I read the House memo supporting impeachment

(link to the memo is embedded)

And I don't see the direct connection to Trump. I'd agree he encouraged the rioters, but I'd think he had to have some foreknowledge of the attack or proof that he intended to provoke them to attack.

If the dems wanted impeachment …. fine. It's something they can legally do. Maybe they pretty much had to do it to satisfy their base What political ramifications it has … I don't know.

But I'm not sure Trump needs much defense other than "where's the beef." And rather than calling idiot qanon shamans to say "I did what he said" the dems should just get the vote and move on. The Shaman saying Trump incited him sort of proves Trump's defense of "nobody but a freaking idiot could think I told them to kill Pence, sheeesh. I like Mike, until he deserted me." LOL
He encouraged it is enough. He should not have. He should not have brought up Pence, as Pence was only carrying out his constitutional duties. He should not have been supporting a claim of stolen election and massive fraud leading to defeat after his own lawyers refused to say it in court and all courts had ruled against him. This is not a criminal proceeding. It (unfortunately for him) is about right and wrong for a president, at the time. It is not about free speech. Propagating a lie and whipping up a crowd to support your lie is not protected. especially if it leads to violence. If you are burning some of your trash to keep warm, but it gets out of control and you burn down somebody's house. You are responsible.

Yeah, telling folks to "peacefully and patriotically make their VOICED HEARD", just makes folks want to break something. You're a fucking idiot.

No arguing with what they did that day. No arguing trump encouraged them to go their after firing them up at the "stop the steal" rally. Effect usually follows cause.
He didn't do anything to stop it. He didn't broadcast outside the capital to Stop. He had not problem getting troops to attack protestors at Lafayatte Sq, but he didn't send, or even try to send, NG to help the police and protect Congress. He watched TV. And he liked what he saw. While those of us also watching were mostly horrified and embarrassed that the world could see our ONCE GREAT country was acting like a third world SHITHOLE.

He'll skate on de jure, but in the court of public opinion he's de facto guilty as a hell and hopefully he'll spend eternity there.
Peaceful marches on Washington should be held on a monthly basis...or at least until the msm understands the American people are tired of fake news, the democrat party's attempt to become a dictatorial regime and fraudulent elections.

Yep, why do you think they have a fence with concertina wire wrapped around the white house. They know what they did and they're afraid.
Trujmpy didn't like that Lafayette Sq protest in the way of his fake bible walk photo op.
Peaceful marches on Washington should be held on a monthly basis...or at least until the msm understands the American people are tired of fake news, the democrat party's attempt to become a dictatorial regime and fraudulent elections.

Yep, why do you think they have a fence with concertina wire wrapped around the white house. They know what they did and they're afraid.

This IS fact! :clap:
The symbolism of this has failed to penetrate those who profess to love freedom and liberty!!!
(link to the memo is embedded)

And I don't see the direct connection to Trump. I'd agree he encouraged the rioters, but I'd think he had to have some foreknowledge of the attack or proof that he intended to provoke them to attack.

If the dems wanted impeachment …. fine. It's something they can legally do. Maybe they pretty much had to do it to satisfy their base What political ramifications it has … I don't know.

But I'm not sure Trump needs much defense other than "where's the beef." And rather than calling idiot qanon shamans to say "I did what he said" the dems should just get the vote and move on. The Shaman saying Trump incited him sort of proves Trump's defense of "nobody but a freaking idiot could think I told them to kill Pence, sheeesh. I like Mike, until he deserted me." LOL
He encouraged it is enough. He should not have. He should not have brought up Pence, as Pence was only carrying out his constitutional duties. He should not have been supporting a claim of stolen election and massive fraud leading to defeat after his own lawyers refused to say it in court and all courts had ruled against him. This is not a criminal proceeding. It (unfortunately for him) is about right and wrong for a president, at the time. It is not about free speech. Propagating a lie and whipping up a crowd to support your lie is not protected. especially if it leads to violence. If you are burning some of your trash to keep warm, but it gets out of control and you burn down somebody's house. You are responsible.
interesting analogy. But if my trash fire gets out of control I can't be convicted of arson or any intentional burning of other's property. I could get fined. I could probably be charged with some crime of illegal burning if I failed to do something required or burned during a burn notice.

