If Trump Attacks and Takes Out Kim Jong Un in North Korea...

We wouldn't be there but there long at all. Do some fucking homework and then come back and talk to me.
says george bush

FYI, when I signed up for the Marine Corps in 2003, we were at war. So put that shit in your back pocket.
did you get a kill?

No, and I didn't sign up to kill anyone. I signed up to serve my country and protect Americans, not to kill people. So go fuck yourself with that nonsense.
your advocating war dumbass what do you mean you dont want to kill people? you go fuck yourself

besides 2/3rds of the military never sees any action you were probably an accountant

Every person in the military is a soldier first and everything else second. It wouldn't be a war, you say I'm the one being absurd and taking things too far, well you are the one being all doomsday about this.
If Trump follows his word and does something to stop Kim Jong Un and North Korea from finishing their nuclear ICBMs I might actually start to take him seriously as a President.
-------------------------------------------------------- yep . they are called CONVERTS Sur and all YOU other lefties , its amusing to see Sur !!

Whatever pismoe...you commie fuck. All you care about is trying to cause shit here and act like it matters to you when you aren't even an American. You could care less if tens/hundreds of thousands of U.S. citizens died in a nuke.
------------------------------------- [chuckle] you are funny , you make me smile , especially when you get emotional Lew . That being said let me ask , do you live in an area that the 'norks' could hit Lew ??
If Trump follows his word and does something to stop Kim Jong Un and North Korea from finishing their nuclear ICBMs I might actually start to take him seriously as a President.
Problem here is China.

China doesn't want the US on its borders, therefore it won't allow North Korea to fall.

China isn't going to risk troops for Kim Jong Un, they don't want a nut with nukes and ICBMs on their border either.

china is allies with north korea..... you do know there is no such country as north korea right? Its just korea

China is only allies with North Korea because they get slave labor and mineral and coal from them. They don't like Kim Jong Un. Do some fucking research.
they use slave labor but they dont like it?
If Trump follows his word and does something to stop Kim Jong Un and North Korea from finishing their nuclear ICBMs I might actually start to take him seriously as a President.
-------------------------------------------------------- yep . they are called CONVERTS Sur and all YOU other lefties , its amusing to see Sur !!

Whatever pismoe...you commie fuck. All you care about is trying to cause shit here and act like it matters to you when you aren't even an American. You could care less if tens/hundreds of thousands of U.S. citizens died in a nuke.
------------------------------------- [chuckle] you are funny , you make me smile , especially when you get emotional Lew . That being said let me ask , do you live in an area that the 'norks' could hit ??

If I crack you up, then why do you report my posts when I bring up you aren't an American?

It doesn't matter if I live on the coast where it would be easy to hit with a nuke, Americans live there.
and if you are converting to being a TRUMP supporters your kids will love you Lew !!
So, no. You have not learned from the various wars that have broken out in the last 20 years what war actually means.

You know that the first Iraq 'war' did one thing that NONE of the bush and beyond military actions have done - it left the current government (and its leader) INTACT. All of the Bush conflicts and beyond have done the same thing - removed the current power base. ALL have been absolute disasters and have cost HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of lives in Iraq alone.

While you sit in the comfort of your own home eating Cheetos, there will be real people out there bleeding and dying. It will last years and at its conclusion you will have a nation broken and a people ripped apart by warring political factions, hundreds of thousands dead and an existing nuclear arsenal that will be unaccounted for and in the hands of radicals. Over and over again we have made the exact same mistake in the ME that you are actively advocating for. It shows a massive and utter ignorance of what war is as well as the consequences of uprooting foreign governments.

Exactly dumbass...that's why I said they have to get Kim Jong Un out of power... NOT LIKE THEY DID AT THE END OF DESERT STORM.
You should be careful calling people dumb ass when you are being an utter idiot.

They did not remove Saddam after desert storm - 298 US casualties

Bush removes him - over 200K Iraqi's killed, over 4k US casualties and the nation is still in turmoil

Do you not understand WHY we are still there when we were able to walk away after Desert Storm? It is because the political power base REMAINED.

DUMBASS.... I said that was the mistake they made... NOT removing Saddam after Desert Storm. Can you read?
Yes I can read.

