If You Buy Budweiser You're an Enabler

Two points.

Since you've never served, you'd don't realize that you obey orders, because that's what good soldiers do.

Sure but we weren't discussing that.

Those orders should never be over lies.

Second- your side had all sorts of opporunities to "prove" Bush lied. And every last review determined, "Nope, that's what the intelligence indicated."

Wasn't this thread about a trannie on a beer can?

Both parties sadly wanted to invade. It's one of many reasons I refuse to support either party.
Okay, let's look at that.

100 years ago, people like you said that immigrants from Europe would be the "Death of the Country".
60 years ago, people like you screamed that letting blacks have equal rights would be "the Death of the Country".
50 years ago, people like you screamed women doing men's jobs would be the Death of the Country.
20 years ago, people like you screamed that gays getting marrried would be the death of the Country.

Amazingly, the country is still here.

Maybe you need to have a drink and chill the fuck out.

I love when a gay poster uses immutable traits in comparison with traits that aren’t immutable.

Proves desperation
At some point you either resist this nonsense with the pocket book or you're part of the problem

As Derek Hunter pointed out on his podcast in response to this madness........the left controls too much of our corporate enterprise...........but we do have to pick fights and take them on....and this is one of those times we can take them on......then it sends a message to smaller companies to stand up to the left, rather than give in to the left....
At some point you either resist this nonsense with the pocket book or you're part of the problem

Actual men protect women and children........dylan mulvaney is a tool of the left as they seek to destroy women, children and the family.....so it is our job as men, and the job of women as well, to fight back......and one way to fight the left is to boycott this attack on all that is normal.....
As Derek Hunter pointed out on his podcast in response to this madness........the left controls too much of our corporate enterprise...........but we do have to pick fights and take them on....and this is one of those times we can take them on......then it sends a message to smaller companies to stand up to the left, rather than give in to the left....

Fight em while you can because when esg comes to America mainstream you can forget about boycotting a company for being damaging to America and think it will make a difference. When esg comes full swing companies will be forced to go woke so they can actually do business and increase their investability.
Fight em while you can because when esg comes to America mainstream you can forget about boycotting a company for being damaging to America and think it will make a difference. When esg comes full swing companies will be forced to go woke so they can actually do business and increase their investability.

Most of them already signed on to BLM so it's too late to care any more. More and more mergers every year for decades so there is little real competition left in any market that has any profit left in them.

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