If Christians are allowed to discriminate against gays ...

Should gays be allowed to discriminate against Christians?

  • Seems fair to me.

  • No, only religious people should be protected.

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Funny when you research the meaning of the Wedding Cake in Marriage.

The cake was a symbol of fertility of the Bride and Groom.

Irony if anything is. Same Sex couples want a symbol of fertility as part of the celebration. :oops-28:
Funny that you do not seem to understand that a Lesbian is in fact fertile and can carry a child and a gay man can produce a sperm.

What is not funny is the pathetic way in which you cling to the issue of fertility and procreation, and obsession with the fact that gay couples do not have children in the exact same way that heterosexuals do At the same time, you refuse to answer my question of why it matters and what the implication is for gay rights and discrimination which is the topic of this thread.

However, I'm pretty sure that I know why. It is your not so subtle way of casting gay people as different and not as valuable to society as other, in order to justify marginalizing them and discriminating against them. Man up nd admit it!

Yet the two aren't getting married, or are they inviting the donor into the marriage? The cake is not bestowed upon the donor, now is it!

You can't help but love the Irony here! Especially that PP added a THIRD dancing dude

You cannot make this shit up folks, you really just can't!

I made my point. You did not even bother to deny it . Let the record show that I nailed you. My work is done here. Your are exposed for what you are . A bigot who is too cowardly to admit it.


Oh, I have no doubt you wouldn't love to "nail me".

And I am the one that proved the point and made you look like nothing more than an attention whore drama queen.

You actually think a Wedding Cake, a symbol used to bestow fertility upon a Bride and a Groom is anyway appropriate in a same sex marriage. Then you are either deranged or just plain stupid.

I can't take you seriously. Never really did.:asshole:
Funny --- I say the same thing about you. But you are certainly entertaining
I clearly demonstrated that the law is not concerned about the biology of procreation in relation to gay rights and marriage. Get over it!

Funny when you research the meaning of the Wedding Cake in Marriage.

The cake was a symbol of fertility of the Bride and Groom.

Irony if anything is. Same Sex couples want a symbol of fertility as part of the celebration. :oops-28:
Funny that you do not seem to understand that a Lesbian is in fact fertile and can carry a child and a gay man can produce a sperm.

What is not funny is the pathetic way in which you cling to the issue of fertility and procreation, and obsession with the fact that gay couples do not have children in the exact same way that heterosexuals do At the same time, you refuse to answer my question of why it matters and what the implication is for gay rights and discrimination which is the topic of this thread.

However, I'm pretty sure that I know why. It is your not so subtle way of casting gay people as different and not as valuable to society as other, in order to justify marginalizing them and discriminating against them. Man up nd admit it!

Yet the two aren't getting married, or are they inviting the donor into the marriage? The cake is not bestowed upon the donor, now is it!

You can't help but love the Irony here! Especially that PP added a THIRD dancing dude

You cannot make this shit up folks, you really just can't!

I made my point. You did not even bother to deny it . Let the record show that I nailed you. My work is done here. Your are exposed for what you are . A bigot who is too cowardly to admit it.


Oh, I have no doubt you wouldn't love to "nail me".

And I am the one that proved the point and made you look like nothing more than an attention whore drama queen.

You actually think a Wedding Cake, a symbol used to bestow fertility upon a Bride and a Groom is anyway appropriate in a same sex marriage. Then you are either deranged or just plain stupid.

Re: "Then you are either deranged or just plain stupid." ... my guess would both all of the above. So far as "nailing you" ... progressive would probably have his brother Darryl or his other brother Daryl explore your hershey highway, the word is he goes in for the oral angle
Heterosexuality is the combining of male to female components. The male may be gay, but he is used in a way not of his sexuality.

No, you just described procreation. Procreation does not require sex therefore does not require heterosexuality.

Heterosexuality is not required for parenting or procrastination. I'm sorry if this somehow makes you feel less of a man, but that's your problem.
sure it is. why the fk you think we have so many kids fked up. Either missing a mother or a father. yep, statistics say kids need one of each for development and maturity.

