I tend to think Jesus is coming back pretty soon


Diamond Member
Oct 5, 2021
my best info tells me Jesus is coming back soon. We can see how the most free country in the world (once-called) is essentially gone (@ least for the time being?) because of perverts. I call anyone who 100% ditches Jesus (or common decency, if you prefer)--as elite dims obviously have--perverts. They not only pervert (distort) Jesus's words (if they use them at all) they violate the "laws" of common sense and simple logic. They have become beastly more than human. Some seem possessed by the devil. I feel that God has just about had enough

BTW (to interrupt myself here): What does anyone here "know" or suspect about the 2nd Coming vis a vis the end of the world? Are thy one and the same event?

In any case, God sees the lawlessness and malice against Christians and others of good will... persecutions, the bullying..

Mt 25:31

No one knows when the End will come. Jesus said only the Father knows. But we can and do wonder... I mean, how can a holy and loving God not be very.. well, at least highly irritated?

(I kind of "miss" the Old Testament wrath stuff.)
my best info tells me Jesus is coming back soon. We can see how the most free country in the world (once-called) is essentially gone (@ least for the time being?) because of perverts. I call anyone who 100% ditches Jesus (or common decency, if you prefer)--as elite dims obviously have--perverts. They not only pervert (distort) Jesus's words (if they use them at all) they violate the "laws" of common sense and simple logic. They have become beastly more than human. Some seem possessed by the devil. I feel that God has just about had enough

BTW (to interrupt myself here): What does anyone here "know" or suspect about the 2nd Coming vis a vis the end of the world? Are thy one and the same event?

In any case, God sees the lawlessness and malice against Christians and others of good will... persecutions, the bullying..

Mt 25:31

No one knows when the End will come. Jesus said only the Father knows. But we can and do wonder... I mean, how can a holy and loving God not be very.. well, at least highly irritated?

(I kind of "miss" the Old Testament wrath stuff.)
Why would he come now, as opposed to World War 2 times, or World War 1 times, or any of the other countless times people like you have said what you posted about their own time

Imagine yearning for wrath
Why would he come now, as opposed to World War 2 times, or World War 1 times, or any of the other countless times people like you have said what you posted about their own time

Imagine yearning for wrath
you say more about yourself than you do about me when you say

Imagine yearning for wrath.

Wrath of God = Justice

yes, I can imagine yearning for justice..
my best info tells me Jesus is coming back soon. We can see how the most free country in the world (once-called) is essentially gone (@ least for the time being?) because of perverts. I call anyone who 100% ditches Jesus (or common decency, if you prefer)--as elite dims obviously have--perverts. They not only pervert (distort) Jesus's words (if they use them at all) they violate the "laws" of common sense and simple logic. They have become beastly more than human. Some seem possessed by the devil. I feel that God has just about had enough

BTW (to interrupt myself here): What does anyone here "know" or suspect about the 2nd Coming vis a vis the end of the world? Are thy one and the same event?

In any case, God sees the lawlessness and malice against Christians and others of good will... persecutions, the bullying..

Mt 25:31

No one knows when the End will come. Jesus said only the Father knows. But we can and do wonder... I mean, how can a holy and loving God not be very.. well, at least highly irritated?

(I kind of "miss" the Old Testament wrath stuff.)
Ditching Jesus (or whatever their chosen religion) is not the same as ditching common decency. I know very devout religious people that ditch common decency. On the other hand I know a few long time atheists that are some of the most decent people you'd ever want to be around and more likely to be there in a pinch, than many of the most religious people in the pews.
Ditching Jesus (or whatever their chosen religion) is not the same as ditching common decency. I know very devout religious people that ditch common decency. On the other hand I know a few long time atheists that are some of the most decent people you'd ever want to be around and more likely to be there in a pinch, than many of the most religious people in the pews.
I've not seen many atheists who are... as u describe

human beings are a half that needs to be made wwhole and only Jesus can do that...

I say thiss after many years of experience in this crazy, anti-Christ world..
When the fig tree begins to shoot forth leaves, then you know that summer is nigh. If you study the prophecies and see many of them come to pass, then you will know when the time is near. One prophecy that will tell us that the time is extremely close is found in Revelation 11. For 3.5 years two great prophets will fend off the enemies of the Lord with great power from on high in Jerusalem. After 3.5 years these two prophets will be killed by their enemies but after 3.5 days of their bodies lying in the streets of Jerusalem, they will resurrect and ascend up into the clouds of heaven to meet Jesus as he comes to visit the earth in his wrath. If you don't prepare before then, you probably will be numbered among the wicked who will be burned at his coming.
my best info tells me Jesus is coming back soon. We can see how the most free country in the world (once-called) is essentially gone (@ least for the time being?) because of perverts. I call anyone who 100% ditches Jesus (or common decency, if you prefer)--as elite dims obviously have--perverts. They not only pervert (distort) Jesus's words (if they use them at all) they violate the "laws" of common sense and simple logic. They have become beastly more than human. Some seem possessed by the devil. I feel that God has just about had enough

BTW (to interrupt myself here): What does anyone here "know" or suspect about the 2nd Coming vis a vis the end of the world? Are thy one and the same event?

In any case, God sees the lawlessness and malice against Christians and others of good will... persecutions, the bullying..

Mt 25:31

No one knows when the End will come. Jesus said only the Father knows. But we can and do wonder... I mean, how can a holy and loving God not be very.. well, at least highly irritated?

(I kind of "miss" the Old Testament wrath stuff.)

Your "best info", what is your "best info"?
I dunno man. I'm very much a Christian, but the perverts you speak of have existed in other centuries too, in very very large numbers even. Why didn't Jesus come back back then?
I believe Jesus is coming back, yes. But the jury is out on whether it's soon or another 1,000 years from now.
When Jesus speaks of the world, many times he is speaking of those who are wicked as being of the world. So when Jesus teaches of the end of the world, often he is speaking of the end of wickedness in the world when he comes and destroys the wicked at his second coming.

John 17:14-16

14 I have given them thy word; and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.
15 I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil.
16 They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.

John 15:19

19 If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.

Matthew 13:39, 49

39 The enemy that sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels.
49 So shall it be at the end of the world: the angels shall come forth, and sever the wicked from among the just,

2 Thessalonians 2:8-12

8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:
9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,
10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
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