If democrats aren't using the virus as a political weapon how come...

What is up with the travel ban on Europe but not the UK? That's weird as the UK has more infections than a lot of EU countries. It's weird.

Yeah, for the second time. I get that. Why exclude the U.K. from the ban as they are right there in the mix and have close to if not by now over 500 cases? They seem to be just as much a threat as anyone else.
Concentrated capital has some interest. Boris. Brexit. Who knows, the donor class.
Trumps ego needs the job.

Our President has blundered in his response to the crisis. Mostly because he lied to Americans about the severity.

What lied? Only 22 people have died thus far. He set up isolation stations for people coming back to the US. He instituted a travel ban in late January. He's trying to get a tax free holiday passed to strengthen the economy. WTF else do you want him to do? He's not Jesus Christ, he's a US President.

Trump told us there were only 15 infected in the US and that number would quickly go to zero.

The infection rate is accelerating with no end in sight

And when did he say that, when there were actually only 15 infected?

No end in sight? As I posted, China (the originator of the virus) is reporting a reduction of new cases for the second time, and the virus is only a couple of months old.
Who gives a fuck what China says,
they've been lying from the get go

Testing kit capacity shortages. RNA extraction kit capacity shortages. No one has any idea how many americans are walking around with it. Where are those kits manufactured? Somewhere cheaper for concentrated capital and facilitated bipartisanly over time? Tom Hanks, an NBA player, CPAC attendees, the aristocracy can access testing.

No one knows yet. But an inability to ramp up and prep for a/an/any RNA viral pandemic (no way to mass extract RNA on short notice) is merely blowback from the illusion that resourcing the bombing the fock out of the planet endlessly, bogusly, illegally and unconstitutionally, for the interests of concentrated capital would yield national and economic security for society as a whole.

Some of these questions should have been answered tonight. How many people have been tested, why are there still not enough tests out there? What about hospital beds? That's what we need to know now, where are we going to take care of everyone our hospitals only have a couple hundred thousand open rooms across the country.
Oh please. Like Trump really needs this job. For crying out loud, he's not even really getting paid for it.

Our President is doing everything possible. Because the MSM IS politicizing this, they fill your heads with all kinds of bullshit. No, this is not a crisis. 22 deaths is not a crisis. As I stated before, more people get shot in Chicago on a holiday weekend than have died from this thing.
Trumps ego needs the job.

Our President has blundered in his response to the crisis. Mostly because he lied to Americans about the severity.

What lied? Only 22 people have died thus far. He set up isolation stations for people coming back to the US. He instituted a travel ban in late January. He's trying to get a tax free holiday passed to strengthen the economy. WTF else do you want him to do? He's not Jesus Christ, he's a US President.

Trump told us there were only 15 infected in the US and that number would quickly go to zero.

The infection rate is accelerating with no end in sight

And when did he say that, when there were actually only 15 infected?

No end in sight? As I posted, China (the originator of the virus) is reporting a reduction of new cases for the second time, and the virus is only a couple of months old.

Oh, come on, pay attention.

Trump serves up irresponsible and dangerous information on coronavirus - CNN

I read the commie article, and this is the best part:

Trump was also rightly criticized earlier this week when he tried to undermine the World Health Organization's recent announcement that the mortality rate for the coronavirus was no longer just over 2%, but had risen based on new data to 3.4%. In a phone call on Fox News's "Hannity" show, Trump bluntly stated that "the 3.4% is really a false number." What was the basis for Trump disputing the health care experts at WHO? Trump commented, "this is just my hunch." This type of misinformation is not only irresponsible, but it's potentially life-threatening to those Americans who might take Trump's word over that of the experts.

Life threatening over Trump's "hunch" of 1.4% less will lead to more life-treatening results? Nah, the left isn't trying to politicize this. Nothing to see here folks. CNN is honest.
More people will die in America in 2020 from drug overdoses than will die of "the virus".

Fortunately most of the deceased druggies would otherwise have voted Democrat.

Heart attacks are going to kill more people than cancer. Should we stop talking about cancer?
Your focus isn't the virus. It's Trump and his administration.


It is always all about Trump. If you don't believe me, just ask him.
If some really hotass chick you had to pay to lay with told the entire world you had a little pink mushroom dick and your plastic trophic wife kept slapping your hand away in public on camera you might me inclined to overcompensation syndrome too.
That's all they talk about now? Trump this, pence that and the entire gop is the brunt of the covid ranting.
The market crashes every other day and that causes celebratory threads.

