If you try to impeach Trump, the American people will not stand for it

If you try to impeach Trump, the American people will not stand for it

That's probably true in my case. I imagine I won't stand for it --- I'll sit back with a beer and some munchies, cheering on my team like a spor
Clearly there's some confusion as to the definition of "majority".

To be fair, there was a majority of the electorate that turned out to vote. Barely. 45% said "fuck it, there's nothing worth voting for" and stayed home. That leaves 55% of the electorate that did vote, which is abysmal for a nation that purports to have championed this process, however it is more than half.

Of that 55%, 54% voted for somebody who does not paint him/herself orange.

That leaves Rump with 46% of the 55%, which boils down to 25% of the electorate.

Now tell the class what color the sky is on a planet where 25% constitutes a "majority".

The majority that elected him as President.

Once AGAIN --- there is no "majority" in the figure of 25%. Nor is there any "majority" in 46%.

Cannot be done.

I see the world of Fake News has branched out to Fake Math. Ah, the opaque bubble of self-delusion....

He beat Hillary. The only way to do that is to have a majority of active voters voting for him.

You STILL haven't seen the numbers?


What do you do, go :lalala: 24/7?

He got the majority in every state he won the electoral votes. Popular vote doesn't count in this country.
He's not under investigation. What would they be investigating him for?

Where did all this nonsense start? It started when Trump was debating Hil-Liar and said he invited Russia to disclose what they found on her private server. That's it, and certainly no reason to have any kind of investigation.
Maybe you have been in a cave for the last ten months. Let me fill you in

Russians hacked the DNC server.......that is a fact
Trump associates had contact with the Russians at the time information was being leaked.......that is a fact
That contact was not reported.......that is a fact

So why is Trump being investigated?

Was a deal made with the Russians?
We're policy concessions discussed?
Was Trump personally involved?

All of which are made up by the left. There is no evidence that Trump had anything to do with Russia other than mentioning them during the debates. Wikileaks confessed that they did not get their information from the Russians. Now it's suspected that it may be Seth Rich who gave Wiki that information. So no, there is no proof that Russians were the ones who hacked the DNC server, and furthermore, nothing to do with Trump.

Trump had no inside information on the DNC nor their server. He couldn't have helped if he wanted to. He didn't know anybody at the DNC, he didn't have any access to their computers, and more than likely, he didn't even know where they were. So how could Trump have anything to do with it?
It's not made up
Those are undisputed facts.

Russians hacked DNC servers and leaked information. At the time of the leaks, Trump representatives were meeting with the Russians

Trump had no inside information on the DNC or the server.....but did he offer something in return for help in winning an election?
If he did, it is treason

That is why we need an investigation

There is no evidence that anything that took place had an impact on the election. What had an impact on the election was Hillary's drunkenness that prohibited her from campaigning and making stops, the border, and her Deplorable remark. Bet you can't find one person who voted that knew what was in those emails, and even if you could, find one that said it changed their mind to vote for Trump instead of Hillary.

It's all made up. There is nothing there. Can you tell me why they locked up Rich's computer? Can you tell me why they stopped investigating the murder? Can you tell me why he was killed and nothing was stolen from him? Just a coincidence?

That's what they should be investigating.

You miss the point

Was there collusion?
if there was....it is treason

Do you agree?
If Trump traded concessions in return for help winning an election?
You don't care about the collusion between the democrats and the Mexicans. So who gives a fuck about collusions between Conservatives and Russians.
Clearly there's some confusion as to the definition of "majority".

To be fair, there was a majority of the electorate that turned out to vote. Barely. 45% said "fuck it, there's nothing worth voting for" and stayed home. That leaves 55% of the electorate that did vote, which is abysmal for a nation that purports to have championed this process, however it is more than half.

Of that 55%, 54% voted for somebody who does not paint him/herself orange.

That leaves Rump with 46% of the 55%, which boils down to 25% of the electorate.

Now tell the class what color the sky is on a planet where 25% constitutes a "majority".

