If The Legal System Fails Us and Trump Goes To Prison

Some of the shit written here by Trump supporters favoring or supporting a “civil war” … is glib and treasonous talk.

Trump may or may not be convicted by a jury, he may or may not be jailed, but to consider a civil war or sedition because Trump is legally held accountable for his own criminal conduct … is a sign of how far gone these Trump cultists are.

Knowing his base full well, Trump can, if he so chooses, at any convenient moment arrange to have his bail revoked by dramatically defying the judges’ warnings not to threaten retribution against the state prosecutors or hostile witnesses. Thus he can force the state to jail him, even if for just a short time.

Donald Trump was a “born-with-a-silver-spoon” playboy who always sought the spotlight, a natural public personality who never won the respect he thought he deserved. His narcissism turned to megalomania. He has always had contempt for the rule of law, and now seems willing to embrace the role of martyr and lead the nation into ever deeper turmoil.

At this point Trump seems to have finally gotten himself cornered. But even now he can choose to go to jail to rile up his base. For example if — as seems likely — Trump is the Republican candidate, he may very well arrange to be jailed just before the November 2024 elections. Of course his foolish voter base would scream bloody murder that he is being persecuted and rush to the polls. But I’m not so sure — after Jan. 6th — he can get many of his followers to do much more.

Whether Trump will continue ‘til the end to perform for his followers as the “tough guy” defiant gangster / hero … is yet to be seen. But that most of his cult followers will love his performance, however it ends, it certain.
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Which is what I'm sort of worried about with the democrats, do you think that we would be headed for another civil war? Would it be a legit reason to start one?

Just remember this:
  • There are 250% more gun owners who are republican than democrat. Even independents own more guns. Democrats are the smallest group of gun owners.
  • The majority of military are conservative.
  • The majority of vets are conservative.
  • The majority of your national guard and police are conservative.
American gun owners are the largest standing army on the planet with an estimated 300 million guns and a trillion rounds of ammo. About ten years ago, the state of NY tried to order the police to confiscate firearms if they weren't turned in, in an attempt to disarm the citizenry. The police refused to follow the order and that was New York.
Just remember this:
  • There are 250% more gun owners who are republican than democrat. Even independents own more guns. Democrats are the smallest group of gun owners.
  • The majority of military are conservative.
  • The majority of vets are conservative.
  • The majority of your national guard and police are conservative.
American gun owners are the largest standing army on the planet with an estimated 300 million guns and a trillion rounds of ammo. About ten years ago, the state of NY tried to order the police to confiscate firearms if they weren't turned in, in an attempt to disarm the citizenry. The police refused to follow the order and that was New York.
Don’t count on them to do anything other than what they are told.
Just remember this:
  • There are 250% more gun owners who are republican than democrat. Even independents own more guns. Democrats are the smallest group of gun owners.
  • The majority of military are conservative.
  • The majority of vets are conservative.
  • The majority of your national guard and police are conservative.
American gun owners are the largest standing army on the planet with an estimated 300 million guns and a trillion rounds of ammo. About ten years ago, the state of NY tried to order the police to confiscate firearms if they weren't turned in, in an attempt to disarm the citizenry. The police refused to follow the order and that was New York.
Just remember this:
  • There are 250% more gun owners who are republican than democrat. Even independents own more guns. Democrats are the smallest group of gun owners.
  • The majority of military are conservative.
  • The majority of vets are conservative.
  • The majority of your national guard and police are conservative.
American gun owners are the largest standing army on the planet with an estimated 300 million guns and a trillion rounds of ammo. About ten years ago, the state of NY tried to order the police to confiscate firearms if they weren't turned in, in an attempt to disarm the citizenry. The police refused to follow the order and that was New York.
Just what I’m talking about: The cultists, or some of them, are talking sedition and treason.

Fortunately, most people with guns are law abiding, like me.

Trump tried with his fellow conspirators to organize a “Constitutional Crisis” over the 2020 elections … that would lead to his remaining in power.

That failed. What assholes like toobfreak are now hoping for is that Trump as “innocent martyr” persecuted by the “evil state” will set off enough chaos that a real coup could succeed.

This is what Trump’s “Big Lies” and Trump cultism has led to.
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If so it will be a travesty of justice and alienate 40% of the voters
You overestimate yourself.
Your cult's voting power MIGHT just be 25% of Republican voters at this point.
At any rate you MAGAt whacko fringe freaks are on the decline and on your way to extinction.
Which is what I'm sort of worried about with the democrats, do you think that we would be headed for another civil war? Would it be a legit reason to start one?
Hey you RWNJs out there claiming a civil war is coming: YOur leaders just surrendered in Atlanta.


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