Ilhan Omar arrested and jailed!

Making an ad hom attack on a black American because you're a racist like what Morrison did does. Trump defrauded people out of millions and settled out of court to save himself from a trial where he would be found guilty of fraud. These same people are posting a story where the person was not found to have committed a crime, did not pay an out of court settlement , and calling that person a criminal because she's doing her job as an elected official and providing a check on this president.

what was the ad hom attack-------specifically on a BLACK American.
You do not have to be black to have the dirty mouth that Omar exhibits.
As to TRUMP U ------was Trump charged with a CRIME------as far as I Know it was a civil case. Omar is being called a criminal in some quarters because of a very possible crime -----immigration fraud which is a crime. I refer to her filthy mouth
because she not only called the president of the USA a "muddaflucker"---she
told that filth to her son-----a child of 8. She is also an anti-semitic bitch
---not because she is black -----but because she farts out standard antisemic memes-------"it's the franklins baby"------stuff she licked off the mosque floor.
Lots of muslims I have known could do the same but would deny being
"black" I am a jew------if I yelled out at her "ZIB ABOUK" would you say that I AM RACIST ? well----it would be just as vulgar as the "mudda fucka"
that Ilhan farted-----but unrelated to race. She is not providing a check on Trump---she should be checked
Wasn't it Tlaib who called him a motherfucker?

There is no immigration fraud and Trump uses foul language. Other presidents have been called motherfuckers and Trump is not entitled to special treatment.Trump's attack is racist. I am not going to argue with white racists about this. This is racist and that is a statement of fact.

Yes it was bitch Rashida who told her little boy that the president of the USA is a mother fucker. -------to which someone should have answered ZIB ABOUK.
Sorry for the error and the missed opportunity What do you call an ARAB woman who refers to the president of the USA as a "motherfucker"? in conversation with
her 8 year old son and make her super duper service to allah PUBLIC?

She isn’t Arab, she is American. Born in America. Talking about a president who refers to grabbing women by the pussy, shithole countries, and tells American citizens of nonwhite European ancestry to go back to the country they came from, and claimed that his predecessor was t born in America.

Maybe she is right.
Palestinian American
Y'all wanna talk that crazy Pally stuff, you know damn well you have your own place for that.
That's a place I avoid often. :alirulz:

This thread is NOT about the Palestinian Tlaib! Focus!
Omar is a criminal-----she lies on government papers
You mean you looney conspiracy theorists claim that.

What crime has she been convicted of?

give it time ---Justice MAY prevail

your exploitation of Billie Holidays song is vulgar and utter disgusting filth----
I expected such shit from you. Someone threatening to LYNCH your heroine
islamo Nazi bitch? the LYNCHING OF TODAY consists of islamo Nazi whores with bombs on their stinking asses and boys JOINING UP WITH ISIS
2 days before his death, MLK announced with a broken heart: "yes its true, america is a racist nation"

someone tell him we now have a racist president!
Yeah..for being a groupie for some Muslim Imam.


Since she refused to comply with orders, the officer arrested Omar. The officer reached for Omar’s left arm to get her to stand so she could be handcuffed, but she pulled away. The officer handcuffed her while she stayed seated in the hotel lobby chair.

“Omar was booked at [Hennepin County Jail] as I felt it was likely that she would fail to respond to a citation and she also demonstrated that she was going to continue her criminal behavior,” the officer wrote."

A criminal as a Rep, lovely.

Ilhan Omar Arrested in 2013 For Trespassing, Booked At Hennepin County Jail - Alpha News

According to Minnesota’s Star Tribune newspaper, the charges against Omar were later dropped, and we found no evidence of trespass charges against Omar in a database of Minnesota court records.
Sounds as if she was involved in some sort of protest at the time. I wonder how many folks have one of those on their record.

seems to me that she was asked to move by a police officer and REFUSED. --and THEN CONTINUED TO RESIST. <<<reasonable if she is 14 years old-----but not for a CONGRESS"WOMAN"
Yeah..for being a groupie for some Muslim Imam.


