If you could remove or add to the constitution what would it be?

The proposed 28th amendment should be made a part of the US Constitution.


1) Congress can pass no law that does not apply to them, nor can they pass any law that applies only to them.

2) Congressional pay increases (including any monetary perks) must be passed by a popular vote. They can't vote on their own raises.

3) Balance the budget. Unless we are in a declared war, the budget must be balanced every year. And in wartime, any budgetary overages would apply strictly to wartime needs.

4) Term limits for every national level elected official.

5) Enact the Fair Tax Act.

6) Corporations are not people.

7) Lobbying will be treated as bribery.
I have a question for you on number three.
What do we cut to balance the budget?
Do we cut all welfare? Do we cut social security and Medicare?
Do we shut down all military bases out of the country thereby creating widespread unemployment here and abroad?

Our military budget is bloated. We could cut it by 1/3 and still be spending far more than any other nation.
But what exactly do you want to cut? Bases overseas? Bases here at home? Jets, tanks? Military payroll? Maintenance on nuclear weapons?

Even if we cut the military by a third that will still only drop our defe it not balance the budget.

Cut the bloat. The military can do that. But only if they are forced. Perhaps cut Halliburton's mess halls, forced laundry, ect ect.
So you really have no idea how you want to cut it you are just parroting things. Got it. If you cut outside contractors then you have to hire for those positions or due without. Are you suggesting that the military does without a mess or laundry or that we hire cooks servers and procurement officers? That we hire laundry help? I don't think that it would save the money you think it would since private companies are usually much more cost effective then government.

Are you suggesting that the military does without a mess or laundry or that we hire cooks servers and procurement officers? That we hire laundry help?

I retired from the service, and during my time military personnel took care of those chores.

No reason they can't now.
Sure they can BUT here is the catch. Winterborn was talking 1/3 reduction in military spending. Even if a private company for some fanciful reason can't do things for less then what the federal government can that is going to amount to pennies compared to 1/3 of military spending.

I think the US Military can find a way to run on far less and still be an effective force to defend the USA.

Currently, we spend more than the next 10 countries. Are you telling me that cutting that leaves us defenseless?
Well back it up! Answer the mans question!! Boy

Look junior, go sit down and let the grownups discuss the issue. When your main contribution to the discussion of the US Military is that we should provide them the pay and benefits that were provided to the soldiers in the Revolutionary War, you show you are incapable of participating.
Ok calm down communist
I’d make the national vote majority
What age?

The same age as the requirement to register for selective service.

The main change there is I would require everyone, regardless of gender, to register.
What if they refuse

Then the punishment that exists now will suffice. If you do not register you are not eligible for federal student aid, job training, or a federal job. You can also be fine $250,000 and sent jail for up to 5 years.
Hahahah hahahah how many people have been fined $250,000 for not registering to vote and then put in jail for five years?? Hahaha

Not many. The overwhelming majority register for selective service.

And I was talking about registering for selective service. If someone chooses not to register to vote, why would they be punished at all?
That’s what I asked you lol

You used the word "refuse". Since registering to vote is not, and never has been, mandatory, I thought you meant the selective service.

Refusing to register implies they are required to do so.
We were talking about voting not Registering for the military learn how to read

I read quite well. I even read your butchered English.

You asked about the age of those allowed to vote. I answered by saying it should be the same as the selective service. And then added that the selective service should be expanded to include everyone regardless of gender. That was what I thought you were referring to.

It was a misunderstanding. Move along.
Apology noted, next I make you beg

LMAO! I wouldn't beg you for water if I was on fire. I explained the misunderstanding. Whether you accept it or not is irrelevant.

But tell me again how a person has to own a gun to join the revolution? To keep peace? Why wouldn't there be peace?

Or are you just fantasizing about a violent overthrow of the gov't again?
Just protecting my self

From what?

So the guns are to use against tyranny?
Did I stutter!?

So your plan is that armed citizens revolt against the US Gov't? Treason & sedition is your answer?
The proposed 28th amendment should be made a part of the US Constitution.


1) Congress can pass no law that does not apply to them, nor can they pass any law that applies only to them.

2) Congressional pay increases (including any monetary perks) must be passed by a popular vote. They can't vote on their own raises.

3) Balance the budget. Unless we are in a declared war, the budget must be balanced every year. And in wartime, any budgetary overages would apply strictly to wartime needs.

4) Term limits for every national level elected official.

5) Enact the Fair Tax Act.

6) Corporations are not people.

7) Lobbying will be treated as bribery.
I have a question for you on number three.
What do we cut to balance the budget?
Do we cut all welfare? Do we cut social security and Medicare?
Do we shut down all military bases out of the country thereby creating widespread unemployment here and abroad?

Our military budget is bloated. We could cut it by 1/3 and still be spending far more than any other nation.
But what exactly do you want to cut? Bases overseas? Bases here at home? Jets, tanks? Military payroll? Maintenance on nuclear weapons?

