Ingraham: Innocent people are paying the price for multicultism

Experts can tell race by a DNA sample, or by skeletal remains.
So, how do you figure that?

I Guess people like Obama drives experts crazy. But here is something even more enlightening.
The proportion of human genetic variation due to differences between populations is modest, and individuals from different populations can be genetically more similar than individuals from the same population.
Genetic Similarities Within and Between Human Populations
Note that my link substitutes the word "populations" in place of "races." I agree because the differences between humans aren't great enough to classify those differences as races.

There's also sweep disparities between races in genetic characteristics
Impossible. All humans belong to the same race. Supremacists have tried hard to create a racial hierarchy with white people at the top and blacks at the bottom but scientific evidence isn't on their side. All living humans are Homo Sapiens Sapiens.

In fact, sometimes a gene can be limited to a single ethnic group even, such as the Chinese genetic allele for DAB1 causing larger, and more developed brains, or the Finnish genetic allele HTR2B Q20 causing impulsivity.
That Chinese gene can be passed on to any other human group on the planet via sex. No group of humans have genes that can't be
shared with other humans.and believe me...they will find a way.
Humans belong to the same species, not the same race. What you're trying to say is that a Doberman is the same as a Yorkshire Terrier. They are obviously different, but they can still interbreed.

You're spouting a bogus theory popular with leftwing academics, but's total bullshit.
Since this IS a representative democracy, I wish our so called representatives would listen to all of us Americans, and so far, they are listening to everything else BUT, We don't want illegal aliens, so our legal representatives give them sanctuary. We don't want the airport moved? MOVE IT. We don't want light rail? BUILD IT! Who the hell does the government truly represent?
I don't like Putin the multiculturalist, and I'm not even too keen on Russians.

Then you just contradicted yourself.

However, Russia despite having worse poverty than African Americans still manages to have lower murder rates than African Americans.

Show the stats.
The counting of Hispanics as White is a matter of convenience for the counters.
When proportional statistics are used to identify adverse events larger numbers are better. Groups of people represented by smaller numbers look worse when compared to the larger group. And simple minds don't understand how that paradigm can criminalize an entire race based on the nefarious deeds of a few.

Exactly, it's a bias to support minorities.

You speak of criminalizing the majority, from the few?
Look at Nazi Germany where Nazi SS were a minority, yet did damage, no?
Now you're being disingenuous. We were talking about the statistics compiled in the UCR.
Your NAZI analogy is way off base. Card carrying NAZIS may have been a minority in Hitler's Germany but hate for the Jews was endemic in the general population for generations prior to the rise of NAZISM.

Hateful populism , similar to the kind we are seeing now, was the catalyst for the holocaust, not NAZISM.

Like when the German masses refused to stop Nazis, Black masses refused to stop riots in Fergusson, or Baltimore.

Sure, the Nazis killed much more, but none the less a minority can cause a lot of problems.
If you can't see the difference between Black Lives Matter and NAZI era Germany, you are seriously ill. A small group of black protestors, possibly infiltrated by rioters paid by the right, cannot be compared to the German government's sanctioning of the Holocaust...even as white German citizenry applauded. Anti- Semitic populism was endemic in Deutschland.

Hitler, realizing that populism could be best exploited via people oriented social structures, opted to align himself with a socialist party which he then proceeded to change into a RW authoritarian killing machine.

I didn't say that Black Lives Matter, and Nazi Germany were as "Catastrophic" as each other.
But, that the mechanics are similar, where the thug minority takes over, and the masses do nothing about it.
You're still comparing apples to oranges.

Also Russians have contributed much intellect to Humanity.
So have blacks...
Experts can tell race by a DNA sample, or by skeletal remains.
So, how do you figure that?

I Guess people like Obama drives experts crazy. But here is something even more enlightening.
The proportion of human genetic variation due to differences between populations is modest, and individuals from different populations can be genetically more similar than individuals from the same population.
Genetic Similarities Within and Between Human Populations
Note that my link substitutes the word "populations" in place of "races." I agree because the differences between humans aren't great enough to classify those differences as races.

