Ingraham: Innocent people are paying the price for multicultism

Depends... Educated employed Christian or Muslim blacks are arguably the most conservative group of Americans.

Calling Muslims "conservatives" makes a mockery of the term.

The term conservative is a mockery of logic and reason.
ROFL! Only a leftwing moron could utter such an idiocy.

No, only a person who knows the truth says that.

All your policies have failed. This president is failing.

You economic policy almost took us into a depression.

The term conservative is a mockery of logic and reason.

See, you're a moron

No, I am a liberal. If I was a moron, I'd be conservative.
Since this IS a representative democracy, I wish our so called representatives would listen to all of us Americans, and so far, they are listening to everything else BUT, We don't want illegal aliens, so our legal representatives give them sanctuary. We don't want the airport moved? MOVE IT. We don't want light rail? BUILD IT! Who the hell does the government truly represent?

This is a nation of illegal aliens.

Hate to tell you barney, but we are a nation of illegal immigrants.

Nobody asked the people who were already here could we form a government.
They never asked the people they evicted from the land they were living on. We followed the same law they followed: might makes right.
In short dumbass, we broke no law.

The problem with your lie is these guys had been here for centuries.
No, actually, a tribe, say the Sioux, occupied its territory for only a couple hundred years, at the most Indian territories in the New World were fluid, and the introduction of the horse in 1600 greatly changed the balance of power and rearranged the deck chairs. Indian nations warred on each other constantly, so I don't see why anyone should get their knickers in a knot that we got into the contest.
Calling Muslims "conservatives" makes a mockery of the term.

The term conservative is a mockery of logic and reason.
ROFL! Only a leftwing moron could utter such an idiocy.

No, only a person who knows the truth says that.

All your policies have failed. This president is failing.

You economic policy almost took us into a depression.

The term conservative is a mockery of logic and reason.

See, you're a moron

No, I am a liberal. If I was a moron, I'd be conservative.
Your posts indicate that not to be the case.
And yet, you are unable to actually attack the point of the OP, ie that innocent people are paying the price for multiculturalism, on substance.

Regardless of whether he is an Nazi, if the entirety of your argument is to attack the messenger with a Godwin, you still lose.

Is it because you CAN'T defend multiculturalism on it's own merits? THat you know that his op is actually correct?
Multi-Culti only makes sense if you're a Cultural Suicide -type who refuses to defend his own...


You know... pussies... in far too many cases, a.k.a. LibTard World-Without-Borders types...

The Brits are finally beginning to figure this out, after admitting a nest of vipers into their home...

The goddamned fools...

If we can't get along with other people then they'll always be war and reasons for violence. everyone has to slowly agree that we all must be accepting of our differences.

Color isn't a reason for war
Religion should be done away with
The Muzzie savages aren't listening. They want to kill you.

What are muzzies?
Mooslims, ragheads, camel cowboys, sand monkeys.

I thought muzzies were paranoid white boys who think there is a white genocide and that whites are losing their rights, are being victimized that white is the new black. that multi culturalism will eliminate white importancee and that everyvody is taught in schools to hate white boys.
This is a nation of illegal aliens.

Hate to tell you barney, but we are a nation of illegal immigrants.

Nobody asked the people who were already here could we form a government.
They never asked the people they evicted from the land they were living on. We followed the same law they followed: might makes right.
In short dumbass, we broke no law.

The problem with your lie is these guys had been here for centuries.
No, actually, a tribe, say the Sioux, occupied its territory for only a couple hundred years, at the most Indian territories in the New World were fluid, and the introduction of the horse in 1600 greatly changed the balance of power and rearranged the deck chairs. Indian nations warred on each other constantly, so I don't see why anyone should get their knickers in a knot that we got into the contest.

Well the thing is that whites were doing the same thing in Europe and no one decided to invade those countries and attempt to wipe all Europeans out by any means necessary. You white racists propose excuses for all your fucked up bad behavior all the time,
The term conservative is a mockery of logic and reason.
ROFL! Only a leftwing moron could utter such an idiocy.