Even if we cut the military by a third that will still only drop our defe it not balance the budget.

Cut the bloat. The military can do that. But only if they are forced. Perhaps cut Halliburton's mess halls, forced laundry, ect ect.
So you really have no idea how you want to cut it you are just parroting things. Got it. If you cut outside contractors then you have to hire for those positions or due without. Are you suggesting that the military does without a mess or laundry or that we hire cooks servers and procurement officers? That we hire laundry help? I don't think that it would save the money you think it would since private companies are usually much more cost effective then government.

Are you suggesting that the military does without a mess or laundry or that we hire cooks servers and procurement officers? That we hire laundry help?

I retired from the service, and during my time military personnel took care of those chores.

No reason they can't now.
Sure they can BUT here is the catch. Winterborn was talking 1/3 reduction in military spending. Even if a private company for some fanciful reason can't do things for less then what the federal government can that is going to amount to pennies compared to 1/3 of military spending.

I think the US Military can find a way to run on far less and still be an effective force to defend the USA.

Currently, we spend more than the next 10 countries. Are you telling me that cutting that leaves us defenseless?
No what I am telling you is you claim a 1/3 cut in military spending. I asked how you think that can be done. You claimed some penny pinching measures that would hardly make a dent in your 1/3 claim.
So I will again ask you claim 1/3 what exactly do you propose other then vague they could cut something.
The proposed 28th amendment should be made a part of the US Constitution.


1) Congress can pass no law that does not apply to them, nor can they pass any law that applies only to them.

2) Congressional pay increases (including any monetary perks) must be passed by a popular vote. They can't vote on their own raises.

3) Balance the budget. Unless we are in a declared war, the budget must be balanced every year. And in wartime, any budgetary overages would apply strictly to wartime needs.

4) Term limits for every national level elected official.

5) Enact the Fair Tax Act.

6) Corporations are not people.

7) Lobbying will be treated as bribery.
I have a question for you on number three.
What do we cut to balance the budget?
Do we cut all welfare? Do we cut social security and Medicare?
Do we shut down all military bases out of the country thereby creating widespread unemployment here and abroad?

Our military budget is bloated. We could cut it by 1/3 and still be spending far more than any other nation.
But what exactly do you want to cut? Bases overseas? Bases here at home? Jets, tanks? Military payroll? Maintenance on nuclear weapons?

Even if we cut the military by a third that will still only drop our defe it not balance the budget.

Cut the bloat. The military can do that. But only if they are forced. Perhaps cut Halliburton's mess halls, forced laundry, ect ect.
So you really have no idea how you want to cut it you are just parroting things. Got it. If you cut outside contractors then you have to hire for those positions or due without. Are you suggesting that the military does without a mess or laundry or that we hire cooks servers and procurement officers? That we hire laundry help? I don't think that it would save the money you think it would since private companies are usually much more cost effective then government.

Are you suggesting that the military does without a mess or laundry or that we hire cooks servers and procurement officers? That we hire laundry help?

I retired from the service, and during my time military personnel took care of those chores.

No reason they can't now.
Sure they can BUT here is the catch. Winterborn was talking 1/3 reduction in military spending. Even if a private company for some fanciful reason can't do things for less then what the federal government can that is going to amount to pennies compared to 1/3 of military spending.

I think the US Military can find a way to run on far less and still be an effective force to defend the USA.

Currently, we spend more than the next 10 countries. Are you telling me that cutting that leaves us defenseless?
Well back it up! Answer the mans question!! Boy

Look junior, go sit down and let the grownups discuss the issue. When your main contribution to the discussion of the US Military is that we should provide them the pay and benefits that were provided to the soldiers in the Revolutionary War, you show you are incapable of participating.
Ok calm down communist

I am calm. Your outbursts do not change that.
The proposed 28th amendment should be made a part of the US Constitution.


1) Congress can pass no law that does not apply to them, nor can they pass any law that applies only to them.

2) Congressional pay increases (including any monetary perks) must be passed by a popular vote. They can't vote on their own raises.

3) Balance the budget. Unless we are in a declared war, the budget must be balanced every year. And in wartime, any budgetary overages would apply strictly to wartime needs.

4) Term limits for every national level elected official.

5) Enact the Fair Tax Act.

6) Corporations are not people.

7) Lobbying will be treated as bribery.
I have a question for you on number three.
What do we cut to balance the budget?
Do we cut all welfare? Do we cut social security and Medicare?
Do we shut down all military bases out of the country thereby creating widespread unemployment here and abroad?

Our military budget is bloated. We could cut it by 1/3 and still be spending far more than any other nation.
But what exactly do you want to cut? Bases overseas? Bases here at home? Jets, tanks? Military payroll? Maintenance on nuclear weapons?

Even if we cut the military by a third that will still only drop our defe it not balance the budget.

