If Trump is UNJUSTLY removed from office, what should we do?

You are a democrat

That proves you promote mass murder of us citizen babies

He is first and foremost a Alabama fan, cut him some slack.


Nick Saban endorsed joe manchin democrat for senate who promotes the mass murdering of us citizen babies

Saban has lost half his fan base and may never again win another national title

Half his fan base?? You are delirious!!

And just by way of an FYI, having lots of fans isn't why he has won 5 National Championships in 10 years. He is simply the best in our generation, perhaps in the history of college football.

Saban cost u of Alabama millions of dollars when he endorsed a democrat party guy that promotes mass murder of babies

Saban lost half his fan base and costs u of Alabama millions of dollars when he endorsed half his fan bases mortal enemy

Very stoopid move by Saban

The profit margin for Alabama football team s better than ever.
He is first and foremost a Alabama fan, cut him some slack.


Nick Saban endorsed joe manchin democrat for senate who promotes the mass murdering of us citizen babies

Saban has lost half his fan base and may never again win another national title

Half his fan base?? You are delirious!!

And just by way of an FYI, having lots of fans isn't why he has won 5 National Championships in 10 years. He is simply the best in our generation, perhaps in the history of college football.

Saban cost u of Alabama millions of dollars when he endorsed a democrat party guy that promotes mass murder of babies

Saban lost half his fan base and costs u of Alabama millions of dollars when he endorsed half his fan bases mortal enemy

Very stoopid move by Saban

The profit margin for Alabama football team s better than ever.

Wrong it's not better than ever

They lost the title plus the drop in attendance because of sabans stupidity to endorse his higher logic and higher net worth conservative fans

He was very stupid

Just like you are for supporting mass
Murder of us citizens babies with his endorsing democrats

He lost his higher logic and higher wealth white fan base

He lost big time

The native Americans would have got what the Jews did by hitler if Jackson did not separate them from the high progress whites

America's best down of Germany came from white males
The founders like me understands women and protects them by not letting them vote in crooks unless they can pass a high logic test for voting

The unwise must be stopped to save them from electing crooks

If not we will lose a coming major war

Nick Saban endorsed joe manchin democrat for senate who promotes the mass murdering of us citizen babies

Saban has lost half his fan base and may never again win another national title

Half his fan base?? You are delirious!!

And just by way of an FYI, having lots of fans isn't why he has won 5 National Championships in 10 years. He is simply the best in our generation, perhaps in the history of college football.

Saban cost u of Alabama millions of dollars when he endorsed a democrat party guy that promotes mass murder of babies

Saban lost half his fan base and costs u of Alabama millions of dollars when he endorsed half his fan bases mortal enemy

Very stoopid move by Saban

The profit margin for Alabama football team s better than ever.

Wrong it's not better than ever

They lost the title plus the drop in attendance because of sabans stupidity to endorse his higher logic and higher net worth conservative fans

He was very stupid

Just like you are for supporting mass
Murder of us citizens babies with his endorsing democrats

He lost his higher logic and higher wealth white fan base

He lost big time

The native Americans would have got what the Jews did by hitler if Jackson did not separate them from the high progress whites

America's best down of Germany came from white males

Yes, Alabama lost the title game. Clemson was prepared and the better team. No shame here. And Saban's endorsement of a politician had absolutely nothing to do with it.

The fans have not gone anywhere. And neither have wealthy fans, as if that mattered.

Saban has created one of the greatest dynasties in sports history. In the last 10 years, Saban has won 5 National Championships.

This nonsense is about as logical as Jackson's Trail of Tears being the reason we won WW2.
Last edited:
Nick Saban endorsed joe manchin democrat for senate who promotes the mass murdering of us citizen babies

Saban has lost half his fan base and may never again win another national title

Half his fan base?? You are delirious!!

And just by way of an FYI, having lots of fans isn't why he has won 5 National Championships in 10 years. He is simply the best in our generation, perhaps in the history of college football.

Saban cost u of Alabama millions of dollars when he endorsed a democrat party guy that promotes mass murder of babies

Saban lost half his fan base and costs u of Alabama millions of dollars when he endorsed half his fan bases mortal enemy

Very stoopid move by Saban

The profit margin for Alabama football team s better than ever.