There's also sweep disparities between races in genetic characteristics
Impossible. All humans belong to the same race. Supremacists have tried hard to create a racial hierarchy with white people at the top and blacks at the bottom but scientific evidence isn't on their side. All living humans are Homo Sapiens Sapiens.

In fact, sometimes a gene can be limited to a single ethnic group even, such as the Chinese genetic allele for DAB1 causing larger, and more developed brains, or the Finnish genetic allele HTR2B Q20 causing impulsivity.
That Chinese gene can be passed on to any other human group on the planet via sex. No group of humans have genes that can't be
shared with other humans.and believe me...they will find a way.

BOOM! Preach it!
Since this IS a representative democracy, I wish our so called representatives would listen to all of us Americans, and so far, they are listening to everything else BUT, We don't want illegal aliens, so our legal representatives give them sanctuary. We don't want the airport moved? MOVE IT. We don't want light rail? BUILD IT! Who the hell does the government truly represent?

This is a nation of illegal aliens.
Irrelevant. Just because you have more whites doesn't mean whites get to use that as an excuse for high crime rates. Don't blame the high rate of white crime on Hispanics.

Those crime stats are not proportionate, but rather total numbers.

Do you grasp proportions, or no?

I grasp that proportions are irrelevant.
Sure they do, as the concentrations of Blacks increase, so will crime in all categories except drunk driving.

Which would explain East Saint Louis....
Depends... Educated employed Christian or Muslim blacks are arguably the most conservative group of Americans.

Calling Muslims "conservatives" makes a mockery of the term.

The term conservative is a mockery of logic and reason.
n 2014 whites made up 72.3 percent of all arrests in METROPOLITAN counties nationwide. Blacks, 25.4. In Metropolitan counties throughout this nation whites were arrested 2.84 times. Or 3 times as much as blacks in this nation. They were arrested for 57.6 percent of all murders in METROPOLTIAN areas of the United States. Blacks 39.9.

Being arrested and being convicted and imprisoned are two different things. In the US, you are six times more likely to be killed by a black than a white.

No you are nt. You are 6 times more likely to be killed by someone white if you are white.

You see as it pertains to murders, out of over 4300 murders, blacks killed 400 whites, whites killed about 200 blacks. This alone shut up your racist claim. So out of 3,900 whites who were killed you subtract that 400 and you see that 3,500 of those whites were killed by another white person. This means almost 90 percent o all whites are killed by another white person.

You racists can twist and turn these smaller numbers to create a reason to whine about white victimization. or you can man up and understand that whites have a problem with murder just as much as blacks do.

Then as you look at the annual rate of at least 70 percent of you getting arrested, you can ether look at the group who get arrested half as much and use fake math to cry about proportion, or you can man up and understand that the white community has a tremendous problem with crime. Right now you have chosen to have no balls and no manhood.

If you are 70 percent of all arrested, you are not innocent of all those crimes you were arrested for.

In 2015, 69.7 percent of all individuals arrested were White, 26.6 percent were Black or African American, and 3.6 percent were of other races.
  • Of arrestees for whom ethnicity was reported, 18.4 percent were Hispanic.
  • Of all juveniles (persons under the age of 18) arrested in 2015, 62.9 percent were White, 33.9 percent were Black or African American, and 3.1 percent were of other races.
  • Of juvenile arrestees for whom ethnicity was reported, 22.8 percent were Hispanic.
  • Of all adults arrested in 2015, 70.4 percent were White, 26.0 percent were Black or African American, and 3.7 percent were of other races.
  • Of adult arrestees for whom ethnicity was reported, 18.0 were Hispanic.
  • White individuals were arrested more often for violent crimes than individuals of any other race and accounted for 60.1 percent of those arrests.
  • Of adults arrested for murder, 50.4 percent were Black or African American, 46.5 percent were White, and 3.1 percent were of other races.
  • Black or African American juveniles comprised 50.8 percent of all juveniles arrested for violent crimes. White juveniles accounted for 59.1 percent of all juveniles arrested for property crimes.
  • Of juveniles arrested for drug abuse violations, 75.0 percent were White.
  • White juveniles comprised 55.7 percent of juveniles arrested for aggravated assault and 60.5 percent of juveniles arrested for larceny-theft.
Table 43
Since this IS a representative democracy, I wish our so called representatives would listen to all of us Americans, and so far, they are listening to everything else BUT, We don't want illegal aliens, so our legal representatives give them sanctuary. We don't want the airport moved? MOVE IT. We don't want light rail? BUILD IT! Who the hell does the government truly represent?

