If Trump Attacks and Takes Out Kim Jong Un in North Korea...

If Trump follows his word and does something to stop Kim Jong Un and North Korea from finishing their nuclear ICBMs I might actually start to take him seriously as a President.
Problem here is China.

China doesn't want the US on its borders, therefore it won't allow North Korea to fall.

China isn't going to risk troops for Kim Jong Un, they don't want a nut with nukes and ICBMs on their border either.

Really? Firstly, they did it in the 1950s. Secondly it's not about North Korea, it's about China. China doesn't want the US on its borders. Why do you think the Chinese back up North Korea in the first place? China doesn't want North Korea to have nukes, but China can withdraw trade at any time if it wants to. China thinks it can handle North Korea.
If Trump follows his word and does something to stop Kim Jong Un and North Korea from finishing their nuclear ICBMs I might actually start to take him seriously as a President.
Problem here is China.

China doesn't want the US on its borders, therefore it won't allow North Korea to fall.

China isn't going to risk troops for Kim Jong Un, they don't want a nut with nukes and ICBMs on their border either.

Really? Firstly, they did it in the 1950s. Secondly it's not about North Korea, it's about China. China doesn't want the US on its borders. Why do you think the Chinese back up North Korea in the first place? China doesn't want North Korea to have nukes, but China can withdraw trade at any time if it wants to. China thinks it can handle North Korea.

This isn't 1950. People in North Korea are starving and literally resorting to cannibalism. Do you guys not understand diplomacy? The U.S. will just talk to China and say that China can work on replacing Kim Jong Un as long as he is taken out of power and no one associated with him takes his place.
If Trump follows his word and does something to stop Kim Jong Un and North Korea from finishing their nuclear ICBMs I might actually start to take him seriously as a President.
Problem here is China.

China doesn't want the US on its borders, therefore it won't allow North Korea to fall.

China isn't going to risk troops for Kim Jong Un, they don't want a nut with nukes and ICBMs on their border either.

Really? Firstly, they did it in the 1950s. Secondly it's not about North Korea, it's about China. China doesn't want the US on its borders. Why do you think the Chinese back up North Korea in the first place? China doesn't want North Korea to have nukes, but China can withdraw trade at any time if it wants to. China thinks it can handle North Korea.

This isn't 1950. People in North Korea are starving and literally resorting to cannibalism. Do you guys not understand diplomacy? The U.S. will just talk to China and say that China can work on replacing Kim Jong Un as long as he is taken out of power and no one associated with him takes his place.

No, it's not the 1950s, I'm quite aware of that, thank you. However you seem to be unaware of what the Chinese govt is like.

Whatever the North Koreans are, it makes no different to the Chinese, they don't care. What they do care about is their own borders and they'd much prefer to have North Korea than the US on their borders, and they would not let the US get onto that particular border for anything.

The US will talk to China and China will tell the US to fuck off. What will the US be able to do about it? Nothing. The US can't invade. Why? Well, because they'd need South Korea in on it. The South Koreans won't do anything if it risks war with China. The Japanese won't either. Without South Korea in on it the US doesn't have a military base with which to carry out such an operation.

Oh dear. No chance. The US would have done it ages ago if they could have. But they didn't, and every day it gets harder and harder.
Btw Iran is developing ICBMs.....Gee wonder what those are for ........

Please keep this on topic, we are talking about North Korea and Kim Jong Un getting nukes. He has literally threatened to use them on the U.S. and spread propaganda tapes showing U.S. cities being destroyed in flames.
so what? why does the Us deserve nuclear weapons but nobody else does?

Americans threaten too use them all the time even against countries that are much smaller and could never win in any war. Yet your upset that north korea threatens too use them against an imperialist power with a military larger than the next 15 countries combined?

Nothing like watching a brainless, yet self-righteous liberal idiot trying to look smug as he hammers a spike through his own eye.
was that a poem? fuck off

Keep hammering, idiot.
If Trump follows his word and does something to stop Kim Jong Un and North Korea from finishing their nuclear ICBMs I might actually start to take him seriously as a President.

