I would like to hear how teacher led prayer in public schools is constitutional

I think we have bigger problems to worry about in our schools.

Didn't really start having those problems until around the time they took prayer out of schools.

That's an idiotic thing to say.

How old are you?
If you're younger then 30 you have absolutly no idea just how differant things were back then then they are now. Education was better guns in the schools were un heard of you might find a boy with a pocket knife. An occasional egging was the worse that happen back then Rape in the schools un heard of teenage girls being knocked up it happened but not on the scale that is happening now.
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Children have a limited amount of time a day attending school.

During that time, they need to be learning and studying so they will be prepared for what the world offers them.

Teaching mysticism and the occult is a disgraceful waste of tax payers money.

Can it be put in terms more simple than that?


Does prayer have the power to heal? Scientists have some surprising answers.
Information on the power of prayer on MedicineNet.com

It drives me crazy when people post these "sources".

Quote from the articles: "as separate studies conducted at Duke, Dartmouth, and Yale universities show. Some statistics from these studies".

So I go and look and look and I can't find a mention of these "studies" anywhere else except this article. Shit.
please explain this to me because it baffles my mind

Find and read Justice Potter Stewart's one dissenting opinion on the Supreme court for Abington School District v. Schempp, 374 U.S. 203, 83 S. Ct. 1560, 10 L. Ed. 2d 844.

Warning: A lot that Justice Stewart wrote was (is) baffling.:eusa_eh:

His gist was disagreement with the
majority's emphasis on the Establishment Clause's taking precedence over the Free Exercise Clause. For Stewart, the key factor was whether the states in the case had actually coerced students into praying or Bible reading. He did not think so.
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Children have a limited amount of time a day attending school.

During that time, they need to be learning and studying so they will be prepared for what the world offers them.

Teaching mysticism and the occult is a disgraceful waste of tax payers money.

Can it be put in terms more simple than that?


Does prayer have the power to heal? Scientists have some surprising answers.
Information on the power of prayer on MedicineNet.com

It drives me crazy when people post these "sources".

Quote from the articles: "as separate studies conducted at Duke, Dartmouth, and Yale universities show. Some statistics from these studies".

So I go and look and look and I can't find a mention of these "studies" anywhere else except this article. Shit.

Why does the truth bother you? Medicine Net I don't think is a Christian source so why do you have a problem with the source? Is it because it doesn't fit your standards?

Really you couldn't find anything about any of the sources?
Mitchell W. Krucoff
The MANTRA Study Project was the subject of a one-hour special, "Can Prayer Heal?" produced by the BBC/Discovery Channel, aired in 2004.
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Hey Rdean you shouldn't say things you can't back up

From my first source
Koenig's current study -- conducted with Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and the first to be funded by the NIH -- involves 80 black women with early-stage breast cancer. Half the women will be randomly assigned to participate in a prayer group, and will choose eight women in their church to form the group.
Information on the power of prayer on MedicineNet.com
Diane M. Becker, director, Center for Health Promotion, professor of medicine, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

Ben Carson, professor and director of Pediatric Neurosurgery at the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions

Lisa A. Cooper, assistant professor of medicine and health policy at the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions

Daniel E. Ford, associate professor of medicine, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

Harold G. Koenig, associate professor of Psychiatry, Duke University Medical Center

Jeanne McCauley, moderator; medical director of research and quality improvement, the Johns Hopkins Health Systems
Plans to Prosper: A Patient Guide to Faith and Health
ResearchChannel - Plans to Prosper: A Patient Guide to Faith and Health
For christssakes people....I'm so fucking glad I answer the question in the OP so that poking of a freakin' board moron can take precedence to the interesting debateable point:

Were the states coercing students into praying or Bible reading?
For christssakes people....I'm so fucking glad I answer the question in the OP so that poking of a freakin' board moron can take precedence to the interesting debateable point:

Were the states coercing students into praying or Bible reading?

I think the point has been made public schools are not forcing children to pray. Now can we get back to the poking please?
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For christssakes people....I'm so fucking glad I answer the question in the OP so that poking of a freakin' board moron can take precedence to the interesting debateable point:

Were the states coercing students into praying or Bible reading?

I think the point has been made public schools are not forcing children to pray. Now can we get back to the poking please?

No the Supreme Court ruled that the state IS coercing children to pray.

Isn't there a Flamezone where you guys could drag rdean and give him a "Swirly" and a "Purple Nurple" before leaving him with a "Snuggy?"
please explain this to me because it baffles my mind

The burden is yours to prove. How is it unconstitutional? What religion is established by praying to God in a public school?

While you're at it, how is daily prayer in Congress, led by a chaplain, unconstitutional?

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