Since she refused to comply with orders, the officer arrested Omar. The officer reached for Omar’s left arm to get her to stand so she could be handcuffed, but she pulled away. The officer handcuffed her while she stayed seated in the hotel lobby chair.

“Omar was booked at [Hennepin County Jail] as I felt it was likely that she would fail to respond to a citation and she also demonstrated that she was going to continue her criminal behavior,” the officer wrote."

A criminal as a Rep, lovely.

Ilhan Omar Arrested in 2013 For Trespassing, Booked At Hennepin County Jail - Alpha News

According to Minnesota’s Star Tribune newspaper, the charges against Omar were later dropped, and we found no evidence of trespass charges against Omar in a database of Minnesota court records.
Sounds as if she was involved in some sort of protest at the time. I wonder how many folks have one of those on their record.

She was being a groupie for some Muslim Imam.

do you know the name of the IMAM?

Yes..Oh crap, it wasn't an Iman, it was the former president of Somalia.

President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud. They may not have been gathered there for friendly purposes.
LOL Probably a secret meeting of jihadi's. You gotta watch those Marriots, man.
Omar is a criminal-----she lies on government papers
You mean you looney conspiracy theorists claim that.

What crime has she been convicted of?

give it time ---Justice MAY prevail

your exploitation of Billie Holidays song is vulgar and utter disgusting filth----
I expected such shit from you. Someone threatening to LYNCH your heroine
islamo Nazi bitch? the LYNCHING OF TODAY consists of islamo Nazi whores with bombs on their stinking asses and boys JOINING UP WITH ISIS

I'm beginning to think I was not mistaken in my assessment of Rosie.
Yeah..for being a groupie for some Muslim Imam.


Since she refused to comply with orders, the officer arrested Omar. The officer reached for Omar’s left arm to get her to stand so she could be handcuffed, but she pulled away. The officer handcuffed her while she stayed seated in the hotel lobby chair.

“Omar was booked at [Hennepin County Jail] as I felt it was likely that she would fail to respond to a citation and she also demonstrated that she was going to continue her criminal behavior,” the officer wrote."

A criminal as a Rep, lovely.

Ilhan Omar Arrested in 2013 For Trespassing, Booked At Hennepin County Jail - Alpha News
So? Look at what squats in the Oval Office.

Has what's in the White House supported terrorists? Asked the Justice Dept. to go easy on them? No?

Ilhan Omar has.

Rep. Ilhan Omar facing new scrutiny over past effort to win leniency for 9 men accused of trying to join ISIS

Did Rep. Ilhan Omar Call for Lighter Sentences for Would-Be ISIS Recruits?

Back in 2016, Democratic Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar wrote a letter to a judge requesting a more lenient sentence on behalf of a Minnesota man who was accused of trying to join ISIS. Abdirahman Yasin Daud was one of two young men arrested in San Diego in April 2015. They were a part of a larger group of nine that was arrested for trying to join ISIS. Daud specifically was caught trying to buy fake passports in order to travel to Syria. Federal prosecutors requested Daud spend 30 years in prison followed by a lifetime of supervised release. Omar was one of the 13 people to write letters to Judge Michael Davis on Daud’s behalf.

One man, he had not gone to Syria, and he had not actually engaged in any terrorist acts. He was apprehended prior to that. Asking for rehab over a lengthy prison sentence when it comes to dealing with radicalization is not unreasonable. In fact, isn’t that how the Saudi’s handle it and isn’t their program fairly successful.

And further:

Rep. Omar has not consistently advocated a general policy of lighter sentences for would-be ISIS recruits, and she has consistently criticized and opposed Muslim extremism and radicalization. However, it is true that she did once ask a judge to pursue “a restorative approach to justice” rather than a “long-term prison sentence” in the case of one individual convicted of planning to take up arms with the terrorist organization.

Although her letter to the judge came in the context of one specific case, some of what she wrote appeared to indicate broader support for a general response to radicalization and terrorism which emphasized rehabilitation and leniency over long prison sentences, lending a degree of accuracy to the claim made by @Education4Libs.