Y'all are a terrible bunch

Life's a bitch. Elections have consequences. Now you're crying because your *pResident is getting coverage because the world is facing a new worldwide pandemic? You want everyone to ignore it, like your *pResident is instructing the public to do? How about No.
Trumps ego needs the job.

Our President has blundered in his response to the crisis. Mostly because he lied to Americans about the severity.

What lied? Only 22 people have died thus far. He set up isolation stations for people coming back to the US. He instituted a travel ban in late January. He's trying to get a tax free holiday passed to strengthen the economy. WTF else do you want him to do? He's not Jesus Christ, he's a US President.

Trump told us there were only 15 infected in the US and that number would quickly go to zero.

The infection rate is accelerating with no end in sight

And when did he say that, when there were actually only 15 infected?

No end in sight? As I posted, China (the originator of the virus) is reporting a reduction of new cases for the second time, and the virus is only a couple of months old.

Oh, come on, pay attention.

Trump serves up irresponsible and dangerous information on coronavirus - CNN

I read the commie article, and this is the best part:

Trump was also rightly criticized earlier this week when he tried to undermine the World Health Organization's recent announcement that the mortality rate for the coronavirus was no longer just over 2%, but had risen based on new data to 3.4%. In a phone call on Fox News's "Hannity" show, Trump bluntly stated that "the 3.4% is really a false number." What was the basis for Trump disputing the health care experts at WHO? Trump commented, "this is just my hunch." This type of misinformation is not only irresponsible, but it's potentially life-threatening to those Americans who might take Trump's word over that of the experts.

Life threatening over Trump's "hunch" of 1.4% less will lead to more life-treatening results? Nah, the left isn't trying to politicize this. Nothing to see here folks. CNN is honest.

That is not what the science says. Don's so dumb he focked Stormy without a condom. Don said it was his hunch, no one else.

And we have no idea how prevalent it already is here. Some CPAC attendee got it. NBA player. Tom Hanks. The aristocracy can get access to testing.

Shortage of testing kits capacity. Shortage of RNA extraction kit capacity. This second one is just bipartisan utter stupidity over time.

Societal resources squandered on carpet bombing the planet for decades in endless, bogus, illegal, unconstitutional wars of economic colonization, pursuing the interests of concentrated capital, in the ostensible interests of national and economic security, while leaving ourselves wide open to a/an/any emerging RNA viral pandemic. No way to ramp up mass RNA extraction capacity to even get to a test if one exists. No vaccination coming in 2020.

Blowback works in mysterious ways.

Exclusive: U.S. coronavirus testing threatened by shortage of critical lab materials
This was a joint statement released by WHO and UNWTO
on Jan. 27th, with a reference date in past tense, Jan. 30th

As the current outbreak of the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) continues to develop, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) are committed to working together in guiding the travel and tourism sectors’ response to COVID-19.

On 30 January 2020, the Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the outbreak of COVID-19 to be a Public Health Emergency of International Concern and issued a set of Temporary Recommendations. WHO did not recommend any travel or trade restriction based on the current information available. WHO is working closely with global experts, governments and partners to rapidly expand scientific knowledge on this new virus, to track the spread and virulence of the virus, and to provide advice to countries and the global community on measures to protect health and prevent the spread of this outbreak.

Cooperation is key

The tourism sector is fully committed to putting people and their well-being first. International cooperation is vital for ensuring the sector can effectively contribute to the containment of COVID-19. UNWTO and WHO are working in close consultation and with other partners to assist States in ensuring that health measures be implemented in ways that minimize unnecessary interference with international traffic and trade.

Tourism’s response needs to be measured and consistent, proportionate to the public health threat and based on local risk assessment, involving every part of the tourism value chain – public bodies, private companies and tourists, in line with WHO’s overall guidance and recommendations.

UNWTO and WHO stand ready to work closely with all those communities and countries affected by the current health emergency, to build for a better and more resilient future. Travel restrictions going beyond these may cause unnecessary interference with international traffic, including negative repercussions on the tourism sector.

At this challenging time, UNWTO and WHO join the international community in standing in solidarity with affected countries.

A Joint Statement on Tourism and COVID-19 - UNWTO and WHO Call for Responsibility and Coordination
What lied? Only 22 people have died thus far. He set up isolation stations for people coming back to the US. He instituted a travel ban in late January. He's trying to get a tax free holiday passed to strengthen the economy. WTF else do you want him to do? He's not Jesus Christ, he's a US President.

Trump told us there were only 15 infected in the US and that number would quickly go to zero.

The infection rate is accelerating with no end in sight

And when did he say that, when there were actually only 15 infected?