This is a nation of illegal aliens.
Those crime stats are not proportionate, but rather total numbers.

Do you grasp proportions, or no?

I grasp that proportions are irrelevant.
Sure they do, as the concentrations of Blacks increase, so will crime in all categories except drunk driving.

Which would explain East Saint Louis....
Depends... Educated employed Christian or Muslim blacks are arguably the most conservative group of Americans.

Calling Muslims "conservatives" makes a mockery of the term.

The term conservative is a mockery of logic and reason.
ROFL! Only a leftwing moron could utter such an idiocy.
Sorry, my little Hitler youth, but we are not one nation - one race. You can find that (just not here).

Your Godwin in noted. YOu lose.
Sorry, he is a Hitler youth. I'm exempt.

And yet, you are unable to actually attack the point of the OP, ie that innocent people are paying the price for multiculturalism, on substance.

Regardless of whether he is an Nazi, if the entirety of your argument is to attack the messenger with a Godwin, you still lose.

Is it because you CAN'T defend multiculturalism on it's own merits? THat you know that his op is actually correct?
Multi-Culti only makes sense if you're a Cultural Suicide -type who refuses to defend his own...


You know... pussies... in far too many cases, a.k.a. LibTard World-Without-Borders types...

The Brits are finally beginning to figure this out, after admitting a nest of vipers into their home...

The goddamned fools...

If we can't get along with other people then they'll always be war and reasons for violence. everyone has to slowly agree that we all must be accepting of our differences.

Color isn't a reason for war
Religion should be done away with
I grasp that proportions are irrelevant.
Sure they do, as the concentrations of Blacks increase, so will crime in all categories except drunk driving.

Which would explain East Saint Louis....
Depends... Educated employed Christian or Muslim blacks are arguably the most conservative group of Americans.

Calling Muslims "conservatives" makes a mockery of the term.

The term conservative is a mockery of logic and reason.
ROFL! Only a leftwing moron could utter such an idiocy.

No, only a person who knows the truth says that.

All your policies have failed. This president is failing.

You economic policy almost took us into a depression.

The term conservative is a mockery of logic and reason.
Since this IS a representative democracy, I wish our so called representatives would listen to all of us Americans, and so far, they are listening to everything else BUT, We don't want illegal aliens, so our legal representatives give them sanctuary. We don't want the airport moved? MOVE IT. We don't want light rail? BUILD IT! Who the hell does the government truly represent?

This is a nation of illegal aliens.

Hate to tell you barney, but we are a nation of illegal immigrants.

Nobody asked the people who were already here could we form a government.
Sorry, my little Hitler youth, but we are not one nation - one race. You can find that (just not here).

Your Godwin in noted. YOu lose.
Sorry, he is a Hitler youth. I'm exempt.

And yet, you are unable to actually attack the point of the OP, ie that innocent people are paying the price for multiculturalism, on substance.

Regardless of whether he is an Nazi, if the entirety of your argument is to attack the messenger with a Godwin, you still lose.

Is it because you CAN'T defend multiculturalism on it's own merits? THat you know that his op is actually correct?
Multi-Culti only makes sense if you're a Cultural Suicide -type who refuses to defend his own...


You know... pussies... in far too many cases, a.k.a. LibTard World-Without-Borders types...

The Brits are finally beginning to figure this out, after admitting a nest of vipers into their home...

