I'm not really what you'd call a Trump supporter, but I am curious about something.

Okay, how about this? It's not logical.
Of course it is logical. Leaders are expected to lead. Figureheads are expected to set examples and give direction. It's as true of the shift manager at McDonald's as it is the POTUS.

Trump isn't going to change his view on guns, so it's my opinion that he was incapable of responding in a way that would have satisfied you. I see your outrage as little more than partisan nonsense. It's just one more opportunity to be angry at Trump. You make your own position weaker when you cling onto stupid shit like this.

That bitch would change his view on guns tomorrow if it benefitted him.personally.

Check it out, dummy.

Ready, Aim, Fired: Donald Trump and Guns, Explained
Someones firearm ownership is none of your fucking business, none of my fucking business and certainly none of the presidents and the federal government business.
And the president agrees… Live with it bedwetter

Fuck off. Your guy doesn't respect your gun rights. He would take them away if he could. Dupe.
Obviously you have no clue what you are talking about
Ad hominem

There are basic things required of a leader no matter the leadership style.
State them

No I'm not a follower.
It's very nice to meet you Mr. President.

This isnt a dictatorship. Its a democracy.
statement of fact...moot point

Basically I would need to voluntarily follow his lead. I am not forced to.
Correction, you MUST follow him. You have no choice, unless you wish to emigrate and denounce.

I would never expect Drumpf to conduct himself in the manner I wished. Hes too dumb for that.
Ad hominem

I do expect him to be a leader in times of crisis just like anyone else.
Just like who else? You? Your idealistic leader? More ambiguity.

Whats bad is that its not like he doesnt have children of his own.
Appeal to emotion.

none of that is true... you just have no response because he's correct.

Shhhh Jillian...I am ruffling feathers!
Stop playing with your bird and focus.
You voted for Bernie in the general?

I didn't vote in the general. I'm sorry it hurts your brain to see somebody that's not a Trump supporter not latch onto every bit of partisan nonsense that gets launched at him.

Sorry pal.

Nobody of right mind who supported Bernie would be here trying to whine on Trump's behalf.

It's not credible.
That's your opinion but the president is also an individual with their own personality to expect them to react to something the way we think they should is unfair and silly.
Tough shit, his duty comes before his personal neuroses and fetishes.
Responding to something the way his critics think he should is neither neuroses or fetishes or his duty it's just partisan assholes looking for something bitch about. If they don't like the way he responds tough shit don't watch or listen.
Okay, how about this? It's not logical.
Of course it is logical. Leaders are expected to lead. Figureheads are expected to set examples and give direction. It's as true of the shift manager at McDonald's as it is the POTUS.

Trump isn't going to change his view on guns, so it's my opinion that he was incapable of responding in a way that would have satisfied you. I see your outrage as little more than partisan nonsense. It's just one more opportunity to be angry at Trump. You make your own position weaker when you cling onto stupid shit like this.

That bitch would change his view on guns tomorrow if it benefitted him.personally.

Check it out, dummy.

Ready, Aim, Fired: Donald Trump and Guns, Explained
Someones firearm ownership is none of your fucking business, none of my fucking business and certainly none of the presidents and the federal government business.
And the president agrees… Live with it bedwetter

Fuck off. Your guy doesn't respect your gun rights. He would take them away if he could. Dupe.
He is no Obama, trying to executive order firearm confiscation. Lol
You voted for Bernie in the general?

I didn't vote in the general. I'm sorry it hurts your brain to see somebody that's not a Trump supporter not latch onto every bit of partisan nonsense that gets launched at him.

Sorry pal.

Nobody of right mind who supported Bernie would be here trying to whine on Trump's behalf.

It's not credible.
You can’t help being a control freak... lol
Sorry pal.

Nobody of right mind who supported Bernie would be here trying to whine on Trump's behalf.

It's not credible.

I didn't just support Bernie; I got extremely involved in trying to spread the word to ignorant Clinton supporters that barely knew about him. I know it's hard to believe, but there really are people in the world that aren't partisan hacks. I understand if you can't wrap your mind around it. ;)
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He sucks at creating vision. At least for people with intellect.
Argument of incredulity
Its like he thinks he is smart for fooling the imbeciles that support him.
It's 'like' or it is? Assumption of intent
The problem is they are just slighter dumber than he is.
Ad Hominem
Intelligent people are immediately turned off by his dog whistle politics and insecure grandstanding.
Speaking for the group

Buy In. The numbers speak for themselves and his own party thinks he is an idiot.
Statistical assumption...show your wooooork.