I'm not defending Trump. I've thought since the 1980s that he was richtrash. There's not much I think he's above trying to do if he thinks he can get away with it. And I'm not complaining about him being impeached …. twice.

But unless the dems have some link to the organizers who brought weapons and an agreement to storm the capital or hurt policepeople ….. there's no basis to ban him from running again. And he'd probably help dems if he did.
To do nothing and let politics run it's course and let trump off the hook for what he brought about over the two months after the election, violence or no violence is the same as the hands off approach as the mayor and governor in Portland. It will not cool down until you just say NO and mean it. This was beyond the pale. Post election violence whipped up by an elected politician can become pre-election violence whipped up by the same politician or another. A message must be sent. The message to those politicians that would use their rhetoric and false unprovable accusations to stampede a herd, must be NO.

Yet you're not demanding accountability for the politicians that egged on the riots, looting, arson and murders over the summer. In fact kneepads harriss helped raise bail money to get her soldiers back on the streets ASAP. STFU hypocrite.

Not that the same. Your cheap Jedi mind tricks don't work on me, boy.
There was no inciting of some so called 'insurrection'. Its laughable. But go ahead dems and keep digging.
all the rioters say they were following Trump's orders

And where exactly did they get those orders?

Was it in code?

How did they get the codes?

Did he send out a mass text? A tweet?

Exactly how did he do that with no one but a few people noticing it?

Wow...the man cant get on any social media platform....but somehow he was able to get "code" out to a bunch of people with no one noticing.

DO you really not see how silly that sounds?
He told them to fight like hell and march down Pennsylvania ave.

No different than telling people, as an elected official, to "get in their faces and tell them they are not welcome here anymore"

He did not tell them to storm the Capitol and Waters did not tell her constituants to grab cabinet members and throw them over the border.

You really need to lighten up. You truly are coming across as a snowflake.

Yeah, waters said she was "going to take him out tonight" and no commie even batted an eye.

There was no inciting of some so called 'insurrection'. Its laughable. But go ahead dems and keep digging.
all the rioters say they were following Trump's orders

And where exactly did they get those orders?

Was it in code?

How did they get the codes?

Did he send out a mass text? A tweet?

Exactly how did he do that with no one but a few people noticing it?

Wow...the man cant get on any social media platform....but somehow he was able to get "code" out to a bunch of people with no one noticing.

DO you really not see how silly that sounds?
He told them to fight like hell and march down Pennsylvania ave.

No different than telling people, as an elected official, to "get in their faces and tell them they are not welcome here anymore"

He did not tell them to storm the Capitol and Waters did not tell her constituants to grab cabinet members and throw them over the border.

You really need to lighten up. You truly are coming across as a snowflake.

Here's the difference.

Nancy Pelosi rebuked fellow Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters on Monday for urging her supporters to confront Trump administration officials in their day-to-day lives.

The House Democratic leader’s censure of her colleague highlights the difficult choices Democratic leaders face as they try to leverage energized opposition to the Trump administration and take a House majority in November’s midterm elections.

Censure is a process in congress that requires a floor vote. palousey can't do it alone. So you can stop your gaslighting now.

(link to the memo is embedded)

And I don't see the direct connection to Trump. I'd agree he encouraged the rioters, but I'd think he had to have some foreknowledge of the attack or proof that he intended to provoke them to attack.

If the dems wanted impeachment …. fine. It's something they can legally do. Maybe they pretty much had to do it to satisfy their base What political ramifications it has … I don't know.

