In Case You Missed Jessie William...

(Like I did since I rarely watch TV) My man made a statement that upset a lot of people it seems. Here is a Black brother that is risking his career to speak the truth about the racist system Blacks deal with on a daily basis.

ironically he's first few seconds he's talking about the system dems built.

And the rest of it is the system white people still support.
I thought it particularly classy of Williams to crow about the black mothers and how they think of everyone but themselves while his white mother looked on. Why would he treat his own mom like that. He truly must hate his white mom and the fact her DNA injected him with a dose of white. Damn. He sure looks oppressed to me. Dosen't he look oppressed to you? There he is standing in Hollywood, at a big event, nicely dressed, had a ton of money a very good job. Hey! I want to be oppressed just like that. I feel very badly for his mother. Damn her anyway for being born the Wong color.

yes.......the wealthy blacks complaining about they give money, time and support to the political party that owned slaves, created jim crow and lynched blacks...then got them hooked on government welfare that destroyed the black family.....

Whether they are wealthy, poor or middle class doesn't matter. You'll disagree with the message everytime and blame it on them being rich....poor....jealous or whatever lame excuse you deem valid.

You're just distracting and like he said...if you have a record of critique you better have a record of speaking out or you're just pretending. Mr Pretender.
What is especially ironic with afro american social justice warriors like the douchebag in the video is when they congratulate afro american "mothers" as if they are special. Maybe there is a reason afro american fathers can't wait to leave them. :confused-84:

It is always a concern when they want to learn their history also, as if living in huts and fighting with other tribes was an accomplishment. :p That is why they have to borrow Whitey history as their own. Their history is embarrassingly pathetic.
Black women are extremely special. Not only are they mothers of all civilizations, they have been the backbone of the Black family here in the US under odds that would crush a lesser people.

I know white cave chimps get concerned when Blacks learn their history. Once Blacks realize what a joke white boys are they will cease to complain about them and simply out work them knowing they as Black people are stronger mentally and physically. Once they realize they come from royalty and the founders of science, philosophy, literature, and the first civilizations they will see the only things whites were capable of was being taught how to be civilized and how to imitate.

(which we all know monkeys are good at). :laugh:
How could such a strong people become so weak
You were never strong. You were always weak, recessive, and inbred. Did you mean how did you become so imperialistic and violent? Simple. You were at odds with nature and the people around you. Due to your weakness you concentrated on becoming an expert at war and violence. Thats pretty much the only thing you guys have excelled in.
So silly not whites the Great Africans. Ur claims of such a great people but there lies no evidence of that here in present day.
What evidence were you looking for? Africans have always been a strong people. If it werent for us Africans, whites would still be in the caves of europe eating each other. We educated you whites twice as a matter of fact and brought you civilization.
U can cherry pick a small percentage of blacks that have done great things to help mankind progress. But as a whole the truth is ur people have been a disappointment. Without help the average black will only bring more disappointment to all of mankind.
I never saw Vanessa Williams dis her black side. I've seen her interviewed several times and always claimed to be black. According to her, the "not black enough" trashing hurt worse than returning her crown.
I thought it particularly classy of Williams to crow about the black mothers and how they think of everyone but themselves while his white mother looked on. Why would he treat his own mom like that. He truly must hate his white mom and the fact her DNA injected him with a dose of white. Damn. He sure looks oppressed to me. Dosen't he look oppressed to you? There he is standing in Hollywood, at a big event, nicely dressed, had a ton of money a very good job. Hey! I want to be oppressed just like that. I feel very badly for his mother. Damn her anyway for being born the Wong color.

yes.......the wealthy blacks complaining about they give money, time and support to the political party that owned slaves, created jim crow and lynched blacks...then got them hooked on government welfare that destroyed the black family.....

Whether they are wealthy, poor or middle class doesn't matter. You'll disagree with the message everytime and blame it on them being rich....poor....jealous or whatever lame excuse you deem valid.

