I'm not really what you'd call a Trump supporter, but I am curious about something.

....you have failed to express your point.
Like I said why don’t you just sit on your porch quietly…

Uh, mods? Hello?.
Were are you always “the guy” that tattled on everybody in grade school? You fucking pussy

How ... how old are you? I'm starting to think you're actually a child.
It sounds like you are as a kid, sticks and stones.... lol
You silly little fucker

Or maybe you're just really, really dumb. How old are you? I'm genuinely curious. If you're older than 20 then I highly recommend a swan dive off the Brooklyn Bridge. I swear it'll be just like jumping into a swimming pool.
Okay, how about this? It's not logical.
Of course it is logical. Leaders are expected to lead. Figureheads are expected to set examples and give direction. It's as true of the shift manager at McDonald's as it is the POTUS.

Trump isn't going to change his view on guns, so it's my opinion that he was incapable of responding in a way that would have satisfied you. I see your outrage as little more than partisan nonsense. It's just one more opportunity to be angry at Trump. You make your own position weaker when you cling onto stupid shit like this.

That bitch would change his view on guns tomorrow if it benefitted him.personally.

Check it out, dummy.

Ready, Aim, Fired: Donald Trump and Guns, Explained
HAHA yeah, the mods here are like, literally hitler u guys

The fact that you and Steve McGarrett are still around doesn't say much for them. And Asclepias as well, but at least he's just responding to other morons in this thread.

You should be thankful that the mods don't run this place like a dictatorship. Get enough of that on facebook...

Whatever. It's impossible to take these boards seriously anyway, which is pretty much why I troll 75% of the time on here now. It's just a shame that people associate me with people like you.

LOL what'd I do that was so morally leprous? Disagree with you?

More to do with your past remarks than anything in this thread.

I engage in playful trolling from time to time but I don't think I ever resort to mean spirited personal attacks...LOL I'm not a monster!!!

Anyway, have fun politicizing a tragedy.
it's my opinion that he was incapable of responding in a way that would have satisfied you.
Who gives a shit about your bad guess? this thread isn't about me, it's about Trump. And where did you get the idea that I am outraged? I was just answering your question. People expect their leaders to lead in times of tragedy.
All trump has to say is people kill people firearms cannot, firearms have no control over people. Most people learn that in grade school
Because he's the fucking president.

Or is the bar for president now so low that we prefer he shows no leadership ability and does nothing? At this point, maybe that is the way it should go. Just stay on the golf course, President Trump .

He should continue to mop the floor with democrats. That is the best course of action.
Because he's the fucking president.

Or is the bar for president now so low that we prefer he shows no leadership ability and does nothing? At this point, maybe that is the way it should go. Just stay on the golf course, President Trump .

He should continue to mop the floor with democrats. That is the best course of action.

Guess we're gonna find out soon, aren't we? 2018 midterms are just around the corner.
Okay, how about this? It's not logical.
Of course it is logical. Leaders are expected to lead. Figureheads are expected to set examples and give direction. It's as true of the shift manager at McDonald's as it is the POTUS.

Trump isn't going to change his view on guns, so it's my opinion that he was incapable of responding in a way that would have satisfied you. I see your outrage as little more than partisan nonsense. It's just one more opportunity to be angry at Trump. You make your own position weaker when you cling onto stupid shit like this.

That bitch would change his view on guns tomorrow if it benefitted him.personally.

Check it out, dummy.

Ready, Aim, Fired: Donald Trump and Guns, Explained
Someones firearm ownership is none of your fucking business, none of my fucking business and certainly none of the presidents and the federal government business.
And the president agrees… Live with it bedwetter
I see Donald getting a lot of criticism for continuing his normal routines after the shooting. I'm curious, did all of you halt your lives and behaviors to mourn the victims of the shooting for some arbitrary amount of time, or did you just carry on as always?

Average citizens don't speak for the country. The president does. Trump is the president, so yeah, he should have offered up something meaningful.

He did. He just didnt bow to marxists and use a tragedy to attack the Constitution. I think his leadership has been admirable.
Stay the course President Trump.
Because he's the fucking president.

Or is the bar for president now so low that we prefer he shows no leadership ability and does nothing? At this point, maybe that is the way it should go. Just stay on the golf course, President Trump .

He should continue to mop the floor with democrats. That is the best course of action.

Guess we're gonna find out soon, aren't we? 2018 midterms are just around the corner.

Yeah right after he is impeached :)
That's your opinion but the president is also an individual with their own personality to expect them to react to something the way we think they should is unfair and silly.
Tough shit, his duty comes before his personal neuroses and fetishes.
"There are basic things required of a leader no matter the leadership style."
State Them.
Buy in
Self discipline
So, specifically state Trump's shortcomings in each category, as you see them.
He sucks at creating vision. At least for people with intellect. Its like he thinks he is smart for fooling the imbeciles that support him. The problem is they are just slighter dumber than he is. Intelligent people are immediately turned off by his dog whistle politics and insecure grandstanding.

Buy In. The numbers speak for themselves and his own party thinks he is an idiot.

Self Discipline...not much to say on this...p***y grabber and serial adulter.

Responsibility.....Russians hanging out of his ass crack if he were to be stripped naked. He panders to them not the US.

Focus. He is like a child with ADHD. Cant seem to get from being stuck on stupid about irrelevant crap like what basketball team comes to the white house.
Obviously you have no clue what you are talking about
Ad hominem

There are basic things required of a leader no matter the leadership style.
State them

No I'm not a follower.
It's very nice to meet you Mr. President.

This isnt a dictatorship. Its a democracy.
statement of fact...moot point

Basically I would need to voluntarily follow his lead. I am not forced to.
Correction, you MUST follow him. You have no choice, unless you wish to emigrate and denounce.

I would never expect Drumpf to conduct himself in the manner I wished. Hes too dumb for that.
Ad hominem

I do expect him to be a leader in times of crisis just like anyone else.
Just like who else? You? Your idealistic leader? More ambiguity.

Whats bad is that its not like he doesnt have children of his own.
Appeal to emotion.

none of that is true... you just have no response because he's correct.

Shhhh Jillian...I am ruffling feathers!

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