If abortion is so great why don't they show what it looks like?

Quote me retard.
I literally just noted that you were lying and pretending that citations of "shout your abortion" types are somehow strawmen.

I don't care about your words, and I didn't claim you specifically said any shout your abortion rhetoric - I noted that you denied that the pro-abortion camp's messaging, since at least the mid 2010s, has taken "abortion is good, be proud of your abortion" as their stance. You still deny it, but that just means you are pretending you have dug your head into the sand that far, or perhaps crammed it somewhere else dark and damp.

"Safe, legal and rare" was never what you people believed anyway, but that was least the messaging in the 90s. Democrats don't bother with the pretense anymore. "Shout your abortion" is the norm. Abortion right up until birth for any reason, no laws, is your norm now.

You pretending that oh no, this never happens, we don't do that is noted, but disregarded, of course, because this sentiment of yours is bullshit.

Bullshit even an idiot like you couldn't possibly believe, because you are on the internet and thus you have access to these things and you can't possibly have no idea what the mainstream of pro-abortion types does and thinks and says nowadays.
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Why do you have to find such crazy examples.
We are talking SPECIFICALLY about American law. American law doesn't recognize people as people until they are born... because anything else would be crazy.

Moving the goalposts does not save the absurd point that you thought you were making

A human being is not a human being, only because any law recognizes him as such. A human being is a human being, even if he lives in a jurisdiction where the law explicitly denies his humanity. Any such law is no more valid than a law would be that declares that one plus one equals ten.
It's literally what you people say
Quote me retard.

I don't care about your words

Yep - total clown.

Objectively false, you inhuman lying piece of shit.

You want to deny these human beings personhood, but you lying that they are living members of our species being violently killed is literally insane - divorced from reality here on Earth.

2+2 will not equal 5 no matter how many times some sociopathic nutjob like yourself insists that it is. Your delusions will not alter reality.

Fetuses aren't people because they aren't viable independent from the woman they are inside. End of story.

Now, if you invent an artificial womb, where you can safely extract unwanted fetuses, grow them, and give them away to families when they get old enough to live independently, you MIGHT be on to something. Of course, you'd have to actually pay the tax to do that.
I literally just noted that you were lying and pretending that citations of "shout your abortion" types are somehow strawmen.

I don't care about your words, and I didn't claim you specifically said any shout your abortion rhetoric - I noted that you denied that the pro-abortion camp's messaging, since at least the mid 2010s, has taken "abortion is good, be proud of your abortion" as their stance. You still deny it, but that just means you are pretending you have dug your head into the sand that far, or perhaps crammed it somewhere else dark and damp.

"Safe, legal and rare" was never what you people believed anyway, but that was least the messaging in the 90s. Democrats don't bother with the pretense anymore. "Shout your abortion" is the norm. Abortion right up until birth for any reason, no laws, is your norm now.

You pretending that oh no, this never happens, we don't do that is noted, but disregarded, of course, because this sentiment of yours is bullshit.

Bullshit even an idiot like you couldn't possibly believe, because you are on the internet and thus you have access to these things and you can't possibly have no idea what the mainstream of pro-abortion types does and thinks and says nowadays.

Women have felt the need to be proud about their abortions because idiots like you dig through medical waste containers and take picture of the globs inside and scream, "BABY KILLER".

Again, you guys took a schellacking last week because women have had enough of your shit. And that will be a picnic compared to what they are going to do to you in 2024 is you persist.
Fetuses aren't people

AGAIN, goalpost moving fallacy.

You said “human beings.”

NOW you’re saying “people.” Not the same thing, and everyone knows that.

Abortion victims were, objectively, scientifically living members of the species Homo sapiens - aka, human beings.

Abortion beings are subjectively, politically, legally being denied personhood currently, but personhood law can change as easy as passing a bill to change it.

All of this has been explained ad nauseam.

You have no excuse for this bullshit - so just go suck a tailpipe, dishonest trash. You probably suck a lot of pipe already anyway.
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Women have felt the need to be proud about their abortions because idiots like you dig through medical waste containers and take picture of the globs inside and scream, "BABY KILLER".

Again, you guys took a schellacking last week because women have had enough of your shit. And that will be a picnic compared to what they are going to do to you in 2024 is you persist.
Don’t call those monstrous things “women.”
Fetuses aren't people because they aren't viable independent from the woman they are inside. End of story.

Now, if you invent an artificial womb, where you can safely extract unwanted fetuses, grow them, and give them away to families when they get old enough to live independently, you MIGHT be on to something. Of course, you'd have to actually pay the tax to do that.
a 1 yr old isnt viable and still needs the mother to survive,,
And yet it is undeniable fact that you hate them, and not just Homo sapiens in that exceedingly brief first stage of life, but at all stages up to birth, because you are a bigot who thinks of them as inhuman property to be killed on their owner's whim.

The average Klansman or neo-Nazi is less hateful than you.
I get it now. You and your kind are so addicted to hate that you think everyone is as hateful a you are.

Thanks for the insight.
I get it now. You and your kind are so addicted to hate that you think everyone is as hateful a you are.

Thanks for the insight.

I believe in human rights and equality. The unborn are human beings and that means they have the same natural human rights that the born do.

Who is it supposedly that I hate? I mean I do hate monsters who attack and kill innocent human beings, yes, for their actions, not their demography. And you clearly fail to do this, but that is a lapse of judgment and a dearth of character or integrity on your part.
You are still misconstruing the term viable. No amount of care will make a non-viable infant viable. A viable infant has all the internal organs necessary to survive and grow given ordinary care. Denying ordinary care to any infant born alive is a federal crime.
no I'm not,, viable is the ability to survive on your own without help from others,,

youre just trying to spin it so you can justify the murder of innocent children,,
AGAIN, goalpost moving fallacy.

You said “human beings.”

NOW you’re saying “people.” Not the same thing, and everyone knows that.

Abortion victims were, objectively, scientifically living members of the species Homo sapiens - aka, human beings.

There are no victims of abortion, just "medical waste".

They go in with the gall bladders, appendixes, tonsils and other medical waste that is genetically homo sapiens, but not people.


Abortion beings are subjectively, politically, legally being denied personhood currently, but personhood law can change as easy as passing a bill to change it.

All of this has been explained ad nauseam.

Yes, because ones you give Globby human rights, you create all sorts of problems, not the least of which is that you take away rights from the women they are inside.
You have to NOW investigate all 1 million miscarriages as potential homicides... Good luck with that.
You have to restrict what women can do in terms of what food or beverages they can enjoy, or what jobs they can hold, because they could potentially being endangering Globby, even if she isn't pregnant.

Don’t call those monstrous things “women.”

What else would you call them. LEt's see, they have breasts, a vagina and two X chromosones.. I think that makes them women.
There are no victims of abortion, just "medical waste".

They go in with the gall bladders, appendixes, tonsils and other medical waste that is genetically homo sapiens, but not people.

View attachment 725954

Yes, because ones you give Globby human rights, you create all sorts of problems, not the least of which is that you take away rights from the women they are inside.
You have to NOW investigate all 1 million miscarriages as potential homicides... Good luck with that.
You have to restrict what women can do in terms of what food or beverages they can enjoy, or what jobs they can hold, because they could potentially being endangering Globby, even if she isn't pregnant.

What else would you call them. LEt's see, they have breasts, a vagina and two X chromosones.. I think that makes them women.
I didnt know medical waste had fingers and toes and a head with a brain in it,,,
anyone else here been privy to a small bloody face looking up at them from a toilet?


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