I'm Tired of All the Scandals.

Yes, one must be discriminatory in their scandals. After Watergate no scandal has captured my interest but I've actually paid a bit of attention to this latest one. I'll give it a few weeks to play out. Most likely by then it'll be dead and buried, in my mind at least.
Or the Al Franken feel them up while she sleeps pervert DemonRAT!!!

Or the John Edward's fuck your mistress, have a baby while your wife dies with cancer presidential hopeful!!!


Republican Sex Scandals | List of GOP Affairs

5 of the most embarrassing sex scandals involving socially ...
How many presidential hopefuls or presidents for that matter...Blow Job Clinton, Gary Hart. John Edw
ards.....name me presidential republican hopefuls or we will give you Trump.
You almost gotta laugh. "Tired of the scandals" translates to "tired of republicans winning elections". Unemployment is at a historic low. The DOW may reach 30,000 in the next year. Energy costs are stable and we are at relative peace. Democrats have fielded a laughable clown car so their only pathetic agenda rests on a freaking phone call the President made to the Ukraine and the contents of which were apparently heard second or third hand from a democrat informant. It doesn't even rise to the level of a scandal unless you are afflicted with a terminal case of TDS. Get real lefties.

Hey, moron..........Did your half brain EVER wonder why your orange turd did not start his expose of Biden in 2017 or 2018???
Just vote. Get it over with. Issue after issue after issue. Hoping one will stick. Stop torturing the nation. He's not going anywhere. Repubs have one person in D.C. in all these decades who gives it back and you guys become insulted by it. Its not funny anymore when it isn't one way is it? We don't care about you and your cities. They can become rubble for all we care.
That’s not what I posted.
Answer my question.

Hey, moron..........Did your half brain EVER wonder why your orange turd did not start his expose of Biden in 2017 or 2018???
Do you ever wonder why you never post about crimes committed by Democrats?

Your fellow moron posted that Dems never win elections....Where the fuck is your reply related to that assertion???
I always get a kick out of the Democrates on here that seem unable to handle even simple thought processes.
They were all giddy with the idea of Mueller.
They were all giddy with Stormy.
They have been giddy with every crazy little scandle they can dream up.
None of it has panned out.

But the funny part of the whole thing is they actually think that the Republicans will just sit on their hands. They don't see that should they get someone into the White House that person will be treated the same or worse. You can't keep kicking people without them fighting back.

Patience son.........Your fuck-head-in-chief is about to learn what a few items stated in our Constitution are all about.

(BTW, learn how to spell a bit better....LOL)
Yes yes child. I remember all your crazy posts assuring everyone that Trump would be taken out of the White House in chains by Mueller. I remember you telling everyone that Stormy Daniels would be his undoing.
Let's face it the only thing the left has going for it is it's universal ability to be wrong about what real Americans want out of life.
The GOP is moribund.....all that this forum exemplifies is that the GOP has been replaced by a Trump Cult.

The GOP is more than moribund. They are invisible men who are doing nothing other than adoring Trump publicly while hating him privately because of his hold over them.

Watching the pathetic performance of GOP members defending Trump in hearings is embarrassing because of their total incompetence and feigned deference. They are defending Trump because they fear Trump and his howling mob of morons could turn on individual GOP lawmakers.
Like LA, Detroit and NYC?
Do Red State Honkies raid stores?
Nope..they're more the cow tipping types:

The GOP is moribund.....all that this forum exemplifies is that the GOP has been replaced by a Trump Cult.

The GOP is more than moribund. They are invisible men who are doing nothing other than adoring Trump publicly while hating him privately because of his hold over them.

Watching the pathetic performance of GOP members defending Trump in hearings is embarrassing because of their total incompetence and feigned deference. They are defending Trump because they fear Trump and his howling mob of morons could turn on individual GOP lawmakers.

You're 100% correct......like scared mobsters, the fear of their "boss" trumps (pardon the expression) logic.
The GOP is moribund.....all that this forum exemplifies is that the GOP has been replaced by a Trump Cult.

The GOP is more than moribund. They are invisible men who are doing nothing other than adoring Trump publicly while hating him privately because of his hold over them.

Watching the pathetic performance of GOP members defending Trump in hearings is embarrassing because of their total incompetence and feigned deference. They are defending Trump because they fear Trump and his howling mob of morons could turn on individual GOP lawmakers.
And if they ever lose that fear..???
Were you sad when Reagan won the Cold War?

No he didn't. The USSR was well on its way to Shitsville long before Ronnie Raygun came along.

Reagan expedited the process.

Possibly. Certainly wasn't responsible for bringing it down..

To a certain degree Reagan did help bring them down.

As did the presidents before him. As did themselves because their system was always going to be unsustainable.

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