You are still being an idiot here. The entire reason that Desert Storm did not have the same fallout that occurred the second time we went there was BECAUSE he was never removed. Had he been removed the first time, Desert Storm would have turned into what we have now - just earlier. A massive occupation with hundreds of thousands dead.

Wrong... the only reason more people died the second time is because we left him in power the first time.
That is objectively false.

You cannot remove the political power base in a nation and not have drastic consequences for it. Such has been the case in Syria as well. Removing a government is very messy and VERY bloody - even more so when it is a foreign power doing so. Every time it happens, every single time, it results in horrors. When you walk into it without the fortitude to survive those horrors you get what we have in Syria and Iraq.

Even our own removal and replacement of our government was written in blood.
If Trump follows his word and does something to stop Kim Jong Un and North Korea from finishing their nuclear ICBMs I might actually start to take him seriously as a President.
Problem here is China.

China doesn't want the US on its borders, therefore it won't allow North Korea to fall.

China isn't going to risk troops for Kim Jong Un, they don't want a nut with nukes and ICBMs on their border either.

china is allies with north korea..... you do know there is no such country as north korea right? Its just korea

China is only allies with North Korea because they get slave labor and mineral and coal from them. They don't like Kim Jong Un. Do some fucking research.
they use slave labor but they dont like it?

They like it, but not enough to go to war with the U.S. over it. They use North Korea, they aren't allies. Again...fucking go do some research and come back, you don't know jack shit about their relations.
says george bush

FYI, when I signed up for the Marine Corps in 2003, we were at war. So put that shit in your back pocket.
did you get a kill?

No, and I didn't sign up to kill anyone. I signed up to serve my country and protect Americans, not to kill people. So go fuck yourself with that nonsense.
your advocating war dumbass what do you mean you dont want to kill people? you go fuck yourself

besides 2/3rds of the military never sees any action you were probably an accountant

Every person in the military is a soldier first and everything else second. It wouldn't be a war, you say I'm the one being absurd and taking things too far, well you are the one being all doomsday about this.

being all doomsday about what the nuclear holocaust your claiming will happen..... unless americans invade another foreign country are you serious?

Still haven't answered my question about who's next after Korea
Exactly dumbass...that's why I said they have to get Kim Jong Un out of power... NOT LIKE THEY DID AT THE END OF DESERT STORM.
You should be careful calling people dumb ass when you are being an utter idiot.

They did not remove Saddam after desert storm - 298 US casualties

Bush removes him - over 200K Iraqi's killed, over 4k US casualties and the nation is still in turmoil

Do you not understand WHY we are still there when we were able to walk away after Desert Storm? It is because the political power base REMAINED.

DUMBASS.... I said that was the mistake they made... NOT removing Saddam after Desert Storm. Can you read?
Yes I can read.

You are still being an idiot here. The entire reason that Desert Storm did not have the same fallout that occurred the second time we went there was BECAUSE he was never removed. Had he been removed the first time, Desert Storm would have turned into what we have now - just earlier. A massive occupation with hundreds of thousands dead.

Wrong... the only reason more people died the second time is because we left him in power the first time.
That is objectively false.

You cannot remove the political power base in a nation and not have drastic consequences for it. Such has been the case in Syria as well. Removing a government is very messy and VERY bloody - even more so when it is a foreign power doing so. Every time it happens, every single time, it results in horrors. When you walk into it without the fortitude to survive those horrors you get what we have in Syria and Iraq.

Even our own removal and replacement of our government was written in blood.

Wrong, at that time the people were perfect for change. If you talk to people that actually had dealings with the soldiers of Iraq that surrendered during Desert Storm, they just wanted to go home and be with their families, they didn't like Saddam, they feared him.
Someone who doesn't know jack shit telling others they don't know jack shit.....Again too funny
FYI, when I signed up for the Marine Corps in 2003, we were at war. So put that shit in your back pocket.
did you get a kill?