Wrong it's not better than ever

They lost the title plus the drop in attendance because of sabans stupidity to endorse his higher logic and higher net worth conservative fans

He was very stupid

Just like you are for supporting mass
Murder of us citizens babies with his endorsing democrats

He lost his higher logic and higher wealth white fan base

He lost big time

The native Americans would have got what the Jews did by hitler if Jackson did not separate them from the high progress whites

America's best down of Germany came from white males

Yes, Alabama lost the title game. Clemson was prepared and the better team. No shame here. And Saban's endorsement of a politician had absolutely nothing to do with it.

The fans have not gone anywhere. And neither have wealthy fans, as if that mattered.

Saban has created one of the greatest dynasties in sports history. In the last 10 years, Saban has won 5 National Championships.

This nonsense is about as logical as Jackson's Trail of Tears being the reason we won WW2.

Read my other thread how Jackson saved the Indians from getting murdered by the Germans like the Jews got


To make great progress the unwise must be stopped from doing an ability they don’t have

Being unwise means time will be wasted if one uses time to think and debate

Like you have proved and all democrats have proved they cannot debate so they must be made to do their own ability which is not thinking and debating

The future will have voters passing a logic test to vote

Also the future will have people allowed to debate to pass a logic test

You have already failed logic tests like all democrats have so your types future will be drastically different

Saban insulted the half of his fan base and all patriots. And bama white people are all conservative and patriots

Basicly. Saban shot the money part of his fan base. A bird finger !!

This will be talked about for decades and spread. !!!
Half his fan base?? You are delirious!!

And just by way of an FYI, having lots of fans isn't why he has won 5 National Championships in 10 years. He is simply the best in our generation, perhaps in the history of college football.

Saban cost u of Alabama millions of dollars when he endorsed a democrat party guy that promotes mass murder of babies

Saban lost half his fan base and costs u of Alabama millions of dollars when he endorsed half his fan bases mortal enemy

Very stoopid move by Saban

The profit margin for Alabama football team s better than ever.

Wrong it's not better than ever

They lost the title plus the drop in attendance because of sabans stupidity to endorse his higher logic and higher net worth conservative fans

He was very stupid

Just like you are for supporting mass
Murder of us citizens babies with his endorsing democrats

He lost his higher logic and higher wealth white fan base

He lost big time

The native Americans would have got what the Jews did by hitler if Jackson did not separate them from the high progress whites

America's best down of Germany came from white males

Yes, Alabama lost the title game. Clemson was prepared and the better team. No shame here. And Saban's endorsement of a politician had absolutely nothing to do with it.

The fans have not gone anywhere. And neither have wealthy fans, as if that mattered.

Saban has created one of the greatest dynasties in sports history. In the last 10 years, Saban has won 5 National Championships.

This nonsense is about as logical as Jackson's Trail of Tears being the reason we won WW2.

Read my other thread how Jackson saved the Indians from getting murdered by the Germans like the Jews got


To make great progress the unwise must be stopped from doing an ability they don’t have

Being unwise means time will be wasted if one uses time to think and debate

Like you have proved and all democrats have proved they cannot debate so they must be made to do their own ability which is not thinking and debating

The future will have voters passing a logic test to vote

Also the future will have people allowed to debate to pass a logic test

You have already failed logic tests like all democrats have so your types future will be drastically different

Saban insulted the half of his fan base and all patriots. And bama white people are all conservative and patriots

Basicly. Saban shot the money part of his fan base. A bird finger !!

This will be talked about for decades and spread. !!!

"And bama white people are all conservative and patriots"??? You ignorant twit. First of all, there are plenty of liberals in Alabama. But what I take issue with the most is the "white" part. I personally know of 5 black men who died serving their country. 3 were classmates and friends of mine and 2 were sons of classmates and friends. I also know black and hispanic men who came back permanently disabled from their service. How dare you say they are not patriots, you misbegotten troll.

As for Saban, he is more popular than ever. I doubt most people are even aware of his support of his friend in West Virginia. More people probably knew about it, but were unconcerned and forgot.

What will be talked about for decades is his program that became the greatest college sports dynasty in history.
What will be talked about for decades is his ability to coach teams that dominated their opponents.
What will be talked about for decades is his unfailing push for his players to graduate.
What will be talked about for decades is his (and his wife's) service to their community.

A foreign troll such as yourself does not have a clue.
Half his fan base?? You are delirious!!

And just by way of an FYI, having lots of fans isn't why he has won 5 National Championships in 10 years. He is simply the best in our generation, perhaps in the history of college football.

