If No One Today Owned Slaves...

Republicans authored an amendment protecting slavery in the constitution. A Republican president ended reconstruction. But since no one today owned slaves according to those like you, todays democratic party is not to be blamed for what great great grandparents did. Stop living in the past.
/——-/ Since no one today owns slaves why is your side pushing for reparations? BTW, you’re citing events that happened in the past. I guess the rule doesn’t apply to you.
Republicans authored an amendment protecting slavery in the constitution. A Republican president ended reconstruction. But since no one today owned slaves according to those like you, todays democratic party is not to be blamed for what great great grandparents did. Stop living in the past.

In the 1860s trying to prevent a war that the democrat party was planning in order to keep people as slaves......

That you defend the democrat party, the party that was willing to start a war to keep blacks as slaves is just dumb........

The Republican President ended reconstruction because he had to deal with the democrats...again.......

The democrat party owned the slaves....the democrat party wanted to expand slavery into new states....the democrat party was pushing to restart the trans-atlantic slave trade....the democrat party started the Civil War to keep blacks as slaves.....then, when the Republican party defeated them in that war and actually freed the slaves, the democrat party started the black codes, jim crow, poll taxes and literacy tests to keep blacks from being free.....and members of the democrat party started the ku klux klan.....the democrat party fought every single Civil Rights act and the anti-lynching laws.....and only voted for the 1964 Civil Rights act after racist lyndon Johnson told them if they didn't vote for that last one, they wouldn't win national elections.......

And today, it is the democrat party and the democrat party allied teachers unions that keep black children from getting educations that would lift them out of generational poverty and crime.......

And you cast all your hate on the Republican party.....showing how dumb you really are.....
Republicans authored an amendment protecting slavery in the constitution. A Republican president ended reconstruction. But since no one today owned slaves according to those like you, todays Democratic party is not to be blamed for what great great grandparents did. Stop living in the past.

We use the past to explain what the democrats are actually doing today......they are still racist, anti-semitic and are destroying the lives of black Americans in the cities they control.....today....not hundreds of years ago....and you vote for them...
Then why do Republicans keep trying to talk about today's Democrats and slavery?

There is a lot modern republicans choose not to tell young blacks as they try luring blacks into supporting a move back into Jim Crow. First, not all Republicans were for racial equality. The Party had several factions in the beginning. One was the Radical Republicans. The Radical Republicans were for the eradication of slavery. They were not conservatives. Frederick Douglass was a Radical Republican. Lincoln was moderate politically. He opposed the expansion of slavery but did not believe in racial equality.

As the country began splitting up, a great panic started consuming the outgoing Buchanan administration and members of congress. They wanted to keep the union together. They did not want the south to leave. They did not want war. President Buchanan declared secession was a constitutional crisis and then asked Congress to develop a plan to keep the south in the union.4 He wanted Congress to assure the southern states that slavery would be protected once Lincoln took office. Congress offered over fifty different proposals trying to keep the union together. In the end, congress settled for a proposal by Republican Thomas Corwin. It is called the Corwin Amendment, or more accurately, the slavery amendment.

The Corwin Amendment is a proposed amendment to the United States Constitution that has never been adopted, but owing to the absence of a ratification deadline, could still be adopted by the state legislatures. It would shield slavery within the states from the federal constitutional amendment process and from abolition or interference by Congress. Although the Corwin Amendment does not explicitly use the word slavery, it was designed specifically to protect slavery from federal power. The out-going 36th United States Congress proposed the Corwin Amendment on March 2, 1861, shortly before the outbreak of the American Civil War, with the intent of preventing that war and preserving the Union. It passed Congress but was not ratified by the requisite number of state legislatures.

Several Southern states attempted to secede after the 1860 presidential election, eventually forming the Confederate States of America. Several federal legislative measures, including the Corwin Amendment, were proposed during this period in the hope of either reconciling the sections of the United States or avoiding the secession of the border states. Senator William H. Seward and Representative Thomas Corwin, Republicans and allies of President-elect Abraham Lincoln, introduced the Corwin Amendment, which was endorsed by the outgoing president, James Buchanan. Because it was only ratified in a handful of Northern states and Kentucky, the amendment failed to achieve its goal of preventing civil war and preserving the Union. Ultimately, it fell out of favor during the Civil War.

This was proposed by 2 republicans, it's documented fact and it's time republicans stopped posting disingenuous junk. Blacks know the history and the more you think we are stupid enough to fall for your tale and keep trying to tell it, the more we will refuse to become Republicans.
"they try luring blacks into supporting a move back into Jim Crow". You lost right there. Sorry, you don't get the benefit of a serious reply after saying something as stupid as that.

Joe is also responsible for the domestic abuse laws from many decades ago that are not the same as the current era. This man is evil. Pure unadulterated evil. He will destroy the enemy and his own for power. Delaware is a corporate state. He is from that. 50 years of Joe. Evil incarnate. You are seeing it and are numbed to it
We use the past to explain what the democrats are actually doing today......they are still racist, anti-semitic and are destroying the lives of black Americans in the cities they control.....today....not hundreds of years ago....and you vote for them...
Perhaps if Republicans stopped throwing out all of the homeless people from their conservative-run cities, the Dem-run cities wouldn't be inundated with homeless junkies. That's a factor in all of the homeless addicts moving to more liberal cities that offer some services and let them live. I admit the Dems are being way too soft on homelessness and drug addiction, but the Republicans aren't helping the situation when all they do is throw people in jail or kick them out of their cities. I usually don't agree with Trump, but he did make a good suggestion:

Force them into drug rehab and provide them with the resources that they need to get back on their feet. House them, provide counseling and direction, medical care when applicable, some job training and opportunities. If they start using drugs again, when they're housed, they go back to the drug rehab, because they shouldn't be allowed to turn the housing unit, into a drug house. They get tested regularly, without notice. The social worker/case worker tests them for drugs periodically. If they test positive, they get institutionalized, until they "get it", that they can't continue drugging/hurting themselves and everybody else around them. Both Republicans and Dems need to do this.
Republicans authored an amendment protecting slavery in the constitution. A Republican president ended reconstruction. But since no one today owned slaves according to those like you, todays democratic party is not to be blamed for what great great grandparents did. Stop living in the past.
So you oppose reparations.

