If democrats aren't using the virus as a political weapon how come...

I'm not saying no Democrats have criticized Trump in that regard but can you tell who and how many?

And yes, blaming Democrats for our shitty relationship with China due to our current trade war is passing the buck.

Who and how many what?

Really? You honestly can't figure out what am asking? Jesus, you're either dumb or that's the worst debating tactic I've ever seen.

The point is, nobody at the time thought any big deal about the coronavirus. It wasn't a real concern when it first started. The Democrats didn't think so and neither did Trump.

When the WHO warns governments to start taking action, that's what they should do. Those government agencies are under the executive branch.

Statement on the second meeting of the International Health Regulations (2005) Emergency Committee regarding the outbreak of novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV)

January 30th, 2020
To all countries
It is expected that further international exportation of cases may appear in any country. Thus, all countries should be prepared for containment, including active surveillance, early detection, isolation and case management, contact tracing and prevention of onward spread of 2019-nCoVinfection, and to share full data with WHO. Technical advice is available on the WHO website.

Countries are reminded that they are legally required to share information with WHO under the IHR.

Any detection of 2019-nCoV in an animal (including information about the species, diagnostic tests, and relevant epidemiological information) should be reported to the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) as an emerging disease.

Countries should place particular emphasis on reducing human infection, prevention of secondary transmission and international spread, and contributing to the international response though multi-sectoral communication and collaboration and active participation in increasing knowledge on the virus and the disease, as well as advancing research.

The Committee does not recommend any travel or trade restriction based on the current information available.

Countries must inform WHO about travel measures taken, as required by the IHR. Countries are cautioned against actions that promote stigma or discrimination, in line with the principles of Article 3 of the IHR.

The Committee asked the Director-General to provide further advice on these matters and, if necessary, to make new case-by-case recommendations, in view of this rapidly evolving situation.

What was Trump's response? Well, first nothing.

Then against the advice of the CDC ill prepared people were sent in to take American citizens haphazardly off a cruise ship and send them here, the workers were exposed tot the virus as they didn;t have proper protection. The first case in California was within minutes from Ft. Travis where these people entered back into the country.

Since then Trump has lied about the number of people infected, lied that there were enough tests and anyone who wanted it could get one in the meantime there was at least one nurse who was exposed but couldn't get a test. As the virus spreads Trump implied it was just fine to go to work if you have it. Now that everyone else is cancelling public events he's not.

His response has sucked and created a lot of confusion where idiots like you keep comparing it to the flu which has nothing to do with the virus. You do this in an effort to downplay it in the hopes it won't shake poor leader's already bad reputation.

If he lies during a pandemic, when does he tell the truth?

Trump imposes travel restrictions, mandatory quarantines over coronavirus outbreak

CNBC didn't call Trump a racist? What?

Ok, he did one thing. Not enough.

He acted immediately. Check the date on that article. It's the same date of the WHO article you posted.
Dude, this is the same globalists who blame America for climate change. hahaahahahahahahahaha let's fking get real.
Moron....the people who get it have an elevated fever and a light cough.........

unless you are 80 with a pre-existing repiratory condition, you will likely get it and not even know you have it....

Tom Hanks and His wife have it.....and are feeling fine....you dope.
which means they most likely don't have it. just saying. the obscurity of this is amazing.
They have it. Said so themselves.
they'd know what the corona virus is I tell you.
They are in Australia. They have been tested and were positive.

And are feeling fine.......

It takes two weeks for it to be symptomatic. . . .
That's all they talk about now? Trump this, pence that and the entire gop is the brunt of the covid ranting.
The market crashes every other day and that causes celebratory threads.

Y'all are a terrible bunch

This interview with a medical professional states that the data from Germany....where they are doing widespread testing and analysis...shows that the corona virus has a death rate about the same as seasonal flu.....

Germany is a best case scenario and unlike Italy or say us they acted quickly and did extensive testing. Why cherry pick? Oh, yeah, you're kind of famous for it.

Germany's extensive medical network apparently helped in early stage of coronavirus


We had 60 million infected with H1N1 and 300,000 hospitalized and no panic...in fact, you god.....obama, didn't even care until after 1000 people had already died....