No end in sight? As I posted, China (the originator of the virus) is reporting a reduction of new cases for the second time, and the virus is only a couple of months old.
Who gives a fuck what China says,
they've been lying from the get go

Testing kit capacity shortages. RNA extraction kit capacity shortages. No one has any idea how many americans are walking around with it. Where are those kits manufactured? Somewhere cheaper for concentrated capital and facilitated bipartisanly over time? Tom Hanks, an NBA player, CPAC attendees, the aristocracy can access testing.

No one knows yet. But an inability to ramp up and prep for a/an/any RNA viral pandemic (no way to mass extract RNA on short notice) is merely blowback from the illusion that resourcing the bombing the fock out of the planet endlessly, bogusly, illegally and unconstitutionally, for the interests of concentrated capital would yield national and economic security for society as a whole.

Some of these questions should have been answered tonight. How many people have been tested, why are there still not enough tests out there? What about hospital beds? That's what we need to know now, where are we going to take care of everyone our hospitals only have a couple hundred thousand open rooms across the country.

Don has no focking answers, America has no answers, we all saw it. We have no handle on this yet. Why do you think concentrated capital is tweaking out?
What lied? Only 22 people have died thus far. He set up isolation stations for people coming back to the US. He instituted a travel ban in late January. He's trying to get a tax free holiday passed to strengthen the economy. WTF else do you want him to do? He's not Jesus Christ, he's a US President.

Trump told us there were only 15 infected in the US and that number would quickly go to zero.

The infection rate is accelerating with no end in sight

And when did he say that, when there were actually only 15 infected?

No end in sight? As I posted, China (the originator of the virus) is reporting a reduction of new cases for the second time, and the virus is only a couple of months old.

Oh, come on, pay attention.

Trump serves up irresponsible and dangerous information on coronavirus - CNN

I read the commie article, and this is the best part:

Trump was also rightly criticized earlier this week when he tried to undermine the World Health Organization's recent announcement that the mortality rate for the coronavirus was no longer just over 2%, but had risen based on new data to 3.4%. In a phone call on Fox News's "Hannity" show, Trump bluntly stated that "the 3.4% is really a false number." What was the basis for Trump disputing the health care experts at WHO? Trump commented, "this is just my hunch." This type of misinformation is not only irresponsible, but it's potentially life-threatening to those Americans who might take Trump's word over that of the experts.

Life threatening over Trump's "hunch" of 1.4% less will lead to more life-treatening results? Nah, the left isn't trying to politicize this. Nothing to see here folks. CNN is honest.

That is not what the science says. Don's so dumb he focked Stormy without a condom. Don said it was his hunch, no one else.

And we have no idea how prevalent it already is here. Some CPAC attendee got it. NBA player. Tom Hanks. The aristocracy can get access to testing.

Shortage of testing kits capacity. Shortage of RNA extraction kit capacity. This second one is just bipartisan utter stupidity over time.

Societal resources squandered on carpet bombing the planet for decades in endless, bogus, illegal, unconstitutional wars of economic colonization, pursuing the interests of concentrated capital, in the ostensible interests of national and economic security, while leaving ourselves wide open to a/an/any emerging RNA viral pandemic. No way to ramp up mass RNA extraction capacity to even get to a test if one exists. No vaccination coming in 2020.

Blowback works in mysterious ways.

Exclusive: U.S. coronavirus testing threatened by shortage of critical lab materials

Ray is only interested in protecting Trump, nothing more.
This was a joint statement released by WHO and UNWTO
on Jan. 27th, with a reference date in past tense, Jan. 30th

As the current outbreak of the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) continues to develop, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) are committed to working together in guiding the travel and tourism sectors’ response to COVID-19.

On 30 January 2020, the Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the outbreak of COVID-19 to be a Public Health Emergency of International Concern and issued a set of Temporary Recommendations. WHO did not recommend any travel or trade restriction based on the current information available. WHO is working closely with global experts, governments and partners to rapidly expand scientific knowledge on this new virus, to track the spread and virulence of the virus, and to provide advice to countries and the global community on measures to protect health and prevent the spread of this outbreak.

Cooperation is key

The tourism sector is fully committed to putting people and their well-being first. International cooperation is vital for ensuring the sector can effectively contribute to the containment of COVID-19. UNWTO and WHO are working in close consultation and with other partners to assist States in ensuring that health measures be implemented in ways that minimize unnecessary interference with international traffic and trade.

Tourism’s response needs to be measured and consistent, proportionate to the public health threat and based on local risk assessment, involving every part of the tourism value chain – public bodies, private companies and tourists, in line with WHO’s overall guidance and recommendations.