Why Children Need a Male and Female Parent | Cornerstone Family Council

  • "The cooperative input and influence of a male parent and a female parent is essential for proper child development.
  • “As fathering expert Dr. Kyle Pruett of YaleMedicalSchool explains in Fatherneed: Why Father Care is as Essential as Mother Care for Your Child, “fathers do not mother.” Psychology Today explains, “fatherhood turns out to be a complex and unique phenomenon with huge consequences for the emotional and intellectual growth of children.” A father, as a male parent, brings unique contributions to the parenting project.
  • Likewise, a mother, as a female, uniquely impacts the life and development of her child, as Dr. Brenda Hunter explains in her book, The Power of Mother Love: Transforming Both Mother and Child. Erik Erikson, a pioneer in the world of child psychology, explained that father love and mother love are qualitatively different kinds of love. As cited in Kyle D. Pruett, The Nurturing Father, (New York: Warner Books, 1987), p. 49."
Cornerstone is affiliated with the Family Research Council which is a religious right propaganda mill and ant gay hate group

According to whom?
Family Research Council

Oh, the SPLC. Of course <massive eye roll>.
I really can't understand why someone would want to ruin their life with a lifelong commitment to a relationship.

Not very many Gay Marriages last that long.
LOL Not many heterosexual marriages last that long.

Wrong. But I'm sure you're all excited by the idea that left-think has utterly destroyed traditional society.

According to the US Census Bureau, more than half of all married couples in the US have been together at least 15 years. About a third of them have been together 25 years. After that, the numbers go down, only because it starts becoming more common for one or both partners to die.

That "50% divorce rate" people loved crowing about for years was a myth based on faulty statistical mathematics.
So? There was still zero heterosexuality that went into the making of our children. None.

Heterosexuality is the combining of male to female components. The male may be gay, but he is used in a way not of his sexuality.

No, you just described procreation. Procreation does not require sex therefore does not require heterosexuality.

Heterosexuality is not required for parenting or procrastination. I'm sorry if this somehow makes you feel less of a man, but that's your problem.
sure it is. why the fk you think we have so many kids fked up. Either missing a mother or a father. yep, statistics say kids need one of each for development and maturity.

Why Children Need a Male and Female Parent | Cornerstone Family Council

  • "The cooperative input and influence of a male parent and a female parent is essential for proper child development.
  • “As fathering expert Dr. Kyle Pruett of YaleMedicalSchool explains in Fatherneed: Why Father Care is as Essential as Mother Care for Your Child, “fathers do not mother.” Psychology Today explains, “fatherhood turns out to be a complex and unique phenomenon with huge consequences for the emotional and intellectual growth of children.” A father, as a male parent, brings unique contributions to the parenting project.
  • Likewise, a mother, as a female, uniquely impacts the life and development of her child, as Dr. Brenda Hunter explains in her book, The Power of Mother Love: Transforming Both Mother and Child. Erik Erikson, a pioneer in the world of child psychology, explained that father love and mother love are qualitatively different kinds of love. As cited in Kyle D. Pruett, The Nurturing Father, (New York: Warner Books, 1987), p. 49."

Divorce is why so many kids are “fucked up”. Kids do best with two parents. The gender is immaterial.


In their analysis, the researchers found no evidence of gender-based parenting abilities, with the "partial exception of lactation," noting that very little about the gender of the parent has significance for children's psychological adjustment and social success.

As the researchers write: "The social science research that is routinely cited does not actually speak to the questions of whether or not children need both a mother and a father at home. Instead proponents generally cite research that compares [heterosexual two-parent] families with single parents, thus conflating the number with the gender of parents."
As I said.

If evidence is proffered that shows a high probability that children suffer from some psychological or developmental defect based SOLELY on the fact that their parents are same-sex, I will reconsider.

