If Az is shown to have cheated...then what?

Not my question. How are the 74.2mil represented? Your antisemitism is outstanding.

They got to vote. Some of them even got to vote in states that counted.

Here's the problem, Princess Bignose. If we had Popular Vote elections, you guys would have lost every election since 1988. You are in the minority.

The large states your side wins you BARELY win (FL and TX). The large states the left wins (NY, CA, IL) they win be dominating double digit margins.
not at all, in fact conservatives are more than 43% of the population and only 38% are demofks. just a fact. 47% of americans pay no income tax and most all vote for demofks. the most unproductive class in america. Now ask yourself, why would 47% of americans who don't pay taxes want demofks. it's an easy answer.
74.2mil people deserve to know the truth. Rest is partisan dialogue.
So how many audits and recounts do you need. Throw out a number....
As many as it takes to get to the truth
How do you discern "the truth?" From where I'm sitting it's being defined by people who believe fraud happened as, "as many as it takes to agree with my opinion." As a methodology for discerning truth it has some obvious flaws don't you think?
3rd party that doesn't have a dog in the fight is how I would do it.
That's been done. So why didn't you accept it?
What’s been done? Accept what?
In Arizona alone, there have been two audits and a hand recount.
By an unbiased third party? News to me. Post it please.

PHOENIX (AP) — Two independent audits of election equipment in Arizona’s most populous county found no modified software, malicious software or incorrect counting equipment, and none of the computers or equipment were connected to the internet.
Your own link isn’t even conclusive. It’s disputed. Did you even read it? You’re such a loser it’s sad. A loser antisemite.
Nope, it's no longer in dispute.
Per your article it is. Did you mean to post a different article? Please do so.
I can do that too...

... meanwhile, the point of contention raised by Fann was...

“That’s what we agreed on, and that’s not what we got,” Fann said. “One of the companies that did it was a company that all they do is certify machines — they do not do an audit.”

Aside from the fact the other company did audits, she threw her own complaint that one company only certifies machines into the trash when she hired a company to do their audit which is not in the business to perform an election audit, is not certified to perform an election audit, and has never performed an election audit.

Too bad she turned out to be a monumental hypocrite.

Regardless, they were audited and the machines passed.
Machines only count votes. Did you read your own article? Many disputes about legality of those casting ballots. Read your own article
The other issues were settled by the court. Both Republicans and democrats voting, followed the rules in place before the voting started....that were settled by the court when lawsuits were brought.

That is NOT fraud, or cheating or illegal.
those cases were dismissed by judges bought off by demofks. we know it. We know it because the cases were about questionable ballots. You know one can't merely leave with a ballot from a precinct, right? you need a ........... Warrant. Who provides warrants? ahhh yes judges. why would a judge not want to ensure integrity of an election? I only have one option here.
Not my question. How are the 74.2mil represented? Your antisemitism is outstanding.

They got to vote. Some of them even got to vote in states that counted.

Here's the problem, Princess Bignose. If we had Popular Vote elections, you guys would have lost every election since 1988. You are in the minority.

The large states your side wins you BARELY win (FL and TX). The large states the left wins (NY, CA, IL) they win be dominating double digit margins.
not at all, in fact conservatives are more than 43% of the population and only 38% are demofks. just a fact. 47% of americans pay no income tax and most all vote for demofks. the most unproductive class in america. Now ask yourself, why would 47% of americans who don't pay taxes want demofks. it's an easy answer.
Conservatives comprise 36% of the population...


... meaning the other 64% is normal.
Not my question. How are the 74.2mil represented? Your antisemitism is outstanding.

They got to vote. Some of them even got to vote in states that counted.

Here's the problem, Princess Bignose. If we had Popular Vote elections, you guys would have lost every election since 1988. You are in the minority.

The large states your side wins you BARELY win (FL and TX). The large states the left wins (NY, CA, IL) they win be dominating double digit margins.
not at all, in fact conservatives are more than 43% of the population and only 38% are demofks. just a fact. 47% of americans pay no income tax and most all vote for demofks. the most unproductive class in america. Now ask yourself, why would 47% of americans who don't pay taxes want demofks. it's an easy answer.
Conservatives comprise 36% of the population...


... meaning the other 64% is normal.
Which party supports BDS?

Take your time, OCD riddled fat fuck.

Most voters should be Independents.
Not my question. How are the 74.2mil represented? Your antisemitism is outstanding.

