If No One Today Owned Slaves...

I bet Pervert Joe Biden and Hunter have some black slaves hidden in the basement for them both to abuse and nobody knows...
Then why do Republicans keep trying to talk about today's Democrats and slavery?

There is a lot modern republicans choose not to tell young blacks as they try luring blacks into supporting a move back into Jim Crow. First, not all Republicans were for racial equality. The Party had several factions in the beginning. One was the Radical Republicans. The Radical Republicans were for the eradication of slavery. They were not conservatives. Frederick Douglass was a Radical Republican. Lincoln was moderate politically. He opposed the expansion of slavery but did not believe in racial equality.

As the country began splitting up, a great panic started consuming the outgoing Buchanan administration and members of congress. They wanted to keep the union together. They did not want the south to leave. They did not want war. President Buchanan declared secession was a constitutional crisis and then asked Congress to develop a plan to keep the south in the union.4 He wanted Congress to assure the southern states that slavery would be protected once Lincoln took office. Congress offered over fifty different proposals trying to keep the union together. In the end, congress settled for a proposal by Republican Thomas Corwin. It is called the Corwin Amendment, or more accurately, the slavery amendment.

The Corwin Amendment is a proposed amendment to the United States Constitution that has never been adopted, but owing to the absence of a ratification deadline, could still be adopted by the state legislatures. It would shield slavery within the states from the federal constitutional amendment process and from abolition or interference by Congress. Although the Corwin Amendment does not explicitly use the word slavery, it was designed specifically to protect slavery from federal power. The out-going 36th United States Congress proposed the Corwin Amendment on March 2, 1861, shortly before the outbreak of the American Civil War, with the intent of preventing that war and preserving the Union. It passed Congress but was not ratified by the requisite number of state legislatures.

Several Southern states attempted to secede after the 1860 presidential election, eventually forming the Confederate States of America. Several federal legislative measures, including the Corwin Amendment, were proposed during this period in the hope of either reconciling the sections of the United States or avoiding the secession of the border states. Senator William H. Seward and Representative Thomas Corwin, Republicans and allies of President-elect Abraham Lincoln, introduced the Corwin Amendment, which was endorsed by the outgoing president, James Buchanan. Because it was only ratified in a handful of Northern states and Kentucky, the amendment failed to achieve its goal of preventing civil war and preserving the Union. Ultimately, it fell out of favor during the Civil War.

This was proposed by 2 republicans, it's documented fact and it's time republicans stopped posting disingenuous junk. Blacks know the history and the more you think we are stupid enough to fall for your tale and keep trying to tell it, the more we will refuse to become Republicans.
GOP is horribly embarassed by its shift against blacks, women, and other minorities in the last thirty years.

So it is understandable that they obfuscate and duck and dodge and twist and turn and wiggle in a desperate attempt to escape their historical heritage. They can indulge in semantics and re-branding and wiggle and squirm all they like... but to no avail.

The GOP are vermin.

Oh STFU, it's not the GOP that requiring women to allow men in their dressing rooms, bathrooms or forcing them to compete against biological males. Also we aren't the ones telling blacks they can't be successful in this country on their own merits. Or they need government interference and care takers to survive. That would be you commies.

GOP is horribly embarassed by its shift against blacks, women, and other minorities in the last thirty years.

So it is understandable that they obfuscate and duck and dodge and twist and turn and wiggle in a desperate attempt to escape their historical heritage. They can indulge in semantics and re-branding and wiggle and squirm all they like... but to no avail.

The GOP are vermin.
Are you talking about the 1994 Crime Bill that ended up locking up hundreds of thousands of blacks it was targeted to incarcerate?

Oh wait..............that was your Vegetable Messiah's bill.


One thing that nevr gets mentioned is the extreme rights non partisan approach to free speech.
Is there any other political party that would fight so hard to protect the statues of former slavers that modern republicans find so distasteful ?
Not that I have seen.
One thing that nevr gets mentioned is the extreme rights non partisan approach to free speech.
Is there any other political party that would fight so hard to protect the statues of former slavers that modern republicans find so distasteful ?
Not that I have seen.
This just in.

Lots of people, today, own no slaves.

Can we lock this boring ass bullshit thread now?

Asking for —

basically everyone.
Then why do Republicans keep trying to talk about today's Democrats and slavery?

There is a lot modern republicans choose not to tell young blacks as they try luring blacks into supporting a move back into Jim Crow. First, not all Republicans were for racial equality. The Party had several factions in the beginning. One was the Radical Republicans. The Radical Republicans were for the eradication of slavery. They were not conservatives. Frederick Douglass was a Radical Republican. Lincoln was moderate politically. He opposed the expansion of slavery but did not believe in racial equality.

As the country began splitting up, a great panic started consuming the outgoing Buchanan administration and members of congress. They wanted to keep the union together. They did not want the south to leave. They did not want war. President Buchanan declared secession was a constitutional crisis and then asked Congress to develop a plan to keep the south in the union.4 He wanted Congress to assure the southern states that slavery would be protected once Lincoln took office. Congress offered over fifty different proposals trying to keep the union together. In the end, congress settled for a proposal by Republican Thomas Corwin. It is called the Corwin Amendment, or more accurately, the slavery amendment.

The Corwin Amendment is a proposed amendment to the United States Constitution that has never been adopted, but owing to the absence of a ratification deadline, could still be adopted by the state legislatures. It would shield slavery within the states from the federal constitutional amendment process and from abolition or interference by Congress. Although the Corwin Amendment does not explicitly use the word slavery, it was designed specifically to protect slavery from federal power. The out-going 36th United States Congress proposed the Corwin Amendment on March 2, 1861, shortly before the outbreak of the American Civil War, with the intent of preventing that war and preserving the Union. It passed Congress but was not ratified by the requisite number of state legislatures.

Several Southern states attempted to secede after the 1860 presidential election, eventually forming the Confederate States of America. Several federal legislative measures, including the Corwin Amendment, were proposed during this period in the hope of either reconciling the sections of the United States or avoiding the secession of the border states. Senator William H. Seward and Representative Thomas Corwin, Republicans and allies of President-elect Abraham Lincoln, introduced the Corwin Amendment, which was endorsed by the outgoing president, James Buchanan. Because it was only ratified in a handful of Northern states and Kentucky, the amendment failed to achieve its goal of preventing civil war and preserving the Union. Ultimately, it fell out of favor during the Civil War.

This was proposed by 2 republicans, it's documented fact and it's time republicans stopped posting disingenuous junk. Blacks know the history and the more you think we are stupid enough to fall for your tale and keep trying to tell it, the more we will refuse to become Republicans.
/——-/ In short, democRATs owned the slaves and went to war to split the nation. Republicans freed the slaves and saved the union.
/——-/ In short, democRATs owned the slaves and went to war to split the nation. Republicans freed the slaves and saved the union.
Republicans authored an amendment protecting slavery in the constitution. A Republican president ended reconstruction. But since no one today owned slaves according to those like you, todays democratic party is not to be blamed for what great great grandparents did. Stop living in the past.
Republicans authored an amendment protecting slavery in the constitution. A Republican president ended reconstruction. But since no one today owned slaves according to those like you, todays Democratic party is not to be blamed for what great great grandparents did. Stop living in the past.
No, that's you.
No no. It really is you, lil im.2.

You filter everything in life through the lens of color. You are so totally race-conscious, all the time, you can’t wrap your head around anything but “racism.”

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