"I Had an Abortion"

You mean the same racism that every white person in 1912 had? Really?

Generalization with no proof

Besides, even if true, it does not mean everybody supported eugenics
now does it

Of course she was an alcoholic and Demerol addict,
so she was probably not 'in the proper mind' all the time

Actually, Eugenics was considered a valid science in 1912. We now know a lot more about genetics, but the real problem was that the Nazis applied it with no real understanding of science and gave it a bad name.
I used to be insanely pro life, until I educated myself.

Yes... any liberal pro choice woman would love to educate herself in the art of murder.

Geez. Do you realize what you're saying? No of course not. You educated yourself.


I grew up Catholic and got the whole pictures of aborted fetuses propaganda tour from the nuns. (this was back in the 1970's when they still forced unwitting Catholic Lesbians to become nuns and make children miserable.) And I kept the anti-abortion beliefs until fairly recently.

then I realized 2 things.

1) The GOP and their masters on Wall Street and Corporate America have NO REAL INTEREST in ending abortion. They really don't. They just want the issue out there to keep stupid people like you and Vox and Kocher-Grill voting against your own economic interests.

2) NO matter what the law is, women will get abortions anyway. The place to stop abortion is before conception.
You mean the same racism that every white person in 1912 had? Really?

Generalization with no proof

Besides, even if true, it does not mean everybody supported eugenics
now does it

Of course she was an alcoholic and Demerol addict,
so she was probably not 'in the proper mind' all the time

Actually, Eugenics was considered a valid science in 1912. We now know a lot more about genetics, but the real problem was that the Nazis applied it with no real understanding of science and gave it a bad name.

By some.

Yes, it was terrible how the Nazi's ruined that whole eugenics things, for us
You mean the same racism that every white person in 1912 had? Really?

Generalization with no proof

Besides, even if true, it does not mean everybody supported eugenics
now does it

Of course she was an alcoholic and Demerol addict,
so she was probably not 'in the proper mind' all the time

Actually, Eugenics was considered a valid science in 1912. We now know a lot more about genetics, but the real problem was that the Nazis applied it with no real understanding of science and gave it a bad name.

By some.

Yes, it was terrible how the Nazi's ruined that whole eugenics things, for us

Actually, there will be apoint in history where every baby is genetically selected and we'll be free of most congenital defects and we are all going to be better off for it.

But it will because we applied science and not racism and religion like the Nazis did.
and by the state, in your world

hey, what could go wrong

Guy, "the state" is not a bogeyman hiding under your bed.

Here's the reality. Genetic screening and selection will eventually be developed by science.

We are practicing it to a degree now.

91% of Down Syndrome fetuses are aborted. So are 91% of the ones that have Taye-Sachs syndrome.

This is a benefit, as these are horrible diseases.

Unless you are a loon who thinks suffereing is part of "God's Plan".
Tell that to our European friends we spy on

Amazing how willing the left loves to prostrate themselves before the state.
So, you really didn't quit religion, you just changed faiths

Delusional, the left buys into this crap that a women's womb is sacred.
Well it comes down to it, no amount of protests chants is going to stop
the gov't from what it wants.

Well if the state can play a role in end of life medical treatments
that would hasten the time of death to save the state money.

why not beginning of life to save the state money?
A person could say anything about taking care of a sickly baby
what if they have no assets?

Talk about money. Odds are the dying person at least paid some money into the system
But a very handicapped child, they may never put any money into the system.
The state could save a lot of money.

Why not?
Is there really any difference?

What's the big thing?
A doctor determines that an abortion would be the best
medical treatment for the women.

We can legally subject a patient to court-ordered forced care
right now for a lot of things.
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We are talking about all fetus's, not just one fetus.

What makes one fetus (Lacy Peterson's fetus was considered a legal person) a legal person and another fetus not a legal person?

I think that charging someone for murdering a person that a birth certificate was never issued for is silly, but this is politics, not reason.

The problem is of course, that no one has sympathy for guys who assault or murder pregnant women.

So the camel's nose is under the tent.
So using your fucked up logic anyone born and living before they took birth records were not real humans?

It is amazing how stupid you are.

no, they won't. and a woman will be prosecuted. as she should be.
especially in the times when preventing the pregnancy is easiest than ever.
Murder of the innocents - and that is what abortion is - and everybody, including abortion nazis know that - should be prosecuted and will be.
Just takes time.
Killing a black man was not a crime not a very long time ago.
Killing a woman and a child was not a crime before that.

