If Az is shown to have cheated...then what?

You guys? I never voted for Bush? I never Belonged to a political party. You keep dodging, antisemite. How exactly do the 74.2mil get representation?

They vote. Oh, not enough of them voted, they don't get a president.

They get congressmen and senators, Princess Bignose.

Of course, we should get rid of the Senate and Gerrymandering, that would make it more fair.

The real problem. You have districts that are so Gerrymandered they produce loons like AOC and Majorie Trailer Park Greene.
You guys? I never voted for Bush? I never Belonged to a political party. You keep dodging, antisemite. How exactly do the 74.2mil get representation?

They vote. Oh, not enough of them voted, they don't get a president.

They get congressmen and senators, Princess Bignose.

Of course, we should get rid of the Senate and Gerrymandering, that would make it more fair.

The real problem. You have districts that are so Gerrymandered they produce loons like AOC and Majorie Trailer Park Greene.
The 74.2Mil who voted for Trump get congressmen? Do those in MA get them? What about those that only vote in the Presidential election, antisemite? Quit dodging. They DON'T. Our system isn't perfect. Glad you admit that AOC is a loon. She is almost as crazy as you but even she knows MJ was an elite hoops player.

If you could click your fingers Thanos style and kill all Jews right now, would you? Honest question, Antisemite.
Nah, in this day and age, it is clear that the courts are becoming more politicized....Thanks for that Democrats....
Another desperate cult excuse, made after the fact because your delusions were shown to be delusions. Cultism 101.

"We're not insane. Its the rest of the world that is insane!"


Every cult ever

And that is another typical non intellectual response from a progressive reactionary...
LOLLOOLLOL. Even (R) members in AZ are saying enough is enough of the fraud investigation.
Running scared???? Of what.....a FAKE audit claiming fraud......that would be Rich
It’s your therapy huh?
If you could type a sentence that a 7th grader could comprehend, it would be easier for the intelligent people to understand what you are 'trying' to say.

So, you’re saying you don’t understand thing above a 7th grade level? That explains a lot actually....
Do you agree with Mac in that the audit will prove something?
Nope. Just like I wouldn't believe a bigfoot hunter who claims he saw bigfoot.
View attachment 490720
And if it does show something, would you support further investigation?
Considering the lack of ballot security, I don't think the chain of custody has been kept, rendering any conclusions extremely dubious.
That and do not forget in real audits members from both parties are present. Not the case in this fraudit. This fraudit is almost as big a joke as the q thing.

I‘m not vouching for, nor promoting the accuracy, merely saying this mess should be settled if we ever want election integrity again.
Audits are about truth.

Truth is the most hated entity in the democrat party, which is why the party elites ban it. The democrats have NO TRUTH, right down to first "lady" Michael Robinson. Harris is ugly, but at least she has a donut, not a hot dog....
Who gave the order for 5 states to close up shop and call it a night before all the votes were counted CORRECTLY?

Why were dead people voting and those votes counted?

Why were the voting machines wiped of their data?

Why were the passwords to get IN the voting machines denied to auditors?

Why were people there to watch as votes were counted told to stand on the other side of the room too far away to see anything?
Who gave the order for 5 states to close up shop and call it a night before all the votes were counted CORRECTLY?

Why were dead people voting and those votes counted?

Why were the voting machines wiped of their data?

Why were the passwords to get IN the voting machines denied to auditors?

Why were people there to watch as votes were counted told to stand on the other side of the room too far away to see anything?
Watch this ....

Prove dead people voted....
Will MI follow suit? And if that is proven as a cheat, what happens? Does Sleepy Joe get to keep on in the WH? Or if proven Trump DID win...does he get brought back as potus?
It just means that we'll have proof of what a lot of people already assume -- elections don't matter. The elites decide who enters power.

Most of the time, this isn't as blatant, since they typically buy both parties, but Trump was a nationalist in policy, unlike most American politicians. That made removing him paramount to their interests.

Even if it's proven that Arizona and other states were compromised, nothing is likely to happen in the court system. The media will either downplay it or mischaracterize it to maintain the status quo. And about half of the public will accept this.
I see that this is no longer a sticky. Its rather partisan when you have a fake audit promoted to an event of huge importance. We should laugh really.
The 74.2Mil who voted for Trump get congressmen? Do those in MA get them? What about those that only vote in the Presidential election, antisemite? Quit dodging. They DON'T. Our system isn't perfect. Glad you admit that AOC is a loon. She is almost as crazy as you but even she knows MJ was an elite hoops player.

If you could click your fingers Thanos style and kill all Jews right now, would you? Honest question, Antisemite.

Naw, I'd do that the Mormons... because I really hate Mormons.

I'd maybe send the Zionists back to Europe where they came from.

Point is, unless you live in one of the ten or so swing states, your vote becomes kind of meaningless in a presidential election.