The majority that elected him as President.

Once AGAIN --- there is no "majority" in the figure of 25%. Nor is there any "majority" in 46%.

Cannot be done.

I see the world of Fake News has branched out to Fake Math. Ah, the opaque bubble of self-delusion....

He beat Hillary. The only way to do that is to have a majority of active voters voting for him.

You STILL haven't seen the numbers?


What do you do, go :lalala: 24/7?

He got the majority in every state he won the electoral votes. Popular vote doesn't count in this country.

Once AGAIN --- read your own words, and I quote:

"He beat Hillary. The only way to do that is to have a majority of active voters voting for him."

Now read the numbers on the chart above and tell the class how the red slice of the pie constitutes a "majority of active voters".

And put that goalpost back where it was; you ain't fooling anybody. Remember that gullibility factor, who has it and who doesn't.
Clearly there's some confusion as to the definition of "majority".

To be fair, there was a majority of the electorate that turned out to vote. Barely. 45% said "fuck it, there's nothing worth voting for" and stayed home. That leaves 55% of the electorate that did vote, which is abysmal for a nation that purports to have championed this process, however it is more than half.

Of that 55%, 54% voted for somebody who does not paint him/herself orange.

That leaves Rump with 46% of the 55%, which boils down to 25% of the electorate.

Now tell the class what color the sky is on a planet where 25% constitutes a "majority".

The majority that elected him as President.

Once AGAIN --- there is no "majority" in the figure of 25%. Nor is there any "majority" in 46%.

Cannot be done.

I see the world of Fake News has branched out to Fake Math. Ah, the opaque bubble of self-delusion....[/QUOTE

He beat Hillary. The only way to do that is to have a majority of active voters voting for him.

You STILL haven't seen the numbers?


What do you do, go :lalala: 24/7?

Problem with demo's 'popular vote meme' is that we elect out President's via the Electoral college for the very reason that this election went to Trump....No disproportionate majority in any one, or combination of area should be able to upend the country's wishes....Hillary won more votes but only on the coasts where it is just a fact that democrat votes outnumber Republican votes by a large margin...California shouldn't be allowed to undo the country's express vote.
Clearly there's some confusion as to the definition of "majority".

To be fair, there was a majority of the electorate that turned out to vote. Barely. 45% said "fuck it, there's nothing worth voting for" and stayed home. That leaves 55% of the electorate that did vote, which is abysmal for a nation that purports to have championed this process, however it is more than half.

Of that 55%, 54% voted for somebody who does not paint him/herself orange.

That leaves Rump with 46% of the 55%, which boils down to 25% of the electorate.

Now tell the class what color the sky is on a planet where 25% constitutes a "majority".

The majority that elected him as President.

Once AGAIN --- there is no "majority" in the figure of 25%. Nor is there any "majority" in 46%.

Cannot be done.

I see the world of Fake News has branched out to Fake Math. Ah, the opaque bubble of self-delusion....

He beat Hillary. The only way to do that is to have a majority of active voters voting for him.

You STILL haven't seen the numbers?


What do you do, go :lalala: 24/7?

He got the majority in every state he won the electoral votes. Popular vote doesn't count in this country.

Once AGAIN --- read your own words, and I quote:

"He beat Hillary. The only way to do that is to have a majority of active voters voting for him."

Now read the numbers on the chart above and tell the class how the red slice of the pie constitutes a "majority of active voters".

And put that goalpost back where it was; you ain't fooling anybody. Remember that gullibility factor, who has it and who doesn't.[/QUOTE]

Oh, so you thought what I meant is the popular vote? Did I say the popular vote, or are you trying to make the case you were unaware of our electoral system?

The popular vote doesn't mean anything in our election system. It's irrelevant. It doesn't matter if Hillary won the popular vote by ten million or ten thousand. We go by electoral votes which represent the majority of votes in each state.

If you wish to continue Clintonizing my words, then I'll have to spell everything out for you like you just started to take an interest in politics.
The majority that elected him as President.