Saban cost u of Alabama millions of dollars when he endorsed a democrat party guy that promotes mass murder of babies

Saban lost half his fan base and costs u of Alabama millions of dollars when he endorsed half his fan bases mortal enemy

Very stoopid move by Saban

The profit margin for Alabama football team s better than ever.

Wrong it's not better than ever

They lost the title plus the drop in attendance because of sabans stupidity to endorse his higher logic and higher net worth conservative fans

He was very stupid

Just like you are for supporting mass
Murder of us citizens babies with his endorsing democrats

He lost his higher logic and higher wealth white fan base

He lost big time

The native Americans would have got what the Jews did by hitler if Jackson did not separate them from the high progress whites

America's best down of Germany came from white males

Yes, Alabama lost the title game. Clemson was prepared and the better team. No shame here. And Saban's endorsement of a politician had absolutely nothing to do with it.

The fans have not gone anywhere. And neither have wealthy fans, as if that mattered.

Saban has created one of the greatest dynasties in sports history. In the last 10 years, Saban has won 5 National Championships.

This nonsense is about as logical as Jackson's Trail of Tears being the reason we won WW2.

Read my other thread how Jackson saved the Indians from getting murdered by the Germans like the Jews got


To make great progress the unwise must be stopped from doing an ability they don’t have

Being unwise means time will be wasted if one uses time to think and debate

Like you have proved and all democrats have proved they cannot debate so they must be made to do their own ability which is not thinking and debating

The future will have voters passing a logic test to vote

Also the future will have people allowed to debate to pass a logic test

You have already failed logic tests like all democrats have so your types future will be drastically different

Saban insulted the half of his fan base and all patriots. And bama white people are all conservative and patriots

Basicly. Saban shot the money part of his fan base. A bird finger !!

This will be talked about for decades and spread. !!!

Jackson did not save the native Americans from being slaughtered by the Germans. The Germans did not invade the US.

And Jackson's march of families killed thousands as they were forced to walk hundreds of miles. You may see him as a hero. Most modern people do not.
Half his fan base?? You are delirious!!

And just by way of an FYI, having lots of fans isn't why he has won 5 National Championships in 10 years. He is simply the best in our generation, perhaps in the history of college football.

Saban cost u of Alabama millions of dollars when he endorsed a democrat party guy that promotes mass murder of babies

Saban lost half his fan base and costs u of Alabama millions of dollars when he endorsed half his fan bases mortal enemy

Very stoopid move by Saban

The profit margin for Alabama football team s better than ever.

Wrong it's not better than ever

They lost the title plus the drop in attendance because of sabans stupidity to endorse his higher logic and higher net worth conservative fans

He was very stupid

Just like you are for supporting mass
Murder of us citizens babies with his endorsing democrats

He lost his higher logic and higher wealth white fan base

He lost big time

The native Americans would have got what the Jews did by hitler if Jackson did not separate them from the high progress whites

America's best down of Germany came from white males

Yes, Alabama lost the title game. Clemson was prepared and the better team. No shame here. And Saban's endorsement of a politician had absolutely nothing to do with it.

The fans have not gone anywhere. And neither have wealthy fans, as if that mattered.

Saban has created one of the greatest dynasties in sports history. In the last 10 years, Saban has won 5 National Championships.

This nonsense is about as logical as Jackson's Trail of Tears being the reason we won WW2.

Read my other thread how Jackson saved the Indians from getting murdered by the Germans like the Jews got


To make great progress the unwise must be stopped from doing an ability they don’t have

Being unwise means time will be wasted if one uses time to think and debate

Like you have proved and all democrats have proved they cannot debate so they must be made to do their own ability which is not thinking and debating

The future will have voters passing a logic test to vote

Also the future will have people allowed to debate to pass a logic test

You have already failed logic tests like all democrats have so your types future will be drastically different

Saban insulted the half of his fan base and all patriots. And bama white people are all conservative and patriots

Basicly. Saban shot the money part of his fan base. A bird finger !!

This will be talked about for decades and spread. !!!

One more tidbit before I leave you to your trolling.

There is serious talk of naming Bryant Denny Stadium to Bryant Saban Stadium. So much for any hostility or animosity about his endorsing an old friend.

That should stick in your craw.
Saban cost u of Alabama millions of dollars when he endorsed a democrat party guy that promotes mass murder of babies

Saban lost half his fan base and costs u of Alabama millions of dollars when he endorsed half his fan bases mortal enemy

Very stoopid move by Saban

The profit margin for Alabama football team s better than ever.