The practical matter is that when someone wins the presidency without winning the popular vote, he has no real legitimacy. JQ Adams was considered someone who got in by a "Corrupt Bargain", Rutherford B. Hayes was referred to has "His Fraudulency". Bush will be remembered as the guy who stole the election with his brother and got us into wars and recessions.... and Trump. Man, the Historians are going to have a field day with his fat orange ass.
The 74.2Mil who voted for Trump get congressmen? Do those in MA get them? What about those that only vote in the Presidential election, antisemite? Quit dodging. They DON'T. Our system isn't perfect. Glad you admit that AOC is a loon. She is almost as crazy as you but even she knows MJ was an elite hoops player.

If you could click your fingers Thanos style and kill all Jews right now, would you? Honest question, Antisemite.

Naw, I'd do that the Mormons... because I really hate Mormons.

I'd maybe send the Zionists back to Europe where they came from.

Point is, unless you live in one of the ten or so swing states, your vote becomes kind of meaningless in a presidential election.

The practical matter is that when someone wins the presidency without winning the popular vote, he has no real legitimacy. JQ Adams was considered someone who got in by a "Corrupt Bargain", Rutherford B. Hayes was referred to has "His Fraudulency". Bush will be remembered as the guy who stole the election with his brother and got us into wars and recessions.... and Trump. Man, the Historians are going to have a field day with his fat orange ass.
So are you Ok with that? 74.2mil have zero representation. Same for 66mil post 2016 election? Are you Ok with that? Yes or no? Simple question.
74.2mil people deserve to know the truth. Rest is partisan dialogue.
So how many audits and recounts do you need. Throw out a number....
As many as it takes to get to the truth
How do you discern "the truth?" From where I'm sitting it's being defined by people who believe fraud happened as, "as many as it takes to agree with my opinion." As a methodology for discerning truth it has some obvious flaws don't you think?
3rd party that doesn't have a dog in the fight is how I would do it.
That's been done. So why didn't you accept it?
What’s been done? Accept what?
In Arizona alone, there have been two audits and a hand recount.
By an unbiased third party? News to me. Post it please.

PHOENIX (AP) — Two independent audits of election equipment in Arizona’s most populous county found no modified software, malicious software or incorrect counting equipment, and none of the computers or equipment were connected to the internet.
Your own link isn’t even conclusive. It’s disputed. Did you even read it? You’re such a loser it’s sad. A loser antisemite.
Nope, it's no longer in dispute.
Per your article it is. Did you mean to post a different article? Please do so.
I can do that too...

... meanwhile, the point of contention raised by Fann was...

“That’s what we agreed on, and that’s not what we got,” Fann said. “One of the companies that did it was a company that all they do is certify machines — they do not do an audit.”

Aside from the fact the other company did audits, she threw her own complaint that one company only certifies machines into the trash when she hired a company to do their audit which is not in the business to perform an election audit, is not certified to perform an election audit, and has never performed an election audit.

Too bad she turned out to be a monumental hypocrite.

Regardless, they were audited and the machines passed.
Machines only count votes. Did you read your own article? Many disputes about legality of those casting ballots. Read your own article
The other issues were settled by the court. Both Republicans and democrats voting, followed the rules in place before the voting started....that were settled by the court when lawsuits were brought.

That is NOT fraud, or cheating or illegal.
74.2mil people deserve to know the truth. Rest is partisan dialogue.
So how many audits and recounts do you need. Throw out a number....
As many as it takes to get to the truth
How do you discern "the truth?" From where I'm sitting it's being defined by people who believe fraud happened as, "as many as it takes to agree with my opinion." As a methodology for discerning truth it has some obvious flaws don't you think?
3rd party that doesn't have a dog in the fight is how I would do it.
That's been done. So why didn't you accept it?
What’s been done? Accept what?
In Arizona alone, there have been two audits and a hand recount.
By an unbiased third party? News to me. Post it please.

PHOENIX (AP) — Two independent audits of election equipment in Arizona’s most populous county found no modified software, malicious software or incorrect counting equipment, and none of the computers or equipment were connected to the internet.
Your own link isn’t even conclusive. It’s disputed. Did you even read it? You’re such a loser it’s sad. A loser antisemite.
Nope, it's no longer in dispute.
Per your article it is. Did you mean to post a different article? Please do so.
I can do that too...

... meanwhile, the point of contention raised by Fann was...

“That’s what we agreed on, and that’s not what we got,” Fann said. “One of the companies that did it was a company that all they do is certify machines — they do not do an audit.”

Aside from the fact the other company did audits, she threw her own complaint that one company only certifies machines into the trash when she hired a company to do their audit which is not in the business to perform an election audit, is not certified to perform an election audit, and has never performed an election audit.

Too bad she turned out to be a monumental hypocrite.

Regardless, they were audited and the machines passed.
Machines only count votes. Did you read your own article? Many disputes about legality of those casting ballots. Read your own article
The other issues were settled by the court. Both Republicans and democrats voting, followed the rules in place before the voting started....that were settled by the court when lawsuits were brought.

