Impeach This!

This is south central PA home to dumbass rednecks & Trump supporters. Some of the neighboring counties are 70% Republican.
Liberalism is a mental disorder.
Because the tRump administration has such a reliable history with crowd size claims.......
Oh boy, another Leftie nutjob totally disconnected from reality and so infected with Trump Derangment Syndrome that the poor thing can't even spell Trump's name properly.
What part was wrong? Trump has exaggerated crowd size. According to Story, he greatly exaggerated the size of other things too.
Better to exaggerate the size of a stupid crowd, your hand or even a penis than to exaggerate the nature of government health reform, the integrity of a government agency under investigation or the harmlessness of a foreign enemy!
You you admit he lied about crowd size. There was no exaggeration in the ACA. There is nothing wrong with our intel agencies. Trump is what is wrong.

You You? I I? We We? Oh Oh? Where did I admit anything? Did you get that $2500 savings Obumma promised? I didn't get to keep my doctor neither!
Dems' only success has been harming their own country. They have been really GOOD at it. I hope they will really pay the price for that during 2020 elections.

Bringing us back from the Bush recession really hurt America.

The Bush Recession? Is that what you keep calling the 2006 economic collapse engineered by the democrats trying to socialize banking?
This is south central PA home to dumbass rednecks & Trump supporters.

Good strategy to win back PA next year. You guys should shout from the hills how they're a bunch of stupid hillbillies. You'll really win their vote that way.

As with all on the radical left, Dave's hate far exceeds and blinds him to the realities of the world, much less elections. He could care less who he insults.

Democrats have made clear they are a terrorist organization, enemies of the state. They don't give a damn if they get votes from those they abhor because in no way do they care about nor represent them. Their mission is dictated not by laws or wishes for its people, but raw, selfish internal power to control and crush all that get in their way.

View attachment 294274

They intend to bulldoze right over America then pick up the pieces.
What a crock of shit.

Trump tries to bulldoze is way everywhere he goes & you are sofa king dumb, you like to be run over.
He's not running over me or any of Real America, he's only running over you sick bastards.
He is violating the US Constitution & trying to force his buillshit on all of us.

He is making our air dirtier, water more polluted, workplaces & food sources more dangerous, hurting the farmers, skyrocketing the deficit, trashing veterans, acting like a 8 year old.

He has done nothing legislatively outside of a deficit expanding tax cut.

Our infrastructure is still crumbling, the trade war lingers on, climate change still rages, his only trade deal is a tweak of NAFTA that had b]to be changed, he failed to end Obamacare,m he failed to do shit with North Korea.

What hasd he really done? Except tear down. Tearing down is easy.
Dems' only success has been harming their own country. They have been really GOOD at it. I hope they will really pay the price for that during 2020 elections.

Bringing us back from the Bush recession really hurt America.

The Bush Recession? Is that what you keep calling the 2006 economic collapse engineered by the democrats trying to socialize banking?
So 12 straight years of Republican congresses & 6 with a Republican President & you are still so fucking stupid to blame it on Democrats? Really ?
This is south central PA home to dumbass rednecks & Trump supporters. Some of the neighboring counties are 70% Republican.
Liberalism is a mental disorder.
Because the tRump administration has such a reliable history with crowd size claims.......
Oh boy, another Leftie nutjob totally disconnected from reality and so infected with Trump Derangment Syndrome that the poor thing can't even spell Trump's name properly.
What part was wrong? Trump has exaggerated crowd size. According to Story, he greatly exaggerated the size of other things too.
Better to exaggerate the size of a stupid crowd, your hand or even a penis than to exaggerate the nature of government health reform, the integrity of a government agency under investigation or the harmlessness of a foreign enemy!
You you admit he lied about crowd size. There was no exaggeration in the ACA. There is nothing wrong with our intel agencies. Trump is what is wrong.

You You? I I? We We? Oh Oh? Where did I admit anything? Did you get that $2500 savings Obumma promised? I didn't get to keep my doctor neither!

I saved more than that the first year of the exchanges.

I kept my doctor because I was smart enough to pick a plan that included them. Evidently, you weren't.

There is NOTHING in the ACA that sets provider networks. Nothing.
This is south central PA home to dumbass rednecks & Trump supporters. Some of the neighboring counties are 70% Republican.
Liberalism is a mental disorder.
Because the tRump administration has such a reliable history with crowd size claims.......
Oh boy, another Leftie nutjob totally disconnected from reality and so infected with Trump Derangment Syndrome that the poor thing can't even spell Trump's name properly.
What part was wrong? Trump has exaggerated crowd size. According to Story, he greatly exaggerated the size of other things too.
Better to exaggerate the size of a stupid crowd, your hand or even a penis than to exaggerate the nature of government health reform, the integrity of a government agency under investigation or the harmlessness of a foreign enemy!
You you admit he lied about crowd size. There was no exaggeration in the ACA. There is nothing wrong with our intel agencies. Trump is what is wrong.

