"I never thought I'd live to see this day." Historian on trump

Wanna know what I find funny as hell? Last year, Trump refused to attend the WH Correspondents dinner. Apparently, because he didn't want to hear jokes at his expense. But, they did jokes about him and Sarah Sanders anyway.

So this year? No comedians are going to be allowed. They are going to have a PRESIDENTIAL HISTORIAN give a talk instead.

And, because there are going to be no comedians, Trump says he might go this year. And you thought Trump wasn't thin skinned....................


President Trump said he might attend the upcoming White House Correspondents’ Dinner because the organization has decided to host a historian — not a comedian.

“So-called comedian Michelle Wolf bombed so badly last year at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner that this year, for the first time in decades, they will have an author instead of a comedian,” Trump tweeted from his Mar-a-Lago resort Tuesday night.

“Good first step in comeback of a dying evening and tradition! Maybe I will go?”

Wolf was criticized last year for making jokes about Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ appearance and makeup choice. She also compared Ivanka Trump to an “empty box of tampons”

On Monday, the White House Correspondents’ Association announced that the headliner for April 2019 event will be historian Ron Chernow. It would be the first time in more than three decades that a comedian will not perform at the annual gala.

Wolf has been unapologetic about her appearance and blasted the decision not to have a performer in 2019.

“The @whca are cowards. The media is complicit. And I couldn’t be prouder,” Wolf tweeted on Monday.

Your dumb ass just got trolled!


Do you know the meaning of trolling? Here, let me help you out..................

Urban Dictionary: Trolling

Trolling – (verb), as it relates to internet, is the deliberate act, (by a Troll – noun or adjective), of making random unsolicited and/or controversial comments on various internet forums with the intent to provoke an emotional knee jerk reaction from unsuspecting readers to engage in a fight or argument
Trolling on-line forums as described above is actually analogous to the fishing technique of “trolling”, where colorful baits and lures are pulled behind a slow moving boat, often with multiple fishing lines, covering a large bodies of water, such as a large lake or the ocean. The trolling lures attract unsuspecting fish, intriguing them with the way they move through the water, thus enticing these foolish fish to “take the bait”. Not unlike unsuspecting internet victims, once hooked, the fish are reeled in for the catch before they realize they have been duped by the Troll/Fisherman
This guy made a really rude and off the wall comment about my You Tube video, I think he was just trolling for a response, but I ignored him

So, according to the definition of trolling, how did I get trolled? Trump said that the reason there wasn't going to be a comedian this year was because of the poor performance by Michelle Wolfe, which is why there is going to be an author instead this year.

Nobody made disparaging comments, and there wasn't anything that was trolling, Trump was simply saying that an author would replace a comedian this year, and the news reported it.

All I did was say that I thought it was funny, and that apparently Trump is thin skinned.

Might wanna look up the definitions of words you're not sure about so you don't look like an idiot.

You've been trolled by Donald J.Trump, dumbass!


LMAO @ you telling me I don't know what trolling is.


How is Trump telling us what he's gonna do at this years dinner and why "trolling"? That wasn't put out to elicit a knee jerk reaction, it is actually what he's gonna do. Do I have a knee jerk reaction to it? Not really, as I think it's funny that we have a president who is afraid of comedians.

Do I want to fight about it? Not really, because it's gonna happen no matter what I or you say about it.

Actually, on second thought, I find it more pathetic than I do funny.

Yeah..we'll see what happens about that. :abgg2q.jpg:
The problem is Americans have become numb to Trump's ignorance, incompetence, and abuse.
Well said. There used to be a line presidents didn’t cross. Even past republican presidents of the past knew better.

Trump makes Bush look like Lincoln.

What line did Trump Cross?
Basic human decency.

The orange man is more of a moron than he is bad.
The problem is Americans have become numb to Trump's ignorance, incompetence, and abuse.
Well said. There used to be a line presidents didn’t cross. Even past republican presidents of the past knew better.

Trump makes Bush look like Lincoln.

What line did Trump Cross?
Well for one he showed favoritism for America over the UN.
Then he dared to talk about building a wall to keep an invasion from taking over the country.
And to top it off, he dared to say that some jackass judge doesn't have the power to keep him from defending this country from invaders.

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There is a reason I called Trump Banana Republic Don now. Never have we had a president as foul and had so little regard for the institutions of this nation.
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There is a reason I called Banana Republic Don now. Never have we had a president as foul and had so little regard for the institutions of this nation.

Name one institution of this nation he has blatant disregard for.

I'll wait!. :)

Dude, it's all "Trumped" up in your mind..for real. Come back to reality. You can do it! :113:
There is a reason I called Banana Republic Don now. Never have we had a president as foul and had so little regard for the institutions of this nation.

Name one institution of this nation he has blatant disregard for.