So you want the United States to go to war with North Korea?

I don't think it would be a war. I think it would be more like Desert Storm where the soldiers would be surrendering right and left... and then we could just remove him from power and get rid of their weapons. Something needs to be done. If you are scared to have Trump with the Nuclear Football, you should be absolutely terrified for Kim Jong Un to have a nuclear ICBM.

Certainly Kim Jong having a nuke ICBM is scary. But that is rather wishful thinking.

If you are wrong- Seoul would be destroyed, the United States would be embroiled in a nasty war(ever read about the Korean War we were in ?), and North Korea could end up using its nukes on Japan or South Korea.

There is already widespread stuff going on where money is being written on with propaganda for overthrowing Jong Un. Now is the right time to do it.

If you want hundreds of thousands of South Koreans, Japanese and Americans to die.
If Trump follows his word and does something to stop Kim Jong Un and North Korea from finishing their nuclear ICBMs I might actually start to take him seriously as a President.

So you want the United States to go to war with North Korea?

I don't think it would be a war. I think it would be more like Desert Storm where the soldiers would be surrendering right and left... and then we could just remove him from power and get rid of their weapons. Something needs to be done. If you are scared to have Trump with the Nuclear Football, you should be absolutely terrified for Kim Jong Un to have a nuclear ICBM.

Certainly Kim Jong having a nuke ICBM is scary. But that is rather wishful thinking.

If you are wrong- Seoul would be destroyed, the United States would be embroiled in a nasty war(ever read about the Korean War we were in ?), and North Korea could end up using its nukes on Japan or South Korea.

There is already widespread stuff going on where money is being written on with propaganda for overthrowing Jong Un. Now is the right time to do it.

If you want hundreds of thousands of South Koreans, Japanese and Americans to die.

Not going to happen. Be realistic. We are talking about North Korea. Do some research on the situation there before you make these kind of comments.
So you want the United States to go to war with North Korea?

I don't think it would be a war. I think it would be more like Desert Storm where the soldiers would be surrendering right and left... and then we could just remove him from power and get rid of their weapons. Something needs to be done. If you are scared to have Trump with the Nuclear Football, you should be absolutely terrified for Kim Jong Un to have a nuclear ICBM.

Certainly Kim Jong having a nuke ICBM is scary. But that is rather wishful thinking.

If you are wrong- Seoul would be destroyed, the United States would be embroiled in a nasty war(ever read about the Korean War we were in ?), and North Korea could end up using its nukes on Japan or South Korea.

There is already widespread stuff going on where money is being written on with propaganda for overthrowing Jong Un. Now is the right time to do it.

If you want hundreds of thousands of South Koreans, Japanese and Americans to die.

Not going to happen. Be realistic. We are talking about North Korea. Do some research on the situation there before you make these kind of comments.
------------------------------------------------- mornin Lew and others . John Bolton on telly just a few minutes ago and no matter if you like him or not he says that the 'norks' and kims missles are a real concern for the USA Lew . [yikes eh , scary huh ??]
And now for a few facts:
The entire military in NK as controlled by the little pervert. NO ONE takes a leak without his permission. I mean NO ONE!
Drop a MOAB on the little pervert (yes the US has spies in NK that know where the pervert is 24/7).
This will take out NKs C&C center.
The surviving military elite will do NOTHING!!!!!!
They will stand around and wait for someone to tell them what to do.
They are all fucking mental cases. They will, to a man, question whether the MOAD was really only 'fake news' put out by the pervert to test their loyalty.
The millions of half starved military conscript zoomies stationed around the country will stand at attention until they literally die from lack of water. In under 36 hours.
These millions of zoomies dare not take a leak unless ordered to do so.
The scientists working at the NK nuclear bomb making facilities will suffer the same fate as the zoomie soldiers and Generals.
You'll be able to smell millions of rotting corpses in Cannes.
Cut off the head and the body dies.
Should any zoomies try to make a desperate attempt to cross into SK will be greeted with tens of thousands of 50 Cal. armor piercing rounds.
The leaders in China will give a sigh of relief and go back to the Texas Holdem game.
So you want the United States to go to war with North Korea?

