If abortion is so great why don't they show what it looks like?

If abortion is so great why aren't we allowed to see what it looks like?

Look at it! Look I tells ya.

well you're now qualifying the claim with the vague phrase "early term", so I assume you mean 1 day (feel free to correct my "early term" assumption, just do it accurately) while omitting both what you consider to be "early term" and which one is worse in 'late term' btw, aborting "a child you don't want" is what is meant by "abortion for convenience" making all other claims a lie.
If we can't even agree on "1 day" abortion, when there is just a cell or two, then what else is there to talk about?
After what, days?
You could bring some popcorn and watch it
Globby the fetus dies the minute it is separated from the womb.
really? it dies?
So violate her rights. Got it.
rights? plural? which "rights"
Yup, women who realize they aren't ready to be mothers and get rid of a glob of tissue are total monsters.
what if the mothers ready and the father is not? does he still get to pay for it? or is he off the hook just cuz he aint ready?
I mean like worse than Hitler...
but not Stalin
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After what, days?
Globby the fetus dies the minute it is separated from the womb.

Irrelevant, Globby, you slimy, inhuman afterbirth filth - so inferior to those you disparage it is laughable absurdity.

You said “independent.” You fucking lied and stand corrected. Eat shit.

So violate her rights. Got it.
Oh, okay, illiteracy. From a retarded troll. Expected.

But no. Read it again once you learn like, the alphabet and colors maybe?

Yup, women who realize they aren't ready to be mothers and get rid of a glob of tissue are total monsters. I mean like worse than Hitler...
It’s only a question of scale. Yes murderers are monsters. Mass murderers are worse.

But hey, half of all abortions are repeat abortions, and abortionists are all serial murderer mercenary contract killers.

The average Planned Parenthood executive does have a death toll that dwarfs any one not named Stalin, Mao, or Hitler, though.
....I just did - DAY 1.

This is what it looks like:


And CarsomyrPlusSix is claiming thats a person we are dealing with and killing/neglecting it should carry criminal penalty. Thats what the conversation you are getting into is about.
That’s because I believe in equality and human rights, because I’m not bigoted trash like you.
That’s because I believe in equality and human rights, because I’m not bigoted trash like you.
Again you prove you don't understand much of anything - I belive in equality of rights for PERSONS PERSONS ONLY.

I reject that a few cells is a PERSON make.
....I just did - DAY 1.

This is what it looks like:


And CarsomyrPlusSix is claiming thats a person we are dealing with and killing/neglecting it should carry criminal penalty. Thats what the conversation you are getting into is about.
No, you claim that there are only two choices, "bad" and "worse"...
...I want to know which you consider the choice to end that one day pregnancy is...
...I suspect the poster that says "some think it is wonderful" is correct on this one and you were parroting the media line of "bad" and "worse" as being the only choices...if not then explain what ending the above is, "bad"? or "worse"?
Again you prove you don't understand much of anything - I belive in equality of rights for PERSONS PERSONS ONLY.

I reject that a few cells is a PERSON make.
Yes, you reject personhood from human beings for stupid, arbitrary, irrational reasons. Because you’re a bigot, the same as genociders or slavers.
Irrelevant, Globby, you slimy, inhuman afterbirth filth - so inferior to those you disparage it is laughable absurdity.

You said “independent.” You fucking lied and stand corrected. Eat shit.

Sorry, man, a baby isn't going to die if you leave it alone for a minute or two. Globby the Fetus will die once he's detached from the uterine wall.

Oh, okay, illiteracy. From a retarded troll. Expected.

But no. Read it again once you learn like, the alphabet and colors maybe?

Nope, you throw a woman in jail, you are violating her rights. Not that this will ever happen. You guys are going to pretty much consign yourselves to political oblivion on this issue.

It’s only a question of scale. Yes murderers are monsters. Mass murderers are worse.

But hey, half of all abortions are repeat abortions, and abortionists are all serial murderer mercenary contract killers.

The average Planned Parenthood executive does have a death toll that dwarfs any one not named Stalin, Mao, or Hitler, though.

Hitler, Mao and Stalin killed actual people (Just not as many as you claim, though). Planned Parenthood terminates little Globbies that arent' people.
Sorry, man, a baby isn't going to die if you leave it alone for a minute or two.
The word you used was “independence.”

The standard you will be held to is “independence.”

Newborns are objectively not “independent.”

You fucking failed. Now fuck off and preferably die, troll.

Nope, you throw a woman in jail, you are violating her rights.
Objectively false and stupid.
The word you used was “independence.”

The standard you will be held to is “independence.”

Newborns are objectively not “independent.”

No, but they are viable. No one is actually independent... Something I'm sure you failed to realize when you waddle your fat ass out to the mailbox to collect your disability check.

Objectively false and stupid.

For not following your sexual obsessions, um yeah, it is.

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