I'll wait!. :)

Dude, it's all "Trumped" up in your mind..for real. Come back to reality. You can do it! :113:
Let's see, he has disregard for the press, the judiciary, our intelligence agencies, the rule of law, the Fed, separation of powers, NATO, our Western allies... I could go on. Just read real news.
There is a reason I called Banana Republic Don now. Never have we had a president as foul and had so little regard for the institutions of this nation.

Name one institution of this nation he has blatant disregard for.

I'll wait!. :)

Dude, it's all "Trumped" up in your mind..for real. Come back to reality. You can do it! :113:
Let's see, he has disregard for the press, the judiciary, our intelligence agencies, the rule of law, the Fed, separation of powers, NATO, our Western allies... I could go on. Just read real news.

Which real news is that? Linky Loo?

I think he has an admiration for the way America was, and the way it should be, before schools started churning out Soyboys like you.

I got bullied by this this big guy in Jr. High. I stood up to him, much bigger than me. I slapped him, next thing I know, I'm in an airplane spin. Then I get put down, and this bigger guy picks him up and puts him in the airplane spin and tells him to leave me alone.

Your ass don't have balls for shit! You. Have. No. Balls. Boy.

I got bullied by a guy 1 head taller than me in 2nd grade.

We met out on the playground. I was scared.

I punched him in the nose and he cried.

The End.

Stop being such a pussy.
Last time the Orange Marmalade checked:


Here's a hint for your dumb ass: If there was any kind of dirt on Trump, it would have been trotted out before he got elected. Believe me, they were all trying their bestest to find some dirt. They just did not because there is none.

The Mueller thing will implode the FBI and DOJ. Watch. On the bright side, America will end up with an FBI and DOJ with more integrity.

Now about bringing back hanging for sedition, murder, violent rape, and treason: It needs to happen.
There is a reason I called Banana Republic Don now. Never have we had a president as foul and had so little regard for the institutions of this nation.

Name one institution of this nation he has blatant disregard for.

I'll wait!. :)

Dude, it's all "Trumped" up in your mind..for real. Come back to reality. You can do it! :113:
Let's see, he has disregard for the press, the judiciary, our intelligence agencies, the rule of law, the Fed, separation of powers, NATO, our Western allies... I could go on. Just read real news.

Which real news is that? Linky Loo?

I think he has an admiration for the way America was, and the way it should be, before schools started churning out Soyboys like you.

I got bullied by this this big guy in Jr. High. I stood up to him, much bigger than me. I slapped him, next thing I know, I'm in an airplane spin. Then I get put down, and this bigger guy picks him up and puts him in the airplane spin and tells him to leave me alone.

Your ass don't have balls for shit! You. Have. No. Balls. Boy.
The eunuch here is the one that follows a fraud like Trump without question, without hesitation and without self-control.

What gets me is that the bully in your story is Trump-like, isn't he? A coward really when confronted with a person of equal size. Just like Trump himself. A poor excuse of a man too afraid to insult a man to his face and who talks tough to the defenseless.
There is a reason I called Banana Republic Don now. Never have we had a president as foul and had so little regard for the institutions of this nation.

Name one institution of this nation he has blatant disregard for.

I'll wait!. :)

Dude, it's all "Trumped" up in your mind..for real. Come back to reality. You can do it! :113:
Let's see, he has disregard for the press, the judiciary, our intelligence agencies, the rule of law, the Fed, separation of powers, NATO, our Western allies... I could go on. Just read real news.

Which real news is that? Linky Loo?

I think he has an admiration for the way America was, and the way it should be, before schools started churning out Soyboys like you.

I got bullied by this this big guy in Jr. High. I stood up to him, much bigger than me. I slapped him, next thing I know, I'm in an airplane spin. Then I get put down, and this bigger guy picks him up and puts him in the airplane spin and tells him to leave me alone.

Your ass don't have balls for shit! You. Have. No. Balls. Boy.
The eunuch here is the one that follows a fraud like Trump without question, without hesitation and without self-control.

What gets me is that the bully in your story is Trump-like, isn't he? A coward really when confronted with a person of equal size. Just like Trump himself. A poor excuse of a man too afraid to insult a man to his face and who talks tough to the defenseless.

No dumbass, you got it all kinds of fucked up, but I'm not surprised, you're a total dipshit.

What's 2+2 motherfucker?
There is a reason I called Banana Republic Don now. Never have we had a president as foul and had so little regard for the institutions of this nation.

Name one institution of this nation he has blatant disregard for.

I'll wait!. :)

Dude, it's all "Trumped" up in your mind..for real. Come back to reality. You can do it! :113:
Let's see, he has disregard for the press, the judiciary, our intelligence agencies, the rule of law, the Fed, separation of powers, NATO, our Western allies... I could go on. Just read real news.

Which real news is that? Linky Loo?

I think he has an admiration for the way America was, and the way it should be, before schools started churning out Soyboys like you.

I got bullied by this this big guy in Jr. High. I stood up to him, much bigger than me. I slapped him, next thing I know, I'm in an airplane spin. Then I get put down, and this bigger guy picks him up and puts him in the airplane spin and tells him to leave me alone.