But I will bet the motherfucking farm that no such evidence will ever be produced, even if there is underlying truth to such a claim (there's not). The study would need to include hetero families and somehow exclude all the other factors or potential factors. Nobody would pay for such a study anyway, so I think we can put the issue to bed.

So what you're saying is that because no one is willing to pay for the research, and everyone's too afraid to DO the research because they don't want to be called "homophobic", that must mean there's nothing to research?
What discrimination, based on immutable traits, is allowed? Other than gays of course...

All immutable traits that aren't listed in the protected classes lists are fair game. A business owner can discriminate against people because they're ugly (or pretty), because of their accent, their socio-economic status, because they're fat or skinny, because they stink, or because they remind her of her creepy Uncle Joe.

Some states and localities DO bar discrimination based on weight, height, looks, etc.

So what?

It's also worth noting that several of the 'protected classes' aren't innate traits. So I'm not sure why you all are fixated on that.
You're correct. Christianity is protected on a Federal level in all 50 states and it is not an immutable trait like sexual orientation which is only protected in about half the states.
I really can't understand why someone would want to ruin their life with a lifelong commitment to a relationship.

Not very many Gay Marriages last that long.
LOL Not many heterosexual marriages last that long.

Wrong. But I'm sure you're all excited by the idea that left-think has utterly destroyed traditional society.

According to the US Census Bureau, more than half of all married couples in the US have been together at least 15 years. About a third of them have been together 25 years. After that, the numbers go down, only because it starts becoming more common for one or both partners to die.

That "50% divorce rate" people loved crowing about for years was a myth based on faulty statistical mathematics.
Right...the divorce rate is really only around 40-45% not 50. So much better...

Do you have statistics on gay couples divorcing?
Heterosexuality is the combining of male to female components. The male may be gay, but he is used in a way not of his sexuality.

No, you just described procreation. Procreation does not require sex therefore does not require heterosexuality.

Heterosexuality is not required for parenting or procrastination. I'm sorry if this somehow makes you feel less of a man, but that's your problem.
sure it is. why the fk you think we have so many kids fked up. Either missing a mother or a father. yep, statistics say kids need one of each for development and maturity.

Why Children Need a Male and Female Parent | Cornerstone Family Council

  • "The cooperative input and influence of a male parent and a female parent is essential for proper child development.
  • “As fathering expert Dr. Kyle Pruett of YaleMedicalSchool explains in Fatherneed: Why Father Care is as Essential as Mother Care for Your Child, “fathers do not mother.” Psychology Today explains, “fatherhood turns out to be a complex and unique phenomenon with huge consequences for the emotional and intellectual growth of children.” A father, as a male parent, brings unique contributions to the parenting project.
  • Likewise, a mother, as a female, uniquely impacts the life and development of her child, as Dr. Brenda Hunter explains in her book, The Power of Mother Love: Transforming Both Mother and Child. Erik Erikson, a pioneer in the world of child psychology, explained that father love and mother love are qualitatively different kinds of love. As cited in Kyle D. Pruett, The Nurturing Father, (New York: Warner Books, 1987), p. 49."

Divorce is why so many kids are “fucked up”. Kids do best with two parents. The gender is immaterial.


In their analysis, the researchers found no evidence of gender-based parenting abilities, with the "partial exception of lactation," noting that very little about the gender of the parent has significance for children's psychological adjustment and social success.

As the researchers write: "The social science research that is routinely cited does not actually speak to the questions of whether or not children need both a mother and a father at home. Instead proponents generally cite research that compares [heterosexual two-parent] families with single parents, thus conflating the number with the gender of parents."
As I said.

If evidence is proffered that shows a high probability that children suffer from some psychological or developmental defect based SOLELY on the fact that their parents are same-sex, I will reconsider.

But I will bet the motherfucking farm that no such evidence will ever be produced, even if there is underlying truth to such a claim (there's not). The study would need to include hetero families and somehow exclude all the other factors or potential factors. Nobody would pay for such a study anyway, so I think we can put the issue to bed.

So what you're saying is that because no one is willing to pay for the research, and everyone's too afraid to DO the research because they don't want to be called "homophobic", that must mean there's nothing to research?

