If abortion is so great why don't they show what it looks like?

If abortion is so great why aren't we allowed to see what it looks like?

Show it on TV.

Put it on the internet.

Put in magazines, newspapers.

Prove abortion is great by showing that it's not so bad to look at.
If you ever saw a woman give birth you'd probably throw up. Some things shouldn't be out there. It would only lead to misunderstanding. Most abortions are simply chemical, it would be like a woman having a bad period day, that's about it. And who in their right mind wants to see that.
anyone else here been privy to a small bloody face looking up at them from a toilet?

Most abortions occur before there's any recognizable face, if you could even see it. At 8 weeks the fetus is less than 1 inch long and half of that length is it's tail.
If abortion is so great why aren't we allowed to see what it looks like?

Show it on TV.

Put it on the internet.

Put in magazines, newspapers.

Prove abortion is great by showing that it's not so bad to look at.

Colonoscopies are great. I don't need to watch video of one of those either.
The only victims are women denied their right to reproductive autonomy, women forced to suffer miscarriages because of the treatment they’re denied, and women whose health or life is jeopardized because they can’t terminate their pregnancies.
Although this is largely true, there are women who regret having an abortions. We have to acknowledge the exceptions, but those exceptions cannot be held up as a model for the rest. Women are equal in this world and they have a right to make their own decisions.
AGAIN, goalpost moving fallacy.

You said “human beings.”

NOW you’re saying “people.” Not the same thing, and everyone knows that.

Abortion victims were, objectively, scientifically living members of the species Homo sapiens - aka, human beings.

Abortion beings are subjectively, politically, legally being denied personhood currently, but personhood law can change as easy as passing a bill to change it.

All of this has been explained ad nauseam.

You have no excuse for this bullshit - so just go suck a tailpipe, dishonest trash. You probably suck a lot of pipe already anyway.
A fetus is the possibility of a human being it can never be defined as a human being.
A fetus is the possibility of a human being it can never be defined as a human being.
Oh really? What species is a Homo sapiens in the fetal stage of life?

This isn't even a trick question, because it cannot be phrased as a trick, because the answer has to be in the question if using honest phrasing, which means... yeah, it means you failing to understand this obvious fact means you're really, really dumb.

Because, yeah, they're the same species as a Homo sapiens in any other stage of life. And the common phrase for organisms of the species Homo sapiens is.... oh yeah.
Oh really? What species is a Homo sapiens in the fetal stage of life?

This isn't even a trick question, because it cannot be phrased as a trick, because the answer has to be in the question if using honest phrasing, which means... yeah, it means you failing to understand this obvious fact means you're really, really dumb.

Because, yeah, they're the same species as a Homo sapiens in any other stage of life. And the common phrase for organisms of the species Homo sapiens is.... oh yeah.
It simply cannot meet the qualifications to be a person or a human being. If it survived it would become that, but as we all know only about 50% of all pregnancies end up giving birth to a healthy child.
Living member of species homo sapiens. Check.

Done. One and done. Qualified.

Shut up, idiot.
You cannot overcome the obstacles of self-awareness, autonomy and actual date of birth. That's a no-brainer except for people like you. Try to have a nice night, I plan on it.
You cannot overcome the obstacles of self-awareness, autonomy and actual date of birth.
Those aren't obstacles, nutjob.

The organism in question is alive and a member of the species. Members of our species have a name. Human beings.
Those aren't obstacles, nutjob.

The organism in question is alive and a member of the species. Members of our species have a name. Human beings.
One more time. Is an egg a chicken ? Obviously not. There is a living embryo in that egg that will become a chick BUT it's not a chick until it is born. End of story.
One more time. Is an egg a chicken ?

Assuming for sake of argument that the CHICKEN egg in question has a germinal disk that was fertilized, that egg contains a young chicken. That young chicken is not an adult chicken.

It is still a chicken. Because duh. Idiot.
Assuming for sake of argument that the CHICKEN egg in question has a germinal disk that was fertilized, that egg contains a young chicken. That young chicken is not an adult chicken.

It is still a chicken. Because duh. Idiot.
LOL, so now an egg is a chicken. I'm sorry you cannot think logically, it must be very disturbing to live your life. Good luck with all the things you believe, you're going to need it. Speaking of those chickens, even among dumb chickens, they watch their own eggs they don't have any concern for other people's eggs. It just doesn't do any good.
LOL, so now an egg is a chicken.
No, you retarded fuck, but if the chicken egg was fertilized that egg structure does contains a young chicken within it. The germinal disc that correlates to the human egg cell was fertilized, so there is a new organism of that species.

Welcome to Bio 101. God. How does anyone not know this?

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