If The Legal System Fails Us and Trump Goes To Prison

Which is what I'm sort of worried about with the democrats, do you think that we would be headed for another civil war? Would it be a legit reason to start one?

These idiots will get their new marching orders after their mugshot failed. A prison stint (would not happen btw due to secret service) would go over even more poorly. I suspect they won't try this now.
No, I don't think we are headed for a civil war. Not because it would be illegitimate or whatever but because it wouldn't get off the ground. It takes a bit of organizing and anybody attempting it would be arrested immediately. All the right wing militia groups are under surveillance and infiltrated by law enforcement.

Once it becomes bad enough you need the Natl Guard and the military. Good luck sweetie if you think you have most of those, if it comes down to turning the guns on their own citizens.
Some of the shit written here by Trump supporters favoring or supporting a “civil war” … is glib and treasonous talk.

Trump may or may not be convicted by a jury, he may or may not be jailed, but to consider a civil war or sedition because Trump is legally held accountable for his own criminal conduct … is a sign of how far gone these Trump cultists are.

Knowing his base full well, Trump can, if he so chooses, at any convenient moment arrange to have his bail revoked by dramatically defying the judges’ warnings not to threaten retribution against the state prosecutors or hostile witnesses. Thus he can force the state to jail him, even if for just a short time.

Donald Trump was a “born-with-a-silver-spoon” playboy who always sought the spotlight, a natural public personality who never won the respect he thought he deserved. His narcissism turned to megalomania. He has always had contempt for the rule of law, and now seems willing to embrace the role of martyr and lead the nation into ever deeper turmoil.

At this point Trump seems to have finally gotten himself cornered. But even now he can choose to go to jail to rile up his base. For example if — as seems likely — Trump is the Republican candidate, he may very well arrange to be jailed just before the November 2024 elections. Of course his foolish voter base would scream bloody murder that he is being persecuted and rush to the polls. But I’m not so sure — after Jan. 6th — he can get many of his followers to do much more.

Whether Trump will continue ‘til the end to perform for his followers as the “tough guy” defiant gangster / hero … is yet to be seen. But that most of his cult followers will love his performance, however it ends, it certain.

It's not about Donald Trump, the man. It's about the perversion of our justice system and the corrupt Democrats lust to use to their perverted ends.

And yes. If it comes to it, that's civil war worthy, tragically.
It's not about Donald Trump, the man. It's about the perversion of our justice system and the corrupt Democrats lust to use to their perverted ends.

And yes. If it comes to it, that's civil war worthy, tragically.
You gonna go shoot people you disagree with.

Or you gonna demand that others do your bidding.
You gonna go shoot people you disagree with.

Or you gonna demand that others do your bidding.

Dunno. We'll have to see what's coming. ETA: it wouldn't be "people I disagree with". Disagreement used to be expected in a vast nation like ours. You folks made disagreement illegal, and made speaking about it illegal. So there's no recourse but to split now.

But the nation is already irrevocably divided. So it's all but inevitable now. Because of the actions of the Left, I no longer care.

Think what you want, Junior, but there are 50 million gun owners. How many are in the military? And most gun owners are ex-military, ex-combat, ex-cops, not the weekend fat lardos you imagine. And most in the military support vets and cops and the 2A and would not turn on them but maybe join them, because we are all in it for the SAME THING, fatass, besides, our beef would not be with the military but with the ball-less pussheads trying to use them against our own citizenry of which they are a part of for their own brazen schemes.

Like I just said, the governor of New York ordered the state police to confiscate guns not that many years ago trying to disarm the population and the cops told them to go get stuffed.

And you should do the same.




Besides, we just saw the government in action on J6 against just a few hundred unarmed civilians carrying flags and their dicks in their hands taking selfies and according to the government, nearly overthrew democracy! :21:
Trump may or may not be convicted by a jury, he may or may not be jailed, but to consider a civil war or sedition because Trump is legally held accountable for his own criminal conduct … is a sign of how far gone these Trump cultists are.
One of the more frustrating elements of this whole sociological disaster is that trying to get an accurate fix on what they really want is so difficult. They communicate as if they're doing a radio talk show, where everything is binary, shallow, aggressive and meant to inflame. And then this intense rage they carry around only compounds that. You just shake your head.

Understanding this horror show is not worth my relationships with my Trumpster friends, so I just don't go there with them. But I sure would like to have a solid grasp on what's going on in their minds. What drives a group of people to be willing to rip the whole thing down like this?
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Just what I’m talking about: The cultists, or some of them, are talking sedition and treason.

No fuckhead. They are talking about STANDING UP TO sedition and treason. Yours.

That is the WHOLE POINT of the 2A, jackass. The Constitution is the ultimate RESET on people like YOU.

Why is it that all of you far left progressive morons all wear your ignorant asses for hats?

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