You're just distracting and like he said...if you have a record of critique you better have a record of speaking out or you're just pretending. Mr Pretender.
It was an anti white rant just like you see on this forum. It seems to be in vogue nowadays.
I thought it particularly classy of Williams to crow about the black mothers and how they think of everyone but themselves while his white mother looked on. Why would he treat his own mom like that. He truly must hate his white mom and the fact her DNA injected him with a dose of white. Damn. He sure looks oppressed to me. Dosen't he look oppressed to you? There he is standing in Hollywood, at a big event, nicely dressed, had a ton of money a very good job. Hey! I want to be oppressed just like that. I feel very badly for his mother. Damn her anyway for being born the Wong color.

yes.......the wealthy blacks complaining about they give money, time and support to the political party that owned slaves, created jim crow and lynched blacks...then got them hooked on government welfare that destroyed the black family.....

Whether they are wealthy, poor or middle class doesn't matter. You'll disagree with the message everytime and blame it on them being rich....poor....jealous or whatever lame excuse you deem valid.

You're just distracting and like he said...if you have a record of critique you better have a record of speaking out or you're just pretending. Mr Pretender.
It was an anti white rant just like you see on this forum. It seems to be in vogue nowadays.

I'd ask which part was anti white but you'd stutter and fumble your way thru a response. None of what he said was untrue. And that's the part yiu cannot address. You can slap labels on it all day....that's easy
I thought it particularly classy of Williams to crow about the black mothers and how they think of everyone but themselves while his white mother looked on. Why would he treat his own mom like that. He truly must hate his white mom and the fact her DNA injected him with a dose of white. Damn. He sure looks oppressed to me. Dosen't he look oppressed to you? There he is standing in Hollywood, at a big event, nicely dressed, had a ton of money a very good job. Hey! I want to be oppressed just like that. I feel very badly for his mother. Damn her anyway for being born the Wong color.

yes.......the wealthy blacks complaining about they give money, time and support to the political party that owned slaves, created jim crow and lynched blacks...then got them hooked on government welfare that destroyed the black family.....

Whether they are wealthy, poor or middle class doesn't matter. You'll disagree with the message everytime and blame it on them being rich....poor....jealous or whatever lame excuse you deem valid.

You're just distracting and like he said...if you have a record of critique you better have a record of speaking out or you're just pretending. Mr Pretender.
It was an anti white rant just like you see on this forum. It seems to be in vogue nowadays.

I'd ask which part was anti white but you'd stutter and fumble your way thru a response. None of what he said was untrue. And that's the part yiu cannot address. You can slap labels on it all day....that's easy

This invention we call whiteness! ROFLMAO.
I'm not black, so you can take my opinion or leave it. What I found unsettling about the rise of Lt Col West was that he "surprised" the white world. It was unique, at the time, for a black man to "earn the respect" of white subordinates. To me, that indicated that he either overcame inherent biases or that he excelled above and beyond his white counterpoints. The reason he became a conservative darling is because he is a black man who met white standards.

Don't get me wrong. I admire him and think he is a great American, but there are countless white men who behaved just as he did and did not get the praise West did. I can see how the black population would take that as being praised for behaving white. I don't necessarily agree he was praised for acting white, but I can see where that viewpoint comes from.
I dont think its his actual service that people are alluding to when they call him an uncle tom. Like Carson he did what he did and there is no denying that. He overcame the odds stacked against him. The thing I see is not that he is "acting white" its the dance he does for those that use him to pretend the GOP is not racist. His comments are classic uncle tommish behavior.

“I must confess, when I see anyone with an Obama 2012 bumper sticker, I recognize them as a threat to the gene pool.”
-Allen West

All cultures prioritize traits differently. Many people view laid-back as lazy. Laid-back is necessary in tropical and island cultures. You can want it all and want it now all you want, but it is not going to work in jamaica, where everything has to be shipped in and pushing hard leads to heat stroke. Laid back is a style usually influenced by culture. Slow does not mean lazy. If you want the bricks hauled in a single day, I recommend you haul a couple of loads yourself in 97 degrees with over 50 percent humidity. What do you think "menial labor" is worth now? Lol
Weird how those southern states thought Black people were the only people capable of working in the heat but we were "lazy". :laugh:

Blacks were considered lazy ever sense they stopped working for free. Lol
I thought it particularly classy of Williams to crow about the black mothers and how they think of everyone but themselves while his white mother looked on. Why would he treat his own mom like that. He truly must hate his white mom and the fact her DNA injected him with a dose of white. Damn. He sure looks oppressed to me. Dosen't he look oppressed to you? There he is standing in Hollywood, at a big event, nicely dressed, had a ton of money a very good job. Hey! I want to be oppressed just like that. I feel very badly for his mother. Damn her anyway for being born the Wong color.

yes.......the wealthy blacks complaining about they give money, time and support to the political party that owned slaves, created jim crow and lynched blacks...then got them hooked on government welfare that destroyed the black family.....

Whether they are wealthy, poor or middle class doesn't matter. You'll disagree with the message everytime and blame it on them being rich....poor....jealous or whatever lame excuse you deem valid.

You're just distracting and like he said...if you have a record of critique you better have a record of speaking out or you're just pretending. Mr Pretender.
It was an anti white rant just like you see on this forum. It seems to be in vogue nowadays.

I'd ask which part was anti white but you'd stutter and fumble your way thru a response. None of what he said was untrue. And that's the part yiu cannot address. You can slap labels on it all day....that's easy

This invention we call whiteness! ROFLMAO.

See? Just as I suspected. You can't explain what part was anti white and can't say any of it is a lie. It's ok to be mad at the truth. Unproductive but allowed.
How could such a strong people become so weak
You were never strong. You were always weak, recessive, and inbred. Did you mean how did you become so imperialistic and violent? Simple. You were at odds with nature and the people around you. Due to your weakness you concentrated on becoming an expert at war and violence. Thats pretty much the only thing you guys have excelled in.
So silly not whites the Great Africans. Ur claims of such a great people but there lies no evidence of that here in present day.
What evidence were you looking for? Africans have always been a strong people. If it werent for us Africans, whites would still be in the caves of europe eating each other. We educated you whites twice as a matter of fact and brought you civilization.

Keep telling your self the 3rd world african crap holes stay 3rd world african crap holes.....
I am reminded of that everyday I post on this forum. White people have a serious inferiority complex due to that fact. If not for Blacks you probably would have gone the way of your close relatives the neanderthals.
Like you, I'm often wondering, who could the white man blame for all his troubles on this earth, were it not for blacks. They should get down on their knees and thank God for having us around to blame their plight of adversity on....otherwise they may have to find a mirror, and God forbid any white person find fault there!
yes.......the wealthy blacks complaining about they give money, time and support to the political party that owned slaves, created jim crow and lynched blacks...then got them hooked on government welfare that destroyed the black family.....

Whether they are wealthy, poor or middle class doesn't matter. You'll disagree with the message everytime and blame it on them being rich....poor....jealous or whatever lame excuse you deem valid.

You're just distracting and like he said...if you have a record of critique you better have a record of speaking out or you're just pretending. Mr Pretender.
It was an anti white rant just like you see on this forum. It seems to be in vogue nowadays.

I'd ask which part was anti white but you'd stutter and fumble your way thru a response. None of what he said was untrue. And that's the part yiu cannot address. You can slap labels on it all day....that's easy

This invention we call whiteness! ROFLMAO.

See? Just as I suspected. You can't explain what part was anti white and can't say any of it is a lie. It's ok to be mad at the truth. Unproductive but allowed.
I can imagine the outrage if a white man had made such a speech about blacks.
yes.......the wealthy blacks complaining about they give money, time and support to the political party that owned slaves, created jim crow and lynched blacks...then got them hooked on government welfare that destroyed the black family.....

Whether they are wealthy, poor or middle class doesn't matter. You'll disagree with the message everytime and blame it on them being rich....poor....jealous or whatever lame excuse you deem valid.

You're just distracting and like he said...if you have a record of critique you better have a record of speaking out or you're just pretending. Mr Pretender.
It was an anti white rant just like you see on this forum. It seems to be in vogue nowadays.