They got to vote. Some of them even got to vote in states that counted.

Here's the problem, Princess Bignose. If we had Popular Vote elections, you guys would have lost every election since 1988. You are in the minority.

The large states your side wins you BARELY win (FL and TX). The large states the left wins (NY, CA, IL) they win be dominating double digit margins.
not at all, in fact conservatives are more than 43% of the population and only 38% are demofks. just a fact. 47% of americans pay no income tax and most all vote for demofks. the most unproductive class in america. Now ask yourself, why would 47% of americans who don't pay taxes want demofks. it's an easy answer.
Conservatives comprise 36% of the population...


... meaning the other 64% is normal.
hahahahahahaha, your own fking graph proves my point. too fking funny. you all can't help yourselves. dude, now that was some kind of special.
74.2mil people deserve to know the truth. Rest is partisan dialogue.
So how many audits and recounts do you need. Throw out a number....
As many as it takes to get to the truth
How do you discern "the truth?" From where I'm sitting it's being defined by people who believe fraud happened as, "as many as it takes to agree with my opinion." As a methodology for discerning truth it has some obvious flaws don't you think?
3rd party that doesn't have a dog in the fight is how I would do it.
That's been done. So why didn't you accept it?
What’s been done? Accept what?
In Arizona alone, there have been two audits and a hand recount.
By an unbiased third party? News to me. Post it please.

PHOENIX (AP) — Two independent audits of election equipment in Arizona’s most populous county found no modified software, malicious software or incorrect counting equipment, and none of the computers or equipment were connected to the internet.
Your own link isn’t even conclusive. It’s disputed. Did you even read it? You’re such a loser it’s sad. A loser antisemite.
Nope, it's no longer in dispute.
Per your article it is. Did you mean to post a different article? Please do so.
I can do that too...

... meanwhile, the point of contention raised by Fann was...

“That’s what we agreed on, and that’s not what we got,” Fann said. “One of the companies that did it was a company that all they do is certify machines — they do not do an audit.”

Aside from the fact the other company did audits, she threw her own complaint that one company only certifies machines into the trash when she hired a company to do their audit which is not in the business to perform an election audit, is not certified to perform an election audit, and has never performed an election audit.

Too bad she turned out to be a monumental hypocrite.

Regardless, they were audited and the machines passed.
Machines only count votes. Did you read your own article? Many disputes about legality of those casting ballots. Read your own article
The other issues were settled by the court. Both Republicans and democrats voting, followed the rules in place before the voting started....that were settled by the court when lawsuits were brought.

That is NOT fraud, or cheating or illegal.
those cases were dismissed by judges bought off by demofks. we know it. We know it because the cases were about questionable ballots. You know one can't merely leave with a ballot from a precinct, right? you need a ........... Warrant. Who provides warrants? ahhh yes judges. why would a judge not want to ensure integrity of an election? I only have one option here.
No they weren't. They were handled as all suits are handled under the law.

Every case, received briefs from both sides of the suit, showing their best evidence and reason for suit, and every judge went thru the lawyer brief summaries to decide if the suit had merit, under the law of the land, and those cases that did...went forward and those that didn't, did not go forward.

But they were not simply dismissed. The cases that were dismissed and those not, were given the judges summary of why he or she, legally rejected or accepted the case, under the rule of law. Read the judges summary, in all the Arizona law suits.
74.2mil people deserve to know the truth. Rest is partisan dialogue.
So how many audits and recounts do you need. Throw out a number....
As many as it takes to get to the truth
How do you discern "the truth?" From where I'm sitting it's being defined by people who believe fraud happened as, "as many as it takes to agree with my opinion." As a methodology for discerning truth it has some obvious flaws don't you think?
3rd party that doesn't have a dog in the fight is how I would do it.
That's been done. So why didn't you accept it?
What’s been done? Accept what?
In Arizona alone, there have been two audits and a hand recount.
By an unbiased third party? News to me. Post it please.

PHOENIX (AP) — Two independent audits of election equipment in Arizona’s most populous county found no modified software, malicious software or incorrect counting equipment, and none of the computers or equipment were connected to the internet.
Your own link isn’t even conclusive. It’s disputed. Did you even read it? You’re such a loser it’s sad. A loser antisemite.
Nope, it's no longer in dispute.
Per your article it is. Did you mean to post a different article? Please do so.
I can do that too...

... meanwhile, the point of contention raised by Fann was...