Ok...im bored. You provide no specific examples. Your posts are littered with emotion and ad hominem.
He sucks at creating vision. At least for people with intellect.
Argument of incredulity
Its like he thinks he is smart for fooling the imbeciles that support him.
It's 'like' or it is? Assumption of intent
The problem is they are just slighter dumber than he is.
Ad Hominem
Intelligent people are immediately turned off by his dog whistle politics and insecure grandstanding.
Speaking for the group

Buy In. The numbers speak for themselves and his own party thinks he is an idiot.
Statistical assumption...show your wooooork.

Ok...im bored. You provide no specific examples. Your posts are littered with emotion and ad hominem.
So again you have no coherent response. OK got it.
You certainly seem to have the thought process of a Drumpf supporter. Most people are not the POTUS hence they wouldnt be attempting to show national leadership.

I don't know. Having an expectation that he would change his behavior just seems kind of dumb to me. Like, why? If it's not something the rest of us are expected to do then why should the president? Where's the leadership in moping around not carrying on as usual? I'm not even saying he's a good leader in general. I'd ask the same question if it was Obama, but something tells me you would be rationalizing it somehow. ;-)
Like why? Maybe 17 kids getting killed and the survivors screaming at him to do something would illicit a response from most leaders. If this was Obama we would be asking a different question like why isnt Obama showing us his birth certificate?
Like happened in france...?
He sucks at creating vision. At least for people with intellect.
Argument of incredulity
Its like he thinks he is smart for fooling the imbeciles that support him.
It's 'like' or it is? Assumption of intent
The problem is they are just slighter dumber than he is.
Ad Hominem
Intelligent people are immediately turned off by his dog whistle politics and insecure grandstanding.
Speaking for the group

Buy In. The numbers speak for themselves and his own party thinks he is an idiot.
Statistical assumption...show your wooooork.

Ok...im bored. You provide no specific examples. Your posts are littered with emotion and ad hominem.
So again you have no coherent response. OK got it.

Garbage in...
I see Donald getting a lot of criticism for continuing his normal routines after the shooting. I'm curious, did all of you halt your lives and behaviors to mourn the victims of the shooting for some arbitrary amount of time, or did you just carry on as always?

Average citizens don't speak for the country. The president does. Trump is the president, so yeah, he should have offered up something meaningful.
You're right, he should have taken a page out of Obama's book and played golf.

WTF do you think he was doing today?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Did you miss the point intentionally or did it just fly right over your head?

The point of the statement wasn't about what he was actually doing, it was about a comparison between the left's reaction to people criticizing Obama for playing golf during times of crisis(As he was well known for that), and their reaction to Trump's choices.
Sorry pal.

Nobody of right mind who supported Bernie would be here trying to whine on Trump's behalf.

It's not credible.

I didn't just support Bernie; I got extremely involved in trying to spread the word to ignorant Clinton supporters that barely knew about him. I know it's hard to believe, but there really are people in the world that aren't partisan hacks. I understand if you can't wrap your mind around it. ;)

You are such a fucking imbecile that you don't know that I also supported Bernie for the nomination. But I'm normal. I saw what Trump was. You bitched and moaned when he lost and you helped put a lunatic in the WH. Now, You are trying hard to save face.

Fucking weasel.
And you are a Trump supporter. Why lie?

I voted for Bernie. I just don't like stupid partisan outrage. I have enough dedication to logic and reason to not pick and choose when they are applied.

You voted for a leftie..and surely you spent time with them during the campaign. You didnt notice that leftists always demand ideological purity? Regular purges of each other are practically the defining characteristic of the left.
I see Donald getting a lot of criticism for continuing his normal routines after the shooting. I'm curious, did all of you halt your lives and behaviors to mourn the victims of the shooting for some arbitrary amount of time, or did you just carry on as always?
He could have shown some empathy, some sympathy, some character had he not tied the FBI failure to his own legal woes. But the qualities of empathy, sympathy and character are not in Donald Trump. No, those qualities were pushed out of his heart by conceit, egotism and narcissism.
You certainly seem to have the thought process of a Drumpf supporter. Most people are not the POTUS hence they wouldnt be attempting to show national leadership.

I don't know. Having an expectation that he would change his behavior just seems kind of dumb to me. Like, why? If it's not something the rest of us are expected to do then why should the president? Where's the leadership in moping around not carrying on as usual? I'm not even saying he's a good leader in general. I'd ask the same question if it was Obama, but something tells me you would be rationalizing it instead. ;-)

His behavior is always making it about himself which he managed to do over the weekend. He is suppose to be the leader of the greatest nation not a fucking whiner.

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