There IS research. It says our children are at no disadvantage to yours.
So what you're saying is that because no one is willing to pay for the research, and everyone's too afraid to DO the research because they don't want to be called "homophobic", that must mean there's nothing to research?
I am saying there is no evidence and will likely never be any evidence.
I really can't understand why someone would want to ruin their life with a lifelong commitment to a relationship.

Not very many Gay Marriages last that long.
LOL Not many heterosexual marriages last that long.

Wrong. But I'm sure you're all excited by the idea that left-think has utterly destroyed traditional society.

According to the US Census Bureau, more than half of all married couples in the US have been together at least 15 years. About a third of them have been together 25 years. After that, the numbers go down, only because it starts becoming more common for one or both partners to die.

That "50% divorce rate" people loved crowing about for years was a myth based on faulty statistical mathematics.
And the divorce rate for married same sex couples is lower than for others, and states where same sex marriage was legal prior to Obergefell saw their overall divorce rate decline. Same sex marriage is now a part of traditional society. The marriage club has been expanded to include new members and the institution is stronger as a result

Divorce & Marriage Rates for Same-Sex Couples http://www.huffingtonpost.com/frederick-hertz/divorce-marriage-rates-fo_b_1085024.html Updated Jan 23, 2014

Here is a summary of what these researchers concluded:

1. Nearly 150,000 same-sex couples have either married or registered civil unions or domestic partnerships, which constitutes about one-fifth of same-sex couples in the U.S. (or rather, a fifth of those who acknowledged themselves as such in recent United States Census reports).

2. About 1% of the total number of currently-married or registered same-sex couples get divorced each year, in comparison to about 2% of the total number of married straight couples. Note that the percentage of couples that get divorced eventually is close to 50%, but only 1% or 2% of them get divorced in any particular year.

3. Couples are more likely to legally formalize their relationship when marriage is an option, as opposed to a marriage-equivalent domestic partnership or civil union registration in states where only those options are allowed.

4. Nearly two-thirds of registered or married same-sex couples are lesbians, and only about a third are gay men.

5. A smaller percentage of same-sex couples register or marry in comparison to straight couples, but if current trends continue the marriage/registration rates will be similar in about ten years.

What do these statistics tells us about what is happening with gay marriage and divorce?

First, marriage is much more attractive to same-sex couples than a legally equivalent registration as civil union or domestic partners. This finding is consistent with other studies that have shown that same-sex couples are more interested in the social symbolism and community acceptance that is bestowed by marriage, as opposed to the “dry” technical benefits of a domestic partnership or civil union. This should not surprise us — increasingly, gay and lesbian folks seem to be not all that different than straight couples when it comes to love and romance.

Marriage and Same-sex Couples After Obergefell http://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.e...ex-Couples-after-Obergefell-November-2015.pdf

Selected Excerpts:

n 2013, the year that the Windsor ruling was issued, an estimated 230,000 same-sex couples were married, 21% of all same-sex couples. • By June 2015, when Obergefell was decided, 390,000 same-sex couples were married, 38% of all same-sex couples. • As of October 2015, 486,000 same-sex couples were married, or 45% of all same-sex couples.

The legal benefits and obligations of marriage now support these married couples, more than a quarter of whom are raising children, and the visibility of these families will likely continue to accelerate public support for marriage equality in the United States.

The added benefits associated with federal recognition likely increased the attractiveness of marriage for same-sex couples. Further, successful legal challenges rapidly expanded the number of states permitting same-sex couples to marry. This resulted in an acceleration in marriages among same-sex couples. Badgett and Mallory (2014) analyzed marriage license data and considered rates of marriage among same-sex couples in Connecticut, Vermont, and New Hampshire in 2012 and 2013. These three states had been allowing same-sex couples to marry for at least three years prior to the Windsor decision, which allowed sufficient time to alleviate initial spikes in marriage due to pent up demand in individual states. The analyses showed that nearly twice as many same-sex couples married in these states in 2013 as did in 2012. This sharp increase was likely a result of the Windsor ruling.