“That’s what we agreed on, and that’s not what we got,” Fann said. “One of the companies that did it was a company that all they do is certify machines — they do not do an audit.”

Aside from the fact the other company did audits, she threw her own complaint that one company only certifies machines into the trash when she hired a company to do their audit which is not in the business to perform an election audit, is not certified to perform an election audit, and has never performed an election audit.

Too bad she turned out to be a monumental hypocrite.

Regardless, they were audited and the machines passed.
Machines only count votes. Did you read your own article? Many disputes about legality of those casting ballots. Read your own article
The other issues were settled by the court. Both Republicans and democrats voting, followed the rules in place before the voting started....that were settled by the court when lawsuits were brought.

That is NOT fraud, or cheating or illegal.
those cases were dismissed by judges bought off by demofks. we know it. We know it because the cases were about questionable ballots. You know one can't merely leave with a ballot from a precinct, right? you need a ........... Warrant. Who provides warrants? ahhh yes judges. why would a judge not want to ensure integrity of an election? I only have one option here.
No they weren't. They were handled as all suits are handled under the law.

Every case, received briefs from both sides of the suit, showing their best evidence and reason for suit, and every judge went thru the lawyer brief summaries to decide if the suit had merit, under the law of the land, and those cases that did...went forward and those that didn't, did not go forward.

But they were not simply dismissed. The cases that were dismissed and those not, were given the judges summary of why he or she, legally rejected or accepted the case, under the rule of law. Read the judges summary, in all the Arizona law suits.
Which judge? Summarize it for me as you state you're an expert on this. If this is an open and shut case then why is there controversy?
Not my question. How are the 74.2mil represented? Your antisemitism is outstanding.

They got to vote. Some of them even got to vote in states that counted.

Here's the problem, Princess Bignose. If we had Popular Vote elections, you guys would have lost every election since 1988. You are in the minority.

The large states your side wins you BARELY win (FL and TX). The large states the left wins (NY, CA, IL) they win be dominating double digit margins.
not at all, in fact conservatives are more than 43% of the population and only 38% are demofks. just a fact. 47% of americans pay no income tax and most all vote for demofks. the most unproductive class in america. Now ask yourself, why would 47% of americans who don't pay taxes want demofks. it's an easy answer.
Conservatives comprise 36% of the population...


... meaning the other 64% is normal.
hahahahahahaha, your own fking graph proves my point. too fking funny. you all can't help yourselves. dude, now that was some kind of special.

That chart doesn't show who pays taxes. You're hallucinating again.
Every case, received briefs from both sides of the suit, showing their best evidence and reason for suit, and every judge went thru the lawyer brief summaries to decide if the suit had merit, under the law of the land, and those cases that did...went forward and those that didn't, did not go forward.
you obviously can't read. What did I write, I wrote, one can't merely walk out of a precinct office with a ballot. So you are fking incorrect, the brief was for warrants to release the ballots under question. the judges dismissed them because of no evidence. well duh, they need a warrant to get the evidence. McFly!!!!!!!
Proof? Evidence?
the affidavits were about getting the evidence. again, for the umpteenth fking time in here, it is illegal to remove a ballot from a precinct office. one needs a warrant to bring the ballot to court. The ballots were the evidence sworn in by affidavits by reps monitoring the count. McFly!!!!!!!

So it looks as if you are the one who has desire for the truth. it's quite obvious.
Will MI follow suit? And if that is proven as a cheat, what happens? Does Sleepy Joe get to keep on in the WH? Or if proven Trump DID win...does he get brought back as potus?
I've a better question...

If God can kiss everyone's butt why can't he kiss his own?
How do you know he can’t?
You just called God an asskisser. AND Let's see it!
You need to pray
Why? It's only Thursday and they don't do MegaMillion till tomorrow.
So are you Ok with that? 74.2mil have zero representation. Same for 66mil post 2016 election? Are you Ok with that? Yes or no? Simple question.

I'm fine with it, if you lost, you lost. The guy who gets the most votes wins. Period. It's how it works for every other office in the country.

The bizarre thing is using the worst idea of slave rapists who wanted to go home early to pick a president in this day in age.
I see that this is no longer a sticky. Its rather partisan when you have a fake audit promoted to an event of huge importance. We should laugh really.

It is actually your side, the Zionist left, that is making the noise and giving the publicity. If your side did not cheat, it should have nothing to worry about. But that is clearly not the case.....

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