But I'm not sure Trump needs much defense other than "where's the beef." And rather than calling idiot qanon shamans to say "I did what he said" the dems should just get the vote and move on. The Shaman saying Trump incited him sort of proves Trump's defense of "nobody but a freaking idiot could think I told them to kill Pence, sheeesh. I like Mike, until he deserted me." LOL
He encouraged it is enough. He should not have. He should not have brought up Pence, as Pence was only carrying out his constitutional duties. He should not have been supporting a claim of stolen election and massive fraud leading to defeat after his own lawyers refused to say it in court and all courts had ruled against him. This is not a criminal proceeding. It (unfortunately for him) is about right and wrong for a president, at the time. It is not about free speech. Propagating a lie and whipping up a crowd to support your lie is not protected. especially if it leads to violence. If you are burning some of your trash to keep warm, but it gets out of control and you burn down somebody's house. You are responsible.

Yeah, telling folks to "peacefully and patriotically make their VOICED HEARD", just makes folks want to break something. You're a fucking idiot.

No arguing with what they did that day. No arguing trump encouraged them to go their after firing them up at the "stop the steal" rally. Effect usually follows cause.

Your problem is the FBI has proved plans were in place days before the speech. So you have no cause.

(link to the memo is embedded)

And I don't see the direct connection to Trump. I'd agree he encouraged the rioters, but I'd think he had to have some foreknowledge of the attack or proof that he intended to provoke them to attack.

If the dems wanted impeachment …. fine. It's something they can legally do. Maybe they pretty much had to do it to satisfy their base What political ramifications it has … I don't know.

But I'm not sure Trump needs much defense other than "where's the beef." And rather than calling idiot qanon shamans to say "I did what he said" the dems should just get the vote and move on. The Shaman saying Trump incited him sort of proves Trump's defense of "nobody but a freaking idiot could think I told them to kill Pence, sheeesh. I like Mike, until he deserted me." LOL
He encouraged it is enough. He should not have. He should not have brought up Pence, as Pence was only carrying out his constitutional duties. He should not have been supporting a claim of stolen election and massive fraud leading to defeat after his own lawyers refused to say it in court and all courts had ruled against him. This is not a criminal proceeding. It (unfortunately for him) is about right and wrong for a president, at the time. It is not about free speech. Propagating a lie and whipping up a crowd to support your lie is not protected. especially if it leads to violence. If you are burning some of your trash to keep warm, but it gets out of control and you burn down somebody's house. You are responsible.

Do you actually read what you write?

Its like...."I know what he was thinking, I know what he wanted. I know what his intentions were"...

Yet, you don't even know what you had for breakfast this morning....other than some Vaseline, tissue paper and mummy's basement.
There you go again. Have not lived with parents since age of 18. Now 66. My own kids are grown and do not live with us, either. If that is common in you family, you should have had better role models.

Perhaps if you stopped acting like a child, people wouldn't get that impression of you.

Perhaps if you simply read instead of attempting to respond, people would not think of as a trumpist cult follower/supporter.

Now you're acting like a childish snowflake again. LMAO

Your problem is the FBI has proved plans were in place days before the speech. So you have no cause.
Just the opposite. It proves the crowd was predisposed to storm the capitol, all they needed was the command to do so.

And Trump supplied them the command to go to the capitol.
Peaceful marches on Washington should be held on a monthly basis...or at least until the msm understands the American people are tired of fake news, the democrat party's attempt to become a dictatorial regime and fraudulent elections.

Yep, why do you think they have a fence with concertina wire wrapped around the white house. They know what they did and they're afraid.

Good, they need to live in fear as long as they're fucking up the country.

(link to the memo is embedded)

And I don't see the direct connection to Trump. I'd agree he encouraged the rioters, but I'd think he had to have some foreknowledge of the attack or proof that he intended to provoke them to attack.

If the dems wanted impeachment …. fine. It's something they can legally do. Maybe they pretty much had to do it to satisfy their base What political ramifications it has … I don't know.

