Impeach Wray & Garland

Explain. I was under the impression that impeachment was only warranted for high crimes and misdemeanors.
It is.

But just as a corrupt prosecutor can falsely charge and try an innocent person, so too can corrupt, dishonest House Republicans contrive false articles of ‘impeachment’ – lying that the administration official committed high crimes and/or misdemeanors when in fact he did neither.

It doesn’t matter that the Senate would never convict because the charges are devoid of merit – the stain of impeachment will nonetheless blacken the official’s reputation forever.

That’s why President Biden will likely be ‘impeached’ by House Republicans with falsehoods and lies, although there’s no chance of his being convicted.
Yes the President can just declassify that stuff if he decides he wants to.

Frankly I am not sure what the Manhattan project has to do with this
That is because the president can't declassify things that are classified by act of congress and codified into law.

Presidential executive actions, which is what classifying/declassifying are, are subordinate to federal law, and to constitution.

And he manhattan project was classified under federal law.
Yes the President can just declassify that stuff if he decides he wants to.

Frankly I am not sure what the Manhattan project has to do with this
Just trying to illustrate that there's no fucking way he declassified nuclear secrets without the entiire national security apparatus erupting in protest.
Agreed...or for that matter the SoS wanting to keep that stuff on a third party server.

Trump keep them guarded with armed federal agents....and he had the authority to declassify it, for whatever reason he wanted
You're trying to make the case that there is an arbitrary classification where things are declassified for citizen Trump but still secret from citizen you. That's not how it works.
He had no right to keep unclassified government documents hidden away in his basement.

If they’re declassified, then by law they become public.

He’s trying to have it both ways. He wants to keep them secret but he doesn’t want them classified. It makes no logical sense.
Where do you morons get this basement shit? There are no basements in Mar-a-lago.
There's not much point in classifying documents that have already been available to the public.
Actually there is. It is illegal for the public to possess classified information. Giving the government the authority to seize those materials in private hands, just like when FDR had the government seize gold in private hands.
Not sure why you think there has to be some sort of channels...there doesn't The President can simply say it and it's done.
"The President, after all, is the 'Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States.' U.S. Const., Art. II, § 2. His authority to classify and control access to information bearing on national security...flows primarily from this constitutional investment of power in the President, and exists quite apart from any explicit congressional grant."

Not that ignorant idiocy again.

Conservatives are truly stupid, truly dishonest, and truly this willfully ignorant.

The classification of documents is irrelevant; Trump is in legal jeopardy for reasons having nothing to do with being in possession of classified documents.

Trump is in legal jeopardy because he’s in possession of national security and military intelligence documents not properly secured and stored, documents that can be taken, lost, misplaced, or destroyed.
Just trying to illustrate that there's no fucking way he declassified nuclear secrets without the entiire national security apparatus erupting in protest.

You're trying to make the case that there is an arbitrary classification where things are declassified for citizen Trump but still secret from citizen you. That's not how it works.
1) nobody got upset
2) no i am not

Not that ignorant idiocy again.

Conservatives are truly stupid, truly dishonest, and truly this willfully ignorant.

The classification of documents is irrelevant; Trump is in legal jeopardy for reasons having nothing to do with being in possession of classified documents.

Trump is in legal jeopardy because he’s in possession of national security and military intelligence documents not properly secured and stored, documents that can be taken, lost, misplaced, or destroyed.
what are your talking about they were guarded by armed federal agents

what law can you cite?
That is because the president can't declassify things that are classified by act of congress and codified into law.

Presidential executive actions, which is what classifying/declassifying are, are subordinate to federal law, and to constitution.

And he manhattan project was classified under federal law.
yes he can. I provided the court case saying as much
What makes you believe there was more than one copy?
For the president to get his own copy, there would have to be more than one.

If only a single copy of the document existed, as with some TS/SCI documents. That copy would be retrieved and secured before it left the oval office.
It is.

But just as a corrupt prosecutor can falsely charge and try an innocent person, so too can corrupt, dishonest House Republicans contrive false articles of ‘impeachment’ – lying that the administration official committed high crimes and/or misdemeanors when in fact he did neither.

It doesn’t matter that the Senate would never convict because the charges are devoid of merit – the stain of impeachment will nonetheless blacken the official’s reputation forever.

That’s why President Biden will likely be ‘impeached’ by House Republicans with falsehoods and lies, although there’s no chance of his being convicted.
I'll vote for you for the Most Ironic Post of the Day award
His name is Mike Davis and he is a right leaning writer that gets things posted in Newweek on occasion.

Why does anyone care what he thinks?
yeh, the only people worth listening to are those who think we should let terrorists cross our borders and/or those who want to murder the unborn

Those are truly upright folks
yeh, the only people worth listening to are those who think we should let terrorists cross our borders and/or those who want to murder the unborn

Those are truly upright folks

I would not listen to them either, but whatever floats your boat

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