No, and I didn't sign up to kill anyone. I signed up to serve my country and protect Americans, not to kill people. So go fuck yourself with that nonsense.
your advocating war dumbass what do you mean you dont want to kill people? you go fuck yourself

besides 2/3rds of the military never sees any action you were probably an accountant

Every person in the military is a soldier first and everything else second. It wouldn't be a war, you say I'm the one being absurd and taking things too far, well you are the one being all doomsday about this.

being all doomsday about what the nuclear holocaust your claiming will happen..... unless americans invade another foreign country are you serious?

Still haven't answered my question about who's next after Korea

What do you mean who's next??? Who's fucking making announcements about nuking the U.S. and making nukes and ICBMs just to do it with?

N Korea has nearly everything they have pointed at Seoul, not sure there is any way to attack NKorea without some pretty massive collateral damage. N Korea's people are the most indoctrinated population in the world, we would have to kill so many of them to pacify the place that anything that resembles victory would also resemble genocide.
------------------------------------------------- MAYBE , might find out Occupied !!
Trump should be impeached if he is even halfway serious about attacking N Korea. He could get Seoul vaporized just suggesting it. The price of attacking N Korea has always been a massive counter-attack on Seoul, an attack they have been preparing for decades. Someone needs to make this clear before he gets S Korea blown up over some stupid tweet.
Problem here is China.

China doesn't want the US on its borders, therefore it won't allow North Korea to fall.

China isn't going to risk troops for Kim Jong Un, they don't want a nut with nukes and ICBMs on their border either.

china is allies with north korea..... you do know there is no such country as north korea right? Its just korea

China is only allies with North Korea because they get slave labor and mineral and coal from them. They don't like Kim Jong Un. Do some fucking research.
they use slave labor but they dont like it?

They like it, but not enough to go to war with the U.S. over it. They use North Korea, they aren't allies. Again...fucking go do some research and come back, you don't know jack shit about their relations.
Laos Cambodia Pakistan, Vietnam, Cuba, Venezuela and Russia dont like them they're just ....afraid of america's big penis?
China isn't going to risk troops for Kim Jong Un, they don't want a nut with nukes and ICBMs on their border either.

china is allies with north korea..... you do know there is no such country as north korea right? Its just korea

China is only allies with North Korea because they get slave labor and mineral and coal from them. They don't like Kim Jong Un. Do some fucking research.
they use slave labor but they dont like it?

They like it, but not enough to go to war with the U.S. over it. They use North Korea, they aren't allies. Again...fucking go do some research and come back, you don't know jack shit about their relations.
Laos Cambodia Pakistan, Vietnam, Cuba, Venezuela and Russia dont like them they're just ....afraid of america's big penis?

Excuse me? Please show me where they have directly threatened to nuke the U.S., and no, Russia doesn't count and you know why.
did you get a kill?

No, and I didn't sign up to kill anyone. I signed up to serve my country and protect Americans, not to kill people. So go fuck yourself with that nonsense.
your advocating war dumbass what do you mean you dont want to kill people? you go fuck yourself

besides 2/3rds of the military never sees any action you were probably an accountant

Every person in the military is a soldier first and everything else second. It wouldn't be a war, you say I'm the one being absurd and taking things too far, well you are the one being all doomsday about this.

being all doomsday about what the nuclear holocaust your claiming will happen..... unless americans invade another foreign country are you serious?

Still haven't answered my question about who's next after Korea

What do you mean who's next??? Who's fucking making announcements about nuking the U.S. and making nukes and ICBMs just to do it with?
Literally everyone..... the tea party makes videos like that
No, and I didn't sign up to kill anyone. I signed up to serve my country and protect Americans, not to kill people. So go fuck yourself with that nonsense.
your advocating war dumbass what do you mean you dont want to kill people? you go fuck yourself

besides 2/3rds of the military never sees any action you were probably an accountant

Every person in the military is a soldier first and everything else second. It wouldn't be a war, you say I'm the one being absurd and taking things too far, well you are the one being all doomsday about this.

being all doomsday about what the nuclear holocaust your claiming will happen..... unless americans invade another foreign country are you serious?

Still haven't answered my question about who's next after Korea

What do you mean who's next??? Who's fucking making announcements about nuking the U.S. and making nukes and ICBMs just to do it with?
Literally everyone..... the tea party makes videos like that

Bullshit, you sir have shown yourself as a liar.

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