I stopped listening to what the media has to say about Trump

That bubble must be sooo comfy:
"America great, wall, no foreigners, jobs, tremendous, my friend called me and said you are the best"
Enjoy it before it pops, even if he is elected.
Who sad no foreigners?
I have no problem with Legal Immigration or people seeking Political Asylum.
I am not thrilled with Illegal Immigration or Business Visa abuse.

This is correct, nobody has a problem with Legal Immigration or people seeking Political Asylum. The problem is the system is being abused not only by the Illegal Immigrants, but also by the Leftists who support allowing the Illegal Immigrants carte blanche to coming trampling across our borders, which is why the Leftists fanatically want No Borders.

They also want to change the laws to essentially legalise Illegal Immigration.
So why aren't the "rightists" stopping them? Are they weak? Stupid? Why?
That bubble must be sooo comfy:
"America great, wall, no foreigners, jobs, tremendous, my friend called me and said you are the best"
Enjoy it before it pops, even if he is elected.
Who sad no foreigners?
I have no problem with Legal Immigration or people seeking Political Asylum.
I am not thrilled with Illegal Immigration or Business Visa abuse.

This is correct, nobody has a problem with Legal Immigration or people seeking Political Asylum. The problem is the system is being abused not only by the Illegal Immigrants, but also by the Leftists who support allowing the Illegal Immigrants carte blanche to coming trampling across our borders, which is why the Leftists fanatically want No Borders.

They also want to change the laws to essentially legalise Illegal Immigration.
So why aren't the "rightists" stopping them? Are they weak? Stupid? Why?

Stopping who? The Illegal Immigrants or the Leftists?

With Illegal Immigration I think it's a broad spectrum who are against it, not just Rightists, I think Centrists, Independents and actual Liberals of the non-Moonbat variety are against it.

Only Leftists want this, and to a degree Big Corporations because as has been mentioned, they see Illegal Immigration as just cheap labour, well slave labour really.
That bubble must be sooo comfy:
"America great, wall, no foreigners, jobs, tremendous, my friend called me and said you are the best"
Enjoy it before it pops, even if he is elected.
Who sad no foreigners?
I have no problem with Legal Immigration or people seeking Political Asylum.
I am not thrilled with Illegal Immigration or Business Visa abuse.

This is correct, nobody has a problem with Legal Immigration or people seeking Political Asylum. The problem is the system is being abused not only by the Illegal Immigrants, but also by the Leftists who support allowing the Illegal Immigrants carte blanche to coming trampling across our borders, which is why the Leftists fanatically want No Borders.

They also want to change the laws to essentially legalise Illegal Immigration.
So why aren't the "rightists" stopping them? Are they weak? Stupid? Why?

Stopping who? The Illegal Immigrants or the Leftists?

With Illegal Immigration I think it's a broad spectrum who are against it, not just Rightists, I think Centrists, Independents and actual Liberals of the non-Moonbat variety are against it.

Only Leftists want this, and to a degree Big Corporations because as has been mentioned, they see Illegal Immigration as just cheap labour, well slave labour really.
Oh so its only "leftists"? The right has zero power? are they that stupid? no power at all? Man the right must be pathetic over there, buncha morons.
That bubble must be sooo comfy:
"America great, wall, no foreigners, jobs, tremendous, my friend called me and said you are the best"
Enjoy it before it pops, even if he is elected.
Who sad no foreigners?
I have no problem with Legal Immigration or people seeking Political Asylum.
I am not thrilled with Illegal Immigration or Business Visa abuse.

This is correct, nobody has a problem with Legal Immigration or people seeking Political Asylum. The problem is the system is being abused not only by the Illegal Immigrants, but also by the Leftists who support allowing the Illegal Immigrants carte blanche to coming trampling across our borders, which is why the Leftists fanatically want No Borders.

They also want to change the laws to essentially legalise Illegal Immigration.
So why aren't the "rightists" stopping them? Are they weak? Stupid? Why?

Stopping who? The Illegal Immigrants or the Leftists?

With Illegal Immigration I think it's a broad spectrum who are against it, not just Rightists, I think Centrists, Independents and actual Liberals of the non-Moonbat variety are against it.

