Income Inequality: So What?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Thomas Jefferson famously said "But it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods or no God. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg."
I have no doubt that he was wise enough to include his neighbor's earnings in that sentiment.

Let us assume, arguendo, that "income inequality" is a fact.

So what?

Is there evidence that the "income inequality" farrago is simply one more Liberal tale of victimology....aimed at proving that only vaunted 'Big Government" can save us??
Is it simply one more attempt by the Democrats to latch on to greed and envy of human nature, and turn it into votes and power?

Could be?

1. “The most common moral arguments for and against inequality rest on claims about its consequences... If these claims cannot be supported with evidence, skeptics will find the moral arguments unconvincing. If the claims about consequences are actually wrong, the moral arguments are also wrong.”

2. ...Christopher S. Jencks..... a renowned professor of social policy at Harvard, abandoned his 10-year-old project of writing a book about the consequences of inequality on the nation’s health and opportunity, on its politics and crime.
Why? ... [because] specific evidence about inequality’s effects has been hard to find.

3. .... Nobel laureate Joseph E. Stiglitz argues that “we are paying a high price for the inequality that is increasingly scarring our economy... rising inequality is putting a brake on growth and promoting economic instability."

a. .... President Obama’s chief economic adviser, Alan B. Krueger, ... showed that in countries with wider income gaps the children of poor parents were more likely to grow up to be poor adults.

b. ... British epidemiologists Kate E. Pickett and Richard G. Wilkinson .... say that severe inequality undermines social bonds and dashes the health of millions. It contributes to mental illness. It increases obesity and teenage pregnancy. It fosters crime. It lowers life expectancy. These ills don’t affect just the poor. They affect everybody.

4. But does the data really back this up? One problem with these analyses is that they are based on correlations between levels of inequality and variables like life expectancy or the odds of poor children climbing the income ladder. But such correlations can’t prove inequality causes other social ills. They can’t disentangle inequality from the myriad things pushing American society this way and that.

5. “People that worry about inequality for normative reasons have been very quick to jump on plausible hypothesis and a little bit of evidence to make sweeping conclusions about its consequences,..."

a. To avoid misleading correlations and better isolate inequality’s impact, Mr. Kenworthy studied its evolution over time, comparing how changes in income concentration across the world’s industrialized nations related to changes in a whole set of social and economic outcomes, from growth and employment to health and educational attainment.

b. “My tests suggest it seems to be a small player in the overall story.... no meaningful impact of inequality on growth one way or the other.... found no significant relationship between increasing inequality and life expectancy, infant mortality or college graduation rates,..."

And interesting, informative analysis found....surprisingly, in the New York Time!

One finds oneself is it that the official organ of Progressive thought is puncturing a prevalent Leftist talking point....

...well, there is more in the article.

Stay tuned....I'll provide it......'I'll report, you decide.'
We should all be equal; like North Korea, Cuba, Zimbabwe; or the old Soviet Union

idiots and hypocrites
Never let it be said that the Times didn't try to mitigate a study that injured a Leftist meme! they go:

6. "The case against vast inequality is grounded in economic theory. It posits, quite reasonably, that making an extra $10,000 will improve the well-being of a middle-class family more than losing $10,000 will reduce the well-being of a billionaire. Provided it does not substantially reduce economic growth, this alone can support the case for redistribution."
NYTimes, Op. Cit.

Wait....where did the hypothetical ten grand come from?

And why posit that the billionaire lose only as much as the average family makes?
What if the rich guy loses enough so that he feels the pinch just as much as the average guy does....
....then what happens to 'case against vast inequality'?

a. How about we inject reality into the Time's argument:

"Top income earners have been hardest hit by the recession and taxes, according to the Congressional Budget Office."
CBO: Rich Lose Most in Recession, Taxes | Washington Free Beacon

Who ya' gonna call....ghostbusters?
Erode the disposable income of the middle class and the economy WILL fail. Consumer spending drives the economy. Without it, there IS no economy. Slicing off 360 times the average wage and giving it to the CEO is a recipe for demolishing the American economy.

Wage disparity no big deal? Let's skip down the path toward an economy like Zimbabwe's and sing about wage disparity ain't no big deal!
This whole populist argument started in the presidential election season on the late 1890's...After the great Panic of the 1870's, caused by unregulated markets and the manipulation of the Stock Market.The first nationwide depression..Clearly the biggest achievements happened after WWII, but corporate barons figured out a way to get back that wealth they so desired to accumulate with deregulation in the early 1980' literally buying off our govt...and we see the results today of those actions of the past..
Much like those poor Americans did after the great panic of 1873.
If you think the wealthy give a damn about America or it's citizens, then enjoy your humble soup..
Erode the disposable income of the middle class and the economy WILL fail. Consumer spending drives the economy. Without it, there IS no economy. Slicing off 360 times the average wage and giving it to the CEO is a recipe for demolishing the American economy.