Cut the bloat. The military can do that. But only if they are forced. Perhaps cut Halliburton's mess halls, forced laundry, ect ect.
So you really have no idea how you want to cut it you are just parroting things. Got it. If you cut outside contractors then you have to hire for those positions or due without. Are you suggesting that the military does without a mess or laundry or that we hire cooks servers and procurement officers? That we hire laundry help? I don't think that it would save the money you think it would since private companies are usually much more cost effective then government.

Are you suggesting that the military does without a mess or laundry or that we hire cooks servers and procurement officers? That we hire laundry help?

I retired from the service, and during my time military personnel took care of those chores.

No reason they can't now.
Sure they can BUT here is the catch. Winterborn was talking 1/3 reduction in military spending. Even if a private company for some fanciful reason can't do things for less then what the federal government can that is going to amount to pennies compared to 1/3 of military spending.

I think the US Military can find a way to run on far less and still be an effective force to defend the USA.

Currently, we spend more than the next 10 countries. Are you telling me that cutting that leaves us defenseless?
No what I am telling you is you claim a 1/3 cut in military spending. I asked how you think that can be done. You claimed some penny pinching measures that would hardly make a dent in your 1/3 claim.
So I will again ask you claim 1/3 what exactly do you propose other then vague they could cut something.
He can’t answer your question,, he wants the military to pay for men’s sex change operation
I’d make the national vote majority
What age?

The same age as the requirement to register for selective service.

The main change there is I would require everyone, regardless of gender, to register.
What if they refuse

Then the punishment that exists now will suffice. If you do not register you are not eligible for federal student aid, job training, or a federal job. You can also be fine $250,000 and sent jail for up to 5 years.
Hahahah hahahah how many people have been fined $250,000 for not registering to vote and then put in jail for five years?? Hahaha

Not many. The overwhelming majority register for selective service.

And I was talking about registering for selective service. If someone chooses not to register to vote, why would they be punished at all?
That’s what I asked you lol

You used the word "refuse". Since registering to vote is not, and never has been, mandatory, I thought you meant the selective service.

Refusing to register implies they are required to do so.
We were talking about voting not Registering for the military learn how to read

I read quite well. I even read your butchered English.

You asked about the age of those allowed to vote. I answered by saying it should be the same as the selective service. And then added that the selective service should be expanded to include everyone regardless of gender. That was what I thought you were referring to.

It was a misunderstanding. Move along.
Apology noted, next I make you beg

LMAO! I wouldn't beg you for water if I was on fire. I explained the misunderstanding. Whether you accept it or not is irrelevant.

But tell me again how a person has to own a gun to join the revolution? To keep peace? Why wouldn't there be peace?

Or are you just fantasizing about a violent overthrow of the gov't again?
Just protecting my self

From what?

So the guns are to use against tyranny?
Did I stutter!?

So your plan is that armed citizens revolt against the US Gov't? Treason & sedition is your answer?
No idea what your taking about,, don’t I have a right to protect my family and hunt for food?
The proposed 28th amendment should be made a part of the US Constitution.


1) Congress can pass no law that does not apply to them, nor can they pass any law that applies only to them.

2) Congressional pay increases (including any monetary perks) must be passed by a popular vote. They can't vote on their own raises.

3) Balance the budget. Unless we are in a declared war, the budget must be balanced every year. And in wartime, any budgetary overages would apply strictly to wartime needs.

4) Term limits for every national level elected official.

5) Enact the Fair Tax Act.

6) Corporations are not people.

7) Lobbying will be treated as bribery.
I have a question for you on number three.
What do we cut to balance the budget?
Do we cut all welfare? Do we cut social security and Medicare?
Do we shut down all military bases out of the country thereby creating widespread unemployment here and abroad?

Our military budget is bloated. We could cut it by 1/3 and still be spending far more than any other nation.
But what exactly do you want to cut? Bases overseas? Bases here at home? Jets, tanks? Military payroll? Maintenance on nuclear weapons?

Even if we cut the military by a third that will still only drop our defe it not balance the budget.

Cut the bloat. The military can do that. But only if they are forced. Perhaps cut Halliburton's mess halls, forced laundry, ect ect.
So you really have no idea how you want to cut it you are just parroting things. Got it. If you cut outside contractors then you have to hire for those positions or due without. Are you suggesting that the military does without a mess or laundry or that we hire cooks servers and procurement officers? That we hire laundry help? I don't think that it would save the money you think it would since private companies are usually much more cost effective then government.

Are you suggesting that the military does without a mess or laundry or that we hire cooks servers and procurement officers? That we hire laundry help?

I retired from the service, and during my time military personnel took care of those chores.

No reason they can't now.
Sure they can BUT here is the catch. Winterborn was talking 1/3 reduction in military spending. Even if a private company for some fanciful reason can't do things for less then what the federal government can that is going to amount to pennies compared to 1/3 of military spending.

I think the US Military can find a way to run on far less and still be an effective force to defend the USA.

Currently, we spend more than the next 10 countries. Are you telling me that cutting that leaves us defenseless?
No what I am telling you is you claim a 1/3 cut in military spending. I asked how you think that can be done. You claimed some penny pinching measures that would hardly make a dent in your 1/3 claim.
So I will again ask you claim 1/3 what exactly do you propose other then vague they could cut something.