Only Leftists want this, and to a degree Big Corporations because as has been mentioned, they see Illegal Immigration as just cheap labour, well slave labour really.
Oh so its only "leftists"? The right has zero power? are they that stupid? no power at all? Man the right must be pathetic over there, buncha morons.

It's a bit more complicated than that. What we have, what all of this Illegal Immigration and Open Borders essentially is about is the insane push toward Globalisation.

Bizarrely it was for years the Left who were against Globalisation, mainly because of their hatred of Big Corporations. Now the Left seems to have no problem with Globalisation because they've become obsessed with the Illegal Immigrants, due to the Left's natural inclination of pathological altruism.
Who sad no foreigners?
I have no problem with Legal Immigration or people seeking Political Asylum.
I am not thrilled with Illegal Immigration or Business Visa abuse.

This is correct, nobody has a problem with Legal Immigration or people seeking Political Asylum. The problem is the system is being abused not only by the Illegal Immigrants, but also by the Leftists who support allowing the Illegal Immigrants carte blanche to coming trampling across our borders, which is why the Leftists fanatically want No Borders.

They also want to change the laws to essentially legalise Illegal Immigration.
So why aren't the "rightists" stopping them? Are they weak? Stupid? Why?

Stopping who? The Illegal Immigrants or the Leftists?

With Illegal Immigration I think it's a broad spectrum who are against it, not just Rightists, I think Centrists, Independents and actual Liberals of the non-Moonbat variety are against it.

Only Leftists want this, and to a degree Big Corporations because as has been mentioned, they see Illegal Immigration as just cheap labour, well slave labour really.
Oh so its only "leftists"? The right has zero power? are they that stupid? no power at all? Man the right must be pathetic over there, buncha morons.

It's a bit more complicated than that. What we have, what all of this Illegal Immigration and Open Borders essentially is about is the insane push toward Globalisation.

Bizarrely it was for years the Left who were against Globalisation, mainly because of their hatred of Big Corporations. Now the Left seems to have no problem with Globalisation because they've become obsessed with the Illegal Immigrants, due to the Left's natural inclination of pathological altruism.
So without resistance from the "old" left the right is lovin that globalisation eh
This is correct, nobody has a problem with Legal Immigration or people seeking Political Asylum. The problem is the system is being abused not only by the Illegal Immigrants, but also by the Leftists who support allowing the Illegal Immigrants carte blanche to coming trampling across our borders, which is why the Leftists fanatically want No Borders.

They also want to change the laws to essentially legalise Illegal Immigration.
So why aren't the "rightists" stopping them? Are they weak? Stupid? Why?

Stopping who? The Illegal Immigrants or the Leftists?

With Illegal Immigration I think it's a broad spectrum who are against it, not just Rightists, I think Centrists, Independents and actual Liberals of the non-Moonbat variety are against it.

Only Leftists want this, and to a degree Big Corporations because as has been mentioned, they see Illegal Immigration as just cheap labour, well slave labour really.
Oh so its only "leftists"? The right has zero power? are they that stupid? no power at all? Man the right must be pathetic over there, buncha morons.

It's a bit more complicated than that. What we have, what all of this Illegal Immigration and Open Borders essentially is about is the insane push toward Globalisation.

Bizarrely it was for years the Left who were against Globalisation, mainly because of their hatred of Big Corporations. Now the Left seems to have no problem with Globalisation because they've become obsessed with the Illegal Immigrants, due to the Left's natural inclination of pathological altruism.
So without resistance from the "old" left the right is lovin that globalisation eh

Well no, what we have in Europa is the same as in America, we have the Uni-Party. In America who can say the Republicans are actually Conservative anymore? It's the same in Europa, the Conservative parties are hardly Conservative now.
None of that sounds as bad as 4 more years of obama, which Hillary would do. Or her lies. Or incompetence. Your priorities differ from normal people, face it.

your perceptions differ from the voting majority, as you will see more clearly come november...