That is NOT fraud, or cheating or illegal.
In your opinion. But obviously many disagree. Maybe there should be a live debate on TV so we the American people can hear both sides and decide for ourselves? Don’t tell me what to think. Present the facts and allow me to make my own conclusions. Since you’re so confident, please briefly summarize both arguments for me and allow me to make my decision. Thank you.
74.2mil people deserve to know the truth. Rest is partisan dialogue.
So how many audits and recounts do you need. Throw out a number....
As many as it takes to get to the truth
How do you discern "the truth?" From where I'm sitting it's being defined by people who believe fraud happened as, "as many as it takes to agree with my opinion." As a methodology for discerning truth it has some obvious flaws don't you think?
3rd party that doesn't have a dog in the fight is how I would do it.
That's been done. So why didn't you accept it?
What’s been done? Accept what?
In Arizona alone, there have been two audits and a hand recount.
By an unbiased third party? News to me. Post it please.

PHOENIX (AP) — Two independent audits of election equipment in Arizona’s most populous county found no modified software, malicious software or incorrect counting equipment, and none of the computers or equipment were connected to the internet.
Your own link isn’t even conclusive. It’s disputed. Did you even read it? You’re such a loser it’s sad. A loser antisemite.
Nope, it's no longer in dispute.
Per your article it is. Did you mean to post a different article? Please do so.
I can do that too...

... meanwhile, the point of contention raised by Fann was...

“That’s what we agreed on, and that’s not what we got,” Fann said. “One of the companies that did it was a company that all they do is certify machines — they do not do an audit.”

Aside from the fact the other company did audits, she threw her own complaint that one company only certifies machines into the trash when she hired a company to do their audit which is not in the business to perform an election audit, is not certified to perform an election audit, and has never performed an election audit.

Too bad she turned out to be a monumental hypocrite.

Regardless, they were audited and the machines passed.
Machines only count votes. Did you read your own article? Many disputes about legality of those casting ballots. Read your own article
The other issues were settled by the court. Both Republicans and democrats voting, followed the rules in place before the voting started....that were settled by the court when lawsuits were brought.

That is NOT fraud, or cheating or illegal.
In your opinion. But obviously many disagree. Maybe there should be a live debate on TV so we the American people can hear both sides and decide for ourselves? Don’t tell me what to think. Present the facts and allow me to make my own conclusions. Since you’re so confident, please briefly summarize both arguments for me and allow me to make my decision. Thank you.
Just read the court cases, and summaries. Easy peasy. The problem is, you won't do it.
74.2mil people deserve to know the truth. Rest is partisan dialogue.
So how many audits and recounts do you need. Throw out a number....
As many as it takes to get to the truth
How do you discern "the truth?" From where I'm sitting it's being defined by people who believe fraud happened as, "as many as it takes to agree with my opinion." As a methodology for discerning truth it has some obvious flaws don't you think?
3rd party that doesn't have a dog in the fight is how I would do it.
That's been done. So why didn't you accept it?
What’s been done? Accept what?
In Arizona alone, there have been two audits and a hand recount.
By an unbiased third party? News to me. Post it please.

PHOENIX (AP) — Two independent audits of election equipment in Arizona’s most populous county found no modified software, malicious software or incorrect counting equipment, and none of the computers or equipment were connected to the internet.
Your own link isn’t even conclusive. It’s disputed. Did you even read it? You’re such a loser it’s sad. A loser antisemite.
Nope, it's no longer in dispute.
Per your article it is. Did you mean to post a different article? Please do so.
I can do that too...

... meanwhile, the point of contention raised by Fann was...

“That’s what we agreed on, and that’s not what we got,” Fann said. “One of the companies that did it was a company that all they do is certify machines — they do not do an audit.”

Aside from the fact the other company did audits, she threw her own complaint that one company only certifies machines into the trash when she hired a company to do their audit which is not in the business to perform an election audit, is not certified to perform an election audit, and has never performed an election audit.

Too bad she turned out to be a monumental hypocrite.

Regardless, they were audited and the machines passed.
Machines only count votes. Did you read your own article? Many disputes about legality of those casting ballots. Read your own article
The other issues were settled by the court. Both Republicans and democrats voting, followed the rules in place before the voting started....that were settled by the court when lawsuits were brought.

That is NOT fraud, or cheating or illegal.
In your opinion. But obviously many disagree. Maybe there should be a live debate on TV so we the American people can hear both sides and decide for ourselves? Don’t tell me what to think. Present the facts and allow me to make my own conclusions. Since you’re so confident, please briefly summarize both arguments for me and allow me to make my decision. Thank you.
Just read the court cases, and summaries. Easy peasy. The problem is, you won't do it.
You seem to be an expert. Please summarize it for me. From what I read there are still disputed facts.

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