Trump has been on top of this from the beginning, when all you dumb asses called him a racist for banning travel from China.....long before you asshatst thought it was a problem.....

Italy can't do anything right since they put mussolini in charge in the 1930s dittos China...and China has been all over Italy buying up everything they can, increasing their exposure....

you moron.

Trump has ignored and dowplayed it. You're comparing the height of H1N1 to the beginning of COVID19? Why?

Italy didn't do it right as they didn't do enough testing just like us and it's spreading here at about the same rate it did in italy we're just a couple of weeks behind.

Where are we on testing? We've heard about travel bans last night that many health professionals say are unwarranted and are more concerned with the number of tests. Trump? Crickets. It's vital we get an accurate picture of the infection rate here.

You asshats will burn the country down just to get Trump, you are insane......

Trump tried to keep the democrats from doing what they are doing....spreading unwarranted panic.........you moron.....

Testing doesn't do anything, since there is no vaccine or cure.......and the symptoms are a slight fever and light cough you moron.....

If you aren't a senior citizen, in particular 80 years old with a respiratory issue, you will be fine.....

But that doesn't destroy the country so you can destroy Trump...

you asshats are vile, and disgusting.

Testing doesn't do anything? It gets people who are symptomatic and asymptomatic to quarantine and stop spreading the virus. Are you mental?
Moron....the people who get it have an elevated fever and a light cough.........

unless you are 80 with a pre-existing repiratory condition, you will likely get it and not even know you have it....

Tom Hanks and His wife have it.....and are feeling fine....you dope.
which means they most likely don't have it. just saying. the obscurity of this is amazing.
They have it. Said so themselves.
they'd know what the corona virus is I tell you.
They are in Australia. They have been tested and were positive.

And are feeling fine.......

And since they were tested they are quarantined and won't be spreading the virus. See how that works?
Moron....the people who get it have an elevated fever and a light cough.........

unless you are 80 with a pre-existing repiratory condition, you will likely get it and not even know you have it....

Tom Hanks and His wife have it.....and are feeling fine....you dope.
which means they most likely don't have it. just saying. the obscurity of this is amazing.
They have it. Said so themselves.
they'd know what the corona virus is I tell you.
They are in Australia. They have been tested and were positive.

And are feeling fine.......
that doesn't even make sense. again, no logic to the panic.
which means they most likely don't have it. just saying. the obscurity of this is amazing.
They have it. Said so themselves.
they'd know what the corona virus is I tell you.
They are in Australia. They have been tested and were positive.

And are feeling fine.......

And since they were tested they are quarantined and won't be spreading the virus. See how that works?
will recover as if they had the flu and won't die. hmmmmmmmm Wouldn't they do the same if it was called the flu? just wondering where your logic stops.
They have it. Said so themselves.
they'd know what the corona virus is I tell you.
They are in Australia. They have been tested and were positive.

And are feeling fine.......

And since they were tested they are quarantined and won't be spreading the virus. See how that works?
will recover as if they had the flu and won't die. hmmmmmmmm Wouldn't they do the same if it was called the flu? just wondering where your logic stops.
COVID19 has a higher mortality rate and can be spread when showing no symptoms which while great for Tom Hanks and his wife the could have spread it to others which could include more vulnerable people. The only reason they won't be spreading this virus is because they were tested. Testing is the solution and we were late, we are still late.
they'd know what the corona virus is I tell you.
They are in Australia. They have been tested and were positive.

And are feeling fine.......

And since they were tested they are quarantined and won't be spreading the virus. See how that works?
will recover as if they had the flu and won't die. hmmmmmmmm Wouldn't they do the same if it was called the flu? just wondering where your logic stops.
COVID19 has a higher mortality rate and can be spread when showing no symptoms which while great for Tom Hanks and his wife the could have spread it to others which could include more vulnerable people. The only reason they won't be spreading this virus is because they were tested. Testing is the solution and we were late, we are still late.
no it doesn't, you don't have all of the information to make such a statement.

Again .000479% of the populace has gotten the virus, and 5.1% of the populace got the flu. or .00001% of the populace has died from the virus and .00638% have died from the flu. your numbers don't add up.
They are in Australia. They have been tested and were positive.