No, only a person who knows the truth says that.

All your policies have failed. This president is failing.

You economic policy almost took us into a depression.

The term conservative is a mockery of logic and reason.

See, you're a moron

No, I am a liberal. If I was a moron, I'd be conservative.
Your posts indicate that not to be the case.

My posts indicate that I'm not some right wing wackjob therefore I am not a moron,

Hate to tell you barney, but we are a nation of illegal immigrants.

Nobody asked the people who were already here could we form a government.
They never asked the people they evicted from the land they were living on. We followed the same law they followed: might makes right.
In short dumbass, we broke no law.

The problem with your lie is these guys had been here for centuries.
No, actually, a tribe, say the Sioux, occupied its territory for only a couple hundred years, at the most Indian territories in the New World were fluid, and the introduction of the horse in 1600 greatly changed the balance of power and rearranged the deck chairs. Indian nations warred on each other constantly, so I don't see why anyone should get their knickers in a knot that we got into the contest.

Well the thing is that whites were doing the same thing in Europe and no one decided to invade those countries and attempt to wipe all Europeans out by any means necessary. You white racists propose excuses for all your fucked up bad behavior all the time,

Oh, so it's OK if the guy next door wipes you out, but not if the guy across the ocean wipes you out.

Do you see why I call you a retard?
Every culture imaginable is within our borders.

I'll admit that religion is bad but culture? Think.
Every culture imaginable is within our borders.

I'll admit that religion is bad but culture? Think.

Religion is part of culture. Obviously.

YOu are letting your ideological indoctrination prevent logical analysis.

Some cultures celebrate education, or hard work. Others subjugate women to husbands, or even members to the clan patriarch.

Hell, some cultures celebrated cannibalism or human sacrifice.

Does your ideology prevent you from judging THEM?
Since this IS a representative democracy, I wish our so called representatives would listen to all of us Americans, and so far, they are listening to everything else BUT, We don't want illegal aliens, so our legal representatives give them sanctuary. We don't want the airport moved? MOVE IT. We don't want light rail? BUILD IT! Who the hell does the government truly represent?

This is a nation of illegal aliens.

And here we have the lefty deny white Americans the Right of Self Determination they want for EVERYONE else.
Those crime stats are not proportionate, but rather total numbers.

Do you grasp proportions, or no?

I grasp that proportions are irrelevant.
Sure they do, as the concentrations of Blacks increase, so will crime in all categories except drunk driving.

Which would explain East Saint Louis....
Depends... Educated employed Christian or Muslim blacks are arguably the most conservative group of Americans.

Calling Muslims "conservatives" makes a mockery of the term.

The term conservative is a mockery of logic and reason.

Nope. There are elements to our, historically, very successful culture that only a fool would not want to keep the same.
Every culture imaginable is within our borders.

I'll admit that religion is bad but culture? Think.

My experience is that people of different races can live together in peace, but people of different cultures can't.

What causes white flight? Is it people that move in with different color skin, or people that move in with a different culture?
Equal protection of the law, should solve that problem.

Everyone deserve protection and freedom. Too bad conservatives wish to take that away from everyone besides the upper class.

Except the RIght, today is arguing for equal treatment and protection and freedom for everyone and it is the Left that is making excuses for policies that discrimination against whites.

Hate to tell you barney, but we are a nation of illegal immigrants.

Nobody asked the people who were already here could we form a government.
They never asked the people they evicted from the land they were living on. We followed the same law they followed: might makes right.
In short dumbass, we broke no law.

The problem with your lie is these guys had been here for centuries.
No, actually, a tribe, say the Sioux, occupied its territory for only a couple hundred years, at the most Indian territories in the New World were fluid, and the introduction of the horse in 1600 greatly changed the balance of power and rearranged the deck chairs. Indian nations warred on each other constantly, so I don't see why anyone should get their knickers in a knot that we got into the contest.

