If this is true...

No, but the majority were, that's the point.

How can you prove that? Did someone poll the crowd?

You are being very dishonest.

Well, I was there, which is how I know that.

There really aren't that many black people in San Francisco.

"I was there" is not a valid argument. San Francisco has a significant Asian and Hispanic population. I know, I've been there twice myself, and I've read the most recent Census data. There are almost 50,000 blacks living there at the moment.

The entire Giant's fan base cannot consist wholly of white people.
837,442 in san Francisco.
50,000 at the moment.
Just look at pictures and video footage, it's how they did it for ferguson and such...
san francisco giants riot - Google Search

Blacks make up 6.6% of the California population, yet only 6% live in the city......RACIST!!!

San Francisco County QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau

Last I read, it's closer to 5.4%
I haven't read the articles and links in this thread yet, or if it can be verified...

In my heart of hearts, I soooooooooo hope this is true, and the police are innocent and this guy caused it himself!

But if this is not true, and the police did cause his injuries, then they have to be held accountable.

I agree. Either way, we need to wait for all the facts to come out. :thup:

Unless you need some new shoes? then we can riot and loot.....

You shit on Alternet as a source in a pretty lame attempt to ignore the content of the article, so I posted the same damn article from NY Magazine.

Which was cited by Alternet. How can you see that as objective? If someone like Alternet cites that article, one must call into question its honesty and integrity.

They're DOCUMENTED, you moron.
That means it doesn't even MATTER whose site it appears on. It's fucking historical fact.

Oh my the far left is still pushing their religious narrative..

Anyone not African American is "white"...
You shit on Alternet as a source in a pretty lame attempt to ignore the content of the article, so I posted the same damn article from NY Magazine.

Which was cited by Alternet. How can you see that as objective? If someone like Alternet cites that article, one must call into question its honesty and integrity.

You really like the "guilt by association" fallacy, don't you?

How does the fact that Alternet linked to a story de-legitimize that story?

All of those riots happened. They're not make believe, or special effects. Rather than frantically fighting to preserve some "white people don't riot" thing you've got in your head, just accept it. Young people riot.

Their race is unimportant.
Although the baltimore riots are somewhat justified.
I haven't read the articles and links in this thread yet, or if it can be verified...

In my heart of hearts, I soooooooooo hope this is true, and the police are innocent and this guy caused it himself!

But if this is not true, and the police did cause his injuries, then they have to be held accountable.

I agree. Either way, we need to wait for all the facts to come out. :thup:

Unless you need some new shoes? then we can riot and loot.....

How can you prove that? Did someone poll the crowd?

You are being very dishonest.

Well, I was there, which is how I know that.

There really aren't that many black people in San Francisco.

"I was there" is not a valid argument. San Francisco has a significant Asian and Hispanic population. I know, I've been there twice myself, and I've read the most recent Census data. There are almost 50,000 blacks living there at the moment.

The entire Giant's fan base cannot consist wholly of white people.
837,442 in san Francisco.
50,000 at the moment.
Just look at pictures and video footage, it's how they did it for ferguson and such...
san francisco giants riot - Google Search

Blacks make up 6.6% of the California population, yet only 6% live in the city......RACIST!!!

San Francisco County QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau

Last I read, it's closer to 5.4%

even more Racister!!
How can you prove that? Did someone poll the crowd?

You are being very dishonest.

Well, I was there, which is how I know that.

There really aren't that many black people in San Francisco.

"I was there" is not a valid argument. San Francisco has a significant Asian and Hispanic population. I know, I've been there twice myself, and I've read the most recent Census data. There are almost 50,000 blacks living there at the moment.

The entire Giant's fan base cannot consist wholly of white people.
837,442 in san Francisco.
50,000 at the moment.
Just look at pictures and video footage, it's how they did it for ferguson and such...
san francisco giants riot - Google Search

Blacks make up 6.6% of the California population, yet only 6% live in the city......RACIST!!!

San Francisco County QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau

Last I read, it's closer to 5.4%

So you dispute the link from the census bureau?
Okay? And were all the rioters white?
No, but the majority were, that's the point.

How can you prove that? Did someone poll the crowd?

You are being very dishonest.

Well, I was there, which is how I know that.

There really aren't that many black people in San Francisco.

"I was there" is not a valid argument. San Francisco has a significant Asian and Hispanic population. I know, I've been there twice myself, and I've read the most recent Census data. There are almost 50,000 blacks living there at the moment.

The entire Giant's fan base cannot consist wholly of white people.
837,442 in san Francisco.
50,000 at the moment.
Just look at pictures and video footage, it's how they did it for ferguson and such...
san francisco giants riot - Google Search

267,915 Asians
121,744 Hispanics or Latinos.
48,470 African Americans

A grand total of 438,529 people in San Francisco are minorities which is numerically greater than the whole white population of San Francisco.

Tell me, how can those riots consist of majorly white people when exactly half of San Francisco's population consists of Blacks, Asians or Hispanics? Surely you think I'm stupid, don't you?
You actually think all of this is about a single incident? :disbelief:

What are you talking about?

Read your own OP, Dumbass...

If this is verified, it will go down in history as another rush to judgement of police,

Oh, the "anti-cop movement" was pretty funny too. Not to leave that out.