And are feeling fine.......

And since they were tested they are quarantined and won't be spreading the virus. See how that works?
will recover as if they had the flu and won't die. hmmmmmmmm Wouldn't they do the same if it was called the flu? just wondering where your logic stops.
COVID19 has a higher mortality rate and can be spread when showing no symptoms which while great for Tom Hanks and his wife the could have spread it to others which could include more vulnerable people. The only reason they won't be spreading this virus is because they were tested. Testing is the solution and we were late, we are still late.
no it doesn't, you don't have all of the information to make such a statement.

Testing isn't helpful? It sure helped anyone who would come into contact with those now quarantined because they were tested.

Christ, even Trump isn't as dumb as you boobs.
they'd know what the corona virus is I tell you.
They are in Australia. They have been tested and were positive.

And are feeling fine.......

And since they were tested they are quarantined and won't be spreading the virus. See how that works?
will recover as if they had the flu and won't die. hmmmmmmmm Wouldn't they do the same if it was called the flu? just wondering where your logic stops.
COVID19 has a higher mortality rate and can be spread when showing no symptoms which while great for Tom Hanks and his wife the could have spread it to others which could include more vulnerable people. The only reason they won't be spreading this virus is because they were tested. Testing is the solution and we were late, we are still late.
They will not test you unless you have symptoms.
they'd know what the corona virus is I tell you.
They are in Australia. They have been tested and were positive.

And are feeling fine.......

And since they were tested they are quarantined and won't be spreading the virus. See how that works?
will recover as if they had the flu and won't die. hmmmmmmmm Wouldn't they do the same if it was called the flu? just wondering where your logic stops.
COVID19 has a higher mortality rate and can be spread when showing no symptoms which while great for Tom Hanks and his wife the could have spread it to others which could include more vulnerable people. The only reason they won't be spreading this virus is because they were tested. Testing is the solution and we were late, we are still late.
Prayers up for Mr. and Mrs. Hanks' recuperation. :eusa_pray:
As Coronavirus hits the nation....

Does Trump still plan to repeal Obamacare?

Hope so
We are really going to need something a lot better

Yeah, he;s only had 3 years to at least announce a plan to fulfill that campaign promise.
2 of those with majorities in both houses. Remember Don's campaign blathering on healthcare? He doesn't.
john mccain stopped it. yep. sucks to be trump. obammy's ACA has had 10 years and is a fking flop. glad you finally agree.
OMG, you poor dumb moron.

*sigh* Ok, show me the math.
313 million people in the US and 1500 have the virus, that is .0000479% of the people got the corona virus.

313 million people in the US and 16 million got the flu, that is 5.1% of the people got the flu. what is it your math tells you?

You say this as if we are topping out at 1,500. It's getting worse and doubling if not tripling in a matter of days. We are also not doing nearly enough testing so pretty sure many if not most cases are undiagnosed. Just ask Italy how that worked out for them.

Moron....the people who get it have an elevated fever and a light cough.........

unless you are 80 with a pre-existing repiratory condition, you will likely get it and not even know you have it....

Tom Hanks and His wife have it.....and are feeling fine....you dope.
which means they most likely don't have it. just saying. the obscurity of this is amazing.
They have it. Said so themselves.

Well regardless they feel fine.
Because - it's just the flu.

(although to be honest it would not shock me if Hanks wanted to be his generation's Rock Hudson)
That's all they talk about now? Trump this, pence that and the entire gop is the brunt of the covid ranting.
The market crashes every other day and that causes celebratory threads.

Y'all are a terrible bunch

you cons are such jerks


you just REFUSE to stop politicizing the virus!

you politicize EVERYTHING!
yea many democrats are the same way......
Gee, sounds like it's simply American.
yes and its a wonder that other poster could not see that....
As Coronavirus hits the nation....

Does Trump still plan to repeal Obamacare?

Hope so
We are really going to need something a lot better

Yeah, he;s only had 3 years to at least announce a plan to fulfill that campaign promise.
2 of those with majorities in both houses. Remember Don's campaign blathering on healthcare? He doesn't.