Your ass don't have balls for shit! You. Have. No. Balls. Boy.
The eunuch here is the one that follows a fraud like Trump without question, without hesitation and without self-control.

What gets me is that the bully in your story is Trump-like, isn't he? A coward really when confronted with a person of equal size. Just like Trump himself. A poor excuse of a man too afraid to insult a man to his face and who talks tough to the defenseless.

No dumbass, you got it all kinds of fucked up, but I'm not surprised, you're a total dipshit.

What's 2+2 motherfucker?

You sub-consciously made an anti-Trump story. Well, either that or you were too stupid to see the moral of your own story.

Be that as it may, no need to get angry. Go change your panties then come back to post. Just make sure your wife does not see you!
Name one institution of this nation he has blatant disregard for.

I'll wait!. :)

Dude, it's all "Trumped" up in your mind..for real. Come back to reality. You can do it! :113:
Let's see, he has disregard for the press, the judiciary, our intelligence agencies, the rule of law, the Fed, separation of powers, NATO, our Western allies... I could go on. Just read real news.

Which real news is that? Linky Loo?

I think he has an admiration for the way America was, and the way it should be, before schools started churning out Soyboys like you.

I got bullied by this this big guy in Jr. High. I stood up to him, much bigger than me. I slapped him, next thing I know, I'm in an airplane spin. Then I get put down, and this bigger guy picks him up and puts him in the airplane spin and tells him to leave me alone.

Your ass don't have balls for shit! You. Have. No. Balls. Boy.
The eunuch here is the one that follows a fraud like Trump without question, without hesitation and without self-control.

What gets me is that the bully in your story is Trump-like, isn't he? A coward really when confronted with a person of equal size. Just like Trump himself. A poor excuse of a man too afraid to insult a man to his face and who talks tough to the defenseless.

No dumbass, you got it all kinds of fucked up, but I'm not surprised, you're a total dipshit.

What's 2+2 motherfucker?

You sub-consciously made an anti-Trump story. Well, either that or you were too stupid to see the moral of your own story.

Be that as it may, no need to get angry. Go change your panties the come back to post. Just make sure your wife does not see you!

Yeahh.. that's not 4..My point is proven...You're a total dipshit wastecase.
Let's see, he has disregard for the press, the judiciary, our intelligence agencies, the rule of law, the Fed, separation of powers, NATO, our Western allies... I could go on. Just read real news.

Which real news is that? Linky Loo?

I think he has an admiration for the way America was, and the way it should be, before schools started churning out Soyboys like you.

I got bullied by this this big guy in Jr. High. I stood up to him, much bigger than me. I slapped him, next thing I know, I'm in an airplane spin. Then I get put down, and this bigger guy picks him up and puts him in the airplane spin and tells him to leave me alone.

Your ass don't have balls for shit! You. Have. No. Balls. Boy.
The eunuch here is the one that follows a fraud like Trump without question, without hesitation and without self-control.

What gets me is that the bully in your story is Trump-like, isn't he? A coward really when confronted with a person of equal size. Just like Trump himself. A poor excuse of a man too afraid to insult a man to his face and who talks tough to the defenseless.

No dumbass, you got it all kinds of fucked up, but I'm not surprised, you're a total dipshit.

What's 2+2 motherfucker?

You sub-consciously made an anti-Trump story. Well, either that or you were too stupid to see the moral of your own story.

Be that as it may, no need to get angry. Go change your panties the come back to post. Just make sure your wife does not see you!

Yeahh.. that's not 4..My point is proven...You're a total dipshit wastecase.

Your point was perfectly clear.
Which real news is that? Linky Loo?

I think he has an admiration for the way America was, and the way it should be, before schools started churning out Soyboys like you.

I got bullied by this this big guy in Jr. High. I stood up to him, much bigger than me. I slapped him, next thing I know, I'm in an airplane spin. Then I get put down, and this bigger guy picks him up and puts him in the airplane spin and tells him to leave me alone.

Your ass don't have balls for shit! You. Have. No. Balls. Boy.
The eunuch here is the one that follows a fraud like Trump without question, without hesitation and without self-control.

What gets me is that the bully in your story is Trump-like, isn't he? A coward really when confronted with a person of equal size. Just like Trump himself. A poor excuse of a man too afraid to insult a man to his face and who talks tough to the defenseless.

No dumbass, you got it all kinds of fucked up, but I'm not surprised, you're a total dipshit.

What's 2+2 motherfucker?

You sub-consciously made an anti-Trump story. Well, either that or you were too stupid to see the moral of your own story.

Be that as it may, no need to get angry. Go change your panties the come back to post. Just make sure your wife does not see you!

Yeahh.. that's not 4..My point is proven...You're a total dipshit wastecase.

Your point was perfectly clear.

Yes it was, you can't even answer what 2+2 is.

What's 12 x 12?

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