We tell the DoD that they will be getting 1/3 less money, and let them figure it out.
Never let a good crisis go to waste...........1913.......Woody the woodpecker Wilson........

crisis of 1907.....OMG......creates the Federal Reserve.....and then gets the 17th passed in a time of crisis.........AND WAR.....

Imagine that........

Woody handed the keys to our currency over to the private bankers........took them a couple of decades to screw the country............with their manipulation.....sound familiar.

The Panic of 1907 convinced many Americans of the need to establish a central banking system, which the country had lacked since the Bank War of the 1830s. After Democrats won unified control of Congress and the presidency in the 1912 elections, President Wilson, Congressman Carter Glass, and Senator Robert Latham Owen crafted a central banking bill that occupied a middle ground between the Aldrich Plan, which called for private control of the central banking system, and progressives like William Jennings Bryan, who favored government control over the central banking system. Wilson made the bill one of top priorities of his New Freedom domestic agenda, and he helped ensure that it passed both houses of Congress without major amendments.
The Federal Reserve is the biggest scam in US history.
The proposed 28th amendment should be made a part of the US Constitution.


1) Congress can pass no law that does not apply to them, nor can they pass any law that applies only to them.

2) Congressional pay increases (including any monetary perks) must be passed by a popular vote. They can't vote on their own raises.

3) Balance the budget. Unless we are in a declared war, the budget must be balanced every year. And in wartime, any budgetary overages would apply strictly to wartime needs.

4) Term limits for every national level elected official.

5) Enact the Fair Tax Act.

6) Corporations are not people.

7) Lobbying will be treated as bribery.
I have a question for you on number three.
What do we cut to balance the budget?
Do we cut all welfare? Do we cut social security and Medicare?
Do we shut down all military bases out of the country thereby creating widespread unemployment here and abroad?

Our military budget is bloated. We could cut it by 1/3 and still be spending far more than any other nation.
But what exactly do you want to cut? Bases overseas? Bases here at home? Jets, tanks? Military payroll? Maintenance on nuclear weapons?

Even if we cut the military by a third that will still only drop our defe it not balance the budget.

Cut the bloat. The military can do that. But only if they are forced. Perhaps cut Halliburton's mess halls, forced laundry, ect ect.
So you really have no idea how you want to cut it you are just parroting things. Got it. If you cut outside contractors then you have to hire for those positions or due without. Are you suggesting that the military does without a mess or laundry or that we hire cooks servers and procurement officers? That we hire laundry help? I don't think that it would save the money you think it would since private companies are usually much more cost effective then government.

Are you suggesting that the military does without a mess or laundry or that we hire cooks servers and procurement officers? That we hire laundry help?

I retired from the service, and during my time military personnel took care of those chores.

No reason they can't now.
Sure they can BUT here is the catch. Winterborn was talking 1/3 reduction in military spending. Even if a private company for some fanciful reason can't do things for less then what the federal government can that is going to amount to pennies compared to 1/3 of military spending.

I think the US Military can find a way to run on far less and still be an effective force to defend the USA.

Currently, we spend more than the next 10 countries. Are you telling me that cutting that leaves us defenseless?
No what I am telling you is you claim a 1/3 cut in military spending. I asked how you think that can be done. You claimed some penny pinching measures that would hardly make a dent in your 1/3 claim.
So I will again ask you claim 1/3 what exactly do you propose other then vague they could cut something.
He can’t answer your question,, he wants the military to pay for men’s sex change operation

I never claimed to be an expert on the military budgets. But when we spend more than the next 10 countries combined, we have a bloated system that can be trimmed significantly.
I’d make the national vote majority
What age?

The same age as the requirement to register for selective service.

The main change there is I would require everyone, regardless of gender, to register.
What if they refuse

Then the punishment that exists now will suffice. If you do not register you are not eligible for federal student aid, job training, or a federal job. You can also be fine $250,000 and sent jail for up to 5 years.
Hahahah hahahah how many people have been fined $250,000 for not registering to vote and then put in jail for five years?? Hahaha

Not many. The overwhelming majority register for selective service.

And I was talking about registering for selective service. If someone chooses not to register to vote, why would they be punished at all?
That’s what I asked you lol

You used the word "refuse". Since registering to vote is not, and never has been, mandatory, I thought you meant the selective service.

Refusing to register implies they are required to do so.
We were talking about voting not Registering for the military learn how to read

I read quite well. I even read your butchered English.

You asked about the age of those allowed to vote. I answered by saying it should be the same as the selective service. And then added that the selective service should be expanded to include everyone regardless of gender. That was what I thought you were referring to.

It was a misunderstanding. Move along.
Apology noted, next I make you beg

LMAO! I wouldn't beg you for water if I was on fire. I explained the misunderstanding. Whether you accept it or not is irrelevant.