Once AGAIN --- there is no "majority" in the figure of 25%. Nor is there any "majority" in 46%.

Cannot be done.

I see the world of Fake News has branched out to Fake Math. Ah, the opaque bubble of self-delusion....

He beat Hillary. The only way to do that is to have a majority of active voters voting for him.

You STILL haven't seen the numbers?


What do you do, go :lalala: 24/7?

He got the majority in every state he won the electoral votes. Popular vote doesn't count in this country.

Once AGAIN --- read your own words, and I quote:

"He beat Hillary. The only way to do that is to have a majority of active voters voting for him."

Now read the numbers on the chart above and tell the class how the red slice of the pie constitutes a "majority of active voters".

And put that goalpost back where it was; you ain't fooling anybody. Remember that gullibility factor, who has it and who doesn't.[/QUOTE]

Oh, so you thought what I meant is the popular vote? Did I say the popular vote, or are you trying to make the case you were unaware of our electoral system?

The popular vote doesn't mean anything in our election system. It's irrelevant. It doesn't matter if Hillary won the popular vote by ten million or ten thousand. We go by electoral votes which represent the majority of votes in each state.

If you wish to continue Clintonizing my words, then I'll have to spell everything out for you like you just started to take an interest in politics.[/quote]

================= QUOTE FUCKUP LINE =======================

Actually I QUOTED your words. Verbatim.
To wit: "a majority of active voters"

And now you're trying to run away from them while trying to look like you're not running away. :lol:

Sorry but "majority of active voters" cannot be morphed into what you wish you had said after the fact once you've been proven wrong.

Self-delusion is getting old.
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Whelp ---- apparently we're being Googly Image troll-bombed by a self-absorbed wackball who wishes he had something to say, but doesn't.

Whelp ---- apparently we're being Googly Image troll-bombed by a self-absorbed wackball who wishes he had something to say, but doesn't.

Just a fly in the ointment Hans..........Libs lost election............still crying about it............Establishment not getting their way.........crying about it................

They can't find shit to stop Trump who isn't playing by the rules of the Swamp so they try impeachment throwing shit hoping something sticks.

And the left are LUNATICS over it............

He's WINNING..........LEFT and the estblishment LOSING...............


By electing a president who took the unemployment down from 10% to 5%, nearly tripled the stock market, gave us national healthcare, kept this country from slipping into a depression despite Republicans best efforts.

Really? Now what did DumBama do that took unemployment down besides setting a record for the most people that dropped out of the workforce (which brings unemployment numbers down)? National healthcare? National healthcare means everybody is covered. The only people that got on Commie Care were french fry makers and people who got kicked off of their healthcare plan they liked; oh yes, and the majority that went on Medicaid. Until Commie Care went into effect, I had employer coverage my entire adult life. Thanks to that big-eared creep, I lost my insurance. The Stock Market? Yeah, that was manipulated by the federal reserve who pumped trillions of dollars into it--not anything DumBama did to make the economy better.

Fewer Americans Have Private Health Insurance Now Than in 2007

You rightard freaks are truly abnormal. :cuckoo:

Let's see what you think the number is of people who have "dropped out" of the labor force....
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Maybe you have been in a cave for the last ten months. Let me fill you in

Russians hacked the DNC server.......that is a fact
Trump associates had contact with the Russians at the time information was being leaked.......that is a fact
That contact was not reported.......that is a fact

So why is Trump being investigated?

Was a deal made with the Russians?
We're policy concessions discussed?
Was Trump personally involved?

All of which are made up by the left. There is no evidence that Trump had anything to do with Russia other than mentioning them during the debates. Wikileaks confessed that they did not get their information from the Russians. Now it's suspected that it may be Seth Rich who gave Wiki that information. So no, there is no proof that Russians were the ones who hacked the DNC server, and furthermore, nothing to do with Trump.

