If abortion is so great why don't they show what it looks like?

Denying personhood to black folks and natives was bad law.
Of course it was a bad law because people DO easily recognize blacks and natives as persons.


Yep, clearly a person.

Your problem is that few would ever recognize a few cells as a person make. This is why unlike personhood of black people your cause is destined to fail.
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I made? Idiot, whats this?

IF NOT, shut up and accept that you made the theoretical of ham sandwich personhood. God. You're so fucking dumb.

Of course it was a bad law because people DO easily recognize blacks and natives as persons.


Oh great. You cite current convention when the norm was that this dude would have been property, not a person, not even when not owned by anyone he would not have been a citizen or a person, in the United States and lots of other places for a very long time - that was the norm, that was "common sense."

Denying personhood from them is bigoted, stupid, and arbitrary, but so is doing this to the unborn, and that doesn't stop you.
Let me correct myself. I misread, I did make the first point about ham sandwich.

The point stands - there is a strong relationship between laws and people's concensus. When you ignored that relationship and said "yep thats how it works" you were wrong.
Oh great. You cite current convention when the norm was that this dude would have been property, not a person
Thats a gross oversimplification of the feelings toward slaves.

It would be more accurate to say that they were seen as lesser persons with very limited rights, underlied by the rejection of the universality of the principle that ALL people are created equal. Monsters that TRULLY viewed and treated slaves as disposable objects were not common.
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Denying personhood from them is bigoted, stupid, and arbitrary, but so is doing this to the unborn, and that doesn't stop you.
Bullshit, there is a non-arbitrary criteria for personhood - a minimally functional nervious system.

There is no person without a brain and that will never change for anyone who is not mired in theology.
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Adults already have their right to life protected with laws against manslaughter and murder.

Even newborns get that same protection. It's arbitrary and stupid and bigoted to deny the yet unborn these same protections, but that is how you people operate - arbitrary, bigoted, stupid.
Newborns can live independently. Zygotes/embryos/Fetuses cannot. That's the very sensible standard.

Objectively false and stupid statement.
How do you force a woman to carry an unwanted pregnancy without violating her rights?
Newborns can live independently. Zygotes/embryos/Fetuses cannot. That's the very sensible standard.

Put a newborn on a table and walk away, retard. He or she will fucking die.


How do you force a woman to carry an unwanted pregnancy without violating her rights?
Simple, you say, "hey, don't kill your kid or we'll put you in prison until you die" and then she either doesn't kill her kid or she dies in prison.

Either way, no rights will be violated other than the abortion victim's right to life - which is why the monsters who kill them belong in... oh yeah... prison.
Who was charged for the collateral damage in Afghanistan, or Iraq that our war machine caused? How about the secret Drone War's damage, collateral
Are those "acts of compassion as well"? if not then why the comparison?
can't approve of one and not the other right? (or can you?) if ya could then your analogy falls on its face.
Your examples actually make the case against abortion
are those unlawful?
should they be?
its amazing how it is the ugliest and most horrific side of humankind that is needed to try and justify this "act of compassion"...perhaps we should show the entire procedure along with the discarding of remains and then you can remind us of how we treat garbage...btw, when pressed to make a choice I support choice (on demand) but I don't lie about why.
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should they be?
its amazing how it is the ugliest and most horrific side of humankind that is needed to try and justify this "act of compassion"..
I was responding to the comments about the God approved/commanded biblical massacres of old men, women, and children by pointing out those things still happen today. Completely different than how science has freed woman from Mother Nature's natural cycle making them yearly baby factories.

which one is "bad" and which one is "worse"?
Between abortion or carying to term and having a child you don't want?

For early term, abortion is a no-brainer option, pardon the pun. Gets more complicated from there.
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Put a newborn on a table and walk away, retard. He or she will fucking die.
After what, days?
Globby the fetus dies the minute it is separated from the womb.

Simple, you say, "hey, don't kill your kid or we'll put you in prison until you die" and then she either doesn't kill her kid or she dies in prison.

So violate her rights. Got it.

Either way, no rights will be violated other than the abortion victim's right to life - which is why the monsters who kill them belong in... oh yeah... prison.

Yup, women who realize they aren't ready to be mothers and get rid of a glob of tissue are total monsters. I mean like worse than Hitler...
I was responding to the comments about the God approved/commanded biblical massacres of old men, women, and children by pointing out those things still happen today.
except of course if you don't believe in the bible, then those things "commanded by God" never happened

Completely different than how science has freed woman from Mother Nature's natural cycle making them yearly baby factories.
If that's true then they must be having abortions every year at abortion mills!
like I said and your claim proves, it is not for anything else but convenience
except of course if you don't believe in the bible, then those things "commanded by God" never happened
There is plenty of evidence of massacres throughout human history. There is no evidence a super natural being actually commanding any of them. Certainly not in Afghanistan or Iraq.
If that's true then they must be having abortions every year at abortion mills!
Or taking birth control pills that prevents the zygotes from accessing moms baby factory.
Between early term abortion or carying to term and having a child you don't want?
well you're now qualifying the claim with the vague phrase "early term", so I assume you mean 1 day (feel free to correct my "early term" assumption, just do it accurately) while omitting both what you consider to be "early term" and which one is worse in 'late term' btw, aborting "a child you don't want" is what is meant by "abortion for convenience" making all other claims a lie.
Abortion is a no-brainer, pardon the pun.
it actually is, ya have to turn the baby ( "or the thing in the womb" t.t.i.t.w.) until it is breech (because once the head is out even some white liberals consider it a life form) then the baby ( T.T.I.T.W.) is extracted feet first up to the neck where the kindly abortionist injects a needle into the base of the skull and sucks out the brain until the skull is collapsed and viola! No proof of life anywhere to be found, no guilt of infanticide.
If abortion is so great why aren't we allowed to see what it looks like?

Show it on TV.

Put it on the internet.

Put in magazines, newspapers.

Prove abortion is great by showing that it's not so bad to look at.
Only if your honest and also post the negatives of banning control of your own body.
There is plenty of evidence of massacres throughout human history. There is no evidence a super natural being actually commanding any of them.
Thank you...Try telling that to moonglow

Certainly not in Afghanistan or Iraq.
I never even mentioned them
Or taking birth control pills that prevents the zygotes from accessing moms baby factory.
in the abortion industry they (BCP'S) are known as the industrial "poison pill" killing off their business

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