But I'm not sure Trump needs much defense other than "where's the beef." And rather than calling idiot qanon shamans to say "I did what he said" the dems should just get the vote and move on. The Shaman saying Trump incited him sort of proves Trump's defense of "nobody but a freaking idiot could think I told them to kill Pence, sheeesh. I like Mike, until he deserted me." LOL
He encouraged it is enough. He should not have. He should not have brought up Pence, as Pence was only carrying out his constitutional duties. He should not have been supporting a claim of stolen election and massive fraud leading to defeat after his own lawyers refused to say it in court and all courts had ruled against him. This is not a criminal proceeding. It (unfortunately for him) is about right and wrong for a president, at the time. It is not about free speech. Propagating a lie and whipping up a crowd to support your lie is not protected. especially if it leads to violence. If you are burning some of your trash to keep warm, but it gets out of control and you burn down somebody's house. You are responsible.
interesting analogy. But if my trash fire gets out of control I can't be convicted of arson or any intentional burning of other's property. I could get fined. I could probably be charged with some crime of illegal burning if I failed to do something required or burned during a burn notice.

I'm not defending Trump. I've thought since the 1980s that he was richtrash. There's not much I think he's above trying to do if he thinks he can get away with it. And I'm not complaining about him being impeached …. twice.

But unless the dems have some link to the organizers who brought weapons and an agreement to storm the capital or hurt policepeople ….. there's no basis to ban him from running again. And he'd probably help dems if he did.
To do nothing and let politics run it's course and let trump off the hook for what he brought about over the two months after the election, violence or no violence is the same as the hands off approach as the mayor and governor in Portland. It will not cool down until you just say NO and mean it. This was beyond the pale. Post election violence whipped up by an elected politician can become pre-election violence whipped up by the same politician or another. A message must be sent. The message to those politicians that would use their rhetoric and false unprovable accusations to stampede a herd, must be NO.

Yet you're not demanding accountability for the politicians that egged on the riots, looting, arson and murders over the summer. In fact kneepads harriss helped raise bail money to get her soldiers back on the streets ASAP. STFU hypocrite.

Not that the same. Your cheap Jedi mind tricks don't work on me, boy.

Yeah, I know facts confuse the shit out of you commies. What the hell does, "Not that the same.", even mean? Me thinks your ESL is showing. Are you posting from some commie country?

It's not just the words, but the people to tell the words do, and what they are predisposed to do.
A window washer cleaning the windows of a 5 story building, when the crowd on the sidewalk chants "jump jump jump" won't decide to do a sidewalk dive.

But take a man on the roof ledge because he was distraught and considered suicide. The crowd chanting "jump jump jump" whether he jumps or not would be guilty to provoking suicide.

The 18-year-old had been planning to kill himself, to sit inside his truck while it filled with carbon monoxide, but he wasn't sure if he could go through with it. In a series of insistent text messages, his 17-year-old girlfriend convinced him to follow through.

Carter was sentenced to serve 15 months in prison for involuntary manslaughter for causing his death.
It's not just the words, but the people to tell the words do, and what they are predisposed to do.
A window washer cleaning the windows of a 5 story building, when the crowd on the sidewalk chants "jump jump jump" won't decide to do a sidewalk dive.

But take a man on the roof ledge because he was distraught and considered suicide. The crowd chanting "jump jump jump" whether he jumps or not would be guilty to provoking suicide.

The 18-year-old had been planning to kill himself, to sit inside his truck while it filled with carbon monoxide, but he wasn't sure if he could go through with it. In a series of insistent text messages, his 17-year-old girlfriend convinced him to follow through.

Carter was sentenced to serve 15 months in prison for involuntary manslaughter for causing his death.

This makes no sense comparatively.
You're a drooling idiot. Who would claim to even know you?
Your problem is the FBI has proved plans were in place days before the speech. So you have no cause.
Just the opposite. It proves the crowd was predisposed to storm the capitol, all they needed was the command to do so.

And Trump supplied them the command to go to the capitol.

Actually not, since the attack on the capitol was started before or during the speech.

(link to the memo is embedded)

And I don't see the direct connection to Trump. I'd agree he encouraged the rioters, but I'd think he had to have some foreknowledge of the attack or proof that he intended to provoke them to attack.

If the dems wanted impeachment …. fine. It's something they can legally do. Maybe they pretty much had to do it to satisfy their base What political ramifications it has … I don't know.