I did read my own OP, I wrote it dumbass.

Oh, "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" is pretty funny too, lets not leave that out.

It's one movement after another, rushing to judgement of police before the facts are revealed. You have been swept in with that torrent of ignorance, and if this is true, it will make you all look stupid.

No, you're really not understanding the point.

It's not "one movement after another", it's the same movement, and they are judging based on their personal experiences with police.

I've worked with cops for years. They are in fear for their lives almost everyday in crime infested big cities. Keep in mind 90% of the homicides in Baltimore are committed by blacks and a they commit over 90% of all violent crime in that city. How can there not be conflict between cops and blacks with those numbers?

Bottom Line: If blacks want a different relationship with police maybe a start would be committing less crime and being less violent. In any relationship it's a two way street. Liberals and media put all the responsibility on the cops and zero on the blacks committing the crime. The reality is cops in Baltimore and in many communities overwhelmingly deal with violent young black males and it is a major problem.

Both blacks (particularly young black men) and the cops need to change. Putting it all on the cops is completely bullshit.
No, but the majority were, that's the point.

How can you prove that? Did someone poll the crowd?

You are being very dishonest.

Well, I was there, which is how I know that.

There really aren't that many black people in San Francisco.

"I was there" is not a valid argument. San Francisco has a significant Asian and Hispanic population. I know, I've been there twice myself, and I've read the most recent Census data. There are almost 50,000 blacks living there at the moment.

The entire Giant's fan base cannot consist wholly of white people.
837,442 in san Francisco.
50,000 at the moment.
Just look at pictures and video footage, it's how they did it for ferguson and such...
san francisco giants riot - Google Search

267,915 Asians
121,744 Hispanics or Latinos.
48,470 African Americans

A grand total of 438,529 people in San Francisco are minorities which is numerically greater than the whole white population of San Francisco.

Tell me, how can those riots consist of majorly white people when exactly half of San Francisco's population consists of Blacks, Asians or Hispanics? Surely you think I'm stupid, don't you?
Based on the images, videos, and such, I will go off of that, much like those who saw that the Ferguson riots were mostly black individuals, unless I'm not allowed to use the standard used by those who examined Ferguson.
Well, I was there, which is how I know that.

There really aren't that many black people in San Francisco.

"I was there" is not a valid argument. San Francisco has a significant Asian and Hispanic population. I know, I've been there twice myself, and I've read the most recent Census data. There are almost 50,000 blacks living there at the moment.

The entire Giant's fan base cannot consist wholly of white people.
837,442 in san Francisco.
50,000 at the moment.
Just look at pictures and video footage, it's how they did it for ferguson and such...
san francisco giants riot - Google Search

Blacks make up 6.6% of the California population, yet only 6% live in the city......RACIST!!!

San Francisco County QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau

Last I read, it's closer to 5.4%

So you dispute the link from the census bureau?

No, but the majority were, that's the point.

How can you prove that? Did someone poll the crowd?

You are being very dishonest.

Well, I was there, which is how I know that.

There really aren't that many black people in San Francisco.

"I was there" is not a valid argument. San Francisco has a significant Asian and Hispanic population. I know, I've been there twice myself, and I've read the most recent Census data. There are almost 50,000 blacks living there at the moment.

The entire Giant's fan base cannot consist wholly of white people.
837,442 in san Francisco.
50,000 at the moment.
Just look at pictures and video footage, it's how they did it for ferguson and such...
san francisco giants riot - Google Search

267,915 Asians
121,744 Hispanics or Latinos.
48,470 African Americans

A grand total of 438,529 people in San Francisco are minorities which is numerically greater than the whole white population of San Francisco.

Tell me, how can those riots consist of majorly white people when exactly half of San Francisco's population consists of Blacks, Asians or Hispanics? Surely you think I'm stupid, don't you?

Were they WHITE HISPANICS? ya know, like zimmerman.....

No, but the majority were, that's the point.

How can you prove that? Did someone poll the crowd?

You are being very dishonest.

Well, I was there, which is how I know that.

There really aren't that many black people in San Francisco.

"I was there" is not a valid argument. San Francisco has a significant Asian and Hispanic population. I know, I've been there twice myself, and I've read the most recent Census data. There are almost 50,000 blacks living there at the moment.

The entire Giant's fan base cannot consist wholly of white people.
837,442 in san Francisco.
50,000 at the moment.
Just look at pictures and video footage, it's how they did it for ferguson and such...
san francisco giants riot - Google Search

267,915 Asians
121,744 Hispanics or Latinos.
48,470 African Americans

A grand total of 438,529 people in San Francisco are minorities which is numerically greater than the whole white population of San Francisco.

Tell me, how can those riots consist of majorly white people when exactly half of San Francisco's population consists of Blacks, Asians or Hispanics? Surely you think I'm stupid, don't you?

The rioting Giants fans were not exactly a random sample of the population as a whole. The city-wide statistics are irrelevant.
I'm not trying to "prove" anything to you. You're incapable of carrying on a conversation.

You insist the majority of the rioters were white, the onus is on you to prove it. Suddenly the conversation is of little interest to you when asked to back up your claims.

There is no "onus". How can I "prove" it to you? I can't show you my memories.

And my decision to stop engaging with Kosh is due to my tiring of reading "far left drone" over and over again.

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