Marriage Trends Analyses of ACS data show large increases in the proportion of same-sex couples who reported being married between 2013 and 2014 (see Figure 1). In 2013, more than one in five (21.4%) same-sex couples reported being married. In 2014, that figure increased to nearly one in three (32.6%). In 2013, 6% of same-sex couples reported that they had married in the last year. In 2014, that figure was nearly 14% of same-sex couples. These data offer compelling evidence that the Windsor decision had the effect of substantially increasing the rate at which same-sex couples decided to marry throughout the country. In June of 2015, the US Supreme Court issued its decision in Obergefell v. Hodges. Just prior to that decision, Gates and Newport (2015) used data from the first four months of the 2015 Gallup Daily Tracking survey to estimate that there were approximately 390,000 married same-sex couples in the US.

Using information from the 2014 ACS and the initial 2015 Gallup estimate, analyses suggest that during the first six months of 2015, prior to the Obergefell decision, there were approximately 64,000 new marriages among same-sex couples (see Figure 2). ACS data also suggest that there were approximately 2.2 million marriages (different-sex and same-sex couples) that occurred in the country in 2014, of which approximately 46% occurred in the first six months of the year. This implies that samesex couples comprised an estimated 6.4% of all marriages in the US in the first half of 2015

Analyses of Gallup data (Jones and Gates, 2015) now estimate that there are 486,000 married same-sex couples in the US. Figure 3 tracks the estimated number of married same-sex couples starting in 2004 and shows the steep increases that began in 2013.

More than 1 in 4 married same-sex couples are raising children under age 18, and they are nearly 10 times more likely than married different-sex couples to have adopted children (Gates, 2015). Increases in marriage among same-sex couples mean that more American children, particularly adopted children who are among the nation’s most vulnerable, will have access to the economic benefits and stability that having married parents can bring.

Now, let’s see if you really want to learn and understand anything. The test will be whether or not you have anything relevant, appropriate and intelligent to say about any of this.
I really can't understand why someone would want to ruin their life with a lifelong commitment to a relationship.

Not very many Gay Marriages last that long.
LOL Not many heterosexual marriages last that long.

Wrong. But I'm sure you're all excited by the idea that left-think has utterly destroyed traditional society.

According to the US Census Bureau, more than half of all married couples in the US have been together at least 15 years. About a third of them have been together 25 years. After that, the numbers go down, only because it starts becoming more common for one or both partners to die.

That "50% divorce rate" people loved crowing about for years was a myth based on faulty statistical mathematics.
Right...the divorce rate is really only around 40-45% not 50. So much better...

Do you have statistics on gay couples divorcing?


Source: The Divorce Rate Is Much Lower Than You Think

So what is the actual, current divorce rate? Feldhahn classifies that as the percent of marriages that have ended in divorce, and that's the number that has never gotten anywhere close to 50 percent. According to 2009 data from the U.S. Census Bureau, the average percent of all marriages that have ever ended in divorce is 30.8 percent, says Feldhahn. "But that's all marriages—the first, second, third, and tenth marriages. What most people are interested in are first marriages." According to that same data set, on average, 72 percent of people are still married to their first spouse. "And of the 28 percent who are aren't, a big chunk of that could be people who were married for 50 years and their spouses died,

It's actually less than 28%
Heterosexuality is the combining of male to female components. The male may be gay, but he is used in a way not of his sexuality.

No, you just described procreation. Procreation does not require sex therefore does not require heterosexuality.

Heterosexuality is not required for parenting or procrastination. I'm sorry if this somehow makes you feel less of a man, but that's your problem.
sure it is. why the fk you think we have so many kids fked up. Either missing a mother or a father. yep, statistics say kids need one of each for development and maturity.

