If you REALLY want to than a veteran.....................

That's probably why liberals join the military. They have the attitude of; "well I served our country so now you HAVE to listen to what I say and worship me." Golfing Gator is one of those idiots. He might have not ever said it, and he might say he's not a liberal and doesn't support Biden, but his actions speak louder than his words which is why I put his ass on ignore a while back. I can only show these fools so much respect.
I have him on ignore as well. he never answered a question and always just insulted. I don't do peewee herman.
Tammy Duckworth gave parts of her body, and she acts like I have to just accept her into politics without a challenge. That's what I'm referring to. There is no assurance of compliance to an army vet. None. Thanks is all they get.

I understand that. I don't follow Tammy Duckworth and I'm clueless. But I know many veterans, one's my godfather, but I don't understand this thread. I grew up around veterans and active service members. I have a ton of respect for them, unless they start the woke shit. I won't do it
everything. they fight for citizens of the country, that would be for the constitution to which we live under. 1st amendment, 2nd amendment, and so on.
explain to me how our soldiers in africa, s korea and the many other countries they are in are protecting my rights while millions pour over our border??
explain to me how our soldiers in africa, s korea and the many other countries they are in are protecting my rights while millions pour over our border??
they don't, but they are following orders. That is essential in a military. One can opt out I supposed with dishonorable discharge, but who really wants that on their record. Bring them home and guard our borders. The mere fact that military can't physically defend the border seems quite odd to me.
What's wrong with doing both?

I highly doubt some people around here are old enough. From the way they act anyways. Just saying....

Are you kidding!? Every vote matters! Now more than ever!
No they really don't

As long as the duopoly answers to their masters our votes are meaningless
No they really don't

As long as the duopoly answers to their masters our votes are meaningless
well when a state can just send out 250,000 ballots unverified says all it needs to actually say!!! If that stench isn't enough to say 2020 was stolen, I don't know what else would ever convince a denier.
Then vote. I don't care who you vote for, write in a candidate if none on the ballot suit you, but vote.

All of us veterans swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America when we first enlisted. One of the provisions of that document (and one of the things we support and defend) is a citizen's right to vote.

You really wanna thank a veteran for their service? Use the right that every one of them worked hard to give to you and vote. It doesn't matter who you vote for, it just matters that you use that right we have fought for to allow you.

I disagree.

Caring about veterans, for most people I've met, is little more than observing and practicing the latest trending fashion, which without fail waxes and wanes with the times. In the eyes of many Americans, some years we veterans are the good guys—other years we're villains; still other times we're "meh". Mostly, to them, we're invisible—unless acknowledging our service makes them feel good about themselves.

The honorable veteran's true calling and duty is coming to the defense of Americans and America regardless of what politicians command or claim to be "American"—not being a shill whore for a corrupt system our Founding Fathers would have rebelled against in an instant.

Lucky for our citizenry this is America and not ancient Sparta. Veteran's honor these days is little more than watered down Kool-Aid most veterans quaff to feel good about selling out. You want to talk oaths and pacts taken but never honored? Every unborn American child murdered in abortion clinics died without a single veteran racing to their rescue. Sure, there's a code of honor and an obligation to defend; problem is lots of veterans toss it into the trash the second after they ETS or it becomes moot or academic, same fucking thing.

Truth of the matter is we (veterans) have not fought to defend basic American rights in a very, very long time. What we have done, over the past three decades, is murder enemies of our military and political leaders like the good little mercenaries we were. But that's alright, that's okay; we paid our money and we took our chances and we're still here to complain about it. That's not necessarily a good thing . . . for all of us.

You want to shill for big politics and the most corrupt government in American history, and I'm talking both sides of the aisle and even the building the aisle runs through, then go right ahead. Wave your little flag on election day all you like but you'd better damn well hurry up and turn a blind eye every time you hear a news story about muggings, car jackings, robberies, child abductions and every other crime because you sure as hell aren't out there on the streets protecting fellow Americans from "domestic" enemies, now are you? How about the crimes of "elected" politicians? Were you out there trying stop those "domestic" enemies? Nope. You were too busy trying to convince your fellow Americans to vote them into office.

Yeah, sure, get out there and vote everybody—hurry up—cast your vote so the political grinding machine can continue to chop people up and spit them out for a few more glorious fucking years.

Hook, line and sinker . . .
they don't, but they are following orders. That is essential in a military. One can opt out I supposed with dishonorable discharge, but who really wants that on their record. Bring them home and guard our borders. The mere fact that military can't physically defend the border seems quite odd to me.
sure they are just following orders,, but the majority of what the military doesn has nothing to do with protecting my rights or the country,,

keep in mind I say military not the soldiers themselves,, but they do hold some blame for just blindly following orders just like they did in germany after WW2
That's probably why liberals join the military. They have the attitude of; "well I served our country so now you HAVE to listen to what I say and worship me." Golfing Gator is one of those idiots. He might have not ever said it, and he might say he's not a liberal and doesn't support Biden, but his actions speak louder than his words which is why I put his ass on ignore a while back. I can only show these fools so much respect.

She has me on ignore and yet I am still living rent free in her head.

Sweet! :cool:
if you wanted to be honest you would say why the repubes rejected it,, not because of veterans but because it was loaded with useless pork,,,

put up a stand alone bill and it would pass by 100%
We were all through that. There was zero pork in that bill and Republicans are still lying about it.

That’s the “support” Vets get from Republicans
sure they are just following orders,, but the majority of what the military doesn has nothing to do with protecting my rights or the country,,
support of the country is assumed. It is in the oath. Whether or not they physically encounter enemies daily isn't the point, it is the sacrifice of life that is. The pentagon may not fight for our rights the way we like, but those in uniform do. I will never defame a person in uniform of the US military, unless they go off on their own.
We were all through that. There was zero pork in that bill and Republicans are still lying about it.

That’s the “support” Vets get from Republicans
lying doesnt help your case,, what you think is reasonable doesnt mean its not pork to someone else,,
We were all through that. There was zero pork in that bill and Republicans are still lying about it.
you didn't just write that with a straight face. That's fking impossible with that language right there. There is always pork, Always!!!!!!!

It's why demofks said you have to pass it to see what's inside the bill. too fking funny. Dudette, they got you hook line and sinker.
He's what my father, a US Navy MCPO, was weary of. He called them pencil necks .

That said, he's likely a veteran and I'll thank him for his service
Yea wonderful. As much honesty in that as I’m “thoughts and prayers”

It’s just something to say. The definition of virtue signaling
well actually, demofks are furiously trying to nullify the constitution. So what does any of it mean if that is the task of demofks?
An explanation of how you arrive at the thinking that Democrat's are " trying to nullify the Constitution" Do you mean that some how you know how every Dem is thinking or voting? Show concreate steps in this thinking. I don't see where you are getting this propaganda?

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