Context matters. You can agree or disagree with her approach but it is not out of the mainstream and no one would care if she were not a Muslim.
She isn’t Arab, she is American. Born in America. Talking about a president who refers to grabbing women by the pussy, shithole countries, and tells American citizens of nonwhite European ancestry to go back to the country they came from, and claimed that his predecessor was t born in America.

Maybe she is right.


"Omar was born in Mogadishu on October 4, 1982,[5][6] and spent her early years in Baidoa, Somalia.[7][8]"

No. I am right. She was talking about Rashida. Read the post I was replying to.

Even Omar is not an Arab. She is of African descent, born in Somalia, and an American citizen.
Nice find! She looks like a BUG!

She will be arrested again very soon!

I'd settle for removed from office. Oh, and
the country, along with much of her constituency.
View attachment 270318

I thought he was kidding. WTF?!!
Interesting that site doesn't allow a copy and paste. Wonder why?
Yeah..for being a groupie for some Muslim Imam.


Since she refused to comply with orders, the officer arrested Omar. The officer reached for Omar’s left arm to get her to stand so she could be handcuffed, but she pulled away. The officer handcuffed her while she stayed seated in the hotel lobby chair.

“Omar was booked at [Hennepin County Jail] as I felt it was likely that she would fail to respond to a citation and she also demonstrated that she was going to continue her criminal behavior,” the officer wrote."

A criminal as a Rep, lovely.

Ilhan Omar Arrested in 2013 For Trespassing, Booked At Hennepin County Jail - Alpha News
So? Look at what squats in the Oval Office.

Has what's in the White House supported terrorists? Asked the Justice Dept. to go easy on them? No?

Ilhan Omar has.

Rep. Ilhan Omar facing new scrutiny over past effort to win leniency for 9 men accused of trying to join ISIS
I KNEW no one was going to listen to what I took the time to write on that. It's just hopeless.
She defends TERRORISt,, you defend her. Interesting group you support

Specifically, show us where she has defended terrorism.
Making an ad hom attack on a black American because you're a racist like what Morrison did does. Trump defrauded people out of millions and settled out of court to save himself from a trial where he would be found guilty of fraud. These same people are posting a story where the person was not found to have committed a crime, did not pay an out of court settlement , and calling that person a criminal because she's doing her job as an elected official and providing a check on this president.

what was the ad hom attack-------specifically on a BLACK American.
You do not have to be black to have the dirty mouth that Omar exhibits.
As to TRUMP U ------was Trump charged with a CRIME------as far as I Know it was a civil case. Omar is being called a criminal in some quarters because of a very possible crime -----immigration fraud which is a crime. I refer to her filthy mouth
because she not only called the president of the USA a "muddaflucker"---she
told that filth to her son-----a child of 8. She is also an anti-semitic bitch
---not because she is black -----but because she farts out standard antisemic memes-------"it's the franklins baby"------stuff she licked off the mosque floor.
Lots of muslims I have known could do the same but would deny being
"black" I am a jew------if I yelled out at her "ZIB ABOUK" would you say that I AM RACIST ? well----it would be just as vulgar as the "mudda fucka"
that Ilhan farted-----but unrelated to race. She is not providing a check on Trump---she should be checked
Wasn't it Tlaib who called him a motherfucker?

There is no immigration fraud and Trump uses foul language. Other presidents have been called motherfuckers and Trump is not entitled to special treatment.Trump's attack is racist. I am not going to argue with white racists about this. This is racist and that is a statement of fact.

Because you said so? No. :eusa_naughty:

Exactly because I and about 250 million other Americans say so.

Your racist opinion is not considered.

Another fallacy:

Argumentum ad Populum

Bandwagon fallacy.

Logical Fallacies Handlist


Guilt by Association:

Master List of Logical Fallacies

Do you ever assert something you can actually back up? :shok:
Yeah..for being a groupie for some Muslim Imam.