I'd ask which part was anti white but you'd stutter and fumble your way thru a response. None of what he said was untrue. And that's the part yiu cannot address. You can slap labels on it all day....that's easy

This invention we call whiteness! ROFLMAO.

See? Just as I suspected. You can't explain what part was anti white and can't say any of it is a lie. It's ok to be mad at the truth. Unproductive but allowed.
Really? We're white people invented?
Whether they are wealthy, poor or middle class doesn't matter. You'll disagree with the message everytime and blame it on them being rich....poor....jealous or whatever lame excuse you deem valid.

You're just distracting and like he said...if you have a record of critique you better have a record of speaking out or you're just pretending. Mr Pretender.
It was an anti white rant just like you see on this forum. It seems to be in vogue nowadays.

I'd ask which part was anti white but you'd stutter and fumble your way thru a response. None of what he said was untrue. And that's the part yiu cannot address. You can slap labels on it all day....that's easy

This invention we call whiteness! ROFLMAO.

See? Just as I suspected. You can't explain what part was anti white and can't say any of it is a lie. It's ok to be mad at the truth. Unproductive but allowed.
Really? We're white people invented?

Ahh, so you think he said white people were invented? Lol....Let's pretend he did say it....where is the anti white part?

Notice that I've asked you 3 times and you still have nothing...just as I predicted.
It was an anti white rant just like you see on this forum. It seems to be in vogue nowadays.

I'd ask which part was anti white but you'd stutter and fumble your way thru a response. None of what he said was untrue. And that's the part yiu cannot address. You can slap labels on it all day....that's easy

This invention we call whiteness! ROFLMAO.

See? Just as I suspected. You can't explain what part was anti white and can't say any of it is a lie. It's ok to be mad at the truth. Unproductive but allowed.
Really? We're white people invented?

Ahh, so you think he said white people were invented? Lol....Let's pretend he did say it....where is the anti white part?

Notice that I've asked you 3 times and you still have nothing...just as I predicted.
What if I said the invention of blackness?
It was an anti white rant just like you see on this forum. It seems to be in vogue nowadays.

I'd ask which part was anti white but you'd stutter and fumble your way thru a response. None of what he said was untrue. And that's the part yiu cannot address. You can slap labels on it all day....that's easy

This invention we call whiteness! ROFLMAO.

See? Just as I suspected. You can't explain what part was anti white and can't say any of it is a lie. It's ok to be mad at the truth. Unproductive but allowed.
Really? We're white people invented?

Ahh, so you think he said white people were invented? Lol....Let's pretend he did say it....where is the anti white part?

Notice that I've asked you 3 times and you still have nothing...just as I predicted.
Okay teach me. If it wasn't anti white what was it? What was the point?
I'd ask which part was anti white but you'd stutter and fumble your way thru a response. None of what he said was untrue. And that's the part yiu cannot address. You can slap labels on it all day....that's easy

This invention we call whiteness! ROFLMAO.

See? Just as I suspected. You can't explain what part was anti white and can't say any of it is a lie. It's ok to be mad at the truth. Unproductive but allowed.
Really? We're white people invented?

Ahh, so you think he said white people were invented? Lol....Let's pretend he did say it....where is the anti white part?

Notice that I've asked you 3 times and you still have nothing...just as I predicted.
What if I said the invention of blackness?

So? Care to explain yet or are you still coming up with nothing?
This invention we call whiteness! ROFLMAO.

See? Just as I suspected. You can't explain what part was anti white and can't say any of it is a lie. It's ok to be mad at the truth. Unproductive but allowed.
Really? We're white people invented?

Ahh, so you think he said white people were invented? Lol....Let's pretend he did say it....where is the anti white part?

Notice that I've asked you 3 times and you still have nothing...just as I predicted.
What if I said the invention of blackness?

So? Care to explain yet or are you still coming up with nothing?
I took it a anti white. You say it was not. So I asked you what was the point? Can you answer? Okay don't answer, I will stick with my original opinion until you can persuade me otherwise.

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