You You? I I? We We? Oh Oh? Where did I admit anything? Did you get that $2500 savings Obumma promised? I didn't get to keep my doctor neither!
IT wasn't the ACA that cost you either of those. Talk to your insurance company.
Liberalism is a mental disorder.
Oh boy, another Leftie nutjob totally disconnected from reality and so infected with Trump Derangment Syndrome that the poor thing can't even spell Trump's name properly.
What part was wrong? Trump has exaggerated crowd size. According to Story, he greatly exaggerated the size of other things too.
Better to exaggerate the size of a stupid crowd, your hand or even a penis than to exaggerate the nature of government health reform, the integrity of a government agency under investigation or the harmlessness of a foreign enemy!
You you admit he lied about crowd size. There was no exaggeration in the ACA. There is nothing wrong with our intel agencies. Trump is what is wrong.

You You? I I? We We? Oh Oh? Where did I admit anything? Did you get that $2500 savings Obumma promised? I didn't get to keep my doctor neither!

I saved more than that the first year of the exchanges.

I kept my doctor because I was smart enough to pick a plan that included them. Evidently, you weren't.

There is NOTHING in the ACA that sets provider networks. Nothing.
Me too.
Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 37m37 minutes ago

THANK YOU PENNSYLVANIA! With your help, your devotion, and your drive, we are going to keep on working, we are going to keep on fighting, and we are going to keep ON WINNING! We are ONE movement, ONE people, ONE family, and ONE GLORIOUS NATION UNDER GOD

:clap::clap::clap: Thank you Mr President!!!

I don't think we're being fair here, Trump gets all the media coverage, and there were other candidates having rallies tonight. In fact, Elizabeth Warren hosted a Townhall meeting tonight in Reno. The place was packed, too.

Just look at all those people!!! :spinner:

Do you know what a town hall meeting is? Didn't think do.

Of course I do. When your campaign is sure that only a couple hundred or less people are going to show up, you rent a small venue and call it a "town hall meeting."
It becomes clear that support for The Democrat Party is now firm in two major categories.

Pedophiles and Transgenderites (those considering it a religion, not necessarily personally active)/.

Oh....wait....I left out the largest firm (downright rigid) demographic:

The Dead.
Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 37m37 minutes ago

THANK YOU PENNSYLVANIA! With your help, your devotion, and your drive, we are going to keep on working, we are going to keep on fighting, and we are going to keep ON WINNING! We are ONE movement, ONE people, ONE family, and ONE GLORIOUS NATION UNDER GOD

:clap::clap::clap: Thank you Mr President!!!

Unfortunately he didn't win Pennsylvania the first time. Nobody did.

Actually, Trump schlonged Hillary Clinton in Pennsylvania in 2016. The vast majority of counties in the state went for Trump, only a handful of failed areas were lost.

Actually not only do "counties" not have a vote, nobody could pull even 50% in Pennsylvania, feel free to look it up. Actually the same was true in those other two crucial states, Michigan and Wisconsin. Actually the same was true here in Carolina. And in Florida. And in AridZona. And even Utah.

Get that? Rump, even with an "R" after his name, could not win a majority of the vote in frickin' UTAH.

Rumpbots can sit on the echo board circle jerk and try to convince themselves that a picture is worth a thousand votes, but the fact is a freak show event is not an election. Rump barely squeaked through against a weak wounded candidate on the backs of states that saw no clear choice and didn't majority-vote for anybody. Not even frickin' Utah. Couple that with a consistent disapproval rating that DOES stay north of 50%, spontaneous chants of "LOCK HIM UP" at a baseball game, and you see that here in the real world that circle jerk fantasy does not even stand up, let alone dance on rooftops.
Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 37m37 minutes ago

THANK YOU PENNSYLVANIA! With your help, your devotion, and your drive, we are going to keep on working, we are going to keep on fighting, and we are going to keep ON WINNING! We are ONE movement, ONE people, ONE family, and ONE GLORIOUS NATION UNDER GOD

:clap::clap::clap: Thank you Mr President!!!

I don't think we're being fair here, Trump gets all the media coverage, and there were other candidates having rallies tonight. In fact, Elizabeth Warren hosted a Townhall meeting tonight in Reno. The place was packed, too.

Just look at all those people!!! :spinner:

Do you know what a town hall meeting is? Didn't think do.

Of course I do. When your campaign is sure that only a couple hundred or less people are going to show up, you rent a small venue and call it a "town hall meeting."

Number one, it's "a couple of hundred people or fewer". "Less" of much, "fewer" of many.

Number two, what you're describing is the difference between content and spectacle. If spectacle is what impresses you, you prolly also think TV ratings mean "approval" rather than simple "attention".
Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 37m37 minutes ago

THANK YOU PENNSYLVANIA! With your help, your devotion, and your drive, we are going to keep on working, we are going to keep on fighting, and we are going to keep ON WINNING! We are ONE movement, ONE people, ONE family, and ONE GLORIOUS NATION UNDER GOD

:clap::clap::clap: Thank you Mr President!!!

Unfortunately he didn't win Pennsylvania the first time. Nobody did.