Wage disparity no big deal? Let's skip down the path toward an economy like Zimbabwe's and sing about wage disparity ain't no big deal!

You really haven't produced any substance here, other than the suggestion that income inequality exists.

So what?

Try again?
I don't think anyone would argue that the income of the highest earning households has increased over the last few decades, but it seems there is an assumption that the lower ones have gone down as a result This doesn't appear to be the case:


I wish I could find one with median, that would be far more useful I think.
Erode the disposable income of the middle class and the economy WILL fail. Consumer spending drives the economy. Without it, there IS no economy. Slicing off 360 times the average wage and giving it to the CEO is a recipe for demolishing the American economy.

Wage disparity no big deal? Let's skip down the path toward an economy like Zimbabwe's and sing about wage disparity ain't no big deal!

You really haven't produced any substance here, other than the suggestion that income inequality exists.

So what?

Try again?
The 'so what' is the unavoidable consequences of eroding the middle class in favor of the very few. That's how revolutions start.
Erode the disposable income of the middle class and the economy WILL fail. Consumer spending drives the economy. Without it, there IS no economy. Slicing off 360 times the average wage and giving it to the CEO is a recipe for demolishing the American economy.

Wage disparity no big deal? Let's skip down the path toward an economy like Zimbabwe's and sing about wage disparity ain't no big deal!

You really haven't produced any substance here, other than the suggestion that income inequality exists.

So what?

Try again?
The 'so what' is the unavoidable consequences of eroding the middle class in favor of the very few. That's how revolutions start.

You know, there are folks who say that, for Liberals, feeling passes for knowing.

Your post seems to add credence to that.
Income Inequality? So What?

So why do we continue government policies that encourage the distribution and maintenance of income among the wealthy when they obviously don't need it
Even the NYTimes falls into the oh-so-Liberal 'feeling passes for knowing' arguing/reporting.....

7. "And while the effect of widening inequality may be exaggerated by some research, there is decent evidence that it leads to other inequities — in health and education, for instance. Given that much inequality is inherited, this strikes many of us as fundamentally unfair."
NYTimes, Op. Cit.

The astute reader will note how much guess and supposition is in that paragraph.
And how much outright lying...." much inequality is inherited..."

a. After all, the fact is that most billionaires didn't inherit....unless their names are Kennedy...
"... you don’t have to inherit a fortune to become a Forbes 400 billionaire. In fact, the majority of our Forbes 400 members–273 of them–scrapped their way onto our list through their own efforts." How Self-Made Forbes 400 Billionaires Earned Their Money - Forbes

b. And the same for millionaires.....
"Most millionaires inherited their money. FALSE. Only 19% of millionaires were given any money or wealth from family."

Seems that for most......they did build that.
Income Inequality? So What?

So why do we continue government policies that encourage the distribution and maintenance of income among the wealthy when they obviously don't need it

Did you just make that up?

Why continue failed policies?

Now you figured that out....after you put the windbag in office????

You must have just read Peter Wehner's article
"Obama’s Staggering Record of Failure"
Obama?s Staggering Record of Failure « Commentary Magazine

Good to see you learning.
Did you just make that up?

Why continue failed policies?

Now you figured that out....after you put the windbag in office????

You must have just read Peter Wehner's article
"Obama’s Staggering Record of Failure"
Obama?s Staggering Record of Failure « Commentary Magazine

Good to see you learning.

Nice try at diversion. Didn't they teach you to stay on topic at Columbia? Especially on your own thread
Why continue failed policies?

Now you figured that out....after you put the windbag in office????

You must have just read Peter Wehner's article
"Obama’s Staggering Record of Failure"
Obama?s Staggering Record of Failure « Commentary Magazine

Good to see you learning.

Nice try at diversion. Didn't they teach you to stay on topic at Columbia? Especially on your own thread

Don't act like a moron....

I responded directly to YOUR post.
Now you figured that out....after you put the windbag in office????

You must have just read Peter Wehner's article
"Obama’s Staggering Record of Failure"
Obama?s Staggering Record of Failure « Commentary Magazine

Good to see you learning.

Nice try at diversion. Didn't they teach you to stay on topic at Columbia? Especially on your own thread

Don't act like a moron....

I responded directly to YOUR post.

The topic is Income Inequality....try to keep up

It is your own thread
Nice try at diversion. Didn't they teach you to stay on topic at Columbia? Especially on your own thread

Don't act like a moron....

I responded directly to YOUR post.

The topic is Income Inequality....try to keep up

It is your own thread

1. Glad you didn't deny that I responded directly to your post.
Obviously you didn't like being spanked, so you behaved like a moron.

2. No one tells me what to do....and is successful at it.

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