In case you've ever wondered where your tax dollars go...

This calculator is ample proof that Mitt Romney is full of shit when he promises to balance the budget after cutting taxes and increasing defense spending,

by cutting everything else.
Romney will promise whatever he thinks will get him elected and deal with the consequences then.

That plan hasn't worked out for Dear Ruler very well has it?
Federal taxes that is,

try this calculator:

Third Way | Your Federal Tax Receipt

Now you can't tell me that not a single tax payer dollar goes to the wh or to the congress, who do the fuck do you think supports them? coca cola?

Nobody is telling you that, though I understand your confusion. The calculator gives "0.0%" as the amount of the tax dollar going to the White House. If you put in your tax burden as $10,000 it says $1.15 goes to the White House. That comes out to a fraction going to the White House of .00015 or .015%. With rounding to the nearest tenth of a percent, that is 0.0%.

I will close gitmo
Immigration reform will be w top priority
Superpacs are a threat to our democracy
Bain capital is the devil "except for when they donate millions to me
You can keep your current healthcare and prices will go down
My administration will be the most transparent ever
You will have 5 days to read EVERY bill online before i sign it

All gems and all Obamaturd


I will close gitmo
Immigration reform will be w top priority
Superpacs are a threat to our democracy
Bain capital is the devil "except for when they donate millions to me
You can keep your current healthcare and prices will go down
My administration will be the most transparent ever
You will have 5 days to read EVERY bill online before i sign it

All gems and all Obamaturd

"The Republican-controlled House of Representatives, which took office in January 2011, has enacted federal spending bills under which the national debt has increased more in less than one term of Congress than in the first 97 Congresses combined.

In the fifteen months that the Republican-controlled House of Representatives--led by Speaker John Boehner--has effectively enjoyed a constitutional veto over federal spending, the federal government’s debt has increased by about $1.59 trillion."

This calculator is ample proof that Mitt Romney is full of shit when he promises to balance the budget after cutting taxes and increasing defense spending,

by cutting everything else.

SS, and D-E-F-E-N-S-E, with programs attendant thereto, except Vets, take the biggest chunk.
Federal mandates on state & local cost us more. Hell in just the last 4 years federal mandates caused my sewer bill to go from $17.85 a month to $80.12 a month. Screw government assholes.
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