But tell me again how a person has to own a gun to join the revolution? To keep peace? Why wouldn't there be peace?

Or are you just fantasizing about a violent overthrow of the gov't again?
Just protecting my self

From what?

So the guns are to use against tyranny?
Did I stutter!?

So your plan is that armed citizens revolt against the US Gov't? Treason & sedition is your answer?
No idea what your taking about,, don’t I have a right to protect my family and hunt for food?

So tyranny is threatening your family and taking away your food?
I’d make the national vote majority
What age?

The same age as the requirement to register for selective service.

The main change there is I would require everyone, regardless of gender, to register.
What if they refuse

Then the punishment that exists now will suffice. If you do not register you are not eligible for federal student aid, job training, or a federal job. You can also be fine $250,000 and sent jail for up to 5 years.
Hahahah hahahah how many people have been fined $250,000 for not registering to vote and then put in jail for five years?? Hahaha

Not many. The overwhelming majority register for selective service.

And I was talking about registering for selective service. If someone chooses not to register to vote, why would they be punished at all?
That’s what I asked you lol

You used the word "refuse". Since registering to vote is not, and never has been, mandatory, I thought you meant the selective service.

Refusing to register implies they are required to do so.
We were talking about voting not Registering for the military learn how to read

I read quite well. I even read your butchered English.

You asked about the age of those allowed to vote. I answered by saying it should be the same as the selective service. And then added that the selective service should be expanded to include everyone regardless of gender. That was what I thought you were referring to.

It was a misunderstanding. Move along.
Apology noted, next I make you beg

LMAO! I wouldn't beg you for water if I was on fire. I explained the misunderstanding. Whether you accept it or not is irrelevant.

But tell me again how a person has to own a gun to join the revolution? To keep peace? Why wouldn't there be peace?

Or are you just fantasizing about a violent overthrow of the gov't again?
Just protecting my self

From what?

So the guns are to use against tyranny?
Did I stutter!?

So your plan is that armed citizens revolt against the US Gov't? Treason & sedition is your answer?
No idea what your taking about,, don’t I have a right to protect my family and hunt for food?

So tyranny is threatening your family and taking away your food?
I have a right to protect myself against Tyranny Don’t I?
I’d make the national vote majority
What age?

The same age as the requirement to register for selective service.

The main change there is I would require everyone, regardless of gender, to register.
What if they refuse

Then the punishment that exists now will suffice. If you do not register you are not eligible for federal student aid, job training, or a federal job. You can also be fine $250,000 and sent jail for up to 5 years.
Hahahah hahahah how many people have been fined $250,000 for not registering to vote and then put in jail for five years?? Hahaha

Not many. The overwhelming majority register for selective service.

And I was talking about registering for selective service. If someone chooses not to register to vote, why would they be punished at all?
That’s what I asked you lol

You used the word "refuse". Since registering to vote is not, and never has been, mandatory, I thought you meant the selective service.

Refusing to register implies they are required to do so.
We were talking about voting not Registering for the military learn how to read

I read quite well. I even read your butchered English.

You asked about the age of those allowed to vote. I answered by saying it should be the same as the selective service. And then added that the selective service should be expanded to include everyone regardless of gender. That was what I thought you were referring to.

It was a misunderstanding. Move along.
Apology noted, next I make you beg

LMAO! I wouldn't beg you for water if I was on fire. I explained the misunderstanding. Whether you accept it or not is irrelevant.

But tell me again how a person has to own a gun to join the revolution? To keep peace? Why wouldn't there be peace?

Or are you just fantasizing about a violent overthrow of the gov't again?
Just protecting my self

From what?

So the guns are to use against tyranny?
Did I stutter!?

So your plan is that armed citizens revolt against the US Gov't? Treason & sedition is your answer?
No idea what your taking about,, don’t I have a right to protect my family and hunt for food?

So tyranny is threatening your family and taking away your food?
I have a right to protect myself against Tyranny Don’t I?

Sure. But your comment was about a revolution. And you asked if the other person had a gun, and that they should join the revolution.

You invited someone to join an armed revolution. And it is not the first time you have suggested such a thing.
The proposed 28th amendment should be made a part of the US Constitution.


1) Congress can pass no law that does not apply to them, nor can they pass any law that applies only to them.

2) Congressional pay increases (including any monetary perks) must be passed by a popular vote. They can't vote on their own raises.

3) Balance the budget. Unless we are in a declared war, the budget must be balanced every year. And in wartime, any budgetary overages would apply strictly to wartime needs.

4) Term limits for every national level elected official.

5) Enact the Fair Tax Act.

6) Corporations are not people.

7) Lobbying will be treated as bribery.
I have a question for you on number three.
What do we cut to balance the budget?
Do we cut all welfare? Do we cut social security and Medicare?
Do we shut down all military bases out of the country thereby creating widespread unemployment here and abroad?

Our military budget is bloated. We could cut it by 1/3 and still be spending far more than any other nation.
But what exactly do you want to cut? Bases overseas? Bases here at home? Jets, tanks? Military payroll? Maintenance on nuclear weapons?