Wrong it's not better than ever

They lost the title plus the drop in attendance because of sabans stupidity to endorse his higher logic and higher net worth conservative fans

He was very stupid

Just like you are for supporting mass
Murder of us citizens babies with his endorsing democrats

He lost his higher logic and higher wealth white fan base

He lost big time

The native Americans would have got what the Jews did by hitler if Jackson did not separate them from the high progress whites

America's best down of Germany came from white males

Yes, Alabama lost the title game. Clemson was prepared and the better team. No shame here. And Saban's endorsement of a politician had absolutely nothing to do with it.

The fans have not gone anywhere. And neither have wealthy fans, as if that mattered.

Saban has created one of the greatest dynasties in sports history. In the last 10 years, Saban has won 5 National Championships.

This nonsense is about as logical as Jackson's Trail of Tears being the reason we won WW2.

Read my other thread how Jackson saved the Indians from getting murdered by the Germans like the Jews got


To make great progress the unwise must be stopped from doing an ability they don’t have

Being unwise means time will be wasted if one uses time to think and debate

Like you have proved and all democrats have proved they cannot debate so they must be made to do their own ability which is not thinking and debating

The future will have voters passing a logic test to vote

Also the future will have people allowed to debate to pass a logic test

You have already failed logic tests like all democrats have so your types future will be drastically different

Saban insulted the half of his fan base and all patriots. And bama white people are all conservative and patriots

Basicly. Saban shot the money part of his fan base. A bird finger !!

This will be talked about for decades and spread. !!!

"And bama white people are all conservative and patriots"??? You ignorant twit. First of all, there are plenty of liberals in Alabama. But what I take issue with the most is the "white" part. I personally know of 5 black men who died serving their country. 3 were classmates and friends of mine and 2 were sons of classmates and friends. I also know black and hispanic men who came back permanently disabled from their service. How dare you say they are not patriots, you misbegotten troll.

As for Saban, he is more popular than ever. I doubt most people are even aware of his support of his friend in West Virginia. More people probably knew about it, but were unconcerned and forgot.

What will be talked about for decades is his program that became the greatest college sports dynasty in history.
What will be talked about for decades is his ability to coach teams that dominated their opponents.
What will be talked about for decades is his unfailing push for his players to graduate.
What will be talked about for decades is his (and his wife's) service to their community.

A foreign troll such as yourself does not have a clue.

Check the facts

Whites in bama are conservatives

White males in bama are conservatives by a landslide

A good majority of adult citizens in bama are conservatives

The beloved Jeff sessions that didn’t do his job and hurt trump and conservatives is close to being blackballed from Bama

Just like al gore was from tenn

He is blackballed because he changed to being pro life to pro choice against the majority of tenn people

Al gores home state cost him from being elected president by telling him get the heck out

His wife divorced him and he ran to New York like all crooks like the Clinton’s did too

Learn history and learn facts to know what’s going on

And Andrew Jackson saved the Indians from getting murdered like the Jews were with hitler
Saban cost u of Alabama millions of dollars when he endorsed a democrat party guy that promotes mass murder of babies

Saban lost half his fan base and costs u of Alabama millions of dollars when he endorsed half his fan bases mortal enemy

Very stoopid move by Saban

The profit margin for Alabama football team s better than ever.

Wrong it's not better than ever

They lost the title plus the drop in attendance because of sabans stupidity to endorse his higher logic and higher net worth conservative fans

He was very stupid

Just like you are for supporting mass
Murder of us citizens babies with his endorsing democrats

He lost his higher logic and higher wealth white fan base

He lost big time

The native Americans would have got what the Jews did by hitler if Jackson did not separate them from the high progress whites

America's best down of Germany came from white males

Yes, Alabama lost the title game. Clemson was prepared and the better team. No shame here. And Saban's endorsement of a politician had absolutely nothing to do with it.

The fans have not gone anywhere. And neither have wealthy fans, as if that mattered.

Saban has created one of the greatest dynasties in sports history. In the last 10 years, Saban has won 5 National Championships.

This nonsense is about as logical as Jackson's Trail of Tears being the reason we won WW2.