Trump had no inside information on the DNC nor their server. He couldn't have helped if he wanted to. He didn't know anybody at the DNC, he didn't have any access to their computers, and more than likely, he didn't even know where they were. So how could Trump have anything to do with it?
It's not made up
Those are undisputed facts.

Russians hacked DNC servers and leaked information. At the time of the leaks, Trump representatives were meeting with the Russians

Trump had no inside information on the DNC or the server.....but did he offer something in return for help in winning an election?
If he did, it is treason

That is why we need an investigation

There is no evidence that anything that took place had an impact on the election. What had an impact on the election was Hillary's drunkenness that prohibited her from campaigning and making stops, the border, and her Deplorable remark. Bet you can't find one person who voted that knew what was in those emails, and even if you could, find one that said it changed their mind to vote for Trump instead of Hillary.

It's all made up. There is nothing there. Can you tell me why they locked up Rich's computer? Can you tell me why they stopped investigating the murder? Can you tell me why he was killed and nothing was stolen from him? Just a coincidence?

That's what they should be investigating.

You miss the point

Was there collusion?
if there was....it is treason

Do you agree?
If Trump traded concessions in return for help winning an election?

You don't investigate something based on what people make up in their heads. You investigate when there is some kind of evidence that something was done illegally. There is nothing.....not even a smidgen of evidence that Trump had anything to do with the Russians.

That would be similar if you lived down the street from me, and I went to the police and said I think you're a murderer. No body, no evidence, no names, just I decided that you were. Do you think the police department would send their detectives out to investigate you based on something I made up in my head?
A crime was committed
DNC servers were hacked

FBI needs to find the details and report what they find

If Trump was trading policy concessions for leaked information, do you believe he should be prosecuted?
Maybe you have been in a cave for the last ten months. Let me fill you in

Russians hacked the DNC server.......that is a fact
Trump associates had contact with the Russians at the time information was being leaked.......that is a fact
That contact was not reported.......that is a fact

So why is Trump being investigated?

Was a deal made with the Russians?
We're policy concessions discussed?
Was Trump personally involved?

All of which are made up by the left. There is no evidence that Trump had anything to do with Russia other than mentioning them during the debates. Wikileaks confessed that they did not get their information from the Russians. Now it's suspected that it may be Seth Rich who gave Wiki that information. So no, there is no proof that Russians were the ones who hacked the DNC server, and furthermore, nothing to do with Trump.

Trump had no inside information on the DNC nor their server. He couldn't have helped if he wanted to. He didn't know anybody at the DNC, he didn't have any access to their computers, and more than likely, he didn't even know where they were. So how could Trump have anything to do with it?
It's not made up
Those are undisputed facts.

Russians hacked DNC servers and leaked information. At the time of the leaks, Trump representatives were meeting with the Russians

Trump had no inside information on the DNC or the server.....but did he offer something in return for help in winning an election?
If he did, it is treason

That is why we need an investigation

There is no evidence that anything that took place had an impact on the election. What had an impact on the election was Hillary's drunkenness that prohibited her from campaigning and making stops, the border, and her Deplorable remark. Bet you can't find one person who voted that knew what was in those emails, and even if you could, find one that said it changed their mind to vote for Trump instead of Hillary.

It's all made up. There is nothing there. Can you tell me why they locked up Rich's computer? Can you tell me why they stopped investigating the murder? Can you tell me why he was killed and nothing was stolen from him? Just a coincidence?

That's what they should be investigating.

You miss the point

Was there collusion?
if there was....it is treason

Do you agree?
If Trump traded concessions in return for help winning an election?

You don't investigate something based on what people make up in their heads. You investigate when there is some kind of evidence that something was done illegally. There is nothing.....not even a smidgen of evidence that Trump had anything to do with the Russians.

That would be similar if you lived down the street from me, and I went to the police and said I think you're a murderer. No body, no evidence, no names, just I decided that you were. Do you think the police department would send their detectives out to investigate you based on something I made up in my head?
Yeah... no evidence at all...


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