Even if we cut the military by a third that will still only drop our defe it not balance the budget.

Cut the bloat. The military can do that. But only if they are forced. Perhaps cut Halliburton's mess halls, forced laundry, ect ect.
So you really have no idea how you want to cut it you are just parroting things. Got it. If you cut outside contractors then you have to hire for those positions or due without. Are you suggesting that the military does without a mess or laundry or that we hire cooks servers and procurement officers? That we hire laundry help? I don't think that it would save the money you think it would since private companies are usually much more cost effective then government.

Are you suggesting that the military does without a mess or laundry or that we hire cooks servers and procurement officers? That we hire laundry help?

I retired from the service, and during my time military personnel took care of those chores.

No reason they can't now.
Sure they can BUT here is the catch. Winterborn was talking 1/3 reduction in military spending. Even if a private company for some fanciful reason can't do things for less then what the federal government can that is going to amount to pennies compared to 1/3 of military spending.

I think the US Military can find a way to run on far less and still be an effective force to defend the USA.

Currently, we spend more than the next 10 countries. Are you telling me that cutting that leaves us defenseless?
No what I am telling you is you claim a 1/3 cut in military spending. I asked how you think that can be done. You claimed some penny pinching measures that would hardly make a dent in your 1/3 claim.
So I will again ask you claim 1/3 what exactly do you propose other then vague they could cut something.

We tell the DoD that they will be getting 1/3 less money, and let them figure it out.
I see. no real idea just parroting what someone else has stated. Got that.
So we tried that under 44 do you remember how that went? So the best we could look forward to is close bases deal with the unemployment and deal with the fallout of creating unemployment in other countries and pulling out of NATO and other agreements.
Are you prepared for that?
I’d make the national vote majority
What age?

The same age as the requirement to register for selective service.

The main change there is I would require everyone, regardless of gender, to register.
What if they refuse

Then the punishment that exists now will suffice. If you do not register you are not eligible for federal student aid, job training, or a federal job. You can also be fine $250,000 and sent jail for up to 5 years.
Hahahah hahahah how many people have been fined $250,000 for not registering to vote and then put in jail for five years?? Hahaha

Not many. The overwhelming majority register for selective service.

And I was talking about registering for selective service. If someone chooses not to register to vote, why would they be punished at all?
That’s what I asked you lol

You used the word "refuse". Since registering to vote is not, and never has been, mandatory, I thought you meant the selective service.

Refusing to register implies they are required to do so.
We were talking about voting not Registering for the military learn how to read

I read quite well. I even read your butchered English.

You asked about the age of those allowed to vote. I answered by saying it should be the same as the selective service. And then added that the selective service should be expanded to include everyone regardless of gender. That was what I thought you were referring to.

It was a misunderstanding. Move along.
Apology noted, next I make you beg

LMAO! I wouldn't beg you for water if I was on fire. I explained the misunderstanding. Whether you accept it or not is irrelevant.

But tell me again how a person has to own a gun to join the revolution? To keep peace? Why wouldn't there be peace?

Or are you just fantasizing about a violent overthrow of the gov't again?
Just protecting my self

From what?

So the guns are to use against tyranny?
Did I stutter!?

So your plan is that armed citizens revolt against the US Gov't? Treason & sedition is your answer?
No idea what your taking about,, don’t I have a right to protect my family and hunt for food?

So tyranny is threatening your family and taking away your food?
I have a right to protect myself against Tyranny Don’t I?

Sure. But your comment was about a revolution. And you asked if the other person had a gun, and that they should join the revolution.

You invited someone to join an armed revolution. And it is not the first time you have suggested such a thing.
GOTG! If you hear that, you know what to do
The proposed 28th amendment should be made a part of the US Constitution.


1) Congress can pass no law that does not apply to them, nor can they pass any law that applies only to them.

2) Congressional pay increases (including any monetary perks) must be passed by a popular vote. They can't vote on their own raises.

3) Balance the budget. Unless we are in a declared war, the budget must be balanced every year. And in wartime, any budgetary overages would apply strictly to wartime needs.

4) Term limits for every national level elected official.

5) Enact the Fair Tax Act.

6) Corporations are not people.

7) Lobbying will be treated as bribery.
I have a question for you on number three.
What do we cut to balance the budget?
Do we cut all welfare? Do we cut social security and Medicare?
Do we shut down all military bases out of the country thereby creating widespread unemployment here and abroad?

Our military budget is bloated. We could cut it by 1/3 and still be spending far more than any other nation.
But what exactly do you want to cut? Bases overseas? Bases here at home? Jets, tanks? Military payroll? Maintenance on nuclear weapons?

Even if we cut the military by a third that will still only drop our defe it not balance the budget.