Actually, Trump schlonged Hillary Clinton in Pennsylvania in 2016. The vast majority of counties in the state went for Trump, only a handful of failed areas were lost.
Another Trumpette who thinks we vote by acre.

Apparently he thinks there's a "county level electoral junior college" as a microcosm of the bizarro antiquated national one.

WHICH, if such a system had any merit at all, there would be, to elect a state's governor and Senators.

But........... no. Zero states out of 57 do that. Guess it just doesn't have merit.
This is south central PA home to dumbass rednecks & Trump supporters.

Good strategy to win back PA next year. You guys should shout from the hills how they're a bunch of stupid hillbillies. You'll really win their vote that way.

As with all on the radical left, Dave's hate far exceeds and blinds him to the realities of the world, much less elections. He could care less who he insults.

Democrats have made clear they are a terrorist organization, enemies of the state. They don't give a damn if they get votes from those they abhor because in no way do they care about nor represent them. Their mission is dictated not by laws or wishes for its people, but raw, selfish internal power to control and crush all that get in their way.

View attachment 294274

They intend to bulldoze right over America then pick up the pieces.
What a crock of shit.

Trump tries to bulldoze is way everywhere he goes & you are sofa king dumb, you like to be run over.
He's not running over me or any of Real America, he's only running over you sick bastards.
He is violating the US Constitution & trying to force his buillshit on all of us.
Man, you sure learn your democratic talking points fast! Pure rubbish and generalities so vague no one can argue with!
Violated WHAT in the US Constitution? You mean like how Obumma was SLAPPED DOWN THIRTEEN times by the SCOTUS for exceeding it? Trump, 0.
My air is fine, hope yours is mud.
My water is pure, hope yours makes you sick.
Workplaces and food are just fine.
Farmers will benefit in the end.
Obama trashed the deficit.
Vets love Trump.
Congress controls the budget and infrastructure, go whine to Nancy who withheld a vital bill to pass her impeachment crap.
Trade is a work in progress and my climate is too cold, when is it going to start warming up please?
Failed to end Obamacare that Obama and Nancy created! That sure is a backhanded complaint!
All Trump has done is a million good things, including tearing down much of the havoc that Obama created.

Viva La Trump.
Vets love Trump.

Viva La Trump.

Veterans do love the Trumpster, no doubt about that.

Vice President Pence went to the huge meeting at the VFW in the city of Rochester yesterday, standing O- men who actually felt the sting of battle appreciate Donald J. Trump and his love for America.
Good strategy to win back PA next year. You guys should shout from the hills how they're a bunch of stupid hillbillies. You'll really win their vote that way.

As with all on the radical left, Dave's hate far exceeds and blinds him to the realities of the world, much less elections. He could care less who he insults.

Democrats have made clear they are a terrorist organization, enemies of the state. They don't give a damn if they get votes from those they abhor because in no way do they care about nor represent them. Their mission is dictated not by laws or wishes for its people, but raw, selfish internal power to control and crush all that get in their way.

View attachment 294274

They intend to bulldoze right over America then pick up the pieces.
What a crock of shit.

Trump tries to bulldoze is way everywhere he goes & you are sofa king dumb, you like to be run over.
He's not running over me or any of Real America, he's only running over you sick bastards.
He is violating the US Constitution & trying to force his buillshit on all of us.
Man, you sure learn your democratic talking points fast! Pure rubbish and generalities so vague no one can argue with!
Violated WHAT in the US Constitution? You mean like how Obumma was SLAPPED DOWN THIRTEEN times by the SCOTUS for exceeding it? Trump, 0.
My air is fine, hope yours is mud.
My water is pure, hope yours makes you sick.
Workplaces and food are just fine.
Farmers will benefit in the end.
Obama trashed the deficit.
Vets love Trump.
Congress controls the budget and infrastructure, go whine to Nancy who withheld a vital bill to pass her impeachment crap.
Trade is a work in progress and my climate is too cold, when is it going to start warming up please?
Failed to end Obamacare that Obama and Nancy created! That sure is a backhanded complaint!
All Trump has done is a million good things, including tearing down much of the havoc that Obama created.

Viva La Trump.

You know "La" is feminine, right? :rofl:
The Democrats are too stupid and too convinced of their own superiority to see they are cutting their own throats.
Go for it, morons!

You said that in 2017, 2018, and 2019.

You got slaughtered.

Your polls are worse now.

Do you Trump cultists all have the suicide prevention number written down, or do you just plan on drinking heavily in 2020?

I laugh
2018 was historically horrible for Democrats
This is south central PA home to dumbass rednecks & Trump supporters. Some of the neighboring counties are 70% Republican.

You’re pathetic.

The majority of the country can see right through the dems lies.

Nothing but propaganda. All your side has.

Trump lost the popular vote dumbass.

What does the "popular vote" count for?

Actually, it counts for something. AT THE STATE LEVEL. A presidential election is really 50 STATE elections, and at the state level, Trump WALKED ALL OVER HILLARY winning the popular vote all across America rather than just Hillary's four cities! But then, being the "smart," tuned in, hip dude, you knew that.

View attachment 294213

That dude's retarded.

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