The goddamned fools...

If we can't get along with other people then they'll always be war and reasons for violence. everyone has to slowly agree that we all must be accepting of our differences.

Color isn't a reason for war
Religion should be done away with
The Muzzie savages aren't listening. They want to kill you.
Since this IS a representative democracy, I wish our so called representatives would listen to all of us Americans, and so far, they are listening to everything else BUT, We don't want illegal aliens, so our legal representatives give them sanctuary. We don't want the airport moved? MOVE IT. We don't want light rail? BUILD IT! Who the hell does the government truly represent?

This is a nation of illegal aliens.

Hate to tell you barney, but we are a nation of illegal immigrants.

Nobody asked the people who were already here could we form a government.
They never asked the people they evicted from the land they were living on. We followed the same law they followed: might makes right.
In short dumbass, we broke no law.
Your Godwin in noted. YOu lose.
Sorry, he is a Hitler youth. I'm exempt.

And yet, you are unable to actually attack the point of the OP, ie that innocent people are paying the price for multiculturalism, on substance.

Regardless of whether he is an Nazi, if the entirety of your argument is to attack the messenger with a Godwin, you still lose.

Is it because you CAN'T defend multiculturalism on it's own merits? THat you know that his op is actually correct?
Multi-Culti only makes sense if you're a Cultural Suicide -type who refuses to defend his own...


You know... pussies... in far too many cases, a.k.a. LibTard World-Without-Borders types...

The Brits are finally beginning to figure this out, after admitting a nest of vipers into their home...

The goddamned fools...

If we can't get along with other people then they'll always be war and reasons for violence. everyone has to slowly agree that we all must be accepting of our differences.

Color isn't a reason for war
Religion should be done away with
The Muzzie savages aren't listening. They want to kill you.

What are muzzies?
Sure they do, as the concentrations of Blacks increase, so will crime in all categories except drunk driving.

Which would explain East Saint Louis....
Depends... Educated employed Christian or Muslim blacks are arguably the most conservative group of Americans.

Calling Muslims "conservatives" makes a mockery of the term.

The term conservative is a mockery of logic and reason.
ROFL! Only a leftwing moron could utter such an idiocy.

No, only a person who knows the truth says that.

All your policies have failed. This president is failing.

You economic policy almost took us into a depression.

The term conservative is a mockery of logic and reason.

See, you're a moron
Since this IS a representative democracy, I wish our so called representatives would listen to all of us Americans, and so far, they are listening to everything else BUT, We don't want illegal aliens, so our legal representatives give them sanctuary. We don't want the airport moved? MOVE IT. We don't want light rail? BUILD IT! Who the hell does the government truly represent?

This is a nation of illegal aliens.

Hate to tell you barney, but we are a nation of illegal immigrants.

Nobody asked the people who were already here could we form a government.
They never asked the people they evicted from the land they were living on. We followed the same law they followed: might makes right.
In short dumbass, we broke no law.

The problem with your lie is these guys had been here for centuries.
Sorry, he is a Hitler youth. I'm exempt.

And yet, you are unable to actually attack the point of the OP, ie that innocent people are paying the price for multiculturalism, on substance.

Regardless of whether he is an Nazi, if the entirety of your argument is to attack the messenger with a Godwin, you still lose.

Is it because you CAN'T defend multiculturalism on it's own merits? THat you know that his op is actually correct?
Multi-Culti only makes sense if you're a Cultural Suicide -type who refuses to defend his own...


You know... pussies... in far too many cases, a.k.a. LibTard World-Without-Borders types...

The Brits are finally beginning to figure this out, after admitting a nest of vipers into their home...

The goddamned fools...

If we can't get along with other people then they'll always be war and reasons for violence. everyone has to slowly agree that we all must be accepting of our differences.

Color isn't a reason for war
Religion should be done away with
The Muzzie savages aren't listening. They want to kill you.

What are muzzies?
Mooslims, ragheads, camel cowboys, sand monkeys.

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