of course, the new president will be reported by the evil media, so you and all the 'normal' voters will just have to close your eyes.
My perceptions very definitely differ from the voting majority. No smart person would have voted for obama the first time. America has been dumbed down to drone status. What I meant by normal people is those that still have functioning minds, not necessarily the norm.
That bubble must be sooo comfy:
"America great, wall, no foreigners, jobs, tremendous, my friend called me and said you are the best"
Enjoy it before it pops, even if he is elected.
Who sad no foreigners?
I have no problem with Legal Immigration or people seeking Political Asylum.
I am not thrilled with Illegal Immigration or Business Visa abuse.
You know what, you are right. It's not all foreigners just some races that are singled out.
OK, retard, let's try this once again...
WHY are they singled out, retard?
That bubble must be sooo comfy:
"America great, wall, no foreigners, jobs, tremendous, my friend called me and said you are the best"
Enjoy it before it pops, even if he is elected.
Who sad no foreigners?
I have no problem with Legal Immigration or people seeking Political Asylum.
I am not thrilled with Illegal Immigration or Business Visa abuse.
You know what, you are right. It's not all foreigners just some races that are singled out.

Let's discuss facts...
Who comprises the majority of Illegal Immigrants?
Who comprises the majority of Business Visas?
Mexicans because US businesses love cheap labor. How about punishing the businesses instead of wasting money on a dream wall.
We don't have to pay for the wall because Mexico has billions of dollars to lose if they don't build the wall.
The media lies and distorts so much no days that it is impossible to tell what is true and what isn't. I would include conservative media as well but I've seen this during the Bush years where things Bush supposedly said were either never said or f'n exaggerated beyond belief. Often these comments were said by some pro-Bush blogger (i'm assuming) and then carried to be the actual thing Bush said. I've seen this during the Reagan years as well.

I've notice that Breitbart news exaggerated the story about the female reported getting beaten up. That was not entirely true but Breitbart ran with it anyways. An occasional lie might be understandable considering the passion some people may have. It was an error but the left wing 'liberal' media just seems to pull things out of the air. There isn't even a basis for what they say sometimes so when they say anything about Trump I simply don't believe it...PERIOD. I'll go directly to the source for my news which is something that can be done in this age of the internet.

In other words, you'll just simply believe everything Trump says. Your OP is kind of a waste of time, nobody doubted that to begin with.
At least you would know what Trump actually said instead of what someone claimes he said.

Trump did not say make America white again. Sarah Palin never said she could see Russia from her house. Listen to the media and you would never know that.

Who thinks Trump ever said "Make America white again"? And yeah, we all know Palin never said she could see Russia from her house, that was from an SNL skit. You're clearly not paying attention to the news.
The media lies and distorts so much no days that it is impossible to tell what is true and what isn't. I would include conservative media as well but I've seen this during the Bush years where things Bush supposedly said were either never said or f'n exaggerated beyond belief. Often these comments were said by some pro-Bush blogger (i'm assuming) and then carried to be the actual thing Bush said. I've seen this during the Reagan years as well.

I've notice that Breitbart news exaggerated the story about the female reported getting beaten up. That was not entirely true but Breitbart ran with it anyways. An occasional lie might be understandable considering the passion some people may have. It was an error but the left wing 'liberal' media just seems to pull things out of the air. There isn't even a basis for what they say sometimes so when they say anything about Trump I simply don't believe it...PERIOD. I'll go directly to the source for my news which is something that can be done in this age of the internet.

In other words, you'll just simply believe everything Trump says. Your OP is kind of a waste of time, nobody doubted that to begin with.
At least you would know what Trump actually said instead of what someone claimes he said.

Trump did not say make America white again. Sarah Palin never said she could see Russia from her house. Listen to the media and you would never know that.

That was the point I was trying to make. It is these little statements that were never said by the candidates that just made me realize that the media is not accurate in how it portrays conservative politicians. I don't know if everyone of them is purposely lying or if they just have their own circle of colleges who repeat these inaccuracies by accident but there is enough of them out there that it makes me wonder how good of a product these shows are. The entire point of the media and the press is the tell FACTUAL, TRUTHFUL, INFORMATION TO THE PUBLIC. I've made a judgement that these people don't and I can list out the times that they distort things in such a way that it benefits the democratic party quite a lot.

Those are two very bad example.

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