You seem to know nothing about Government - It takes 60 votes to do anything in the Senate.
They are in Australia. They have been tested and were positive.

And are feeling fine.......

And since they were tested they are quarantined and won't be spreading the virus. See how that works?
will recover as if they had the flu and won't die. hmmmmmmmm Wouldn't they do the same if it was called the flu? just wondering where your logic stops.
COVID19 has a higher mortality rate and can be spread when showing no symptoms which while great for Tom Hanks and his wife the could have spread it to others which could include more vulnerable people. The only reason they won't be spreading this virus is because they were tested. Testing is the solution and we were late, we are still late.
Prayers up for Mr. and Mrs. Hanks' recuperation. :eusa_pray:

Ah yes, thoughts and prayers, in lieu of preparedness and application of lessons learned down the road. The aristocracy has access to testing. So hey, thoughts and prayers all round. Ignorance is bliss.
And are feeling fine.......

And since they were tested they are quarantined and won't be spreading the virus. See how that works?
will recover as if they had the flu and won't die. hmmmmmmmm Wouldn't they do the same if it was called the flu? just wondering where your logic stops.
COVID19 has a higher mortality rate and can be spread when showing no symptoms which while great for Tom Hanks and his wife the could have spread it to others which could include more vulnerable people. The only reason they won't be spreading this virus is because they were tested. Testing is the solution and we were late, we are still late.
Prayers up for Mr. and Mrs. Hanks' recuperation. :eusa_pray:

Ah yes, thoughts and prayers, in lieu of preparedness and application of lessons learned down the road. The aristocracy has access to testing. So hey, thoughts and prayers all round. Ignorance is bliss.
tell that to the australians.
As Coronavirus hits the nation....

Does Trump still plan to repeal Obamacare?

Hope so
We are really going to need something a lot better

Yeah, he;s only had 3 years to at least announce a plan to fulfill that campaign promise.
2 of those with majorities in both houses. Remember Don's campaign blathering on healthcare? He doesn't.

You seem to know nothing about Government - It takes 60 votes to do anything in the Senate.

Both houses, majorities. Nothing on immigration. Nothing on abortion. Nothing on guns. Nothing on healthcare. He said everyone would be covered, bestest ever, no pre-existing conditions. Nothing but excuses.
This interview with a medical professional states that the data from Germany....where they are doing widespread testing and analysis...shows that the corona virus has a death rate about the same as seasonal flu.....

Germany is a best case scenario and unlike Italy or say us they acted quickly and did extensive testing. Why cherry pick? Oh, yeah, you're kind of famous for it.

Germany's extensive medical network apparently helped in early stage of coronavirus


We had 60 million infected with H1N1 and 300,000 hospitalized and no panic...in fact, you god.....obama, didn't even care until after 1000 people had already died....

Trump has been on top of this from the beginning, when all you dumb asses called him a racist for banning travel from China.....long before you asshatst thought it was a problem.....

Italy can't do anything right since they put mussolini in charge in the 1930s dittos China...and China has been all over Italy buying up everything they can, increasing their exposure....

you moron.

Trump has ignored and dowplayed it. You're comparing the height of H1N1 to the beginning of COVID19? Why?

Italy didn't do it right as they didn't do enough testing just like us and it's spreading here at about the same rate it did in italy we're just a couple of weeks behind.

Where are we on testing? We've heard about travel bans last night that many health professionals say are unwarranted and are more concerned with the number of tests. Trump? Crickets. It's vital we get an accurate picture of the infection rate here.

You asshats will burn the country down just to get Trump, you are insane......

Trump tried to keep the democrats from doing what they are doing....spreading unwarranted panic.........you moron.....

Testing doesn't do anything, since there is no vaccine or cure.......and the symptoms are a slight fever and light cough you moron.....

If you aren't a senior citizen, in particular 80 years old with a respiratory issue, you will be fine.....

But that doesn't destroy the country so you can destroy Trump...

you asshats are vile, and disgusting.

Testing doesn't do anything? It gets people who are symptomatic and asymptomatic to quarantine and stop spreading the virus. Are you mental?

I'm pretty sure due to how the disease works? Quarantining won't do anything at this point. Pandora is probably out of the box.


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