"I Had an Abortion"

I am always amazed that you think there are leftists who "worship" the state.

And no argument would be complete without a walk down memory lane invoking the USSR...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrncuWmt7-g]Paul McCartney - Back In The USSR (Live in St. Petersburg 2003) - YouTube[/ame]
I liked John better

Really, why date yourself, old man :)

We can be even more current...
No since the radical left that has taken over the Democrat party,
it has carried the love of 'state' to an even more perverse level

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J4CM0Ld1aAo]PEOPLE PRAY TO OBAMA DELIVER US - YouTube[/ame]
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it may be a 'rubber-glue' kind of thing

Don't hate because I speak the truth

If you prefer
Maybe you view this as normal behavior?
Which further supports my point,
the left has only really changed religions.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srk18X804hQ]Farrakhan Heralds Obama as Messiah - YouTube[/ame]
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Considering that you interjected yourself into my
conversation with that fine "young republican" from NJ,
your accusation is rather amazing.

I mean, it is not like I am pretending to be a former
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Well, we were speaking about religion

Strange how the left needs to always bring up race
when they have no argument

Funny how that works
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Well, we were speaking about religion

Strange how the left needs to always bring up race
when they have no argument

Funny how that works

No, I just find it amusing that when you needed to find an equivlent to the nutters on the right with religion, the only men of the cloth you could cite as "bad examples" were men of color.

Even though these guys for the most part, are not making a religious argument for leftist policies. They could, mind you. Jesus would have been more at home with the OWS Crowd than the TEA Crowd.

Leaving aside that Farakhan isn't really active in Politcal circles and doesn't get invited to anything. (Also, the guy is about half dead at this point.)
If the worst examples for the left of "men of cloth" happen to be black
then that is just the case. Telling, is one focuses on the religion aspect and
one has to default to race.

Just like it is not the colour of Papa Obama's skin but the colour of his politics

But since the rest of the left is knee jerk to impose race, it is understandable.
The race card is an old friend for the left.

Interesting that you are confident in speaking in how Jesus would act...

No doubt, all part of that 'elitists telling the masses what to do '
doctrine the left is so comfortable with....

Of course, the implied "racism" is funny when one considers that
you do not even know what race I am.
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Does "Troll" count as a race?

Point was, when someone points out the GOP has been overtaken by religious nutters, you went for the "Scary Black Guys" on the Democrat side, one of whom isn't even involved in politics.
Does "Troll" count as a race?

Point was, when someone points out the GOP has been overtaken by religious nutters, you went for the "Scary Black Guys" on the Democrat side, one of whom isn't even involved in politics.

like someone pretending to be a former Democrat?

The point is you went for race because what I stated was true
The race card is all you had. Don't get mad at me because
you can't man-up to using it.

As for not involved in politics as based on your definitions
which if like your stat skills, amounts to very little.

But if you feel comfortable calling people racist based
on what race you think they are and how different races
should behave, go for it.

If it makes you feel better...
Jesus would feel the same way
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Does "Troll" count as a race?

Point was, when someone points out the GOP has been overtaken by religious nutters, you went for the "Scary Black Guys" on the Democrat side, one of whom isn't even involved in politics.

Your a idiot. Read the first amendment you communist.

No not Joel
Self proclaimed Communists on posting boards are the most honest leftists out there.
They don't feel the need to hide their true political intentions or pretend to be politically something else, like "Progressives"
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Does "Troll" count as a race?

Point was, when someone points out the GOP has been overtaken by religious nutters, you went for the "Scary Black Guys" on the Democrat side, one of whom isn't even involved in politics.

Your a idiot. Read the first amendment you communist.

You mean the part about "Keep your fucking religion out of my government" First Amendment?
It seems to say more keep the fucking gov't out of religion

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.....

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