Good to know.
In short, southern Dems owned slaves, and northern Dems and Republicans went to war to free them.
/----/ In short...
Then why do Republicans keep trying to talk about today's Democrats and slavery?

There is a lot modern republicans choose not to tell young blacks as they try luring blacks into supporting a move back into Jim Crow. First, not all Republicans were for racial equality. The Party had several factions in the beginning. One was the Radical Republicans. The Radical Republicans were for the eradication of slavery. They were not conservatives. Frederick Douglass was a Radical Republican. Lincoln was moderate politically. He opposed the expansion of slavery but did not believe in racial equality.

As the country began splitting up, a great panic started consuming the outgoing Buchanan administration and members of congress. They wanted to keep the union together. They did not want the south to leave. They did not want war. President Buchanan declared secession was a constitutional crisis and then asked Congress to develop a plan to keep the south in the union.4 He wanted Congress to assure the southern states that slavery would be protected once Lincoln took office. Congress offered over fifty different proposals trying to keep the union together. In the end, congress settled for a proposal by Republican Thomas Corwin. It is called the Corwin Amendment, or more accurately, the slavery amendment.

The Corwin Amendment is a proposed amendment to the United States Constitution that has never been adopted, but owing to the absence of a ratification deadline, could still be adopted by the state legislatures. It would shield slavery within the states from the federal constitutional amendment process and from abolition or interference by Congress. Although the Corwin Amendment does not explicitly use the word slavery, it was designed specifically to protect slavery from federal power. The out-going 36th United States Congress proposed the Corwin Amendment on March 2, 1861, shortly before the outbreak of the American Civil War, with the intent of preventing that war and preserving the Union. It passed Congress but was not ratified by the requisite number of state legislatures.

Several Southern states attempted to secede after the 1860 presidential election, eventually forming the Confederate States of America. Several federal legislative measures, including the Corwin Amendment, were proposed during this period in the hope of either reconciling the sections of the United States or avoiding the secession of the border states. Senator William H. Seward and Representative Thomas Corwin, Republicans and allies of President-elect Abraham Lincoln, introduced the Corwin Amendment, which was endorsed by the outgoing president, James Buchanan. Because it was only ratified in a handful of Northern states and Kentucky, the amendment failed to achieve its goal of preventing civil war and preserving the Union. Ultimately, it fell out of favor during the Civil War.

This was proposed by 2 republicans, it's documented fact and it's time republicans stopped posting disingenuous junk. Blacks know the history and the more you think we are stupid enough to fall for your tale and keep trying to tell it, the more we will refuse to become Republicans.

If No One Today Owned Slaves...​

Democrats insist on providing America with slaves….only this time they have brown skin and not black.

Filthy Mexicrats:
’They come here to do the jobs real humans aren’t willing to do and they do it for shit money.’
This is always true. In short, southern Dems owned slaves, and northern Dems and Republicans went to war to free them.

In the last sixty years, the GOP has turned its back on women, blacks, and other minorities. The country knows that.

And only a small number of democrats in the north supported the war to free the slaves...the rest opposed the war........

No, the GOP hasn't turned their backs on anyone...they are simply not obsessed with sex, or race, while the democrat party has weaponized both for their own wealth and power....

Democrats support men using women's bathrooms......using womens' lockerooms.....taking their place on women's teams, taking their spots, their awards, their scholarships, their achievements......and now they are taking the jobs women used to have in all sorts of women friendly industries......

Blacks and hispanics who live in democrat party controlled cities are seeing their children die from criminal violence, seeing their children not being educated and stuck in generational crime and poverty......

The democrat party didn't change goals, they simply changed tactics, and invited racists of all skin colors into their leadership roles......like obama......openly racist and anti-semite....
A majority of the northern Democrats supported the war against the South. That is why there were three Democratic candidates: Douglass in the north and two in the south.

Anyone who denigrates their sacrifice to free the slaves is not a true American.
A majority of the northern Democrats supported the war against the South. That is why there were three Democratic candidates: Douglass in the north and two in the south.

Anyone who denigrates their sacrifice to free the slaves is not a true American.

Yeah...show me the numbers on the democrats in the North who actually supported the war vs. the Copperheads....please....
A majority of the northern Democrats supported the war against the South. That is why there were three Democratic candidates: Douglass in the north and two in the south.

Anyone who denigrates their sacrifice to free the slaves is not a true American.
The North went to war to save the Union. Slavery was an issue no question, but preserving the Union was the main reason.
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War Democrats in American politics of the 1860s were members of the Democratic Party who supported the Union and rejected the policies of the Copperheads (or Peace Democrats). The War Democrats demanded a more aggressive policy toward the Confederacy and supported the policies of Republican President Abraham Lincoln, when the American Civil War broke out a few months after his victory in the 1860 presidential election.

You can look up more for yourself. Northern Democratic Party - Wikipedia

Yeah.......I asked for numbers........how many actually supported the war against the slave owning democrats?

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