If abortion is so great why don't they show what it looks like?

You guys may as well say that folks with diabetes aren’t people anymore.

Not the same thing as a woman deciding to terminate her pregnancy.

I mean step one is you make your targets non-people, and step two you target them for death.

So really it’s not just comparable you saying anyone with diabetes is less than human and shouldn’t be a person anymore, it’s more like you setting up a whole industry of folks who can be hired to kill anyone with diabetes and making sure that there are no criminal charges ever for killing anyone with diabetes.
Any moron could understand what I was trying to get across.

Well, any moron except you, apparently.
He wants to pretend that denying ordinary care to an infant is the same as terminating a non viable fetus.
I mean step one is you make your targets non-people, and step two you target them for death.

So really it’s not just comparable you saying anyone with diabetes is less than human and shouldn’t be a person anymore, it’s more like you setting up a whole industry of folks who can be hired to kill anyone with diabetes and making sure that there are no criminal charges ever for killing anyone with diabetes.
So not only do you make up a fantasy world just like that, but you also seem to have taken up residency in that fantasy world you made up.
So not only do you make up a fantasy world just like that, but you also seem to have taken up residency in that fantasy world you made up.
That is literally what you are doing to the unborn, asshole.

How are you this dumb that you don’t get it?
Nope it literally is not. An undeveloped, unwanted embryo or fetus is not the same as a person with a manageable medical condition.
You’re just a filthy bigot spewing arbitrary reasons for hating those you want dead.

You may as well be talking about anyone who is diabetic, or who is left-handed, or any other arbitrary reason you think their contract killing would be just fine.

Let’s list your reasons so far - their age and the fact that someone else wants them dead. Wow.

What are some of your peers obsessed with? Having whatever amount of biological surfactant in your lungs that is needed to work with current neonatal ICU technology.

Oh yeah. That isn’t arbitrary at all. And that last one - “viability” - well golly, technology sure isn’t a moving target. These are truly hard and fest set in stone standards. So reasonable.
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You’re just a filthy bigot spewing arbitrary reasons for hating those you want dead.

You may as well be talking about anyone who is diabetic, or who is left-handed, or any other arbitrary reason you think their contract killing would be just fine.
Yes, the Neo-GOP does have a home for Ugly Americans like you. You should be more careful projecting your desires like that however.
Yes, the Neo-GOP
Yeah, no, I’m sorry, but with you changing subjects without acknowledging your self-contradictions, feel free to miss me with whatever bullshit you’re on about now.

You have the mindset of slavers and genociders, and you project your bigotry onto others. Everyone else is an evil istophobe, of course, and you’re not the bigot you tell yourself… while you promote slaughtering innocent human beings that you hate and want dead for arbitrary reasons.

But oh yes, everyone else is the eeeebil Nazi fascists.
Yeah, no, I’m sorry, but with you changing subjects
Wait. You have a subject besides spewing your toxic vitriol? Sure, sure.......

"asshole. How are you this dumb, You’re just a filthy bigot, hating those you want dead, you think their contract killing would be just fine, You have the mindset of slavers and genociders, Everyone else is an evil istophobe, you promote slaughtering innocent human beings."

You and your kind are hilarious. Thanks for the laughs.
Wait. You have a subject besides spewing your toxic vitriol?
Yes, pointing out that your hate is literally the same as targeting the disabled or folks with diabetes or literally any other group of innocent human beings for being killed.

Because it is.

And that isn’t toxic vitriol, that is fact.

The insults are just a bonus, well-deserved.
Anyone, anyone at all, could tell that you are a fucking retard and simultaneously purely posting in bad faith, a troll.

Really, let's check what anyone thought about that.

He wants to pretend that denying ordinary care to an infant is the same as terminating a non viable fetus.
Hmmm... he seemed to understand the concept. Imagine that.

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