Why Children Need a Male and Female Parent | Cornerstone Family Council

  • "The cooperative input and influence of a male parent and a female parent is essential for proper child development.
  • “As fathering expert Dr. Kyle Pruett of YaleMedicalSchool explains in Fatherneed: Why Father Care is as Essential as Mother Care for Your Child, “fathers do not mother.” Psychology Today explains, “fatherhood turns out to be a complex and unique phenomenon with huge consequences for the emotional and intellectual growth of children.” A father, as a male parent, brings unique contributions to the parenting project.
  • Likewise, a mother, as a female, uniquely impacts the life and development of her child, as Dr. Brenda Hunter explains in her book, The Power of Mother Love: Transforming Both Mother and Child. Erik Erikson, a pioneer in the world of child psychology, explained that father love and mother love are qualitatively different kinds of love. As cited in Kyle D. Pruett, The Nurturing Father, (New York: Warner Books, 1987), p. 49."

Divorce is why so many kids are “fucked up”. Kids do best with two parents. The gender is immaterial.


In their analysis, the researchers found no evidence of gender-based parenting abilities, with the "partial exception of lactation," noting that very little about the gender of the parent has significance for children's psychological adjustment and social success.

As the researchers write: "The social science research that is routinely cited does not actually speak to the questions of whether or not children need both a mother and a father at home. Instead proponents generally cite research that compares [heterosexual two-parent] families with single parents, thus conflating the number with the gender of parents."
As I said.

If evidence is proffered that shows a high probability that children suffer from some psychological or developmental defect based SOLELY on the fact that their parents are same-sex, I will reconsider.

But I will bet the motherfucking farm that no such evidence will ever be produced, even if there is underlying truth to such a claim (there's not). The study would need to include hetero families and somehow exclude all the other factors or potential factors. Nobody would pay for such a study anyway, so I think we can put the issue to bed.

So what you're saying is that because no one is willing to pay for the research, and everyone's too afraid to DO the research because they don't want to be called "homophobic", that must mean there's nothing to research?
There is a mountain of research that was conducted with no political, religious or social agenda and that was peer reviewd that found that children of same sex parents did as well in all areas as other children. If you say please I will share it with you.
If Christians are allowed to discriminate against gays ..

Allowed? What's stopping them?
I really can't understand why someone would want to ruin their life with a lifelong commitment to a relationship.

Not very many Gay Marriages last that long.
LOL Not many heterosexual marriages last that long.

Wrong. But I'm sure you're all excited by the idea that left-think has utterly destroyed traditional society.

According to the US Census Bureau, more than half of all married couples in the US have been together at least 15 years. About a third of them have been together 25 years. After that, the numbers go down, only because it starts becoming more common for one or both partners to die.

That "50% divorce rate" people loved crowing about for years was a myth based on faulty statistical mathematics.
Right...the divorce rate is really only around 40-45% not 50. So much better...

Do you have statistics on gay couples divorcing?

Again, faulty statistical mathematics on the divorce rate. This is a difficult topic to really measure for any group, particularly since many aspects of it aren't even tracked in any official capacity. Best stats on marriage actually show about 40% of them are still going, maybe 25% or so have ended in divorce, and the rest ended because one spouse died.

Homosexuals are even more difficult to measure, since the gaps in reporting that exist with heterosexuals are even worse, homosexuals can't get legally "married" everywhere, and even when they can, they often opt not to. So who and what you're going to measure is a lot more fluid, and passes through a lot less official recordkeeping.

Some studies have said that only about 10% of homosexual men are in a "legal" relationship, meaning married or in a domestic partnership in those places which offer one or the other, and about one-third of lesbians. Of those remaining, about half of them are in relationships of some sort, but choose to keep them informal for whatever reason, even if they have the option to legalize it.

So in general, it seems homosexuals are a lot less oriented (excuse the pun) toward long-term monogamy in the first place.

As to why one might reasonably predict that homosexual couples don't have the same longevity as heterosexual married couples:

Statistically speaking, couples with children together are likely to stay together longer than couples without, and that probably holds true for homosexual couples. But since acquiring children together is a lot more difficult for homosexual couples, it's far less of a factor.