Since she refused to comply with orders, the officer arrested Omar. The officer reached for Omar’s left arm to get her to stand so she could be handcuffed, but she pulled away. The officer handcuffed her while she stayed seated in the hotel lobby chair.

“Omar was booked at [Hennepin County Jail] as I felt it was likely that she would fail to respond to a citation and she also demonstrated that she was going to continue her criminal behavior,” the officer wrote."

A criminal as a Rep, lovely.

Ilhan Omar Arrested in 2013 For Trespassing, Booked At Hennepin County Jail - Alpha News

Too bad her probation officer doesn't find a reason to violate her.
She isn’t Arab, she is American. Born in America. Talking about a president who refers to grabbing women by the pussy, shithole countries, and tells American citizens of nonwhite European ancestry to go back to the country they came from, and claimed that his predecessor was t born in America.

Maybe she is right.


"Omar was born in Mogadishu on October 4, 1982,[5][6] and spent her early years in Baidoa, Somalia.[7][8]"

No. I am right. She was talking about Rashida. Read the post I was replying to.

Even Omar is not an Arab. She is of African descent, born in Somalia, and an American citizen.

No moar Tlaib talk heanh! :blowup:
Nice find! She looks like a BUG!

She will be arrested again very soon!

I'd settle for removed from office. Oh, and
the country, along with much of her constituency.
View attachment 270318

I thought he was kidding. WTF?!!
Interesting that site doesn't allow a copy and paste. Wonder why?
Yeah..for being a groupie for some Muslim Imam.


Since she refused to comply with orders, the officer arrested Omar. The officer reached for Omar’s left arm to get her to stand so she could be handcuffed, but she pulled away. The officer handcuffed her while she stayed seated in the hotel lobby chair.

“Omar was booked at [Hennepin County Jail] as I felt it was likely that she would fail to respond to a citation and she also demonstrated that she was going to continue her criminal behavior,” the officer wrote."

A criminal as a Rep, lovely.

Ilhan Omar Arrested in 2013 For Trespassing, Booked At Hennepin County Jail - Alpha News
So? Look at what squats in the Oval Office.

Has what's in the White House supported terrorists? Asked the Justice Dept. to go easy on them? No?

Ilhan Omar has.

Rep. Ilhan Omar facing new scrutiny over past effort to win leniency for 9 men accused of trying to join ISIS
I KNEW no one was going to listen to what I took the time to write on that. It's just hopeless.
She defends TERRORISt,, you defend her. Interesting group you support

Specifically, show us where she has defended terrorism.
She praised Al Qaeda , she wrote a letter asking for Mercy of two men trying to join isis to kill Americans
Nice find! She looks like a BUG!

She will be arrested again very soon!

I'd settle for removed from office. Oh, and
the country, along with much of her constituency.
View attachment 270318

I thought he was kidding. WTF?!!
Interesting that site doesn't allow a copy and paste. Wonder why?
Yeah..for being a groupie for some Muslim Imam.


Since she refused to comply with orders, the officer arrested Omar. The officer reached for Omar’s left arm to get her to stand so she could be handcuffed, but she pulled away. The officer handcuffed her while she stayed seated in the hotel lobby chair.

“Omar was booked at [Hennepin County Jail] as I felt it was likely that she would fail to respond to a citation and she also demonstrated that she was going to continue her criminal behavior,” the officer wrote."

A criminal as a Rep, lovely.

Ilhan Omar Arrested in 2013 For Trespassing, Booked At Hennepin County Jail - Alpha News
So? Look at what squats in the Oval Office.

Has what's in the White House supported terrorists? Asked the Justice Dept. to go easy on them? No?

Ilhan Omar has.

Rep. Ilhan Omar facing new scrutiny over past effort to win leniency for 9 men accused of trying to join ISIS
I KNEW no one was going to listen to what I took the time to write on that. It's just hopeless.
She defends TERRORISt,, you defend her. Interesting group you support

Specifically, show us where she has defended terrorism.