Well the thing is that whites were doing the same thing in Europe and no one decided to invade those countries and attempt to wipe all Europeans out by any means necessary. You white racists propose excuses for all your fucked up bad behavior all the time,

And yet, everybody wants to live next door to us.........go figure.
Every culture imaginable is within our borders.

I'll admit that religion is bad but culture? Think.

My experience is that people of different races can live together in peace, but people of different cultures can't.

What causes white flight? Is it people that move in with different color skin, or people that move in with a different culture?

Until just recently I had some Orthodox Jews as neighbors. The neighbor hood ONE over is heavily dominated by jews with a number of orthodox ones.

I did not have very much trouble living with them. I never hear complaints from other gentiles about living with them. I haven't heard any complaints from them about living with us.

No all cultures are equal.
Equal protection of the law, should solve that problem.

Everyone deserve protection and freedom. Too bad conservatives wish to take that away from everyone besides the upper class.

Except the RIght, today is arguing for equal treatment and protection and freedom for everyone and it is the Left that is making excuses for policies that discrimination against whites.
Poor poor whitey, he just can't catch a break here.
Hate to tell you barney, but we are a nation of illegal immigrants.

Nobody asked the people who were already here could we form a government.
They never asked the people they evicted from the land they were living on. We followed the same law they followed: might makes right.
In short dumbass, we broke no law.

The problem with your lie is these guys had been here for centuries.
No, actually, a tribe, say the Sioux, occupied its territory for only a couple hundred years, at the most Indian territories in the New World were fluid, and the introduction of the horse in 1600 greatly changed the balance of power and rearranged the deck chairs. Indian nations warred on each other constantly, so I don't see why anyone should get their knickers in a knot that we got into the contest.

Well the thing is that whites were doing the same thing in Europe and no one decided to invade those countries and attempt to wipe all Europeans out by any means necessary. You white racists propose excuses for all your fucked up bad behavior all the time,

And yet, everybody wants to live next door to us.........go figure.

Sorry, my little Hitler youth, but we are not one nation - one race. You can find that (just not here).

Your Godwin in noted. YOu lose.
Sorry, he is a Hitler youth. I'm exempt.

And yet, you are unable to actually attack the point of the OP, ie that innocent people are paying the price for multiculturalism, on substance.

Regardless of whether he is an Nazi, if the entirety of your argument is to attack the messenger with a Godwin, you still lose.

Is it because you CAN'T defend multiculturalism on it's own merits? THat you know that his op is actually correct?
Multi-Culti only makes sense if you're a Cultural Suicide -type who refuses to defend his own...


You know... pussies... in far too many cases, a.k.a. LibTard World-Without-Borders types...

The Brits are finally beginning to figure this out, after admitting a nest of vipers into their home...

The goddamned fools...

If we can't get along with other people then they'll always be war and reasons for violence. everyone has to slowly agree that we all must be accepting of our differences.

Color isn't a reason for war
Religion should be done away with

How does one accept differences they totally disagree with?

When my suburb turned black, noise became the norm; people blowing horns all the time, rap music so loud it shakes your windows even in the winter time, garbage all over the streets and tree lawns, businesses closing up and moving out because of robberies and theft, people up all night fighting and arguing in the street while you're trying to sleep, property values plunging.

So tell me how does one accept such changes? I'd really like to know. The funny thing is, religion has nothing to do with it.
Equal protection of the law, should solve that problem.

Everyone deserve protection and freedom. Too bad conservatives wish to take that away from everyone besides the upper class.

Except the RIght, today is arguing for equal treatment and protection and freedom for everyone and it is the Left that is making excuses for policies that discrimination against whites.
Poor poor whitey, he just can't catch a break here.

That would be the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Ridicule, which is a tacit admission that you have nothing of substance to say to undermine my point.

In simpler terms, for you to understand, you just admitted that you can't disagree with me with facts, so you tried to cover that with bullshit.

Also, you are a race baiting asshole.

My point stands.

Except the RIght, today is arguing for equal treatment and protection and freedom for everyone and it is the Left that is making excuses for policies that discrimination against whites.

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