UNWTO and WHO stand ready to work closely with all those communities and countries affected by the current health emergency, to build for a better and more resilient future. Travel restrictions going beyond these may cause unnecessary interference with international traffic, including negative repercussions on the tourism sector.

At this challenging time, UNWTO and WHO join the international community in standing in solidarity with affected countries.

A Joint Statement on Tourism and COVID-19 - UNWTO and WHO Call for Responsibility and Coordination

Tourism requires profit. That's why northern Italy's response was hesitated.
Trump told us there were only 15 infected in the US and that number would quickly go to zero.

The infection rate is accelerating with no end in sight

And when did he say that, when there were actually only 15 infected?

No end in sight? As I posted, China (the originator of the virus) is reporting a reduction of new cases for the second time, and the virus is only a couple of months old.

Oh, come on, pay attention.

Trump serves up irresponsible and dangerous information on coronavirus - CNN

I read the commie article, and this is the best part:

Trump was also rightly criticized earlier this week when he tried to undermine the World Health Organization's recent announcement that the mortality rate for the coronavirus was no longer just over 2%, but had risen based on new data to 3.4%. In a phone call on Fox News's "Hannity" show, Trump bluntly stated that "the 3.4% is really a false number." What was the basis for Trump disputing the health care experts at WHO? Trump commented, "this is just my hunch." This type of misinformation is not only irresponsible, but it's potentially life-threatening to those Americans who might take Trump's word over that of the experts.

Life threatening over Trump's "hunch" of 1.4% less will lead to more life-treatening results? Nah, the left isn't trying to politicize this. Nothing to see here folks. CNN is honest.

That is not what the science says. Don's so dumb he focked Stormy without a condom. Don said it was his hunch, no one else.

And we have no idea how prevalent it already is here. Some CPAC attendee got it. NBA player. Tom Hanks. The aristocracy can get access to testing.

Shortage of testing kits capacity. Shortage of RNA extraction kit capacity. This second one is just bipartisan utter stupidity over time.

Societal resources squandered on carpet bombing the planet for decades in endless, bogus, illegal, unconstitutional wars of economic colonization, pursuing the interests of concentrated capital, in the ostensible interests of national and economic security, while leaving ourselves wide open to a/an/any emerging RNA viral pandemic. No way to ramp up mass RNA extraction capacity to even get to a test if one exists. No vaccination coming in 2020.

Blowback works in mysterious ways.

Exclusive: U.S. coronavirus testing threatened by shortage of critical lab materials

Ray is only interested in protecting Trump, nothing more.

Quite fetishly. Creepily. Stalkerly.
And when did he say that, when there were actually only 15 infected?

No end in sight? As I posted, China (the originator of the virus) is reporting a reduction of new cases for the second time, and the virus is only a couple of months old.

Oh, come on, pay attention.

Trump serves up irresponsible and dangerous information on coronavirus - CNN

I read the commie article, and this is the best part:

Trump was also rightly criticized earlier this week when he tried to undermine the World Health Organization's recent announcement that the mortality rate for the coronavirus was no longer just over 2%, but had risen based on new data to 3.4%. In a phone call on Fox News's "Hannity" show, Trump bluntly stated that "the 3.4% is really a false number." What was the basis for Trump disputing the health care experts at WHO? Trump commented, "this is just my hunch." This type of misinformation is not only irresponsible, but it's potentially life-threatening to those Americans who might take Trump's word over that of the experts.

Life threatening over Trump's "hunch" of 1.4% less will lead to more life-treatening results? Nah, the left isn't trying to politicize this. Nothing to see here folks. CNN is honest.

That is not what the science says. Don's so dumb he focked Stormy without a condom. Don said it was his hunch, no one else.

And we have no idea how prevalent it already is here. Some CPAC attendee got it. NBA player. Tom Hanks. The aristocracy can get access to testing.

Shortage of testing kits capacity. Shortage of RNA extraction kit capacity. This second one is just bipartisan utter stupidity over time.

Societal resources squandered on carpet bombing the planet for decades in endless, bogus, illegal, unconstitutional wars of economic colonization, pursuing the interests of concentrated capital, in the ostensible interests of national and economic security, while leaving ourselves wide open to a/an/any emerging RNA viral pandemic. No way to ramp up mass RNA extraction capacity to even get to a test if one exists. No vaccination coming in 2020.

Blowback works in mysterious ways.

Exclusive: U.S. coronavirus testing threatened by shortage of critical lab materials

Ray is only interested in protecting Trump, nothing more.