It changed. And so will change the approach to murder of children in utero.

YOu religious idiots are never going to get your way on this. I'm just so sorry.

Here's the thing. Do you know how many women were arrested for HAVING abortions prior to Roe v. Wade? Come on, take a guess.

All of TWO. One in 1911, one in 1922.

In fact, even the people who performed them were RARELY prosecuted.

To educate yourself, read up on a lady named Ruth Barnett. She performed 40,000 Abortions in the Portland Area from 1913 to 1969. She spent only a few years in jail, and went right back to performing abortions until she was too old to do them.

And mind you, this was BEFORE it had been legal and accepted for 40 years.

Why do you always presume if your pro life your religious? Man your fear and hate of peace loving Christians is palpable.
In the entire world only four countries consider that a baby is not a human being after 12 weeks gestation. They are all hard left. The US is one of them. In times to come when sanity returns, this will be an example of a national holocaust.


The United States wisely and appropriate allows each individual to decide for himself when human life begins and to act accordingly in good faith and in good conscience, free from interference by the state.

It is not the place of government to dictate to citizens what they must or must not believe concerning when human life begins, nor may the state interfere with decisions both personal and private as to whether or not to have a child.

We are indeed fortunate to live in a great Nation whose government respects the privacy rights of the individual.

And those who believe human life begins at conception and abortion to be wrong are at liberty in our great Nation to pursue solutions with the intent of ending the practice of abortion, save that of violating the civil liberties of other citizens.

This thread is a clear example of why logic cannot defeat faith - and why this is, therefore, not a country built on faith.

We are a nation of thinkers, or at least we were meant to be.

Whats logical about infanticide?
No, I have no problem with someone walking away from a sham conviction because a judge wanted to get a celebrity scalp.

You mean other than you trying to impose your religion on other people?

That's a RELIGIOUS opinion, not a scientific or legal one. It's also one most people don't agree with.

you idiot, baby in utero is a scientific opinion not a religious one. life starts at conception - as the zygote starts to divide - that is a medical FACT not a religious belief.

upgrade your biology as you clearly haven't heard anything for the last 45 years :lol:

Life might begin at conception but personhood begins at birth.

Only to sick deathers like you
Margaret Sanger was the founder of Planned Parenthood, the leading organization advocating abortion in the United States today. Darwinism had a profound influence on her thinking, including her conversion to, and active support of, eugenics. She was specifically concerned with reducing the population of the ‘less fit’, including ‘inferior races’ such as ‘Negroes’. One major result of her lifelong work was to support the sexual revolution that has radically changed our society.

‘The lower down in the scale of human development we go the less sexual control we find. It is said the aboriginal Australian, the lowest known species of the human family, just a step higher than the chimpanzee in brain development, has so little sexual control that police authority alone prevents him from obtaining sexual satisfaction on the streets. According to one writer, the rapist has just enough brain development to raise him above the animal, but like th
e animal, when in heat, knows no law except nature, which impels him to procreate, whatever the result.’ ~Margaret Sanger~

Margaret Sanger is Noomi's hero
She is also one of Hillary Clinton's heroes as well
NOt really.

The problem is, we don't have enough work for the people who want to work now....

Point is, women will still end unwanted pregnancies. And the day you ever get some young woman in the dock will be the day people rise up against you.

that is debatable.
and what will woman do when abortion will be a crime is going to be their choice to take the risk as any criminal does attempting murder.
tuff, but fair.

Again, they didn't prosecute women when they had no rights, an abortion was illegal.

Today, they get to VOTE. Not seeing it going well for the politician who tries that one.

Why prosecute the woman? She didnt perform the abortion herself.
I hear you

Most Americans can't wrap their head around this...
How can Planned Parenthood defend this?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qEv1afKaLhA]Planned Parenthood endorses post-birth abortion - YouTube[/ame]

Planned Parenthood is on the extreme when it comes to late term abortions
In fact, the majority of Americans are against them
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What lies would those be?

The lies about how many abortions are taking place?

Oh wait, that's a PP lie.

The lies about how qualified the abortionists are?

Oh wait, that's a PP lie.

The lies about the number of late term abortions take place?

Oh wait, that's a PP lie.

The lies about how medically safe abortion is?

Oh wait, that's a PP lie.

The lies about how NO federal funding goes towards abortion?

Oh wait, that's a PP lie.
You do know that multiple PP clinics referred women to Gosnell, right?

And that they covered for him for years?

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