But I'm not sure Trump needs much defense other than "where's the beef." And rather than calling idiot qanon shamans to say "I did what he said" the dems should just get the vote and move on. The Shaman saying Trump incited him sort of proves Trump's defense of "nobody but a freaking idiot could think I told them to kill Pence, sheeesh. I like Mike, until he deserted me." LOL
He encouraged it is enough. He should not have. He should not have brought up Pence, as Pence was only carrying out his constitutional duties. He should not have been supporting a claim of stolen election and massive fraud leading to defeat after his own lawyers refused to say it in court and all courts had ruled against him. This is not a criminal proceeding. It (unfortunately for him) is about right and wrong for a president, at the time. It is not about free speech. Propagating a lie and whipping up a crowd to support your lie is not protected. especially if it leads to violence. If you are burning some of your trash to keep warm, but it gets out of control and you burn down somebody's house. You are responsible.

Yeah, telling folks to "peacefully and patriotically make their VOICED HEARD", just makes folks want to break something. You're a fucking idiot.

No arguing with what they did that day. No arguing trump encouraged them to go their after firing them up at the "stop the steal" rally. Effect usually follows cause.

Your problem is the FBI has proved plans were in place days before the speech. So you have no cause.

He had been talking them up with fake "stolen election" lies for months before the stop the steal rally he invited them to on the day both houses of congress were meeting to receive the electoral count. He is responsible.
(link to the memo is embedded)

And I don't see the direct connection to Trump. I'd agree he encouraged the rioters, but I'd think he had to have some foreknowledge of the attack or proof that he intended to provoke them to attack.

If the dems wanted impeachment …. fine. It's something they can legally do. Maybe they pretty much had to do it to satisfy their base What political ramifications it has … I don't know.

But I'm not sure Trump needs much defense other than "where's the beef." And rather than calling idiot qanon shamans to say "I did what he said" the dems should just get the vote and move on. The Shaman saying Trump incited him sort of proves Trump's defense of "nobody but a freaking idiot could think I told them to kill Pence, sheeesh. I like Mike, until he deserted me." LOL
He encouraged it is enough. He should not have. He should not have brought up Pence, as Pence was only carrying out his constitutional duties. He should not have been supporting a claim of stolen election and massive fraud leading to defeat after his own lawyers refused to say it in court and all courts had ruled against him. This is not a criminal proceeding. It (unfortunately for him) is about right and wrong for a president, at the time. It is not about free speech. Propagating a lie and whipping up a crowd to support your lie is not protected. especially if it leads to violence. If you are burning some of your trash to keep warm, but it gets out of control and you burn down somebody's house. You are responsible.

Do you actually read what you write?

Its like...."I know what he was thinking, I know what he wanted. I know what his intentions were"...

Yet, you don't even know what you had for breakfast this morning....other than some Vaseline, tissue paper and mummy's basement.
There you go again. Have not lived with parents since age of 18. Now 66. My own kids are grown and do not live with us, either. If that is common in you family, you should have had better role models.

Perhaps if you stopped acting like a child, people wouldn't get that impression of you.

Perhaps if you simply read instead of attempting to respond, people would not think of as a trumpist cult follower/supporter.

Now you're acting like a childish snowflake again. LMAO

In what way?
The 18-year-old had been planning to kill himself, to sit inside his truck while it filled with carbon monoxide, but he wasn't sure if he could go through with it. In a series of insistent text messages, his 17-year-old girlfriend convinced him to follow through.

Carter was sentenced to serve 15 months in prison for involuntary manslaughter for causing his death.
This makes no sense comparatively.
You're a drooling idiot. Who would claim to even know you?
OKtexas said that the crowd, like the person wanting to commit suicide was predisposed to do what they later did. All they needed was for somebody to trigger them into carrying it out.

The girlfriend told him to get back in the car,
Trump told them to go to the capitol.

No difference.
And Trump supplied them the command to go to the capitol.

Actually not, since the attack on the capitol was started before or during the speech.

The news showed a cellphone video of the crowd outside the capitol steps, listening to the Trump speech. And when he told them he was going to lead them to the capitol, the crowd roared with excitement. So they were listening to Trumps commands in real time.

It's called streaming audio. All you need is a smart phone.

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