Someone did something on 9/11. If Trump said that or Pence people would go ape nuts. While it is not technically “supporting” it is certainly making light of it.
Wasn't it Tlaib who called him a motherfucker?

There is no immigration fraud and Trump uses foul language. Other presidents have been called motherfuckers and Trump is not entitled to special treatment.Trump's attack is racist. I am not going to argue with white racists about this. This is racist and that is a statement of fact.

Yes it was bitch Rashida who told her little boy that the president of the USA is a mother fucker. -------to which someone should have answered ZIB ABOUK.
Sorry for the error and the missed opportunity What do you call an ARAB woman who refers to the president of the USA as a "motherfucker"? in conversation with
her 8 year old son and make her super duper service to allah PUBLIC?

She isn’t Arab, she is American. Born in America. Talking about a president who refers to grabbing women by the pussy, shithole countries, and tells American citizens of nonwhite European ancestry to go back to the country they came from, and claimed that his predecessor was t born in America.

Maybe she is right.

who are we on now '? RASHIDA? the bitch SELF IDENTIFIES
as a <giggle> "Palestinian" and dances draped in the "Palestinian"
flag. You want to call her a liar and call the HEREDITARY POSITION

Oh my god how DARE she! The utter horror of being proud of her heritage! No one does ever!

oh ---is that her issue----she shits and farts on the USA----dances in a foreign flag to celebrate her election to an American office and spits out the shit that she licks off the mosque floor about DA JOOOOS as a PROUD MANIFESATION OF HER HERITAGE------and the real idiots call her an INNOCENT VICTIMIZED PERSON OF COLOR------yet another fraudulent identity
"Democratic Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar is scheduled to raise money in March with the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) only a week after she used an anti-Semitic trope to claim Israel has paid for GOP support.

Omar will be the keynote speaker at CAIR’s 4th Annual Valley Banquet on March 23 to discuss advancing justice and empowering Muslims, according to the organization’s invitation.

CAIR is a notable pro-Palestinian organization with ties to Islamic terror groups. The U.S. Department of Justice listed CAIR as an unindicted co-conspirator in funding millions of dollars to the terrorist organization Hamas. Additionally, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) named CAIR a terrorist organization along with al-Qaeda and ISIS in 2014."

Ilhan Omar To Fundraise For Hamas-Linked Muslim Organization

Doh! No wonder 'yote's here like a moth to the flame. :tomato:
Last edited:
I'd settle for removed from office. Oh, and
the country, along with much of her constituency.
View attachment 270318

I thought he was kidding. WTF?!!
Interesting that site doesn't allow a copy and paste. Wonder why?
So? Look at what squats in the Oval Office.

Has what's in the White House supported terrorists? Asked the Justice Dept. to go easy on them? No?

Ilhan Omar has.

Rep. Ilhan Omar facing new scrutiny over past effort to win leniency for 9 men accused of trying to join ISIS
I KNEW no one was going to listen to what I took the time to write on that. It's just hopeless.
She defends TERRORISt,, you defend her. Interesting group you support

Specifically, show us where she has defended terrorism.
She praised Al Qaeda , she wrote a letter asking for Mercy of two men trying to join isis to kill Americans

Where did she praise Al Qaeda?

I already adressed the fallacy in your other claim. She asked for an emphasis on restorative justice over lengthy prison sentanc s as a means of combating radicalization. That is not supporting terrorism.
Interesting that site doesn't allow a copy and paste. Wonder why?
Has what's in the White House supported terrorists? Asked the Justice Dept. to go easy on them? No?

Ilhan Omar has.

Rep. Ilhan Omar facing new scrutiny over past effort to win leniency for 9 men accused of trying to join ISIS
I KNEW no one was going to listen to what I took the time to write on that. It's just hopeless.
She defends TERRORISt,, you defend her. Interesting group you support

Specifically, show us where she has defended terrorism.
She praised Al Qaeda , she wrote a letter asking for Mercy of two men trying to join isis to kill Americans

Where did she praise Al Qaeda?