I don't think it would be a war. I think it would be more like Desert Storm where the soldiers would be surrendering right and left... and then we could just remove him from power and get rid of their weapons. Something needs to be done. If you are scared to have Trump with the Nuclear Football, you should be absolutely terrified for Kim Jong Un to have a nuclear ICBM.

Certainly Kim Jong having a nuke ICBM is scary. But that is rather wishful thinking.

If you are wrong- Seoul would be destroyed, the United States would be embroiled in a nasty war(ever read about the Korean War we were in ?), and North Korea could end up using its nukes on Japan or South Korea.

There is already widespread stuff going on where money is being written on with propaganda for overthrowing Jong Un. Now is the right time to do it.

If you want hundreds of thousands of South Koreans, Japanese and Americans to die.

Not going to happen. Be realistic. We are talking about North Korea. Do some research on the situation there before you make these kind of comments.

LOL- you haven't demonstrated any knowledge of the situation in North Korea at all.

We know that North Korea has nukes and can deliver them to South Korea and Japan.
The North Korean border is 35 miles from the South Korean capital of Seoul- within range of thousands of NK artillery and missiles.

Make no mistake- the NK regime is dangerous- and I would love to see it taken out. But at the present time I don't think achieving that is worth the likely hundreds of thousands of deaths of Americans and our allies.

And- remember once we removed NK leadership- you would be left with a country with no leadership that is a totally failed state. Perfect breeding ground for terrorists. So that means occupying NK- and who is going to do that?
While it would be nice to see North Korea contained so it can't hurt anyone other than North Koreans, it is IMPERATIVE that the little fruitcake be kept alive and ranting.

How else could America, indeed the world, have living proof of what Obama would have become had he somehow finagled a third term?
I don't think it would be a war. I think it would be more like Desert Storm where the soldiers would be surrendering right and left... and then we could just remove him from power and get rid of their weapons. Something needs to be done. If you are scared to have Trump with the Nuclear Football, you should be absolutely terrified for Kim Jong Un to have a nuclear ICBM.

Certainly Kim Jong having a nuke ICBM is scary. But that is rather wishful thinking.

If you are wrong- Seoul would be destroyed, the United States would be embroiled in a nasty war(ever read about the Korean War we were in ?), and North Korea could end up using its nukes on Japan or South Korea.

There is already widespread stuff going on where money is being written on with propaganda for overthrowing Jong Un. Now is the right time to do it.

If you want hundreds of thousands of South Koreans, Japanese and Americans to die.

Not going to happen. Be realistic. We are talking about North Korea. Do some research on the situation there before you make these kind of comments.

LOL- you haven't demonstrated any knowledge of the situation in North Korea at all.

We know that North Korea has nukes and can deliver them to South Korea and Japan.
The North Korean border is 35 miles from the South Korean capital of Seoul- within range of thousands of NK artillery and missiles.

Make no mistake- the NK regime is dangerous- and I would love to see it taken out. But at the present time I don't think achieving that is worth the likely hundreds of thousands of deaths of Americans and our allies.

And- remember once we removed NK leadership- you would be left with a country with no leadership that is a totally failed state. Perfect breeding ground for terrorists. So that means occupying NK- and who is going to do that?

You have absolutely no idea what leadership they have there waiting in the wings. Please, and I'm trying to be polite here because you really are starting to get on my fucking nerves, go do some research on the country. Vice did a great series on Youtube that was like 5 hours long about the place, and that is just the tip of the iceberg of what I have studied about the place.
Certainly Kim Jong having a nuke ICBM is scary. But that is rather wishful thinking.

If you are wrong- Seoul would be destroyed, the United States would be embroiled in a nasty war(ever read about the Korean War we were in ?), and North Korea could end up using its nukes on Japan or South Korea.

There is already widespread stuff going on where money is being written on with propaganda for overthrowing Jong Un. Now is the right time to do it.

If you want hundreds of thousands of South Koreans, Japanese and Americans to die.

Not going to happen. Be realistic. We are talking about North Korea. Do some research on the situation there before you make these kind of comments.