Quite fetishly. Creepily. Stalkerly.

What can ya' say, they're a cult.
That's all they talk about now? Trump this, pence that and the entire gop is the brunt of the covid ranting.
The market crashes every other day and that causes celebratory threads.

Y'all are a terrible bunch
Democrats aren't using the virus as a political weapon.

"Leftist Denver councilwoman cheers idea of infecting Trump rallies with coronavirus."

Denver city councilwoman Candi CdeBaca was hit with calls to resign Tuesday after she showed support for a tweet floating the idea of attending Make America Great Again rallies to infect Trump supporters with the coronavirus.

Ms. CdeBaca tweeted “#solidarity Yaaas!!” in her Feb. 28 response to a Feb. 26 post from Susan Daniel, who tweeted, “For the record, if I do get the coronavirus I’m attending every MAGA rally I can.”
China, WHO, UN...Hello

Russian Collusion
Virus outbreak

All, one right after another...Hello

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Ephesians 6:12
Trumps ego needs the job.

Our President has blundered in his response to the crisis. Mostly because he lied to Americans about the severity.

What lied? Only 22 people have died thus far. He set up isolation stations for people coming back to the US. He instituted a travel ban in late January. He's trying to get a tax free holiday passed to strengthen the economy. WTF else do you want him to do? He's not Jesus Christ, he's a US President.

Trump told us there were only 15 infected in the US and that number would quickly go to zero.

The infection rate is accelerating with no end in sight

And when did he say that, when there were actually only 15 infected?

No end in sight? As I posted, China (the originator of the virus) is reporting a reduction of new cases for the second time, and the virus is only a couple of months old.

Oh, come on, pay attention.

Trump serves up irresponsible and dangerous information on coronavirus - CNN

I read the commie article, and this is the best part:

Trump was also rightly criticized earlier this week when he tried to undermine the World Health Organization's recent announcement that the mortality rate for the coronavirus was no longer just over 2%, but had risen based on new data to 3.4%. In a phone call on Fox News's "Hannity" show, Trump bluntly stated that "the 3.4% is really a false number." What was the basis for Trump disputing the health care experts at WHO? Trump commented, "this is just my hunch." This type of misinformation is not only irresponsible, but it's potentially life-threatening to those Americans who might take Trump's word over that of the experts.

Life threatening over Trump's "hunch" of 1.4% less will lead to more life-treatening results? Nah, the left isn't trying to politicize this. Nothing to see here folks. CNN is honest.

That 1.4% probably will mean thousands of lives, tard.
This was a joint statement released by WHO and UNWTO
on Jan. 27th, with a reference date in past tense, Jan. 30th

As the current outbreak of the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) continues to develop, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) are committed to working together in guiding the travel and tourism sectors’ response to COVID-19.

On 30 January 2020, the Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the outbreak of COVID-19 to be a Public Health Emergency of International Concern and issued a set of Temporary Recommendations. WHO did not recommend any travel or trade restriction based on the current information available. WHO is working closely with global experts, governments and partners to rapidly expand scientific knowledge on this new virus, to track the spread and virulence of the virus, and to provide advice to countries and the global community on measures to protect health and prevent the spread of this outbreak.

Cooperation is key

The tourism sector is fully committed to putting people and their well-being first. International cooperation is vital for ensuring the sector can effectively contribute to the containment of COVID-19. UNWTO and WHO are working in close consultation and with other partners to assist States in ensuring that health measures be implemented in ways that minimize unnecessary interference with international traffic and trade.

Tourism’s response needs to be measured and consistent, proportionate to the public health threat and based on local risk assessment, involving every part of the tourism value chain – public bodies, private companies and tourists, in line with WHO’s overall guidance and recommendations.

UNWTO and WHO stand ready to work closely with all those communities and countries affected by the current health emergency, to build for a better and more resilient future. Travel restrictions going beyond these may cause unnecessary interference with international traffic, including negative repercussions on the tourism sector.

At this challenging time, UNWTO and WHO join the international community in standing in solidarity with affected countries.

A Joint Statement on Tourism and COVID-19 - UNWTO and WHO Call for Responsibility and Coordination

Tourism requires profit. That's why northern Italy's response was hesitated.
This will be interesting. I am going to my favorite cruise travel site to see what the cruise companies are saying to the thousands of people who have paid for cruises in the Mediterranean.

Interesting, The cruises are being listed at up to 82% off, but there is a note on the site saying, in effect, "we have to many calls to answer, so don't call us. Send us an email, and we will respond, eventually".
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