Cut the bloat. The military can do that. But only if they are forced. Perhaps cut Halliburton's mess halls, forced laundry, ect ect.
So you really have no idea how you want to cut it you are just parroting things. Got it. If you cut outside contractors then you have to hire for those positions or due without. Are you suggesting that the military does without a mess or laundry or that we hire cooks servers and procurement officers? That we hire laundry help? I don't think that it would save the money you think it would since private companies are usually much more cost effective then government.

Are you suggesting that the military does without a mess or laundry or that we hire cooks servers and procurement officers? That we hire laundry help?

I retired from the service, and during my time military personnel took care of those chores.

No reason they can't now.
Sure they can BUT here is the catch. Winterborn was talking 1/3 reduction in military spending. Even if a private company for some fanciful reason can't do things for less then what the federal government can that is going to amount to pennies compared to 1/3 of military spending.

I think the US Military can find a way to run on far less and still be an effective force to defend the USA.

Currently, we spend more than the next 10 countries. Are you telling me that cutting that leaves us defenseless?
No what I am telling you is you claim a 1/3 cut in military spending. I asked how you think that can be done. You claimed some penny pinching measures that would hardly make a dent in your 1/3 claim.
So I will again ask you claim 1/3 what exactly do you propose other then vague they could cut something.

We tell the DoD that they will be getting 1/3 less money, and let them figure it out.
I see. no real idea just parroting what someone else has stated. Got that.
So we tried that under 44 do you remember how that went? So the best we could look forward to is close bases deal with the unemployment and deal with the fallout of creating unemployment in other countries and pulling out of NATO and other agreements.
Are you prepared for that?

Or we could cut the number of new and expensive weapons we purchase.

Why would we pull out of NATO? We could just spend what the other NATO nations spend on defense. They seem to get by on far less.
I’d make the national vote majority
What age?

The same age as the requirement to register for selective service.

The main change there is I would require everyone, regardless of gender, to register.
What if they refuse

Then the punishment that exists now will suffice. If you do not register you are not eligible for federal student aid, job training, or a federal job. You can also be fine $250,000 and sent jail for up to 5 years.
Hahahah hahahah how many people have been fined $250,000 for not registering to vote and then put in jail for five years?? Hahaha

Not many. The overwhelming majority register for selective service.

And I was talking about registering for selective service. If someone chooses not to register to vote, why would they be punished at all?
That’s what I asked you lol

You used the word "refuse". Since registering to vote is not, and never has been, mandatory, I thought you meant the selective service.

Refusing to register implies they are required to do so.
We were talking about voting not Registering for the military learn how to read

I read quite well. I even read your butchered English.

You asked about the age of those allowed to vote. I answered by saying it should be the same as the selective service. And then added that the selective service should be expanded to include everyone regardless of gender. That was what I thought you were referring to.

It was a misunderstanding. Move along.
Apology noted, next I make you beg

LMAO! I wouldn't beg you for water if I was on fire. I explained the misunderstanding. Whether you accept it or not is irrelevant.

But tell me again how a person has to own a gun to join the revolution? To keep peace? Why wouldn't there be peace?

Or are you just fantasizing about a violent overthrow of the gov't again?
Just protecting my self

From what?

So the guns are to use against tyranny?
Did I stutter!?

So your plan is that armed citizens revolt against the US Gov't? Treason & sedition is your answer?
No idea what your taking about,, don’t I have a right to protect my family and hunt for food?

So tyranny is threatening your family and taking away your food?
I have a right to protect myself against Tyranny Don’t I?

Sure. But your comment was about a revolution. And you asked if the other person had a gun, and that they should join the revolution.

You invited someone to join an armed revolution. And it is not the first time you have suggested such a thing.
GOTG! If you hear that, you know what to do

Yep. Laugh.
The proposed 28th amendment should be made a part of the US Constitution.


1) Congress can pass no law that does not apply to them, nor can they pass any law that applies only to them.

2) Congressional pay increases (including any monetary perks) must be passed by a popular vote. They can't vote on their own raises.

3) Balance the budget. Unless we are in a declared war, the budget must be balanced every year. And in wartime, any budgetary overages would apply strictly to wartime needs.

4) Term limits for every national level elected official.

5) Enact the Fair Tax Act.

6) Corporations are not people.

7) Lobbying will be treated as bribery.
I have a question for you on number three.
What do we cut to balance the budget?
Do we cut all welfare? Do we cut social security and Medicare?
Do we shut down all military bases out of the country thereby creating widespread unemployment here and abroad?

Our military budget is bloated. We could cut it by 1/3 and still be spending far more than any other nation.
But what exactly do you want to cut? Bases overseas? Bases here at home? Jets, tanks? Military payroll? Maintenance on nuclear weapons?

Even if we cut the military by a third that will still only drop our defe it not balance the budget.

Cut the bloat. The military can do that. But only if they are forced. Perhaps cut Halliburton's mess halls, forced laundry, ect ect.
So you really have no idea how you want to cut it you are just parroting things. Got it. If you cut outside contractors then you have to hire for those positions or due without. Are you suggesting that the military does without a mess or laundry or that we hire cooks servers and procurement officers? That we hire laundry help? I don't think that it would save the money you think it would since private companies are usually much more cost effective then government.