LOL- you haven't demonstrated any knowledge of the situation in North Korea at all.

We know that North Korea has nukes and can deliver them to South Korea and Japan.
The North Korean border is 35 miles from the South Korean capital of Seoul- within range of thousands of NK artillery and missiles.

Make no mistake- the NK regime is dangerous- and I would love to see it taken out. But at the present time I don't think achieving that is worth the likely hundreds of thousands of deaths of Americans and our allies.

And- remember once we removed NK leadership- you would be left with a country with no leadership that is a totally failed state. Perfect breeding ground for terrorists. So that means occupying NK- and who is going to do that?

You have absolutely no idea what leadership they have there waiting in the wings

Well then fill us in Lew- fill us in- educate me.
There is already widespread stuff going on where money is being written on with propaganda for overthrowing Jong Un. Now is the right time to do it.

If you want hundreds of thousands of South Koreans, Japanese and Americans to die.

Not going to happen. Be realistic. We are talking about North Korea. Do some research on the situation there before you make these kind of comments.

LOL- you haven't demonstrated any knowledge of the situation in North Korea at all.

We know that North Korea has nukes and can deliver them to South Korea and Japan.
The North Korean border is 35 miles from the South Korean capital of Seoul- within range of thousands of NK artillery and missiles.

Make no mistake- the NK regime is dangerous- and I would love to see it taken out. But at the present time I don't think achieving that is worth the likely hundreds of thousands of deaths of Americans and our allies.

And- remember once we removed NK leadership- you would be left with a country with no leadership that is a totally failed state. Perfect breeding ground for terrorists. So that means occupying NK- and who is going to do that?

You have absolutely no idea what leadership they have there waiting in the wings

Well then fill us in Lew- fill us in- educate me.

I don't have time to sit here and tell you hours of information... and if you want to argue me about it, it is your responsibility to educate yourself. Go to Youtube and put in "Vice Channel North Korea" You'll find dozens of videos.
If you want hundreds of thousands of South Koreans, Japanese and Americans to die.

Not going to happen. Be realistic. We are talking about North Korea. Do some research on the situation there before you make these kind of comments.

LOL- you haven't demonstrated any knowledge of the situation in North Korea at all.

We know that North Korea has nukes and can deliver them to South Korea and Japan.
The North Korean border is 35 miles from the South Korean capital of Seoul- within range of thousands of NK artillery and missiles.

Make no mistake- the NK regime is dangerous- and I would love to see it taken out. But at the present time I don't think achieving that is worth the likely hundreds of thousands of deaths of Americans and our allies.

And- remember once we removed NK leadership- you would be left with a country with no leadership that is a totally failed state. Perfect breeding ground for terrorists. So that means occupying NK- and who is going to do that?

You have absolutely no idea what leadership they have there waiting in the wings

Well then fill us in Lew- fill us in- educate me.

I don't have time to sit here and tell you hours of information...

LOL- no you just have hours and hours to watch Youtube- and post on USMB- but not enough time to back up your incredibly vague claims.

Just another no information war monger.
Not going to happen. Be realistic. We are talking about North Korea. Do some research on the situation there before you make these kind of comments.

LOL- you haven't demonstrated any knowledge of the situation in North Korea at all.

We know that North Korea has nukes and can deliver them to South Korea and Japan.
The North Korean border is 35 miles from the South Korean capital of Seoul- within range of thousands of NK artillery and missiles.

Make no mistake- the NK regime is dangerous- and I would love to see it taken out. But at the present time I don't think achieving that is worth the likely hundreds of thousands of deaths of Americans and our allies.

And- remember once we removed NK leadership- you would be left with a country with no leadership that is a totally failed state. Perfect breeding ground for terrorists. So that means occupying NK- and who is going to do that?

You have absolutely no idea what leadership they have there waiting in the wings

Well then fill us in Lew- fill us in- educate me.

I don't have time to sit here and tell you hours of information...

LOL- no you just have hours and hours to watch Youtube- and post on USMB- but not enough time to back up your incredibly vague claims.

Just another no information war monger.