I already adressed the fallacy in your other claim. She asked for an emphasis on restorative justice over lengthy prison sentanc s as a means of combating radicalization. That is not supporting terrorism.
She tried to equalize America and Al Qaeda ! As if they are no different.. that’s not a fallacy it’s quotes from her Muslim mouth.
Yeah..for being a groupie for some Muslim Imam.


Since she refused to comply with orders, the officer arrested Omar. The officer reached for Omar’s left arm to get her to stand so she could be handcuffed, but she pulled away. The officer handcuffed her while she stayed seated in the hotel lobby chair.

“Omar was booked at [Hennepin County Jail] as I felt it was likely that she would fail to respond to a citation and she also demonstrated that she was going to continue her criminal behavior,” the officer wrote."

A criminal as a Rep, lovely.

Ilhan Omar Arrested in 2013 For Trespassing, Booked At Hennepin County Jail - Alpha News

According to Minnesota’s Star Tribune newspaper, the charges against Omar were later dropped, and we found no evidence of trespass charges against Omar in a database of Minnesota court records.
Sounds as if she was involved in some sort of protest at the time. I wonder how many folks have one of those on their record.

seems to me that she was asked to move by a police officer and REFUSED. --and THEN CONTINUED TO RESIST. <<<reasonable if she is 14 years old-----but not for a CONGRESS"WOMAN"
According to Minnesota’s Star Tribune newspaper, the charges against Omar were later dropped, and we found no evidence of trespass charges against Omar in a database of Minnesota court records.
Sounds as if she was involved in some sort of protest at the time. I wonder how many folks have one of those on their record.

She was being a groupie for some Muslim Imam.

do you know the name of the IMAM?

Yes..Oh crap, it wasn't an Iman, it was the former president of Somalia.

President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud. They may not have been gathered there for friendly purposes.
LOL Probably a secret meeting of jihadi's. You gotta watch those Marriots, man.
Omar is a criminal-----she lies on government papers
You mean you looney conspiracy theorists claim that.

What crime has she been convicted of?

give it time ---Justice MAY prevail

your exploitation of Billie Holidays song is vulgar and utter disgusting filth----
I expected such shit from you. Someone threatening to LYNCH your heroine
islamo Nazi bitch? the LYNCHING OF TODAY consists of islamo Nazi whores with bombs on their stinking asses and boys JOINING UP WITH ISIS

I'm beginning to think I was not mistaken in my assessment of Rosie.

of course the vile shit that you and coyote express is not a MISTAKE----it is INTENTIONAL VULGAR DISGUSTING SHIT----just as was the INTENTIONAL VILE SHIT OF ISLAM on 9-11-01 and the celebrations that ensued which filth like you two---DENY
Nice find! She looks like a BUG!

She will be arrested again very soon!

I'd settle for removed from office. Oh, and
the country, along with much of her constituency.
View attachment 270318

I thought he was kidding. WTF?!!
Interesting that site doesn't allow a copy and paste. Wonder why?
Yeah..for being a groupie for some Muslim Imam.


Since she refused to comply with orders, the officer arrested Omar. The officer reached for Omar’s left arm to get her to stand so she could be handcuffed, but she pulled away. The officer handcuffed her while she stayed seated in the hotel lobby chair.

“Omar was booked at [Hennepin County Jail] as I felt it was likely that she would fail to respond to a citation and she also demonstrated that she was going to continue her criminal behavior,” the officer wrote."

A criminal as a Rep, lovely.

Ilhan Omar Arrested in 2013 For Trespassing, Booked At Hennepin County Jail - Alpha News
So? Look at what squats in the Oval Office.

Has what's in the White House supported terrorists? Asked the Justice Dept. to go easy on them? No?

Ilhan Omar has.

Rep. Ilhan Omar facing new scrutiny over past effort to win leniency for 9 men accused of trying to join ISIS
I KNEW no one was going to listen to what I took the time to write on that. It's just hopeless.
She defends TERRORISt,, you defend her. Interesting group you support

Specifically, show us where she has defended terrorism.
See post #58.

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