Are you suggesting that the military does without a mess or laundry or that we hire cooks servers and procurement officers? That we hire laundry help?

I retired from the service, and during my time military personnel took care of those chores.

No reason they can't now.
Sure they can BUT here is the catch. Winterborn was talking 1/3 reduction in military spending. Even if a private company for some fanciful reason can't do things for less then what the federal government can that is going to amount to pennies compared to 1/3 of military spending.

I think the US Military can find a way to run on far less and still be an effective force to defend the USA.

Currently, we spend more than the next 10 countries. Are you telling me that cutting that leaves us defenseless?
No what I am telling you is you claim a 1/3 cut in military spending. I asked how you think that can be done. You claimed some penny pinching measures that would hardly make a dent in your 1/3 claim.
So I will again ask you claim 1/3 what exactly do you propose other then vague they could cut something.

We tell the DoD that they will be getting 1/3 less money, and let them figure it out.
I see. no real idea just parroting what someone else has stated. Got that.
So we tried that under 44 do you remember how that went? So the best we could look forward to is close bases deal with the unemployment and deal with the fallout of creating unemployment in other countries and pulling out of NATO and other agreements.
Are you prepared for that?

Or we could cut the number of new and expensive weapons we purchase.

Why would we pull out of NATO? We could just spend what the other NATO nations spend on defense. They seem to get by on far less.
Less modern weapons while China evolves? Real
Last edited:
I’d make the national vote majority
What age?

The same age as the requirement to register for selective service.

The main change there is I would require everyone, regardless of gender, to register.
What if they refuse

Then the punishment that exists now will suffice. If you do not register you are not eligible for federal student aid, job training, or a federal job. You can also be fine $250,000 and sent jail for up to 5 years.
Hahahah hahahah how many people have been fined $250,000 for not registering to vote and then put in jail for five years?? Hahaha

Not many. The overwhelming majority register for selective service.

And I was talking about registering for selective service. If someone chooses not to register to vote, why would they be punished at all?
That’s what I asked you lol

You used the word "refuse". Since registering to vote is not, and never has been, mandatory, I thought you meant the selective service.

Refusing to register implies they are required to do so.
We were talking about voting not Registering for the military learn how to read

I read quite well. I even read your butchered English.

You asked about the age of those allowed to vote. I answered by saying it should be the same as the selective service. And then added that the selective service should be expanded to include everyone regardless of gender. That was what I thought you were referring to.

It was a misunderstanding. Move along.
Apology noted, next I make you beg

LMAO! I wouldn't beg you for water if I was on fire. I explained the misunderstanding. Whether you accept it or not is irrelevant.

But tell me again how a person has to own a gun to join the revolution? To keep peace? Why wouldn't there be peace?

Or are you just fantasizing about a violent overthrow of the gov't again?
Just protecting my self

From what?

So the guns are to use against tyranny?
Did I stutter!?

So your plan is that armed citizens revolt against the US Gov't? Treason & sedition is your answer?
No idea what your taking about,, don’t I have a right to protect my family and hunt for food?

So tyranny is threatening your family and taking away your food?
I have a right to protect myself against Tyranny Don’t I?

Sure. But your comment was about a revolution. And you asked if the other person had a gun, and that they should join the revolution.

You invited someone to join an armed revolution. And it is not the first time you have suggested such a thing.
GOTG! If you hear that, you know what to do

Yep. Laugh.
To late
The budget has to be balanced, and Congress cannot steal funds by voting to tap the Social Security system.

Making such an ignorant statement simply renders the rest of your post useless.
The proposed 28th amendment should be made a part of the US Constitution.


1) Congress can pass no law that does not apply to them, nor can they pass any law that applies only to them.

2) Congressional pay increases (including any monetary perks) must be passed by a popular vote. They can't vote on their own raises.

3) Balance the budget. Unless we are in a declared war, the budget must be balanced every year. And in wartime, any budgetary overages would apply strictly to wartime needs.

4) Term limits for every national level elected official.

5) Enact the Fair Tax Act.

6) Corporations are not people.

7) Lobbying will be treated as bribery.
Fair tax act? , corporations are not people? You sound a bit communist..

The Fair Tax Act is a consumption tax. It is not communist in any way.

As for corporations not being people, allowing corporations unlimited spending on campaign contributions is lunacy.
I would favor the Fair Tax Act if it was fair. Tax everything people buy including stocks and bonds. Why should the rich get a free ride?

I think it is fair. It taxes every purchase of new goods and services. That would include stocks and bonds. It also gives a rebate on all taxes paid up to the poverty level.
I have heard different. Do you have a link to that?

It is true, though, that the poor would get rebates.

The purchase of stocks is considered a purchase for investment purposes and not personal consumption so they are purchased tax free. The service fees charged by the broker, however, are personal consumption and therefore subject to tax.​

Indeed, just like I said.

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