Excuse me? Because I spend a lot of time online, like becoming informed about subjects... in between doing things for college, I'm a "no information war monger?" The fact that you won't go educate yourself on the subject, tells me you are happy being ignorant, and sadly the worst part of it all, is you are even happier spreading your ignorance around the world.
LOL- you haven't demonstrated any knowledge of the situation in North Korea at all.

We know that North Korea has nukes and can deliver them to South Korea and Japan.
The North Korean border is 35 miles from the South Korean capital of Seoul- within range of thousands of NK artillery and missiles.

Make no mistake- the NK regime is dangerous- and I would love to see it taken out. But at the present time I don't think achieving that is worth the likely hundreds of thousands of deaths of Americans and our allies.

And- remember once we removed NK leadership- you would be left with a country with no leadership that is a totally failed state. Perfect breeding ground for terrorists. So that means occupying NK- and who is going to do that?

You have absolutely no idea what leadership they have there waiting in the wings

Well then fill us in Lew- fill us in- educate me.

I don't have time to sit here and tell you hours of information...

LOL- no you just have hours and hours to watch Youtube- and post on USMB- but not enough time to back up your incredibly vague claims.

Just another no information war monger.

Excuse me? Because I spend a lot of time online, like becoming informed about subjects... in between doing things for college, I'm a "no information war monger?" .

Since you have provided exactly zilch....nada...zip....to support your claim- yes you are a 'no information war monger'

Either back up your claims with facts and citations- or just continue to be a no information war monger.
Trump should avoid more quagmire wars. He should just focus on helping Americans here at home. I really hope he doesn't go the Bush/Obama-route. I'd like to see him extricate us from all quagmire conflicts around the world.

But i'm not optimistic about him doing that. It looks like he's assembled a lot of warmongers in his administration. We could be looking at a Bush repeat. And that would be very sad. Because he has an opportunity to be something different.
You have absolutely no idea what leadership they have there waiting in the wings

Well then fill us in Lew- fill us in- educate me.

I don't have time to sit here and tell you hours of information...

LOL- no you just have hours and hours to watch Youtube- and post on USMB- but not enough time to back up your incredibly vague claims.

Just another no information war monger.

Excuse me? Because I spend a lot of time online, like becoming informed about subjects... in between doing things for college, I'm a "no information war monger?" .

Since you have provided exactly zilch....nada...zip....to support your claim- yes you are a 'no information war monger'

Either back up your claims with facts and citations- or just continue to be a no information war monger.

I gave you a good source for information. If you don't want to check it out, then that means you are happy to stay uninformed and pretty much inconsequential to this discussion. So either do your research, or shut the fuck up? :)
Well then fill us in Lew- fill us in- educate me.

I don't have time to sit here and tell you hours of information...

LOL- no you just have hours and hours to watch Youtube- and post on USMB- but not enough time to back up your incredibly vague claims.

Just another no information war monger.

Excuse me? Because I spend a lot of time online, like becoming informed about subjects... in between doing things for college, I'm a "no information war monger?" .

Since you have provided exactly zilch....nada...zip....to support your claim- yes you are a 'no information war monger'

Either back up your claims with facts and citations- or just continue to be a no information war monger.

I gave you a good source for information. If you don't want to check it out, then that means you are happy to stay uninformed and pretty much inconsequential to this discussion. So either do your research, or shut the fuck up? :)

LOL- Youtube....
They don't want or have nukes....Libs too me so

I take it you didn't see Trump's latest tweet?
They don't want or have nukes....Libs too me so

I take it you didn't see Trump's latest tweet?
Just another lib mess they now switch positions on.. Trump has said China should handle it......If China was smart they would.....Be a huge boost to their theater diplomatic efforts
If Trump Attacks and Takes Out Kim Jong Un in North Korea...

Been my opinion China would handle this for awhile. Right now we are to thin to open another front....think Tillersons rhetoric is start of diplomatic effort to push them into it.
Japan is arming up as much because of the Nork threat as the Chinese.. Stronger Japanese armed forces is not what China wants. I think any attack right now would be a blunder on our part.

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