Also, homosexual couples probably don't have the same sort of social pressure to stay together that heterosexual couples do, just as they tend not to have the same social pressure to "make it legal" that heterosexual couples do.
No, you just described procreation. Procreation does not require sex therefore does not require heterosexuality.

Heterosexuality is not required for parenting or procrastination. I'm sorry if this somehow makes you feel less of a man, but that's your problem.
sure it is. why the fk you think we have so many kids fked up. Either missing a mother or a father. yep, statistics say kids need one of each for development and maturity.

Why Children Need a Male and Female Parent | Cornerstone Family Council

  • "The cooperative input and influence of a male parent and a female parent is essential for proper child development.
  • “As fathering expert Dr. Kyle Pruett of YaleMedicalSchool explains in Fatherneed: Why Father Care is as Essential as Mother Care for Your Child, “fathers do not mother.” Psychology Today explains, “fatherhood turns out to be a complex and unique phenomenon with huge consequences for the emotional and intellectual growth of children.” A father, as a male parent, brings unique contributions to the parenting project.
  • Likewise, a mother, as a female, uniquely impacts the life and development of her child, as Dr. Brenda Hunter explains in her book, The Power of Mother Love: Transforming Both Mother and Child. Erik Erikson, a pioneer in the world of child psychology, explained that father love and mother love are qualitatively different kinds of love. As cited in Kyle D. Pruett, The Nurturing Father, (New York: Warner Books, 1987), p. 49."

Divorce is why so many kids are “fucked up”. Kids do best with two parents. The gender is immaterial.


In their analysis, the researchers found no evidence of gender-based parenting abilities, with the "partial exception of lactation," noting that very little about the gender of the parent has significance for children's psychological adjustment and social success.

As the researchers write: "The social science research that is routinely cited does not actually speak to the questions of whether or not children need both a mother and a father at home. Instead proponents generally cite research that compares [heterosexual two-parent] families with single parents, thus conflating the number with the gender of parents."
As I said.

If evidence is proffered that shows a high probability that children suffer from some psychological or developmental defect based SOLELY on the fact that their parents are same-sex, I will reconsider.

But I will bet the motherfucking farm that no such evidence will ever be produced, even if there is underlying truth to such a claim (there's not). The study would need to include hetero families and somehow exclude all the other factors or potential factors. Nobody would pay for such a study anyway, so I think we can put the issue to bed.

So what you're saying is that because no one is willing to pay for the research, and everyone's too afraid to DO the research because they don't want to be called "homophobic", that must mean there's nothing to research?

There IS research. It says our children are at no disadvantage to yours.

You know how you utterly dismiss any research that contradicts you as "biased"? Back atcha.

Not interested in "research" that reaches a conclusion, THEN looks for the evidence.
So what you're saying is that because no one is willing to pay for the research, and everyone's too afraid to DO the research because they don't want to be called "homophobic", that must mean there's nothing to research?
I am saying there is no evidence and will likely never be any evidence.

And I'm saying how in the hell would you know if there's evidence or not, when virtually everyone is afraid to even approach the topic?
If Christians are allowed to discriminate against gays ..

Allowed? What's stopping them?

Well, Colorado, and other states, have tried to. So I'm wondering, for those people who are fighting the effort to add sexual orientation to the protected classes list, why not? If the PA laws are going to tell us we can't discriminate based on religion, why not sexual orientation? And if not sexual orientation, why should religious be on the list?
Children need a mother AND a father. Not two of one and none of the other.

I think everyone knows this deep down, but of course some people will never admit it because it doesn't go along with their politics.
Children need a mother AND a father. Not two of one and none of the other.

I think everyone knows this deep down, but of course some people will never admit it because it doesn't go along with their politics.
No everyone doesn't know that deep down. What a child needs is good parenting, from one parent or two, whether they are same sex or opposite sex. It isn't the sex of your parents or even whether it is one or two parents: IT IS GOOD PARENTING THAT MATTERS. Bottom line.

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