Read my other thread how Jackson saved the Indians from getting murdered by the Germans like the Jews got


To make great progress the unwise must be stopped from doing an ability they don’t have

Being unwise means time will be wasted if one uses time to think and debate

Like you have proved and all democrats have proved they cannot debate so they must be made to do their own ability which is not thinking and debating

The future will have voters passing a logic test to vote

Also the future will have people allowed to debate to pass a logic test

You have already failed logic tests like all democrats have so your types future will be drastically different

Saban insulted the half of his fan base and all patriots. And bama white people are all conservative and patriots

Basicly. Saban shot the money part of his fan base. A bird finger !!

This will be talked about for decades and spread. !!!

Jackson did not save the native Americans from being slaughtered by the Germans. The Germans did not invade the US.

And Jackson's march of families killed thousands as they were forced to walk hundreds of miles. You may see him as a hero. Most modern people do not.

Your low logic makes you blind

You do not know cause and effect

Your unwise types in the future will be stopped from cutting your own throats !
Saban cost u of Alabama millions of dollars when he endorsed a democrat party guy that promotes mass murder of babies

Saban lost half his fan base and costs u of Alabama millions of dollars when he endorsed half his fan bases mortal enemy

Very stoopid move by Saban

The profit margin for Alabama football team s better than ever.

Wrong it's not better than ever

They lost the title plus the drop in attendance because of sabans stupidity to endorse his higher logic and higher net worth conservative fans

He was very stupid

Just like you are for supporting mass
Murder of us citizens babies with his endorsing democrats

He lost his higher logic and higher wealth white fan base

He lost big time

The native Americans would have got what the Jews did by hitler if Jackson did not separate them from the high progress whites

America's best down of Germany came from white males

Yes, Alabama lost the title game. Clemson was prepared and the better team. No shame here. And Saban's endorsement of a politician had absolutely nothing to do with it.

The fans have not gone anywhere. And neither have wealthy fans, as if that mattered.

Saban has created one of the greatest dynasties in sports history. In the last 10 years, Saban has won 5 National Championships.

This nonsense is about as logical as Jackson's Trail of Tears being the reason we won WW2.

Read my other thread how Jackson saved the Indians from getting murdered by the Germans like the Jews got


To make great progress the unwise must be stopped from doing an ability they don’t have

Being unwise means time will be wasted if one uses time to think and debate

Like you have proved and all democrats have proved they cannot debate so they must be made to do their own ability which is not thinking and debating

The future will have voters passing a logic test to vote

Also the future will have people allowed to debate to pass a logic test

You have already failed logic tests like all democrats have so your types future will be drastically different

Saban insulted the half of his fan base and all patriots. And bama white people are all conservative and patriots

Basicly. Saban shot the money part of his fan base. A bird finger !!

This will be talked about for decades and spread. !!!

One more tidbit before I leave you to your trolling.

There is serious talk of naming Bryant Denny Stadium to Bryant Saban Stadium. So much for any hostility or animosity about his endorsing an old friend.

That should stick in your craw.

No Saban has got the ball rolling with his major mistake

In time his name will be scrubbed because bama is stronger on patriots than their beloved football
Nothing? Revolt? If nothing, why have elections? Just say that we'll be a one-party oligarchy ran by the Democratic Party like the Communist Party has in China. If Trump is unjustly removed and we do nothing, our democracy is over.

If Trump is Illegally removed from the office, he will be returned to the office a decision by the Supreme Court.

How do you envision he could be removed illegally?
The clock is running out and the Dems could not disappoint their base without the Impeachment they promised from the first days Trump took office.

Hillary and the gang couldn't take off those symbolic purple suits fast enough as they immediately launched operation Impeach Trump in 2016.

The American left is a totalitarian, corrupt, fascist movement and my genuine fear is that, sooner or later, it will be necessary to physically FIGHT for our rights and freedoms or acquiesce and accept that we are now ruled by a one-party oligarchy. Maybe an oligarchy is our destiny. Maybe that's what we deserve.

Define the "American left"! Name names, where this cabal resides and who is the leader and how many followers.

Seems to me your expressed fear is better described as paranoid.
Nothing? Revolt? If nothing, why have elections? Just say that we'll be a one-party oligarchy ran by the Democratic Party like the Communist Party has in China. If Trump is unjustly removed and we do nothing, our democracy is over.
Bullshit. Impeachment is out democracy in action. It is the Constitution working as intended. He won't be unjustly removed. If he is removed it will not be unjustly. But more likely, the Republicans will give him a pass and ignore his crimes, and THEN our democracy is over, or at least seriously weakened

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