authentic Mexican food is not that hot. Tex Mex is really hot.

Like virtually every other food, Mexican food is as hot as the diner wishes to make it.
Why do you keep referring to them as "Mehicans?" I think I know why you are knocking the food. Lol.

What the people living in that area called themselves was Majicans Ma-hi-cans. The Spanish called them Mexicans with the x sounding like j. Thus, Mehicans is closer to the Spanish than saying it with a hard x. He/she's clearly more aware of the authenticity than you are.

He's being derogatory. I think that much is obvious to anyone with even 1/4 of a brain cell. Look, just because you hate Mexicans, doesn't mean you have to pick on everything about them. Grow up!

Have you some kind of limited understanding.

I AM MARRIED TO A MEXICAN! I have extensively studied Mexican history and its impact on the current USA.

You claimed that a Gordita is not a Mexican dish. You also claimed that Chiles Rellano are not from Mexico. ??? Why don't you tell us the "origin" of these foods then, Mr. Mexican experto. Lol.

I already did!

Chilis are from Mexico but CHEESE IS NOT! There were no animals in MesoAmerica prior to the arrival of the Spanish that produced cheese.

As a Gordita is fried, that too did not exist before the arrival of Africans as they were the ones who introduced the frying of foods - only known in West Africa before then.

Good God. That doesn't mean a thing. The foods I mentioned were CREATED in Mexico, right? That is the origin of those foods.
No, you aren't. You are disgusting. My Mexican cuisine is wonderful though. :D I use traditional Mexican recipes, which you would know nothing about, troll boy.

You're the troll...your food belongs under the bridge you crawled out from under.
No, you aren't. You are disgusting. My Mexican cuisine is wonderful though. :D I use traditional Mexican recipes, which you would know nothing about, troll boy.

You're the troll...your food belongs under the bridge you crawled out from under.

You are the troll and a pathetic tard as well. Keep making yourself look foolish though. At least it's entertaining and something to laugh at.
I see you haven't brought up that Mexican people eat spicy food so that they will sweat again, menso. Lol.

Says the mental-case afraid of BEANS! :lmao:

Afraid of them? Good grief, you are truly one of the most moronic and dumbest posters I've had the misfortune of encountering, and that means a lot at this place. Someone needs to shove a taco down your dumb pie hole to shut you up. Lol.

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